Did Casey want to get caught? (Opinion thread)

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Feb 22, 2009
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I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.
I think she's in it for the thrill of getting away with it, frankly...it's all a big game to her.
I think she's in it for the thrill of getting away with it, frankly...it's all a big game to her.

Maybe so, but look at the alternative if she doesn't get off..... This just seems like way to much to just say she is in it for the trill, but of course if she is as heartless as we all seem to think than its possible.
I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.
That'd be assuming she has a conscience, like the main character in the novel "Crime and Punishment". I don't think she does...
I also get a sense that, whether it's due to sociopathy, narcissism or whatever, KC has an unhealthy ability to swiftly dissociate from her past experiences. Examples of what I mean here include:

-Serial "significant" relationships with few breaks between
-Date with TonE on day Caylee disappeared & clubbing after her death
-Visiting her "office" with detectives; once she fessed up she was done with that story and seemingly a little miffed that the detectives were still prying about it. "I lied," ok that one didn't work, not my best effort, get over it let's all move on here.
-Her inability when writing letters to stay with a topic or fully explore/express it using sincere emotion and deep thinking.

Do I think she wanted to get caught, no. But once she was, she just kept throwing out one story and following one path until she smacked into a wall. And instead of thinking wow, what am I doing, I need to come clean, she instead turned 90 degrees, threw out another story and followed a new path until she smacked into a wall. And again, and again. And here we are.

For a loooooong time, this is all I see (the same look in these pics).
Wanting to get caught?... Diabolical?
I think EVIL.


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a very good idea for a thread, butterfly.

I remember when KC said to LA "Maybe it is time" (or similar words). LA indicated that she said it twice while he was trying to get her to come clean right before the police showed up at the Anthony house the first time. To me...that was a clear indicator that yes..she was waiting for "resolution"...and that she wanted to get caught.

I am struck by the volume of people who will not entertain for a few moments that KC is "certifiable". OF COURSE she is nuts! She is the most interesting nut case on the planet, but a nut case nonetheless ...cue the next 10 posters and Greta v who will tell me that she can't do an insanity thing because she knew right from wrong (by trying to cover up the death).

KC is a person who did not graduate from HS, has never lived outside of her parents house, (has not lived on her own at all)...someone who was dependent on her friends in an unhealthy way..she seemed incapable of making any kind of move on her own. ...so I vote YES she wanted to get caught. She's pretty happy in jail. She told someone months before all this happened that she wanted to be "committed"--WELL. she got committed.
i thin casey thinks the rest of orlando (and the world for that matter) is as stupid and gullable as her freak show family........she still thinks, as is obvious in her rantings and raving letters (that might give garrido a run for his money) that she is going to be 'exonerated' and go on to adopt irish babies with accents after going on a trailer park trash get away with robin......
Car was towed because she thought it was safe in a parking lot.She never thought it would get towed .She knew he Mom and Lee would be looking for car might see it there but would not know where she is.

I think Caylee was going to be moved,but Cindy refused her that one more day she wanted.After she was arrested she knew she was being watched when she got out of jail.I think Later on when Baez complained and said he wanted to go search with her for Caylee.Instead of searching for Caylee,KC and Baez were Searching for $$$$ Photos of Caylee.
She is keeping Baez he took her case with out retainer!Then he came up with the brilliant plan to cash in on her dead daughter.He is like KC rules of Law do not seem to apply to him, so far he has not been disbarred. How many Attorney ok maybe some would.Like Attorneys who has few cases and thinks this case will turn him into a young F.Lee Bailey!Everyone will hire him be living large like Geraldo! I think all his Professors should be investigated for giving him enough credits to Graduate.Did they check his license to make sure it really was him taking the Bar exam?I feel like any minute Ashton Krusher will run in Court and tell the Judge he has been Punked!
They both are delusional IMO.
What was very WEIRD was KC wrote she is INDEPENDENT? I thought that was when finally stop being a mooch.You have a real job and get your own place.All she has done is trade mooching off her Mom ,now she is mooching on the state.
I really thought she would have driven herself insane in jail being trapped in a cage.

I think the letters ,FAKE affair, and Cindy getting tips in emails was all his and KC Plan.Make Cindy have hope ,keep twisted her,people will feel sorry for KC.After all it is all her fault because she loved Caylee more (KC lied ,stole and did a lot to her mom)she loved Caylee innocent baby that needed to know real love.Not be drugged to sleep in daytime, not to be ignored when KC was texting.KC used Caylee just like other moms who abuse their kids even when the daddy wants them.Also she used her with boyfriends,trying to help her hook a guy.
I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

She was too committed to her story at that point and had to stick with it. Just like walking down the hall of her pretend job at Universal. "In for a penny, in for a pound."

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

Like many have said, she was incapable of thinking past the next ten minutes. She didn't have a plan. Although she was still scrambling for one when she got busted. Moving to California with that marine?

