*DEVELOPING*CO Shooting at Movie Theater #3

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Wow, that really stinks that no one opened the package- why would they not open it? I smell lawsuit.. this tragedy could have been averted.
Considering that the spring session had ended, the recipient could have been on vacation.
BUT the poster was looking for - murderous rampages :twocents:
That would be cool if everything was always anything huh! Like no nuances with each cancer , diabetes, heart problems, etc shame it does not work that way huh?
Always a possible trigger: you float through life on the President's Honor Roll till you get to grad school and find there are several others smarter and more talented than you.
Originally Posted by ~n/t~
Some attribute his death to the role. He apparently had sleepless nights and was tormented causing increase dosage of Ambien (??).....resulting in an overdose.
He had pneumonia, mixed drugs he didn't know he wasn't supposed to mix. Accidental overdose. He was a brilliant actor though, and it is almost disturbing how into the role he got.

As far as the brain tumor issue is concerned....it's not out of the realm of possibility but there ARE other signs and symptoms of bran tumors (a friend had one and 1st symptoms were vomiting every day). Every person and every symptom is different but if his only symptom of a brain tumor would be going on a shooting spree then...yikes.
Depends on where the brain Tumor is. But yes it can change thing.

A lady I know well had one...
She demanded sex from her husband so much that he did not know what was going on. At first he liked it, but then it was way too much, he did not he have the time and energy. but was very very worried too.
So he made sure she had a thorough medical exam. and they found this brain tumor. Thank God it is out now and she is fine.
but now the husband asks the Doctor, couldn't you leave a small tumor in her head.. she went 380 on me. LOL
So again the tumors differ and their locations differ too.


Not everyone with a gulf ball in the brain turns to murder, and not everyone with a gulf ball in their head turns into a sex maniach -
read the true story above.
To me, it appears his triggers were failing his oral exams, that we've recently seen reports of, or maybe it was his obsession with playing World Of Warcraft for hours on end and his grades fell because of that. He probably wanted to show the world how smart he was, get infamy to get women, and revenge against the university. JMO.:twocents:
P.S. I do know people who swear gluten intolerance causes behavioral changes and there was the guy who used the "Twinkie Defense" in his murder trial...

ok...so let me get this straight...

there is no way a brain abnormality could cause one to have behavior prolems that cause henious acts...

but playing WoW could? or failing an exam could :floorlaugh:

im sorry but i fail to see the logic in this reasoning....because just as the argument earlier was used: not everyone who plays WoW has behavior issues and would commit a henious criminal act...nor does everyone who fails an exam or gets rejected does....

HOWEVER, if one has a brain abnormality and plays WoW, playing WoW or yes being rejected or failing or whatever could trigger a reaction because they dont have the healthy brain and healthy mental capacity to overcome those things and behave like a healthy law abiding person.....

oh and the "twinkie defense" was used as a sympton of a mental issue: depression. he consumed too many twinkies because he was depressed. it was never used as his defense...as a cause to the act he committed.

see how it alllllllllll comes back to the brain and mental issues? :)
Reading about the "twinkie defense" case-in my view that was a total miscarriage of justice. Depression caused him to eat too many twinkies? Boo-hoo. What does that have to do with murder?
Nobody is diagnosing him, we are talking, sharing ideas, its a discussion forum, I wish people would stop accusing others of trying to diagnose JH and make excuses for him, that is not what is happening here.

(Not directed at you, just in general as there have been a lot of snark directed at those the last few days who want to talk about things beyond him just being "an evil monster.")

Actually, Pax, I have seen just that. Endless posts about how he is insane, has a serious mental disorder, was on medication, was disheveled and babbling, showing significant signs to his family, school, etc., that he was insane and needed help, that his family knew he was ill, were afraid of him, begged him to get help, etc., all without the words, "I bet, " or "Maybe" or "What if" or even, "IMO".

These were accompanied by references to him as the "young man" and how the mentally ill cannot be held responsible for their actions.

I have seen several posts that excuse what he did as a product of a mental disorder the posters assume he has, either by creating evidence out of thin air or expanding on reports. For example, a staffer in a gun store felt he seemed a bit off or strange becomes "gun store owner was scared of [THE COWARD].

So yeah, people are not just discussing the possibility that this creep has a mental defect, they are stating it as if it is a fact and some posters are actually stating that he would bear no responsibility because he does not know right from wrong or cannot control his actions.

