Did JonBenet Have A Nosebleed The Night She Died?

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DNA Solves
Occasionally I will read a few pages to see if anything new has popped up in this case.

It was a surprise to see a few pages back where it is stated there is a wearhouse of evidence to go through. What in the world are they waiting for? Twenty years and they haven't found time yet?

It sounds to me like LE knows they will find proof of the actual murderer in the evidence and they don't want to find it so they don't have to announce who did it! It's not logical, but then nothing has been logical in solving this murder!

How long is evidence kept? John is probably in his eighties, and won't live another ten years if LE thinks he was the murderer. However, if it was BR, he is a young man and there are many more years to keep the evidence until his passing of old age.

Just my personal thought, was there a one-time payoff or is it a continual payoff by JR to higher ups to keep this evidence stored without being checked? This is not a normal occurrence!
Occasionally I will read a few pages to see if anything new has popped up in this case.

It was a surprise to see a few pages back where it is stated there is a wearhouse of evidence to go through. What in the world are they waiting for? Twenty years and they haven't found time yet?

It sounds to me like LE knows they will find proof of the actual murderer in the evidence and they don't want to find it so they don't have to announce who did it! It's not logical, but then nothing has been logical in solving this murder!

How long is evidence kept? John is probably in his eighties, and won't live another ten years if LE thinks he was the murderer. However, if it was BR, he is a young man and there are many more years to keep the evidence until his passing of old age.

Just my personal thought, was there a one-time payoff or is it a continual payoff by JR to higher ups to keep this evidence stored without being checked? This is not a normal occurrence!

Nobody will ever be charged in this case, particularly a Ramsey, most of the minor statutes have long ran out, so the case is really just feeding time for the media.

The evidence will eventually be incinerated by some contracted out service way into the future.

According to the pathologists the head wound was inflicted post-mortem. I'm wondering if a blow to the head after the victim is deceased would cause bleeding from the ears or nose? Not arguing against the fact that head injuries cause bleeding, but the body reacts differently after death. It was said that there was only about 7cc of blood in the skull, so in reality the head injury caused very little bleeding despite it's large size (hence why the injury is believed to be post-mortem and that she died due to strangulation).

JonBenet died via hypoxia caused by the injury to her brain and the ligature asphyxiation. She was not dead if she was still bleeding,

The conventionally assumed sequence is Sexual Assault, Head Blow, then Ligature Asphyxiation?

There was blood on JonBenet's bedroom pillow, it belonged to her. so it's likely that her bedroom is the Primary Crime-Scene.

According to the pathologists the head wound was inflicted post-mortem. I'm wondering if a blow to the head after the victim is deceased would cause bleeding from the ears or nose? Not arguing against the fact that head injuries cause bleeding, but the body reacts differently after death. It was said that there was only about 7cc of blood in the skull, so in reality the head injury caused very little bleeding despite it's large size (hence why the injury is believed to be post-mortem and that she died due to strangulation).

Actually, they said that it was pre-mortem by anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
According to the pathologists the head wound was inflicted post-mortem.
Sorry to be so harsh on your first post, kkoshak, but that is patently wrong.

I'm wondering if a blow to the head after the victim is deceased would cause bleeding from the ears or nose?
"Bleeding" is an in vivo response. However, because the pressure in the circulatory system, seepage from an open would can continue post mortem. JonBenet didn't bleed from her nose or ears. There was seepage from her nostrils -- most likely cerebrospinal fluid tinged with blood.

Not arguing against the fact that head injuries cause bleeding, but the body reacts differently after death.
Absolutely correct.

It was said that there was only about 7cc of blood in the skull, so in reality the head injury caused very little bleeding despite it's large size (hence why the injury is believed to be post-mortem and that she died due to strangulation).
"(O)nly about 7cc of blood" is a misconception. That is the only area of bleeding that the Medical Examiner quantified. He described much more bleeding than that.

More explanation here:
Like most longtime posters, over the years I've become more and less active depending on what was going on in RL at the time. During my recent less active period, there were some early reports released as a result of a FOIA Request. I hadn't taken the time to read them all. Some of them dispute a few misconceptions we've formed over the years. I encourage all who are interested in the truth to take the time to read them.

One such misconception is about there being blood on JonBenet's pillow. This incorrect assumption is based on the questioning of Patsy by Haney and DeMuth. If you read the first post in this thread, you can see how that was inferred when Haney questions Patsy about how often the sheets and pillowcase were changed, and then DeMuth jumps to the questions about whether or not JonBenet had nosebleeds. Since we read those interviews, we've accepted as a fact that there was blood on her pillow. I even questioned Chief Kolar in his last AMA about the amount of blood. Here is the exchange:

Me: Because of a line of questioning in one of Patsy Ramsey’s police interviews, there is speculation about blood on JonBenet’s pillow. Is this just a small smear (like from wiping her nose), or is there an actual blood stain as might be expected from some type of injury?

Kolar: My apologies, but in some instances it has been years since I reviewed information about specific topics or evidence and my memory is a little vague in some areas. With that qualifier, it is my recollection that any blood observed on her pillow was minimal and not attributable to an ‘injury.’

For sake of clarification, the only bleeding sustained from an injury was due to the vaginal intrusion. The blow to JBR’s head did not break the scalp and there was no exterior bleeding from that wound. Further, the coroner made no mention of an injury to her nose, or nasal bleeding. Draw your own conclusions.​

All of this is to set up telling you that there was NO BLOOD found on JonBenet's pillow or pillowcase. None, nada, zilch. They did find saliva and urine. So any theory based on there being blood on her pillow is wrong.

Here is the lab report:


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