Did Darlie Routier murder her precious sons? Part 2

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Did Darlie Routier Murder Her Precious Sons ?

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Of Shadows and Silly String
Darlie Routier had not yet returned to her home on Eagle Drive since that horrible morning; she, Darin and baby Drake had been staying with Mama Darlie in Plano. Needing some articles of clothing, she telephoned her friend Mercedes Adams a few days after the funeral to ask if she would mind driving her there. Mercedes complied, but expected Darlie to buckle under upon walking into the place that took the lives of her two sons. The girlfriend was in for an awakening.

Death lingered in the foyer, but Darlie, Mercedes noted, charged onto the scene seemingly unaware and like a bull elephant, arms akimbo, shouted, "Look at this mess! It'll cost us a fortune to fix this ****!"

"Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. I put my hands on Darlie's shoulders and said, 'Darlie, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill the boys.' She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.' I couldn't believe it."

Back at the Rowlett Police Station, questions loomed. Among them: 1) What was the motive for the murders? 2) If a robbery, why was Darlie's jewelry and purse left untouched? 3) Why would an intruder kill two children before dispatching the adult, who posed a more serious threat? 4) Why would the killer, who obviously had no scruples about murdering a pair of small boys, back off when Darlie awoke, leaving a witness alive to identify him? 5) Why would he drop the murder weapon on the floor, giving Darlie, his pursuer, a weapon in which to fight back? 6) Why would he have used the Routiers' butcher knife in the first place? (Assailants come to their intended victim's premises already armed.) 7) Why were there no visible signs of an intruder — footprints, handprints, drops of blood beyond the house where he made his escape? And as questions mounted, it appeared that a bread knife owned by the Routiers might have been used to cut the garage screen, thus more questions: 8) Had the intruder used the Routier's bread knife to slash his way in? and 9) If so, how did he get the knife in the first place?

Detective Jimmy Patterson conferred with Dr. Townsend-Parchman, who had photographed Darlie's wounds allegedly received by the phantom intruder. While her boys were maliciously and forcefully attacked, her wounds were surface and bore trademarks of what doctors call "hesitation wounds" — that is, the wounds indicated that the blade had slowly, deliberately, cut into her skin and, when pain was encountered, the person holding the blade reflexively withdrew it.


WOW, this totally creeps me out!! First time I read it and I have total chills about the quote below that I am copying from your post.... Eerie to say the least....!!! Thanks for posting this, Guess it is my actual reality check again in this case!! Ann :blushing::blushing:

Death lingered in the foyer, but Darlie, Mercedes noted, charged onto the scene seemingly unaware and like a bull elephant, arms akimbo, shouted, "Look at this mess! It'll cost us a fortune to fix this ****!"

"Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. I put my hands on Darlie's shoulders and said, 'Darlie, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill the boys.' She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.' I couldn't believe it."
WOW, this totally creeps me out!! First time I read it and I have total chills about the quote below that I am copying from your post.... Eerie to say the least....!!! Thanks for posting this, Guess it is my actual reality check again in this case!! Ann :blushing::blushing:

Death lingered in the foyer, but Darlie, Mercedes noted, charged onto the scene seemingly unaware and like a bull elephant, arms akimbo, shouted, "Look at this mess! It'll cost us a fortune to fix this ****!"

"Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. I put my hands on Darlie's shoulders and said, 'Darlie, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill the boys.' She looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm gonna get new carpet, new drapes, and fix this room all up.' I couldn't believe it."

Hi annkitty, good to see you.
I can see Darlie doing and saying the bold above. Narcistic people do that as I've learned from the Caylee Anthony case. Rest her little soul.
When you think about it. Would you even think about having a graveside B-Day party for a child who was murdered even if not by you? I'd be lucky to even plan to get out of bed much less plan a dead childs graveside B-Day party. IMO she planned that for herself in celebration that she was no longer saddled with them.
Sorry to be such a witch about her but it just irritates me like a horrible rash that she still lives and breaths the air her sons should have been able to enjoy.

Hi annkitty, good to see you.
I can see Darlie doing and saying the bold above. Narcistic people do that as I've learned from the Caylee Anthony case. Rest her little soul.
When you think about it. Would you even think about having a graveside B-Day party for a child who was murdered even if not by you? I'd be lucky to even plan to get out of bed much less plan a dead childs graveside B-Day party. IMO she planned that for herself in celebration that she was no longer saddled with them.
Sorry to be such a witch about her but it just irritates me like a horrible rash that she still lives and breaths the air her sons should have been able to enjoy.

