Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

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Did Darlie Routier Murder Her Precious Sons ?

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Actually, Darin's behaviour in the minutes after the murders proves to me he cared a lot more for his precious Darlie than those boys.

why were neither parent at either boy kissing, hugging, telling them to "hang on love, stay with me, i love you..."

Disturbing behavior from both of them! I'm not sure Darin's behavior was about actually "caring" for Darlie as much as covering his own butt. Both showed great emotional detachment from their children. I see them both as extremely immature and criminally self-involved. I believe whatever went on between them that night, neither could refocus their attention or concern on their children, even as they lay dying in pain.

It seems to me the kids fit in their lives only when they served a selfish purpose for the immature and self-obsessed parents (glue for the rocky marriage and perfect props for the appearance of the perfect "successful" family).

The perfect storm happened in the convergence of three factors:

1). Darlie's perceived rejection/abandonment by Darin that evening

2). A raging Borderline Personality Disordered temper tantrum caused by above

3). Fueled to the max by rage-invoking diet pills

Those factors, plus Darin probably having seen enough of her bull chit temper tantrums to be somewhat immune to them and maybe staying upstairs with door closed rolling his eyes while she raged until it was too late are what I think brought about this disaster.

That's my best guess anyway.
Knowing what I know personally about the particular type of diet pills Darlie was taking, and the potential adverse affects they can have on a person's mental and emotional state, I have always believed that if Darlie is guilty, that the diet pills and the effects they had on her were the catalyst in her being driven to commit this horrific act.

This being said about the diet pills, obviously not everyone experiences this reaction to them nor resorts to such extreme violence as Darlie did. Why? IMO, for this to have happened, we have to look at the individual as each response to this type of medication will be different, i.e., we have to look at the whole picture.

From what I remember in Darlie's case the following attitudes and behaviors were apparently/ reportedly present prior to her committing this violent act against her own children:

1)Darlie's pre-existing postpartum depression
2)Darlie's pre-existing apparently innate shallow, superficial, and, I think this is key, very narcissistic personality
3)Darin and Darlie's increasing financial problems and pressures
4)Darlie's very materialistic wants and desires.

I've often wondered if Darin had something to do with this heinous crime, and even entertained the idea HE was the "intruder". But it just never seems to point at him in the end. I remember he admitted that he had previously had someone set up as part of an insurance scam to break into their old house, and that after the tragedy of his boys death, he had driven by the old house and stopped and looked, wondering about the cut window screens. I personally believe he was thinking, "My God, did Darlie do it?", and "was this where she got the idea to cut the window screen"?

I personally only believe in the death penalty in special cases, and in cases based on more than just circumstantial evidence, which is what this case is based on, solely circumstantial. I especially think it's quite sad that Texas seems to have an overabundance of prosecutors who are way too excited about the infliction of the death penalty.
In Darlie's case, I believe she should have either another trial or have her sentence changed to life in prison. TJMOO:)

I agree with most of your post except thre last paragraph. There is no evidence that Darin was staging an insurance scam. That was something they came up 6 years after the murder for her appeal.

As wel this is not a solely circumstantial case, there is blood and fibre evidence and more than enough proof in the home Darlie committed these murders.

You have to know the family dynamic,imo, to understand the motive. You're pretty close

Lastly, I don't think she'll ever be executed, I abhor the DP. I think she'll be commuted.
Disturbing behavior from both of them! I'm not sure Darin's behavior was about actually "caring" for Darlie as much as covering his own butt. Both showed great emotional detachment from their children. I see them both as extremely immature and criminally self-involved. I believe whatever went on between them that night, neither could refocus their attention or concern on their children, even as they lay dying in pain.

It seems to me the kids fit in their lives only when they served a selfish purpose for the immature and self-obsessed parents (glue for the rocky marriage and perfect props for the appearance of the perfect "successful" family).

The perfect storm happened in the convergence of three factors:

1). Darlie's perceived rejection/abandonment by Darin that evening

2). A raging Borderline Personality Disordered temper tantrum caused by above

3). Fueled to the max by rage-invoking diet pills

Those factors, plus Darin probably having seen enough of her bull chit temper tantrums to be somewhat immune to them and maybe staying upstairs with door closed rolling his eyes while she raged until it was too late are what I think brought about this disaster.

That's my best guess anyway.

ITA with both of you. I used to think it was Histrionic personality disorder based on that SS tape, it's so phoney, you can see she's playing to the cameras. Now I'm more inclined to the BPD.

The underlying depression, stress and rage (because they want all the attention and don't get it) I believe are the motives. In a lot of these case we've seen..Darlie, Casey Anthony, Patsy Ramsey, Jeff MacDonald, there was a trigger of rage and they exploded and lashed out at the nearest to them, but they just as quickly regained their senses once the rage exploded..they went loco for a time. In Darlie's and MacDonald's case, they were fueled by diet pills, amphetemines..you add that to the psychological problems and it's just a recipe for disaster.