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

Hmm... this one's interesting. My first thought is 'out of sight, out of mind'. The car smelled and she wanted to be with TonE. Maybe she thought the smell would dissipate and she was trying to buy time? Again, not capable of thinking past the next ten minutes.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

Baez is "her boy"; her savior. He reinforces her fantasies of freedom and meeting "Mr. Right". Perhaps she's convinced herself (with the help of Baez and her family) that she didn't commit the crime.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.

Nope, I don't believe she wanted to get caught. I think she's convinced herself of her innocence with the help of her so called 'family'. Whatever rationalization it takes.
Excellant post, and all good points!! While everything you said it perfectly valid, I would like to post some counterpoints, if only for the sake of discussion.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

IMO, she got herself caught up in that ZFG story early on & couldn't get herself out of it. In fact, if this is premeditated, she may have been planning her imaginary scapegoat from early on, casually mentioning "zanny" to friends & family. Whatever the case, I think she got locked into the lie and couldn't change it for fear of how it would make her LOOK. To confess an accidental death would make her look like something much less than "Mother of the Year."

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

I think she lives in her own universe, and is just self-centered enought to really believe she was beyond consequences. I think it's a fear of the unknown too. She's lived in this area pretty much her whole life.

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

I VERY FIRMLY BELIEVE, and have for some time now, that she 100% believed her car would get stolen. Obviously she couldn't keep driviing it! All her efforts had failed to remove the smell of her dead daughter. She thought that leaving it at an Amscot, especially with her purse inside, would insure it's theft & provide a criminal to pin the (murder) crime on.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

First of all, she has a crush on him. He's kept her isolated as well, or at least he did in the early months. No, she can't really have read about his "incompetency" because she has no real access to such news. Definately no chance to browse Websleuths!!
It's my opinion that, in the beginning she believed she could not get caught; after all, she controlled/snowed her parents [authority] for years. I think her 'celebrity' and narcissism is what keeps it going to this day.
I recall when this all first began I tried to use "normal" reasoning to determine why KC did the things she did and in the manner she did them. It was so frustrating because with the info we had early on, I felt then that she was very calculating and smart. Trying to find the signifigance and reasoning behind every piece of evidence and every fact in the case was overwhelming and practically impossible to do. I definitely gave her far too much credit for being smart and cunning. Now, with each additional bit of info that's released, I can see her for the narcissistic sociopath that she is - while she may have tried to have a "plan," it was really all reactionary and none of the pieces fit together because that's how the inside of her mind works as well. Just my observation.
HECK NO she didn't want to be caught. As a narcissist she believes that she is deserves special treatment and is more intelligent than everyone. She believed she could outsmart LE and everyone else. She was certain she would "get away" with this crime.

-Feels grandiose and self-important (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
-Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion
-Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions)
- Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply)
- Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations
-Is "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends
-Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of other
-Is constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her
-Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted
1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

What forced the seach for Caylee was Cindy finally catching up with her, something KC was not prepared for. IMO, Caylee's death was not an accident, thats why KC never claimed it was.

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

Where would she run to?
Producing Caylee? She thought the kidnapping story would work. None of her past lies made her parents hold her accountable, and this was just the biggest lie she was telling so far. In KC mind, she may have thought it was brilliant story and would never be found out to be a lie. Everyone would accept it, as sadly, children are kidnapped everyday.

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

KC hoped the car would be stolen, not towed. The smell, weeks later, was still unbearable. Perhaps KC could no longer chance one of her friends smelling it, or could not stand the smell herself.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.

Who knows how her mind justifies her actions. Personally, I don't think she's that smart or worldly/life experienced. She lived in a small world, surrounded by her immediate family, and an ever changing group of friends – forced to move on after she wore out her welcome. She is at an age where most young people start to understand personal responsibility and begin steps to move towards adulthood i.e. going to college, full time jobs, getting married, paying for their first apartment and other bills. What was KC doing? She was driving around in her parent’s car all day, visiting people here and there, spinning an imaginary event planner career, stealing money from her family – basically avoiding any personal responsibility. How pathetic a life she carved out for herself.

I am amazed at her ability to remain defiant in the most stressful situations that would have broken most people. It’s frightening to watch her navigate the investigation into where Caylee was in the early videos and LE interviews. No fear whatsoever.

I don’t think KC will ever breakdown and accept a plea if one was offered. Why should she, what’s in it for her? Nothing but jail time and no longer being relevant. The trial is now her life - she’s important and has a team of people supporting her. KC’s acts as if this will all go away someday, just like every other bad situation she placed herself in.
I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

I think this goes to why she killed Caylee in the first place. IMO, it was because she wanted to be able to play with her friends, and getting one over on her mother was icing on the cake. Had she claimed anything the day it happened, no going and watching movies with TonE. I think she killed Caylee mainly because she wanted to go out with her bf and Caylee was in the way of that, in her mind. I don't even think the 'ZFG kidnapping bit' is in any way elaborate. As soon as it was actually questioned and investigated, it fell apart. I don't think Casey thinks ahead, I don't think she has much concept of actions and resulting consequences. I think she put Caylee in the trunk of the car and probably would have continued to drive around with her if not for the smell.