Hello Wonders, Long Time No Talk, I 100% agree with your entire response. I in no way, know how can comprehend the actions that Darlie took and displayed. Personally cannot even comprehend why you would do that at your childrens grave site, however, I have always tried to air on the side that it was for Devon's B-Day and the "supposed" grave site ceremony previous to this ungodly display of silly string. I just lost my cat and possibly cried more than Darlie did over her children. I can't even walk to the back of my lot where my cat is buried without busting out in tears or look out the window to that area........ Then when that comment was posted about the carpet, etc., that in itself transformed my belief from possible innocence? to GUILT!! How unbelievably disheartening to know that a mother could be SOOOOO cold, selfish and non-grief stricken is beyond every bone in my body and every breathe I take!!! Take Care Sweetheart, good chatting Again!! Ann :sick::sick::sick::sick:
Hello Wonders, Long Time No Talk, I 100% agree with your entire response. I in no way, know how can comprehend the actions that Darlie took and displayed. Personally cannot even comprehend why you would do that at your childrens grave site, however, I have always tried to air on the side that it was for Devon's B-Day and the "supposed" grave site ceremony previous to this ungodly display of silly string. I just lost my cat and possibly cried more than Darlie did over her children. I can't even walk to the back of my lot where my cat is buried without busting out in tears or look out the window to that area........ Then when that comment was posted about the carpet, etc., that in itself transformed my belief from possible innocence? to GUILT!! How unbelievably disheartening to know that a mother could be SOOOOO cold, selfish and non-grief stricken is beyond every bone in my body and every breathe I take!!! Take Care Sweetheart, good chatting Again!! Ann :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Ya know I just don't understand why a party would be planned in any way shape or form for someone who has died. Personally it would absolutely kill me to celebrate when the child couldn't be there to enjoy it. I just don't get it.
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat annkitty, our pets seem like children to us sometimes and it does hurt so bad when we lose them. I am just so sorry for you.
Yeah your right about the carpet and whatever else she was going to do to clean up that mess (sickning). I would never be able to step back into that house again. It is just discusting. Like I said above I don't think I could plan to get out of bed much less anything else. IMO she's cold hearted and a cold blooded murderer.
Anyway annkitty do take care and just take your griveing one moment at a time. If you feel like you need to talk just pm me.
I have personal letters written from Darlie. They offer a lot of insight into her frame of mind and prison life.I am in the process of reading through the court transcripts if anyone would like to discuss this case with me.

I would be interested. what do you want to discuss?
I have personal letters written from Darlie. They offer a lot of insight into her frame of mind and prison life.I am in the process of reading through the court transcripts if anyone would like to discuss this case with me.

I too would love to be part of that discussion :)
My replies in red.

I have no doubt in my mind that Darlie is right where she belongs.
Thanks for your opinions and sharing.

Well Darlie has to blame someone for the murders, she's adament she's innocent. So her ploy to blame it on an intruder has blown up in her face so why not blame Darin?

The story of the alleged insurance scam goes like this:
1. Darin's father in law, Kee, suddenly remembers two years after the crime that Darin had told him he was thinking of having his home burgled for insurance money.
2. The Keys go to the defence attorneys and spill this story in time for Darlie's appeal.
3. Darin signs an affidavit he was actively searching for someone to burgle his home for insurance money. It was supposed to go down when his family was away.
4. Investigators could find nothing or no one who knew anything about Darin's alleged plan. No phone calls, no emails etc. No one in the office complex he worked in had never heard him say anything, friends. etc.
5. The judge denied this appeal based on the trial testimony of the both Routiers that they had no money problems or marital problems at the time of the murders.

One fact remains: there never would have been a "Silly String Tape" if Darlie had not invited the press. If there was this long service I am quite sure some of it would have been captured by the press who at that time beleived that Darlie was a grieving mother. If the jury looked at that tape 20 times I would say they were looking for something anything to find some grief in Darlie.

As for why Darlie did it we will never know. So much speculation about lifestyle, rage at Darin, or she did not want to be bothered. But has anyone thought of the fact that if it is true that she asked for a seperation from Darin that the thought would have entered her head that she would be a single mom with three kids. Do you know how hard it is to party and date when you constantly have to find babysitters for the kids, much less a man who is willing to date someone with that much baggage? Plus she would have to work and support herself as well. Pretty overwhelming for someone who married right out of high school and had never been in the real world like that before. Kids become a real hinderance.