None of them were thinking like parents in that moment of rage when they killed their own children. In fact in Darlie's and Casey's cases I believe they were emotional detached from their children.

I agree with most of your post except thre last paragraph. There is no evidence that Darin was staging an insurance scam. That was something they came up 6 years after the murder for her appeal.

As wel this is not a solely circumstantial case, there is blood and fibre evidence and more than enough proof in the home Darlie committed these murders.

You have to know the family dynamic,imo, to understand the motive. You're pretty close

Lastly, I don't think she'll ever be executed, I abhor the DP. I think she'll be commuted.

I was referring to an earlier insurance scam several years before, that Darin was alleged to have been involved with while they were living in their previous home. Thought that was a fact because I think they did collect on it. Agree, no evidence for the scam re: the new home where the murders were committed.
I was referring to an earlier insurance scam several years before, that Darin was alleged to have been involved with while they were living in their previous home. Thought that was a fact because I think they did collect on it. Agree, no evidence for the scam re: the new home where the murders were committed.

OH I'm terribly sorry. I thought you were referring to that affidavit six years after the murders. Please accept my apology.

I didn't know it was the first house you were talking about.

The only scam I've ever been aware of is Darin saying "I wouldn't mind if someone stole it" referring to his jaguer (I can't spell car names, LOL, I don't drive). And that's not even a scam, LOL.
Only question I have here is, if Darin was involved why didn't Darlie turn state's evidence against him, at least at some point? Why go to death row and never, never implicate Darin? JMO

Well she can't. she'd be lying for one thing and she'd have to implicate herself. Their strategy was to go for straight innocence, believing a jury would never convict a mother of killing her kids.

Boy she must have been really pissed when Casey Anthony was found NG.
Well she can't. she'd be lying for one thing and she'd have to implicate herself. Their strategy was to go for straight innocence, believing a jury would never convict a mother of killing her kids.

Boy she must have been really pissed when Casey Anthony was found NG.

BBM. Good point, Cami. I truly believe that if Casey Anthony had been tried in Texas, she would have been found guilty, at least of negligence, child abuse manslaughter, something beyond lying to LE. Don't know what it is about Florida juries.... Maybe something to do with the hanging chads? LOL.

I've also wondered re: Darlie having her throat slit. Have wondered if that was actually done by her could it have possibly been done by Darin, when he came down and saw what she had done. Could he have done it, then stopped himself before he killed her?

Also, as an alternative, have wondered if Darin could possibly have killed the boys because Darlie was going to leave and take them, and then he tried to kill her and couldn't finish it. Just some thoughts I've had over time. Appreciate anyone's thoughts or feedback, :)
BBM. Good point, Cami. I truly believe that if Casey Anthony had been tried in Texas, she would have been found guilty, at least of negligence, child abuse manslaughter, something beyond lying to LE. Don't know what it is about Florida juries.... Maybe something to do with the hanging chads? LOL.

I've also wondered re: Darlie having her throat slit. Have wondered if that was actually done by her could it have possibly been done by Darin, when he came down and saw what she had done. Could he have done it, then stopped himself before he killed her?

Also, as an alternative, have wondered if Darin could possibly have killed the boys because Darlie was going to leave and take them, and then he tried to kill her and couldn't finish it. Just some thoughts I've had over time. Appreciate anyone's thoughts or feedback, :)

Oh my the hanging chads gave me a laugh. I have friends in Broward County.

But even so we are all angry that's the system at work. WE can't blame the jury..well maybe a little. :crazy:

The problem is you see neesaki, Darlie's story she first told the police didn't square with the evidence found. First Darlie said she chased the man down the hallway , where he broke a wine glass in front of her, and the utility room where he dropped the knife.

Darlie had no cuts on her feet from the glass she would have had to walk over. There was no blood on the utility room floor that matched up with a bloody knife being dropped. The investigators dropped that knife from varying heights and everytime it made a v stain in blood from hitting the floor.

Darlie said she was attacked in the living room couch but no appreciable blood is there, it's all in the kitchen.

Just a few things to query.

I believe Darin had nothing to do with the murder of his boys. He was as shocked as we all were. However, he seemed to fixate on Darlie. He didn't ask about the boys, if they were dead, what happened to them. He seemed to care only about Darlie. That's strange behaviour to all of us I guess but as my diplomatic son would say, we're not in his shoes.

Take care:seeya:
BBM. Good point, Cami. I truly believe that if Casey Anthony had been tried in Texas, she would have been found guilty, at least of negligence, child abuse manslaughter, something beyond lying to LE. Don't know what it is about Florida juries.... Maybe something to do with the hanging chads? LOL.

