Did Casey want Caylee to be found fast?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Did Casey Want Caylee to be found?

  • Yes

    Votes: 85 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 310 68.4%
  • The body was moved

    Votes: 28 6.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 6.6%

  • Total voters
She bought time for herself by avoiding her parents altogether for a month and living the perfect lie with a bunch of people/men who didn't know her well enough to call her on her "motherly" duties. I even wonder, if Cindy didn't go after her, how long of a lead time.....disappearance time....would Casey have had to play with? She was surely dreaming/acting out a life full time as a single person and loving every moment of it, until the hammer fell and her parents found her. It was only a matter of time. Where were the SEDATIVES then? Why does she need them NOW!!! She's toast, the jig is up for her and she knows it. Brrrr, chilling!!!! Can't wait for the barage of lies that she is dreaming up now to explain how close Caylee was. The details she is thinking up now to add to the "Nanny kidnapped her and framed me" story.

I think KC thought she would get away with it. As soon as she got passed playing the grieving mother and all the attention that would bring, she thought she would be free to go on with her life without Caylee holding her back.
I don't want this to turn into a debate of a different sort, or HJ the thread for that matter......but..... It's widely regarded as fact, in the scientific community anyway, that a fetus' CNS isn't nearly developed enough to experience 'pain' until around the 30th week of gestation.
As far as the poll goes, I voted "other", there are compelling arguments on both sides in terms of Casey's intent on the discovery of the child's corpse.

Wow I'm surprised I thought it was closer to 10-14 weeks. Once the spinal cord is complete they must feel some pain. But I always assumed it was less than adult even at term in order to survive the whole process of birth. Interesting read, thanks for sharing. Not sure how it ties in here but you learn the must fascinating things reading here!!
Yes ..

The abdandoned car, purse in the front seat ..

Casey wanted it to look like a car-jacking or kidnapping had taken place ..
My theory is the same as Magic-Cat.
I agree with this to a point...I think that whom she wanted to find Caylee was her family so they could move her or bury her more thoroughly and aid her (as they already were) more by helping her hide the body better. I think she left her there on a "whim" and full well intended to move her at some later point, but time got away from her (and so did her CAR!) and she was unable to go back and complete the task.

No...she did not want LE to find the body because her initial reaction of "Oh my God this cannot be happening" and the fall to the knees would not have occurred is she did in fact desire that. It was the last thing she wanted. And I for one am so glad that her ill-fated scheme was uncovered and Caylee was found.
I agree with what everyone has posted about her not wanting the body found for "some time". I think that she wanted everyone to think she was missing as well as Caylee. She just didn't plan on Mom being smart enough to find her at TonE's.
I am undecided. She kept telling Lee where to look (so we think) in jail visits, or least evidence. I really think she was going to cut and run. Once she realized she couldn't get to Peurto Rico, she switched gears to California, just waited too long. Maybe she thought she could still run when bonded out? I am certain she wanted the kidnapping story believed, I can't decide. Why would you want your brother to find your daughter's remains? Must have just wanted him finding, oh let's say, clothes? Black Jack, if it existed? Not sure.
I agree with this to a point...I think that whom she wanted to find Caylee was her family so they could move her or bury her more thoroughly and aid her (as they already were) more by helping her hide the body better. I think she left her there on a "whim" and full well intended to move her at some later point, but time got away from her (and so did her CAR!) and she was unable to go back and complete the task.

No...she did not want LE to find the body because her initial reaction of "Oh my God this cannot be happening" and the fall to the knees would not have occurred is she did in fact desire that. It was the last thing she wanted. And I for one am so glad that her ill-fated scheme was uncovered and Caylee was found.

I also think the weather played into the moving part...I think she did want to rid herself of responsibilty of being a parent but I still hold back on another therory of possibly getting rid of the whole crew---staged like a murder/suicide ----and Caylee just in wrong place at wrong time scenerio--

it was interesting to read about the water and womb....
nope. she was just stupid. or, we're all really just animals and she couldnt help keeping her close. either way, she didnt intend her to be found.
I vote NO. I think she thought the body was well hidden, maybe even buried but it was moved by the flooding before it was found. I think that is why she fell to her knees and said "This can't be happening." She can't believe it was found. That ruined everything for her.
I voted other because I am really torn on this one....Im on the fence as to whether she wanted Caylee to be found or not...

On one hand, I think she did NOT want the body found because I feel the reason for her killing Caylee was so she could be free to live as she chose. With no body and a kidnapper, Casey would be able to live as she always has: free to live with no consequence to her actions and a way to separate herself from CA. In this instance, I think Casey lives in the moment and I don't really believe their was any prior planning as to where she was putting Caylee...IMO, if she did not want Caylee found, it was a quick, familiar dump site to her...no regard as to her being "close".