ITA hangman. It's typical how they've managed to change Darlie's gross booboo at the graveside with the interviewer of the news crew she herself invited to that grave to film the party. Why didn't she get them to film the prayer service held before the SS party? it's typical of a defendant who has nothing to prove innocence, they've turned this on the state and blamed them for Darlie's public gaff.

I agree too she wouldn't want to be saddled with the kids when she is single...she needs to find a rich man to keep her in style like Darin did. Of course she could leave the kids with Darin, that's the most logical thing to do eh? But she wasn't logical at that time so she acts. You know a specialist would say that when the child or children are killed by their mother, it's because she perceives them in her way of something she wants.
Hello Wonders, Long Time No Talk, I 100% agree with your entire response. I in no way, know how can comprehend the actions that Darlie took and displayed. Personally cannot even comprehend why you would do that at your childrens grave site, however, I have always tried to air on the side that it was for Devon's B-Day and the "supposed" grave site ceremony previous to this ungodly display of silly string. I just lost my cat and possibly cried more than Darlie did over her children. I can't even walk to the back of my lot where my cat is buried without busting out in tears or look out the window to that area........ Then when that comment was posted about the carpet, etc., that in itself transformed my belief from possible innocence? to GUILT!! How unbelievably disheartening to know that a mother could be SOOOOO cold, selfish and non-grief stricken is beyond every bone in my body and every breathe I take!!! Take Care Sweetheart, good chatting Again!! Ann :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Oh Annie sorry to hear about your kitty. I have two cats and they are my little loves..both bad as can be, LOL
I haven't written to her in a few years. Altogether, I wrote to her only three times and she wrote back every time. She asked for me to order her stationary because she isn't allowed to receive anything from the public and has to purchase everything from the commissary.

I am not sure what to think on her guilt or innocence. There seems to be a lot of information I need to catch up on. The funny thing about her letters, she talks about her family and her boys, her mother and remaining son, but never mentions her husband once. She did say he had unidentified DNA on his pants the night of the murders. I will have to dig out the letters and re-read them. Too bad we can't scan them and put them on the forum.

I waver back and forth on her part in the murders. I staunchly stood by and supported her after seeing the story and hearing about all the mistakes made during the trial, seeing the bruises and the wound to her neck. However, it is hard to reconcile the fact that her wounds were completely different from the wounds her sons received and nothing was stolen from the home. Did I hear a rumor that her husband had previously tried to pay someone to rob their home for an insurance scam? Maybe that had something to do with it. I really need to refresh my memory on this case before I make a judgement call.

Does she talk about her case at all? What did she say about her mother. I believe there are or were real conflicts there due to Darlie's childhood. Her mother openly states she was a bad mother and that Darlie raised her two younger sisters whilst her mother was out at night..either working or partying.
If anyone is interested , send me a private message and I can scan the letters and send them to you by email if you would like to read them. Otherwise, I can just type out what she says for all to read. What does anyone prefer ?
If anyone is interested , send me a private message and I can scan the letters and send them to you by email if you would like to read them. Otherwise, I can just type out what she says for all to read. What does anyone prefer ?

I sent you a pm for the scans.


Joyeux Noel/Merry Christmas
I sent you a pm for the scans.


Joyeux Noel/Merry Christmas

I did too cami. She said she would try to get them sent this weekend :~)
I remember seeing a show on this case a few years back and was very much on the fence about her guilt or innocence,having read thru the postings I am tending to lean towards her guilt.Such beautiful little boys,what was going thru her mind as she was wielding that knife,how can any mother murder their children?Heartbreaking and just down right EVIL.
I'm a little late in adding my opinion but I think she is guilty.

I have been following this case for a while now and to begin with I thought she was guilty but after visiting her supporter sites I began to believe the intruder story. However after stalking this site and also reading the transcripts and looking at the crime scene photos I now absolutely believe that Darlie is guilty, and after seeing the crime scene photos of her little boys bodies I look forward to the day she is executed.

