Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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I think TB leaving is the real story:

The firm claimed the decision had nothing to do with Black's performance. (Bolded by me)

Could someone please tell me the reason? If they didn't notice his performance and it isn't the reason he was pulled...was it because he ran out of crayons to draw those press releases or what?!

Crayons?...He77, he was only as far as fingerpaints...crayons would be learned next year!:crazy:
We all know she reads here!!! :mad:

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee."

AND take the wind out of the A's sails if they try and make a living like Gary Condit, sueing everyone....just admitted we are all "nuttin honey."

So A's might as well save the printer ink and stop printing off the pages here...:behindbar
I thought that only referenced bloggers, and not in context to the TB issue- I could be wrong though, I was vaccuming in my PJ's, watching soap opera reruns with an ice cream cone in my hand- so I was less attentive than usual:blowkiss:

Don't be bragging about ice cream if you don't bring some for everyone here!!!!:crazy:

My vacuum cleaner you all can have!
they also showed Karate Dad's images of jail house KC and the BS meter

Darn, the one day I didn't watch the news I miss this story. Well I guess I better watch what I photo-shop from now on!!!!! NOT!!!!!

If they could only see the things I am not able to post on WS because I respect the members...
They would be VERY disappointed if they did subpoena the thread.

But it is a thought .............maybe they should print off ALL the threads, and they could use them for KC's defense.............that is more than they have now.

Jose said he will splain it all in his opening statement. CA says that once it is all splained, Casey will get the mother of the year award. I hope he doesn't pull a Geragos and forget to splain it.

The girls at the hoosegow have formed a Homecoming committee. They are working on ways to let Casey know what kind of mother she is. It'll be a big party. Bring your own plunger.

I reckon I don't want Yuri blogging anymore. It will just spoil the book I hope he writes. I hope he gives all the inside info on everyone involved. I hope he makes a buttload of cash from it.
Jose said he will splain it all in his opening statement. CA says that once it is all splained, Casey will get the mother of the year award. I hope he doesn't pull a Geragos and forget to splain it.

The girls at the hoosegow have formed a Homecoming committee. They are working on ways to let Casey know what kind of mother she is. It'll be a big party. Bring your own plunger.

I reckon I don't want Yuri blogging anymore. It will just spoil the book I hope he writes. I hope he gives all the inside info on everyone involved. I hope he makes a buttload of cash from it.

Oh I do hope he writes a BOOK and makes a lot of money. I would buy it just as a donation......................
I agree. While the blogging was harmless, there is always the issue of "how it looks" and in a case as big as this one, I would think the "how it looks" is a pretty big concern. Also, there is always the possibility that something could be construed differently from the way it was intended and it could work against LE.

If he was not involved in the case at all, there would have been no problem.


I had no qualms with Det. Milech posting, although I have to admit the thought crossed my mind there might be an issue.
He didn't engage in discussion about the Anthony case, however, and he made it a point to say that he could not and would not do that. I think that's the most important thing to consider in the long run.
a 2 year old baby girl is dead!!! Attention cindy anthony!!! Your daughter killed your granddaughter!!! We are trying to help find her body!!! You shouldnt be searching for an "alive caylee"!!! Help us find her and put her to rest instead of defending a murderer!!! You said it yourself that casey is nuts!!! Lets work together and again ... Give caylee a burial fit for a lost angel!!!

Thanks for sending this info to the news!!! Now you have only out the word out to millions of other people to join this site & aide in the search for caylee!!!
Wow, seems like the Media has been getting the "news" from WebSleuths posters, now the Detectives are searching for clues in WebSleuths.
Wow! I cannot believe this..... CA really does love making trouble for everyone!
She is only hurting herself in the case!
I want the Anthony's to prove to me she is alive and well. Caylee deserves better than this. So if the Anthony's are listening, listen to this....

Caylee deserved to be a scientist or ballerina. She deserved a real chance at life. She deserved to have a 3 year old party. She deserved to turn 16 and drive. She deserved to turn 21 and party just like her mother. She deserved to get married and have children of her own. Are you giving her the respect and love that any other grandparents would. Going to church and having vigils doesn't justify what has happened to Caylee. Show me that you loved her and tell the truth. I think you know more than you say and hiding the facts isn't helping your daughter. Give Caylee a proper burial. End this mess. For once in your life, your daughter is not in control, end it now. Take control of your own life. Do this for Caylee a beautiful 2 year old that never made it to three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a 2 year old baby girl is dead!!! Attention cindy anthony!!! Your daughter killed your granddaughter!!! We are trying to help find her body!!! You shouldnt be searching for an "alive caylee"!!! Help us find her and put her to rest instead of defending a murderer!!! You said it yourself that casey is nuts!!! Lets work together and again ... Give caylee a burial fit for a lost angel!!!

