*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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Yep, well, I can't watch, I'll be at work. But I will sneak peaks at everyones updates and any tweet sites I can find.

Wait a minute, I'm confused again. Why does Rueters say NO cameras. I've gotta' go re-read the Order again and stop doing 12 things at once.
Is this another state to state thing ause heck here we did Casey (to the point of vomiting!)
BUt go for the whole presentation -- where you are - that cities attitude toward mental health -- laws -- staffing-- liabilites-- etc etc. I really do think it is diff in states .......

What you just shared IS HORRIBLE - do I know it happens YES-- have I seen it change slowly _- yes --- my anguish is it has changed only cause everyone is afraid of $$$ not more caring or doing what is right , or helping those suffering with mental illiness

Pathetic huh - you suffered....................

im curious what state you are talking about? what state do you know of that when a suspect is booked he is handed his jumpsuit and a little cup of pills based on.....???......

*bad behavior (ever seen how drunks act when arrested? they will spit on you, throw a toddler tantrum, etc.....bad behavior)
*based on believing the suspect when he says "hey i need me some percs because im in pain"?
*based on the opinion of jail staff that he needs some meds because they dont like the way he looks or acts?

who makes THAT decision to hand them over a cup of pills? we really want our law enforcement dishing out pills based on their opinions? that is some dangerous territory to be entering....what if you get arrested for drinking too much and acting out and the government decides to medicate you w/out knowing if that pill will cause you to have a heart attack or die?

logic says that law enforcement officers at a county jail cannot nor should hand out medication to a newly incarcerated suspect w/out a full medical history diagnosis by a doctor.

has nothing to do with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ it has to do with 1. liability 2. the profession of people who are handling the subject 3. medical history given by a professional (ie doctor).

on top of that, it is not the duty of a LE professional at the county jail to sit around and care about and be counselor to the inmate and diagnosis mental disorders. i think you may be confusing law enforcement with the medical community ?
In the order I thought it says the hearing is open to public and media?


Oh! Thank you! It is confusing to me too so thanks for clearing it up!

I haven't cleared it up. I've messed it up! I keep getting confused on the only 3 stations asking, it was granted to the first hearing, but denied now. So I'm guessing only the 3 stations were there for the first hearing. They cannot bring cameras for the coming hearing. They can be there.

ETA: Okay, looked at the first order for the hearing that was televised. It is here:

http://www.courts.state.co.us/userf... Media Coverage and Decorum Order 7-20-12.pdf

Only 3 news outlets asked and were granted cameras, etc..., then. Now that is denied, so, NO CAMERAS.
OH yea that is the divide! Evil or ill. Isn’t that the mystery for the world not just here --- my notion however, is there is a lot of miss communication - in that folks who think ill , we are not forgiving his harm , just giving causation a different flavor.

There is no reason, IMO; if we even go there (!) for this dude to possibly believe that faking being out of it is going to do anything as it relates to his future

What does his faking do for him? Prolong execution- ash we can’t even impose a death penalty on someone with one charge!!

IMO THAT makes no sense, if those who believe he is faking (indicating they believe he is oriented to what is going on) THEN he KNOWS insanity is irrelvant this is going to (71 charges please!) go on until 2025! If he is that present he knows it does nothing for him.

sadly it is totally irrelevant - he will be off the streets for 48 years while they work through charges, and then as a result of the body count no system is going to let him free so when the case is on its first verdict when he is 48 and the appeals start and then he is 62 and the next appeal happens........

Actually the mental health field (much like Bundy IMO IMO) has an opportunity here in that, unlike most other rampage killers, he is alive....an opportunity (IMO Bundy tought forensic psyc TONS) to learn warning signs, treatment , prevenation etc

. That is the only possible positive thing out of this mess...........

Actually faking it could get him out of it someday if he convinces the court that he is insane. If this happens he will be sent to a mental hospital where if it is determined the he is someday cured he can be set free. It's called innocent be reason of insanity. The implying that he is "innocent" once he is determined to no longer be a threat to society (in other words cured) he can be discharged from a mental hospital because he would not be "legally guilty" of anything. For example, Susan Smith's doctors are trying to get her released from the mental hospital she was sent to following killing her 5 children. I'm not saying that he will get off; what I am saying is I believe he's trying to fake insanity with the hopes of this happening. As for my labeling him as pure evil, sorry if thats not a politically correct term but some serious offenders are just that. I don't believe in coddling these monsters by giving them some classy mental illness term. He's sick, hes evil, he's a monster.
The University couldn't have called his parents even if they did notice something. And there is no information that there was anything to notice. From the description of his fellow students, he was quiet, he would show up in class. Nobody mentioned any sort of outburst. It's not illegal to be a quiet loner.
No, law you referrring to would be overrided by any notion of possible harm to self or others..... again IMO folks only thinking there were IMO only one "sign" (failed a test)
Again IMO we shall find there were such glaring data as to decomp it will blow our minds , danger to self will trump showing a report card! Neighbor stating he saw him smoking pot out back (poor judegement he lived alone why not inside HIS apt?)