I, for one, don't appreciate that. I'd like to see a lot more assumptions and speculations prefaced with language that indicates it is an assumption or speculation and I don't like the general tone in some posts that a person with a mental problem is not responsible for their criminal conduct. That's an insult, IMO, to those who were murdered in Colorado, by a guy who planned for months.
I have got to run errands today. I'd love to stay and bounce around our thoughts.

What makes us want to examine this killer's reasons for killing more than a gang banger's or bank robber's? Is it because right from the start the media presented what a genius student he was? He was described as a dolt back in his summer stint with Salk. I'm just wondering why his being intelligent before makes us want to excuse him now with some mental condition that so far seemed undetectable before the crime.

Thoughts to ponder while running errands. BBLater
I don't appreciate it either. People go out of their way to come up with one thing or another in order to make this guy not responsible for his actions. If it's not some horrible mental disease, it has got to be brain tumor! He just can't possibly be responsible for what he was doing, poor thing.
Let his defense lawyers worry about.
I have got to run errands today. I'd love to stay and bounce around our thoughts.

What makes us want to examine this killer's reasons for killing more than a gang banger's or bank robber's? Is it because right from the start the media presented what a genius student he was? He was described as a dolt back in his summer stint with Salk. I'm just wondering why his being intelligent before makes us want to excuse him now with some mental condition that so far seemed undetectable before the crime.

Thoughts to ponder while running errands. BBLater
For one thing, it was because of the scale of mass murder he committed, and how much more he had planned, had his gun not jammed and his apartment exploded. Also, noone has ever shot up a movie theater before, and certainly not a packed house in the middle of a movie. Movie theaters were sacred, a place to go for recreation. Add that to the list like schools, restaurants, and churches of places where mass murders have been committed in places where you are supposed to feel safe! His motives are not as transparent as a gang banger's or a bank robbers.
One more thing that got my personal attention when my friend told me of the news- was the fact that he claimed to be a character from the movie he massacred. Which makes him even more evil and sneaky in my eyes- the victims all thought it was part of a marketing plan for the premier when he tossed the tear gas and fired into the ceiling. Kinda like dressing up and performing "Rocky Horror Picture Show" alongside the movie while it's playing...
I don't appreciate it either. People go out of their way to come up with one thing or another in order to make this guy not responsible for his actions. If it's not some horrible mental disease, it has got to be brain tumor! He just can't possibly be responsible for what he was doing, poor thing.
Let his defense lawyers worry about.

not one person here has said he should not be held accountable for his actions!

how is someone throwing the "evil monster" label on him as an excuse for his actions any different than one saying he possibly could have brain abnormalities (mental issues) ???

nobody knows WHY he did what he did, but to take things off the table in this discussion forum because it makes one feel uncomfortable or doesnt fit into one's personal opinion makes absolutely no sense.

everything is on the table at this point.....EVERYTHING until professionals scratch it off the list.

i personally have no proof as to why he did what he did...but i am most certainly entertaining all possibilities....and that includes that something is wrong with his brain.

my religious upbringing would tell me: he is possessed by demons......how is that for a possibility??

ETA....in any case.....it is good to observe and discuss things from both sides - the defense and prosecution - because it lets us see how his defense could possibly be presented.....

again, i havent seen anyone say he should not be held responsible for his actions....but applying a reason to his actions is what we do here...and its done on almost all cases discussed....
heartbreaking story

and on the subject of brain disorders, what a wonderful story this is

"Like a marble through a small tube, the defect channels the bullet from Petra's nose through her brain. It turns slightly several times, and comes to rest at the rear of her brain. And in the process, the bullet misses all the vital areas of the brain. In many ways, it almost misses the brain itself," he said.
Actually, Pax, I have seen just that. Endless posts about how he is insane, has a serious mental disorder, was on medication, was disheveled and babbling, showing significant signs to his family, school, etc., that he was insane and needed help, that his family knew he was ill, were afraid of him, begged him to get help, etc., all without the words, "I bet, " or "Maybe" or "What if" or even, "IMO".

These were accompanied by references to him as the "young man" and how the mentally ill cannot be held responsible for their actions.

I have seen several posts that excuse what he did as a product of a mental disorder the posters assume he has, either by creating evidence out of thin air or expanding on reports. For example, a staffer in a gun store felt he seemed a bit off or strange becomes "gun store owner was scared of [THE COWARD].

So yeah, people are not just discussing the possibility that this creep has a mental defect, they are stating it as if it is a fact and some posters are actually stating that he would bear no responsibility because he does not know right from wrong or cannot control his actions.