Thanks for sending this info to the news!!! Now you have only out the word out to millions of other people to join this site & aide in the search for caylee!!!

Typical Cindy Anthony behavior!

She can pick and choose who she wants to make disparaging remarks about but she and her family are off limits! NOT! How does a grandmother use prostitute and her granddaughters name in the same sentence. We live in America and freedom of speech is one of our rights. Killing insn't! I will not be intimidated by a woman who has back peddled and chooses to search the internet instead of searching for Caylee..

Cindy Anthony has threatened to kick a bloggers arse, calls TM a drunk, tries to blame JG, the only one who would have raised Caylee as his own and we are the bad ones for speaking for Caylee. Well, since Cindy Anthony and the Anthony family refuse to be Caylee's voice, someone has to step to the plate, no matter the outcome.

Everyone has skeletons in their closet, just as the Anthony family has theirs. Being liars, thieves and gambeling addicts! This woman angers me to no end. If she is so worried about her image, she should have taken the high road and gotten Casey the help she needed when she was younger. Instead she makes excuses for her. She's enabled Casey's behavior and still is.

Where's Caylee, Cindy?

You sit at home, you search the internet, you demean anyone who speaks the truth. Why haven't you searched for Caylee yourself. You say you know where she is and are getting closer to getting her? What fictional book are you reading. Casey took your precious granddaughter away and you find no fault in her???

I had much admiration and sympathy for you, at one time. When you started your lies, you turned me against you. I am so thankful your 911 calls are recorded and logged into evidence, that you can't change no matter how hard you try. "I found my daughters car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car", which is what initiated this search for Caylee. Which is when you were most honest, which is when you had peoples support, now, you are nothing more than a pathetic liar, trying to save Casey, it's too late. You are angry because people want Caylee found, come November 8, 2008 she will be. You are angry because people donate to TES and not your cause. See, your cause isn't a valid one, you won't find Caylee that way. If anyone is using Caylee to profit, it seems to be you!

You know the truth, your family knows the truth, Caylee is among the Angels and no harm can come to her anymore.

Wake up and smell the coffee Cindy Anthony, you may be the second most hated woman in America, at this don't get any awards for being a liar who is trying to hinder the search for precious Caylee. Caylee has captured the hearts around this world, nothing you do or say will change it. We want Caylee found, she needs to be laid to rest with a proper burial. You are being disrespectful to Caylee's memory...

God Bless.
I want the Anthony's to prove to me she is alive and well. Caylee deserves better than this. So if the Anthony's are listening, listen to this....

Caylee deserved to be a scientist or ballerina. She deserved a real chance at life. She deserved to have a 3 year old party. She deserved to turn 16 and drive. She deserved to turn 21 and party just like her mother. She deserved to get married and have children of her own. Are you giving her the respect and love that any other grandparents would. Going to church and having vigils doesn't justify what has happened to Caylee. Show me that you loved her and tell the truth. I think you know more than you say and hiding the facts isn't helping your daughter. Give Caylee a proper burial. End this mess. For once in your life, your daughter is not in control, end it now. Take control of your own life. Do this for Caylee a beautiful 2 year old that never made it to three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hand down, best post on this case... ever! MomOf3, you're now on my hero list. Thank you for saying what is in the hearts of so many of us.

Hugs and :blowkiss:
Corporal Yuri Melich goes to bed at night with a clear conscience. Most posters here do as well. I wonder if the Liar and all that lie for the Liar do. Pizza was an early smokescreen. So is saying the real story will be presented in opening statements. Dead squirrels crawling = smokescreen. Anger at TM = smokescreen. Finding Caylee is not their goal. Protecting Casey through constant smokescreens and using the media to try and establish reasonable doubt has become the goal.

I reckon all that smoking has created a horrible cancer.
This was definetely planned. On one of the threads, I can't remember which one, the site of no name was mentioned. I went over there and looked and sure enough, it was someone over there who told well, someone from here is still going there and taking postings of our forums, even from the jury room i guess and bashing WS/ I thought it was CA and erroneously blamed her at the beginning but that's what I saw..Something is not right over there,,seriously

What a shocker.......NOT. The never ending battle of Good vs Evil is part of the price we pay for being honest without two-faces/hats. Their alleged quest is only to destroy the place where some were deemed not worthy due to their own choices and this hatred is the only thing that motivates them and I'm REAL proud to be on their Most Wanted to be Dead list! :curtsey:

If Yuri had bumped his head instead of breaking his leg and posted at that place - they would be boasting, but in reality.........:boohoo:

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