I have researched other cases and seen many crime scene photos but those photos broke my heart and have stuck with me. I cannot begin to imagine how frightened those boys must have been and the confussion and shock they felt when they realised it was their mommie.
They both wanted to see if they could get away with it. They had help though. Which is why the screen was cut, to get rid of evidence. The vacuum contained the glass fragments, which were placed on the floor. The fingerprints were a rubber finger dipped in blood for misdirection. Darin would never stop to fumble for his glasses, waking from sleep, to aide his family. And would naturally want to pursue anyone who hurt his own. The child who wouldn't die was attacked three different times. The last out of desperation by Darlie, who couldn't believe Darin failed twice. Blood on Darlie's back from Darin, who stabbed kids, then sliced Darlie from behind. Sock left by neighbor for misdirection, leaving scene with evidence in plastic trash bag. Affidavitt claimed glass from wine glass couldn't be staged. Only if vacuum was checked, that contained glass vacuumed earlier when wine glass was broken where it was. Routier's only vacuumed floor, left area where wine glass stored undisturbed, knowing children wouldn't contaminate adult area. Both love each other. Counting on public, and proud justice system to create doubt. Both knew police would look for one. Both acted suspicous. Police don't seem to want to pursue both, knowing he or she will take full responsibility. Finding third party and pressuring them will lead to the truth coming to light. Possible motive for third party??? Maybe increased property value to home from publicity. Maybe old favor, small town.
I just wanted to say I am sorry for the delay in the Darlie letter scans. I have been so overwhelmed with the hoidays, sick children and now a death in the family. I will try to do them tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.....
Scans sent to everyone that requested them, except for Cami... (so sorry) . I was in a hurry to copy down the email addresses and I can't read yours. I tried to send one but it came back to me. I sent you a pm but can you please re-send your email to me please.
Thank you for sending the scan parasyte and sorry about all the hardship in your personal life.
I never believed Darlie to be guilty and I posted here probably about a couple of years ago and haven't thought too much about the case after that.After receiving the scan ,still fully believing in her innocence ,I started reading about the case again.Back then I pretty much only read the transcripts and while it convinced others of her guilt it did the opposite to me,I don't think she had a fair trial by a long shot.
So now I was reading things I never read before,like the poems she wrote about the boys and more about D & D's past.....I am starting to think she could be guilty.
I now see a woman in a relationship that was so completely superficial,completely based on his physical attraction to her ( I did not know about the abortion-boob exchange) and her having only that to have control in that sad relationship.
I think in a way now in prison she has more of a chance to find value inside of her then she ever had outside.Maybe that's god's perfect plan she talks about in the poem?
Even if she is guilty I will never buy that Darin was upstairs sleeping throughout all of this.I now believe there was a hell of a fight between them and either Darlie or Darin killed the children while this was going on.
I can never forget how angry she is at Darin during the 911 call.
I always thought she looks completely out of it during the "silly string" episode,it looks like a stone cold act to me,she almost seems to try to make him suffer by looking "happy" and he looks stunned.
Anyways I believe whether or not she's guilty she needs a new trial,I think it's ridiculous to have someone on death row when there is at least one more person of interest that has not even been looked at.
Thank you for sending the scan parasyte and sorry about all the hardship in your personal life.
I never believed Darlie to be guilty and I posted here probably about a couple of years ago and haven't thought too much about the case after that.After receiving the scan ,still fully believing in her innocence ,I started reading about the case again.Back then I pretty much only read the transcripts and while it convinced others of her guilt it did the opposite to me,I don't think she had a fair trial by a long shot.
So now I was reading things I never read before,like the poems she wrote about the boys and more about D & D's past.....I am starting to think she could be guilty.
I now see a woman in a relationship that was so completely superficial,completely based on his physical attraction to her ( I did not know about the abortion-boob exchange) and her having only that to have control in that sad relationship.
I think in a way now in prison she has more of a chance to find value inside of her then she ever had outside.Maybe that's god's perfect plan she talks about in the poem?
Even if she is guilty I will never buy that Darin was upstairs sleeping throughout all of this.I now believe there was a hell of a fight between them and either Darlie or Darin killed the children while this was going on.
I can never forget how angry she is at Darin during the 911 call.
I always thought she looks completely out of it during the "silly string" episode,it looks like a stone cold act to me,she almost seems to try to make him suffer by looking "happy" and he looks stunned.
Anyways I believe whether or not she's guilty she needs a new trial,I think it's ridiculous to have someone on death row when there is at least one more person of interest that has not even been looked at.

bbm, I dont know either? what abortion-boob exchange?

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