On the other hand, her statement to GA and CA in the jail visitation, she states she wants Caylee to come home and she wants to BE there when that happens....That made me question a couple things....Like, is Casey even more diabolical than we all imagined? She knew Caylee was not coming home alive. Did she really want to be there with CA and GA when Caylee was found so that she could see their reaction to her handywork? I almost get the impression that her thought process was "I can't believe this is happening now" because it didn't fit her time frame for the find. If she really did NOT want the body to be found AT ALL, that is a very odd choice of words. Why not say "I can't believe this is happening"? Why add "now" to the end of that statement?

This girl breeds the evil of Satan in her heart and I am "compelled" to think that she did in fact want her found so she could dig the knife a little deeper into CA especially....she "gave" Caylee to CA and that which is given can be taken away.... (Casey's words, not mine)

All my opinion, I'm still struggling with this one but am leaning more and more to the idea that she DID want Caylee found but she wanted to be there to see the pain it imposed....I DO believe she is just that twisted.
KC put Caylee's remains close to the house because, as an above poster said, most murdering mothers put their victims close to the home. Also, she's lazy. After chloroforming her, smothering her, and burying her, she thought she was "done" with Caylee until she was arrested. After that, I think she was surprised the body had not been found for so many months, and thought she was gonna get away with it.
Borderline thinking is different from "normal" thought process. IF she is a borderline she wouldn't understand that there would be consequences to her actions. She would feel justified in her own mind and it is typical that they feel once they are over their rage the whole situation is OVER. I think that is why she constantly tells her parents "I want to go home and be with you guys." In her head it is probably over and everyone should just move on. I think she didn't plan for the child to be found but did a pretty poor job of hiding it.
A borderline can fly into a rage like nothing you have ever seen and appear to be completely past it in minutes. Then they have an attitude like "What's your problem?"
She didn't want the body found by LE, she wanted Lee or George or anyone that thought of her as the gorgeous princess to find it.
i voted no
only because of her lies...
and JUST IN CASE she was found, she put the duct tape around her head to make it look like a kidnapping...
anyone who wants a body found will not bury it (although she didn't do a very good job) she wouldnt have gone through the trouble of getting a shovel and trying to bury her....
I agree with this to a point...I think that whom she wanted to find Caylee was her family so they could move her or bury her more thoroughly and aid her (as they already were) more by helping her hide the body better. I think she left her there on a "whim" and full well intended to move her at some later point, but time got away from her (and so did her CAR!) and she was unable to go back and complete the task.

No...she did not want LE to find the body because her initial reaction of "Oh my God this cannot be happening" and the fall to the knees would not have occurred is she did in fact desire that. It was the last thing she wanted. And I for one am so glad that her ill-fated scheme was uncovered and Caylee was found.


I still think about when C.A. was in jail the first time and spoke with LA. He asked her where she thought Caylee might be and where he could look. She told him "go to all
of the favorite places the family goes to and that Caylee is close. Now we know she was by the school that both her and L.A. attended. Her school friend early on had told LE that they hung out a lot in the area that Caylee was found.
I voted no because if she wanted her found fast she would have went to Cindy or the police on her own. Remember the only reason the police were called is because Cindy went and got KC and forced her to tell what happend to Caylee. I think KC just wanted to get on with her life, hopefully dodging Cindy and George until she could move out of state, the kidnapping was just plan "B".

MOO :)
I am undecided. She kept telling Lee where to look (so we think) in jail visits, or least evidence. I really think she was going to cut and run. Once she realized she couldn't get to Peurto Rico, she switched gears to California, just waited too long. Maybe she thought she could still run when bonded out? I am certain she wanted the kidnapping story believed, I can't decide. Why would you want your brother to find your daughter's remains? Must have just wanted him finding, oh let's say, clothes? Black Jack, if it existed? Not sure.

I think she had several scenerios..........
If she had gone to California to stay with MH? she could have said Caylee was with her... no body found.
Since that plan did not work out the kidnapping was a plan.... yes body found.
In the end they both backfired.........
It appears this was premeditated, but I hope forensic proves it was an accidental death, and the disposal of the body was horrendous because she freaked out. Either way I hope she spends the rest of her life in jail.
I voted "no"... I think the reason Caylee was so close was because it was familiar to Casey and she probably thought since it was overgrown, a shallow grave would go undetected... and it would be an easy place to keep an eye on Caylee's body. She just underestimated her mother and mother nature... Cindy held her down to produce Caylee, and mother nature's natural progression brought Caylee's body out from being hidden away.
I voted other, because I just don't know if she wanted the body found quickly or not. Was she giving 'clues' in her jail visit comments to Lee and her parents, in hind sight it sure sounds like it. But I just don't know if that is what she was doing.

I don't think we will ever know what went on in her mind unless she decides to tell us - and even then I am not sure I would believe a word she said.

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