Obviously his outer behaviors in folks who either passed him from a far while he was buying a gun OR EVEN A PERSON WHO HEARD HIS vm were alarmed --- those in grad school with him (and their educated they would know danger to self or others stuff)

This IMO was slow degragatin.. but we do have data from the lady in bar, gun store , rifele range, that he drew attention and made most uncomfortable. Classic metnal health issue........................
im curious what state you are talking about? what state do you know of that when a suspect is booked he is handed his jumpsuit and a little cup of pills based on.....???......

*bad behavior (ever seen how drunks act when arrested? they will spit on you, throw a toddler tantrum, etc.....bad behavior)
*based on believing the suspect when he says "hey i need me some percs because im in pain"?
*based on the opinion of jail staff that he needs some meds because they dont like the way he looks or acts?

who makes THAT decision to hand them over a cup of pills? we really want our law enforcement dishing out pills based on their opinions? that is some dangerous territory to be entering....what if you get arrested for drinking too much and acting out and the government decides to medicate you w/out knowing if that pill will cause you to have a heart attack or die?

logic says that law enforcement officers at a county jail cannot nor should hand out medication to a newly incarcerated suspect w/out a full medical history diagnosis by a doctor.

has nothing to do with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ it has to do with 1. liability 2. the profession of people who are handling the subject 3. medical history given by a professional (ie doctor).

on top of that, it is not the duty of a LE professional at the county jail to sit around and care about and be counselor to the inmate and diagnosis mental disorders. i think you may be confusing law enforcement with the medical community ?
Base level staff , get mental health person . FL . Worked in jails. Staff contacted us for further eval. But no, never in the past 10 years (cover you *advertiser censored** mentality) would an inmate that was behaving that way be left for days!

How long ago was your experience with being neglected in that setting? Dont remember if it was you but if it was what year........................

I interpret the order to mean that because the hearing will be open to both the public and the media and because the defense is opposed to 'live' or expanded media coverage of the proceeding, the judge has weighed the pros and cons and has ruled that there will be NO audio, video, or still camera coverage of the hearing by the media. They will need to pay attention to the proceedings and then go outside and report it to their respective audiences.

Thats how I understand the order.
My daughter goes to OSU. 2 yr.

I don't know her grades, professors, money situation, her aid or scholarship info, I receive
NO correspondences from the school at all, nor do I know or have anything to do with her schedule or classes. I have my own sign in information....and trust me, it's basically just a "you owe this" page. That's it.

Even though I have fill out FAFSA every year and enter our life story on there.....and they base everything off of us and our income.......the school still does not tell us anything
about her at all. Trust me....shooter parents didn't know anything other than what the shooter told them. They wouldn't have even known if he dropped out.....well, maybe so if a few months down the road (usually 6 mths after you quit, graduate, or drop below full time)and the shooter may
have got a few "you owe us money" bills from sally Mae or whoever else if he had loans. Depending on how and if the parents co- signed of course. But most loans are based on repayment that doesn't start until 6 mths.

Edited to add... I really do know all that stuff listed above bc my daughter tells me or shows me. But if she was out of state or something....I might not know.
1 mil? Very generous of them. Without a doubt this movie will do MUCH better after this incredible publicity, many people (like me) that never would have considered watching it will now watch just for the heck of it.

Unless the profits from in theater sale losses (vs online/cable/video sales) are substantial the Producers know this is the best publicity possible.

I don't plan on watching it. The last one was supposed to be big since Heath Ledger's last movie and I could not sit through it even though I am a big Heath Ledger fan.
Base level staff , get mental health person . FL . Worked in jails. Staff contacted us for further eval. But no, never in the past 10 years (cover you *advertiser censored** mentality) would an inmate that was behaving that way be left for days!