I've also wondered re: Darlie having her throat slit. Have wondered if that was actually done by her could it have possibly been done by Darin, when he came down and saw what she had done. Could he have done it, then stopped himself before he killed her?

Also, as an alternative, have wondered if Darin could possibly have killed the boys because Darlie was going to leave and take them, and then he tried to kill her and couldn't finish it. Just some thoughts I've had over time. Appreciate anyone's thoughts or feedback, :)

I forgot to say that if the CA jury was so worried about punishement, they could have found her guilty and not imposed the death penalty, they could have given her life, so the jury appears somewhat lacking in brain cells. What did they think she was guilty of lying to police for? partying? No, we all heard those tapes, we hear her lying over and over again like Scott Petterson. Oh I better shutup before my computer blows up.
I forgot to say that if the CA jury was so worried about punishement, they could have found her guilty and not imposed the death penalty, they could have given her life, so the jury appears somewhat lacking in brain cells. What did they think she was guilty of lying to police for? partying? No, we all heard those tapes, we hear her lying over and over again like Scott Petterson. Oh I better shutup before my computer blows up.

Absolutely, we're both on the same page... :seeya:
Just pondering:

Is it possible that Darlie, not being able to accept or admit what she had done, to herself or anyone else that she committed such a violent, heinous act, could have denied it to the point that she convinced herself that she really didn't kill them?

Could she have psychologicaly / mentally blocked out her memory of what she did, as in some form of dissociative amnesia?
Just pondering:

Is it possible that Darlie, not being able to accept or admit what she had done, to herself or anyone else that she committed such a violent, heinous act, could have denied it to the point that she convinced herself that she really didn't kill them?

Could she have psychologicaly / mentally blocked out her memory of what she did, as in some form of dissociative amnesia?

I'm just speaking for myself and I believe Darlie knows that she killed those two boys. I onced thought that just maybe the killer or killers could have drugged Darlie and that would be why she couldn't remember anything but the drug test came back clear except for the diet pills. I have tried to give Darlie every benefit of doubt that I can but everytime I still come back to the fact she is guilty.
I agree with the post above. Since I live here, I pondered for a very long time whether there was an assailant, but time and evidence has proved otherwise.
Just pondering:

Is it possible that Darlie, not being able to accept or admit what she had done, to herself or anyone else that she committed such a violent, heinous act, could have denied it to the point that she convinced herself that she really didn't kill them?

Could she have psychologicaly / mentally blocked out her memory of what she did, as in some form of dissociative amnesia?

"Jeffreymacdonalditis" is not recognized in the DSMIV.:wink:
I believe that Darlie Routier is guilty of the murder of her children based on so much of the physical evidence at the crime scene being inconsistent with her own statements. For example, if you listen to her 9-1-1 tape, it starts out with her saying hysterically, "They came in and stabbed my babies!!!" But the "they" changes to one "man" only one intruder. I also don't believe that it would be possible for her to be awakened from a sound sleep by someone beating on her and stabbing her. What was the motive for an intruder attack? Why weren't Darlie's feet bloody as she says by her own account that she walked threw the kitchen and it was full of glass. And I also have never heard a more cold, arrogant, person than both Darlie and her husband Darrin. Listen to Darrin talk about the murders of his children, it's like he acts, "Who gives a you know what?" There's no emotion, no sensitivity, nothing. At least Darlie was good at faking her crying. Absolutely ridiculous for her to spray that Silly String on the grave-sights, laughing and smacking her gum.

I know her supporters say they had a private memorial service and that was shown. I just wonder how much emotion Darlie showed during the private service? In any case, the damage had been done.

The only thing that I can't figure out was her neck wound was huge. How would she know how to injure herself so badly to survive such a gaping wound to the neck? Would she have taken a chance on dying herself if the paramedics had not gotten there in time?

And what we also don't know is what precipitated this on the night in question? Do you think it was a fight between her and the children, or do you think for Darlie, it was "OK, I'm gonna kill me kids tonight?" We know that she lived a very arrogant self-centered lifestyle and could not deal with the financial stress that the family had experienced.

I still believe that she is guilty, but there is some piece of the puzzle missing before the day/night of the murders. I think Darrin is covering up for her, but how did she and her husband plan this? Neither of them sound the most intelligent IMO.


In one of the two books that I've read it's said that the boys had been playing in the hot tub that evening and had splashed all the water out and that pissed Darlie off. That along with what ever went on with Dana may of been what set Darlie off that night.

I think it may of been in Barbara Davis's book that Darlie and Darin had sex on the couch before he went up to bed. But consider the source.

