*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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If he really wanted to warn someone with that notebook, he could have sent it to the police. He bought the rifle hours after he failed the college test.

But what IF IF IF he wanted to show the shrink that he is smarter then she is?
Why would he have zero control over his actions? A lot of people get brain tumors, do they all go on rampages?

if anything is wired wrong it can cause people to act out, not on their own accord. that is just science.....

brain tumors can be found in various parts of the brain....sometimes huge pieces of the brain has to be removed and people can lose their speach, their ability to think on their own and a plethora of other issues.

the brain is the center of human behavior. if it is wired wrong or has an abnormality, it can cause a human to behave in ways that a normal brain would not do.....

it is even fact that women and men behave differently based on their brain....

to deny that an abnormality on the brain could cause a person to behave in a way they otherwise would not if their brain was healthy, is to deny science all together....
How many people get brain tumors, and how many of them go on rampages?

if you are truly interested in the science of brains.....you can google all day long and read and learn about how the brain controls behaviors.....and how abnormalities in the brain controls behaviors...
yes i would....because i understand the science behind that and understand that he would have zero control of his actions based on that....

ETA....i believe the world of mental health and criminal actions committed by those is a very tricky subject...

while i believe all people need to be held accountable in some capacity, if a person does not know they have mental issues or an abnormality in their brain and as a result commits a crime......i as a human have the ability to have some compassion....but again, they still need to be held accountable whether that means psychiatric care for the rest of their lives....or locked up because their condition cannot be cured and they are a danger to society....

does any of that make sense? lol

Why would he have zero control over his actions? A lot of people get brain tumors, do they all go on rampages?

Depends on the area of the brain the tumor was located.
I am wondering what the connection (if any) with the Norway killer is- did the trial inspire him to get this plan going? The killings in Norway happened almost a year to the day earlier. I wonder if the police will find a lot of evidence that he figured would be blown to smithereens by the bombs in the apt.
How many people get brain tumors, and how many of them go on rampages?

I have no idea, it was a hypothetical question directed to prima facie, as I stated clearly, I doubt that is the case here but it is possible. You cant fit everything in to a little box, there are many different situations to consider. Some people smoke pot but they all dont end up selling their asses for heroin later. Though some do.
Question- I read somewhere he was was on anti-depressants- this may or may not be true. If he was (anyone have any links?) who was prescribing them?
I've never been a fan of batman movies, so what does a Joker do? As I understand it, Joker commits a crime, gets away with it, commits another crime. This might be a part of a "game." By giving someone a clue, it might make it more exciting. Would somebody solve the clue in time or not? Takes it to another level.

I don't know much about Batman either but from what I can ascertain the Riddler gives clues (and riddles). The Joker is basically insane. He kills innocent people for fun, he wants to create chaos and anarchy etc... His crimes often make no sense to others. He used to be a normal standup guy but some event makes him become psychotic (and he is aware of that fact).
if you are truly interested in the science of brains.....you can google all day long and read and learn about how the brain controls behaviors.....and how abnormalities in the brain controls behaviors...

Anybody can google it all day long. Lots of people with abnormalities in their brain don't go on rampages.
Why would he have zero control over his actions? A lot of people get brain tumors, do they all go on rampages?
Depends on where the brain Tumor is. But yes it can change thing.

A lady I know well had one...
She demanded sex from her husband so much that he did not know what was going on. At first he liked it, but then it was way too much, he did not he have the time and energy. but was very very worried too.
So he made sure she had a thorough medical exam. and they found this brain tumor. Thank God it is out now and she is fine.
but now the husband asks the Doctor, couldn't you leave a small tumor in her head.. she went 380 on me. LOL
So again the tumors differ and their locations differ too.

I can only tell you about my personal world.
My daughter is high IQ an artist and was an "A" student, Polite and sweet.
As a teen she started to act out and I thought she would outgrow it.
I then noticed that emotionally she had an "I do not care side" I sent her to therapy. She must have known that something is not right, and kept on hiding it and hiding it she got so good at covering up that the best shrinks just said she will change and that is it.
Not until she started suicide attempts and being hospitalized could anyone see that maybe I was right. And finally a diagnosis, she was way past 18 I had no control at all. And her ability to hide it all was amazing.
ONCE I started to study what MI is and the variations I learned that many of them are MASTERS at hiding it.

The truth is it was there in childhood but not visibly so. She always was a loaner, so was her Dad so I did not think much of it. We did have sleep over’s, and large BD parties, vacations, etc... but she was introverted.

So how does an A student high IQ and an artist become a mess? if I can find that answer I may be a millionaire. "BORN" is all I can come up with.

Gosh this sounds exactly like what happened to my sister-just the sweetest girl as a child and the most loving sister who took such good care of me to suddenly turning into a monster in her teens- she is now 45 and we still don't know exactly what her mental health issue is as she would never tell us but she has put us all through hell time and again and caused terrible pain to my parents who are afraid of her. Does anyone know what bulgy eyes could be a sign of for people with MI? When she is about to explode into one of her terrible scenes of hatred filled speech at us her eyes bulge and she gets twitchy...
Anybody can google it all day long. Lots of people with abnormalities in their brain don't go on rampages.

Lots does not equal ALL. If one brain tumor patient out of a million was proven to so such a thing because of the tumor then it is possible and worthy of consideration, imo.
I would be the first to jump on board with a psychological discussion if I knew more about him. Unfortunately, the only thing I have seen is conflicting reports about his interpersonal relationships with people in the last year, his educational history, and one speeding ticket. I saw his mugshot and saw his short courtroom appearance. Other than that, I have no information that would let me begin to throw out ideas.

Professional psychiatrists/psychologists have been giving their opinions based on the same information we have.

You may have to dig through some of the articles and links that have been posted since the beginning of this horrific case.

I posted the transcripts from Dr. Drew's show from last night. I believe one guest was a criminal psychologist.

At this point that is all we can do. Is speculate and form opinions on what we know. His symptoms before and after the rampage, his childhood, his education may be some clues.
Gosh this sounds exactly like what happened to my sister-just the sweetest girl as a child and the most loving sister who took such good care of me to suddenly turning into a monster in her teens- she is now 45 and we still don't know exactly what her mental health issue is as she would never tell us but she has put us all through hell time and again and caused terrible pain to my parents who are afraid of her. Does anyone know what bulgy eyes could be a sign of for people with MI? When she is about to explode into one of her terrible scenes of hatred filled speech at us her eyes bulge and she gets twitchy...
BBMIt can mean different thing. Not just one meaning. but I would venture to say - it is time to get her on meds when she is like that, and definitly do not challenge her keep her calm.
It must be very scary.
Since apparently many others are as clueless regarding the latest batman movies as I am....

I knew the Joker was a very popular character however Heath Ledger's version of the Joker also seems to be honestly quite dark, creepy and psychotic especially compared to most other Batman characters I have seen portrayed in the old films. He doesn't look like a comic book character, he looks like a madman.

Anybody can google it all day long. Lots of people with abnormalities in their brain don't go on rampages.

im not sure if you are being obtuse or what.....but if you had read what i wrote and did some research you would see that behavior depends on the health and /or abnormality of the human brain.
couple that with people who have received treatment and those who have not.

the equation of brain abnormalities and behavior is too complex to fit it into some tiny little box. im sorry if this is not understandable....but doing just a TINY bit of research, some questions or doubts you have may be answered.
I haven't been able to read much today.. I know there is a gag order but did I hear correctly that no press is allowed in future court appearances as well? Like next Monday for example.
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