How long ago was your experience with being neglected in that setting? Dont remember if it was you but if it was what year........................
And I would hope that a DUI arrest claiming that he she was on meds would be different in terms of LE knowing they better get a doc in for eval after the arrested shot up a theatre, booby trapped an apartment, is found in the back of a theatre, with more ammo that the war in Iran, claiming to be the joker, with some substance in his car, admitted he did some vicodin.

I would certainly hope that even in that sit they would know they prob ought to get someone with training for an eval.

I would also hope that if same individual started a puppet show that would be an indicator that someone with training might have to check it out! STAT!
As a human being, I would hope someone in his group (professor/staff or other student) would care and try to help or say something IF they did see a marked decline in his well being. all I am trying to say!

Repectfully, I disagree, grad school is really diff its very small , diff relatioship with proffs , my hang up with admin from the beginning is only three days later did someone find out about him failing the progression test.

That is HUGE HUGE in grad school, and we got a 3.9 genius, who failed, and was offerred to give it a go again, and the next thing is an email, see ya IMO any grad program in the world would address it.

BUt IMO this admin did not cause what everyone saw (students are not gonna "tell" they want their degree!) they all IMO know they should have addressed it, i bet they are quietly doing guilt

70 people lives are messed up now cause the few people that saw changes did nothing ....that is sad, IMO he has slipped through the cracks, and as a result of that , here we all are ...............................sad more than anything

How exactly does the school 'address' it? Is it now illegal for a student to drop out of an elite graduate program?

What are they supposed to do ? Call an adult's parents? Call a mental hospital or call the cops?

Are you seriously trying to blame the school for these deaths now?
I interpret the order to mean that because the hearing will be open to both the public and the media and because the defense is opposed to 'live' or expanded media coverage of the proceeding, the judge has weighed the pros and cons and has ruled that there will be NO audio, video, or still camera coverage of the hearing by the media. They will need to pay attention to the proceedings and then go outside and report it to their respective audiences.

Thats how I understand the order.
Ok so it will not be live 9 hours a day but there is not a deal wherein noone can say anything about what went on daily?
Could the company be paying 1 mil with in the fine print if you accept you can't sue. Because if all 70+ goers (even ones not hurt but witnessed it) sued it would be well over 1 mil?

I am all for them to donate.....I am just wondering this??

Is it $1M total or each person? I thought it was total.
How exactly does the school 'address' it? Is it now illegal for a student to drop out of an elite graduate program?

What are they supposed to do ? Call an adult's parents? Call a mental hospital or call the cops?

Are you seriously trying to blame the school for these deaths now?

For whatever reason, some people want to blame everybody and everything, except the person responsible. Schools really can not do much even if their student does some really bizarre stuff, and in this case there is no information JH was doing anything bizarre while in school.
How exactly does the school 'address' it? Is it now illegal for a student to drop out of an elite graduate program?

What are they supposed to do ? Call an adult's parents? Call a mental hospital or call the cops?

Are you seriously trying to blame the school for these deaths now?
No this is not about blame none if it..... it is about caring for another human being , but the pattern is folks seem to have this beleif in my opin that there were not a whole host of behaviors prior to quitting GRAD school.

IMO the world will see, there were months of stuff that would give anyone cause for concern and they did nothing. All they had to do was call LE and if LE felt he needed an eval they would have taken him to get one!
None of this is blame, none even if I was not "friends" with a colleague in grad school, and I noticed, that he she had gone from 3.9 to fail it would have been discussed, we would have asked the person, we would have bought it to our proffs,

obviously several people near the end had concerns over both his behaviors and his dress ... SIGNS SIGNS SIGNS !

that is ALL I am saying
No, law you referrring to would be overrided by any notion of possible harm to self or others..... again IMO folks only thinking there were IMO only one "sign" (failed a test)
Again IMO we shall find there were such glaring data as to decomp it will blow our minds , danger to self will trump showing a report card! Neighbor stating he saw him smoking pot out back (poor judegement he lived alone why not inside HIS apt?)

Obviously his outer behaviors in folks who either passed him from a far while he was buying a gun OR EVEN A PERSON WHO HEARD HIS vm were alarmed --- those in grad school with him (and their educated they would know danger to self or others stuff)

This IMO was slow degragatin.. but we do have data from the lady in bar, gun store , rifele range, that he drew attention and made most uncomfortable. Classic metnal health issue........................

If every neighbor that saw a college student smoking pot out side his apt, called to try and report it, our entire planet would be in gridlock.
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