I find it hard for Darlie to sleep through her boys being butchered when she couldn't sleep because of her baby breathing. To many things to get past for an intruder to of come calling.

How would an intruder get in the house to get a knife to cut the screen to put it back in the knife holder. Why pick another knife to kill people with?

Why would an intruder flee after a few slashes to Darlie when he had stabbed two little boys sleeping on the floor? If he was armed why would he be afraid of an unarmed woman? It doesn't make sense for him to flee when he would of had every reason to finish off the person chasing him. All he had to do was turn around and kill her also.

Darlie called 911 after slashing her neck and thought she had covered up anything pointing back at her.

One wine glass broken on the floor with Darlie's blood under the pieces and no cuts on Darlie's feet from broken glass is hard to believe.
I believe that Darlie Routier is guilty of the murder of her children based on so much of the physical evidence at the crime scene being inconsistent with her own statements. For example, if you listen to her 9-1-1 tape, it starts out with her saying hysterically, "They came in and stabbed my babies!!!" But the "they" changes to one "man" only one intruder. I also don't believe that it would be possible for her to be awakened from a sound sleep by someone beating on her and stabbing her. What was the motive for an intruder attack? Why weren't Darlie's feet bloody as she says by her own account that she walked threw the kitchen and it was full of glass. And I also have never heard a more cold, arrogant, person than both Darlie and her husband Darrin. Listen to Darrin talk about the murders of his children, it's like he acts, "Who gives a you know what?" There's no emotion, no sensitivity, nothing. At least Darlie was good at faking her crying. Absolutely ridiculous for her to spray that Silly String on the grave-sights, laughing and smacking her gum.

I know her supporters say they had a private memorial service and that was shown. I just wonder how much emotion Darlie showed during the private service? In any case, the damage had been done.

The only thing that I can't figure out was her neck wound was huge. How would she know how to injure herself so badly to survive such a gaping wound to the neck? Would she have taken a chance on dying herself if the paramedics had not gotten there in time?

And what we also don't know is what precipitated this on the night in question? Do you think it was a fight between her and the children, or do you think for Darlie, it was "OK, I'm gonna kill me kids tonight?" We know that she lived a very arrogant self-centered lifestyle and could not deal with the financial stress that the family had experienced.

I still believe that she is guilty, but there is some piece of the puzzle missing before the day/night of the murders. I think Darrin is covering up for her, but how did she and her husband plan this? Neither of them sound the most intelligent IMO.


I'm on the fence. The things you posted here don't sway me, really. "They" is a pronoun used often by some people when describing someone the speaker doesn't know. "I don't know who it was but they came in the store and robbed me!"

Also, why wouldn't someone be awakened from a dead sleep by someone attacking them? Mom's are in-tune to their kids' cries and sounds and will sometimes awaken at the slightest sound from their children, but otherwise, won't stir at other noises. Her kids may not have cried out when murdered. If it was a sudden, vicious attack, that's possible.

I mean, in the OJ Simpson case, he ruthlessly murdered two grown adults and IIRC, the only thing neighbors heard was a dog howl. No screams, nothing.

So, two kids are overcome and attacked and then the intruder moves to mom's room and surprises her.

I don't know that that is what happened, but it is possible, IMO.

Darlie's demeanor bothers me, but was her husband in on it as well? Because his demeanor bothers some as well. And, BTW, he was sleeping on the couch downstairs and states he didn't hear anything. Was he lying? If not, why is it possible for him and not her?

In any event, her writ of habeus corpus states she was not awakened by someone attacking her, but by her son calling out to her, in her bedroom:
She recalls being awakened by Damon�s hitting her right shoulder and saying �mommie,� and seeing a man walk from the family room couch into the kitchen. C.R.R. Vol. 44, p. 4866:1-4, 8-9. Petitioner believes that whomever she saw that morning killed Devon and Damon and came within millimeters of killing her as well. Physical and circumstantial evidence corroborate Petitioner�s belief.

Finally, some jurors who later saw photos of Darlie's injuries, like her bruising, that were not shown to the jury, stated that had they seen those photos, they would not have voted guilty.

No, there was no video of Darlie crying on the graves of her sons...that's just rumour. What there is is a surveillance tape that shows the back of the mourners and that's all, shows them hugging as well. It does not show Darlie crying, sobbing, prostrate on the ground or anything like that.

Have you seen the tape of the graveside services before the party. I mean seen it for yourself not someones brothers uncle who says he saw it but the tape itself?

BBM. There was:
Because a judge ordered it suppressed, the jury never saw a police surveillance video of the grave site taken earlier that same day, where Darlie Routier was seen weeping and praying.

I didn't like her demeanor at the gravesite. Bizarre and unfeeling to me. Other facts in this case make me lean toward guilt. But, I'm open to the suggestion that she's not guilty.

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