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

This again goes to Casey not thinking ahead. Some people think Casey was planning to run, but I disagree. Casey stole money from Amy before the PR trip. When Amy left on the trip, Casey got Amy's checkbook. She didn't use it for stuff she could trade for cash, no, she bought groceries and lingerie and IIRC tried to pay her phone bill. If she needed a phone, she could have gotten a go-phone with a new number a lot cheaper than paying her bill. Plus, Amy comes back, and Casey is still there, after writing checks on her account. IMO, if she had any logical thought processes, she would have burned through some checks, then ditched Amy's car and claim it had been stolen before Amy got back. I think it just never occurred to her she would have to seriously answer to Amy or anyone else for Amy's account being drained.

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

MOO, I think the 'abandoning' of the car is just what it looked like. Casey ran out of gas, again, and just pulled the car into the first parking space available. I truly believe she fully expected the car to be there when she eventually got around to picking it up, and was surprised when it wasn't.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

Same thing as 1, 2 and 3. Even after all this time, IMO, she still believes she will walk. She can't seem to get the fact that killing her daughter will result in her going to prison. I also think Baez flatters her, agrees with her, and tells her what she wants to hear.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.

I don't think Casey wanted to get caught. I think she wanted to party with her friends, and in her mind, Caylee is gone, not coming back, so what difference does it make.
My thoughts about original post are in bold.

I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking. I share your curiosity of what KC was thinking - not just in the things you mentioned but from the time she was pregnant to this very day - but will try to limit my comments here to the points you brought up.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? I think she would have if anyone had known earlier - but I think with the time that expired she knew a claim of an accident after leaving Caylee in duct taped and concealed in trash bags inside a laundry bag and tossed in the woods decomposing for a month - claiming an accident at that point would not have brought the kind of attention and pity she wantedShe could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? While she used being with Zany as a reason CA couldn't speak to Caylee or to tell her friends that's where Caylee was while she was partying with them or whatever - I think she actually came up with the kidnapping story on the spot while LA was trying to get her to tell him where Caylee was - she had to come up with something to explain Caylee's absence in a way that also explained why she couldn't go get her or take CA to her - at first I wondered why she didn't just claim that she had given KC to her real father or allowed someone to adopt her or something along those lines to continue the facade that Caylee was okay but then I concluded that with KC everything is always about the way others view her and she didn't want to be seen as the type person who would give up her child any more than harm her - also KC is one of those people who cannot take responsibility for anything - everything that happens in their lives must be because of someone else so that their situations are because of what's been done to them rather than on any choices they may have made so she couldn't say accident or I gave her away - she had to say someone took her If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out. I have to disagree with that one - first, remember that she actually expected that everyone would completely believe her story - her family had accepted her lies for years and she just thought she was that good of a liar - she didn't think LE would be any different and she would have forever been the poor mother who's daughter was kidnapped - except that LE figured out that very night that she was lying about everything she told them - second, I don't think it's possible that she could have gotten more attention than she has - family, LE, attorneys, media, blogs, websites, etc have focused on her for almost 2 years - not to mention the mail and such from complete strangers - I think the "attention" part of all this has worked out better than she hoped for

2. Why did Casey not run? can't tell you how many times I've pondered that! I think she considered it but by the time she got the money, weeks had passed since Caylee's death and she hadn't been caught yet and her family was buying the stories about work and Caylee's absence so she thought she had plenty of time to consider her optionsShe stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? she was having fun and didn't want it to end any sooner than it had to - she thought she'd have time to run if forced toDid she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?she did probably realize that but didn't realize it would come about in a way that she would immediately be in the company of LE and unable to flee - remember that one more day she asked CA for? I really think she thought CA would say ok but if Caylee isn't here tomorrow... and then she would have left that night - probably would have borrowed CAs car to "go get Caylee" and headed west

3. Why did she abandon the car? I don't think that was planned - she didn't want anyone to help her get it because of the smell but had no intention of not retrieving it and I don't think she did expect it to get towed before she went back for it but was hoping the smell would have diminished instead of gotten even worseShe had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty?because she doesn't believe that she will be convicted and JB feeds her fantasies She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.she also sees him bringing in high profile attorneys to help and to her JB is taking care of her

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? no, I don't think she wanted to get caught or wants to be found guilty - I think she is expecting to be found not guilty and even when she is convicted will never admit what happened because of her image complex - nothing can ever be her fault Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.it is dragging on and on but rather than a "suicide by cop" thing, it is a "sacrifice my daughter and my freedom to hold on to the thought that just one person might not see the real me" thing - even if that one person is just JB
H#ll to the no. She thought (and still thinks) she will never be caught. Still planning her trip to Costa Rica and her travelling RV ministry..haha.
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