I, for one, don't appreciate that. I'd like to see a lot more assumptions and speculations prefaced with language that indicates it is an assumption or speculation and I don't like the general tone in some posts that a person with a mental problem is not responsible for their criminal conduct. That's an insult, IMO, to those who were murdered in Colorado, by a guy who planned for months.

Thank you for saying that so kindly.
I swear it's now a "I'm right" game - see, I'm right! When they find something that backs up their initial thought....but discounts any little details that may discount or disagree with that.

It's early in this investigation. We'll find out soon enough what his history is...no need to have some people "right" and some people "wrong." Geez Louise. That's not what this is about.

not one person here has said he should not be held accountable for his actions!

how is someone throwing the "evil monster" label on him as an excuse for his actions any different than one saying he possibly could have brain abnormalities (mental issues) ???

nobody knows WHY he did what he did, but to take things off the table in this discussion forum because it makes one feel uncomfortable or doesnt fit into one's personal opinion makes absolutely no sense.

everything is on the table at this point.....EVERYTHING until professionals scratch it off the list.

i personally have no proof as to why he did what he did...but i am most certainly entertaining all possibilities....and that includes that something is wrong with his brain.

my religious upbringing would tell me: he is possessed by demons......how is that for a possibility??

ETA....in any case.....it is good to observe and discuss things from both sides - the defense and prosecution - because it lets us see how his defense could possibly be presented.....

again, i havent seen anyone say he should not be held responsible for his actions....but applying a reason to his actions is what we do here...and its done on almost all cases discussed....
I just dont understand why people cant share their opinions and afford others the freedom to do the same. This is getting old and tiring, the mods have said we can discuss possible mental health issues, if you dont like that just scroll right on by those posts and stop trying to control the discussion.

I HAVE NEVER ONCE said he should "get off" or be excused for what he did because he MAY have a mental health issues. I have not seen anyone else say that but I havent read every single post so who knows.

Ill be back when the mods get this under control.
Sorry, don't see murderous rampages on that list of yours.
TBI (traumatic brain injury), whether from physical trauma or a tumor, can certainly result in serious cognitive issues, to include impulse control, emotional rage, etc. In fact, there are a number of studies regarding TBI and violence. ( link )

As for this guy? If they're doing their job, they'll definitely run physical tests, to include MRIs, endocrine tests, that sort of thing, to rule out potential predisposing issues.

And, *IF* it turns out we're looking at organicity (to exclude drug use), they *might* have a potential argument to support NGRI.
Yes certain brain tumours do cause change in behaviours. Also in sleep patterns and change in vocal patterns. Where a once fun person might now seem uninterested or lazy. Malaise is a huge symptom. Feeling like something is wrong - but you do not know what it is - or what to do about it. Migraines are the symptom that get most into a physician - if a seizure has not occurred. The most serious of tumours would be mid-brain or brainstem. Considered rare. Most of these patients are reflective on life. Though behaviour changes are challenging they simply are argumentative at times. Quiet at times. Usually sleepy. If mid-brain or brainstem is affected. Balance is not great - so falls happen often. Strokes also are a symptom. Although mild in younger patients so one side of body is left slightly affected. Ringing in ears - usually one side also a symptom. Suppressed breathing when sleeping - trouble swallowing - eating - at times.
Someone with a tumour causing such extreme behavior as to commit these crimes would find a hard time in College - due to the other symptoms they would be experiencing especially chronic fatigue . In regards to all the setting up of the apartment - if a person was acting in such way due to behavioural changes due to brain tumour - they would have sought treatment for migraines - possibly seizures - would be diagnosed and undergoing treatment most likely.
Considering that the spring session had ended, the recipient could have been on vacation.
He is the kids doctor
he had high risk pt
you check on your high risk pts who are spiraling out of control daily ..
this kid was falling for MONTHS .........................
peroid your ethical obligation .
He is the kids doctor
he had high risk pt
you check on your high risk pts who are spiraling out of control daily ..
this kid was falling for MONTHS .........................
peroid your ethical obligation .

Who said this was the kid's doctor? Do you have any links?

All I saw was the Dr. saying he did not recognize the name of the sender. It doesn't sound like they had much of a relationship if he did not recognize the name.
He is the kids doctor
he had high risk pt
you check on your high risk pts who are spiraling out of control daily ..
this kid was falling for MONTHS .........................
peroid your ethical obligation .
Except that... you're *assuming* he was this guy's doctor. And, at this point, we simply do not know that. For all we know, holmes looked him up in the school directory and mailed him the package. Until we know more, this doctor is not even remotely culpable wrt to the "duty to warn" Tarasoff law.
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