Did Jurors Talk About Case during Trial Against Judge's Orders?

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Did the Jurors Discuss This Case During Trial Against Judge's Orders?

  • Yes

    Votes: 669 93.2%
  • No

    Votes: 49 6.8%

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I thought the jury decided what they did because they saw Jeff Ashton openly laughing at he Defense Teams arguement.

Sure they did. They saw JB scoffing at and disobeying HHJP's orders so why shouldn't they?
The question about the sticker was the first tip off. I know that each individual juror can tell the bailiff that they need to send a note to the Judge but I never heard anything that sounded as if that was the case. "Jurors" had a question. Not " I have received a note from A juror...." When I heard it my reaction was shock and I immediately assumed that the case was over and there would be a mistrial.
I remember also hearing as I was watching the coverage, that one juror leaned over to another and whispered something. That was not permissible either but I've heard not word of follow up.
The initial count was 6/6 but it only took 11 hours to whittle away at SIX people to get them on board with acquittal? I think the brevity of deliberations was because they had already discussed it and those six were just hanging loosely on the fence.I think they also discussed their cash cow coming up, they were ready to book on out of Dodge.
Isn't anyone else AMAZED that there was not one jury issue throughout this trial? Even very short trials in very small towns have their percentage of issues such as juror misconduct, talking out of turn, etc. I just smell a rat on a bunch of levels. JP was too much worried about this jury. They were there to do a duty. The clock is the clock. I understand the desire to keep things fairly moving but there was a push to seat the jury and they ended up with a bad bunch.
All I needed to know was how they didn't have the integrity to stand up for the verdict for free, in the media room. They went home and waited for the offers to come rolling in.
I believe in the Constitution of the United States and I support our current system but I definitely think it's time we look at it.

This is my opinion and my opinion only. I welcome views and opinions of all and every side of the issues. Respecting you shows that I respect myself :)
I thought the jury decided what they did because they saw Jeff Ashton openly laughing at he Defense Teams arguement.

They had a clearer view of CM who when you go back and look at the videos was laughing quite a bit during the State's case. He also got caught making faces and BS reported CM gave JA the finger.

I understand CM's passion for dropping the death penalty. I do not think the State ever expected KC to get the DP. It was probably not the best decision for the State to keep it. If you think about it though KC was in a fight for her life and she took it right down to the wire. If she felt that strongly that she was innocent why would she not have told the "truth" about the drowning before Caylee's body was found. This makes no sense. Another thing that was interesting that CM said. Her story has never changed, KC has been consistent from the time he joined the team. But which story is he talking about because KC never testified to the drowning so we do not know if the story is true or not. jmo
The question about the sticker was the first tip off. I know that each individual juror can tell the bailiff that they need to send a note to the Judge but I never heard anything that sounded as if that was the case. "Jurors" had a question. Not " I have received a note from A juror...." When I heard it my reaction was shock and I immediately assumed that the case was over and there would be a mistrial.
I remember also hearing as I was watching the coverage, that one juror leaned over to another and whispered something. That was not permissible either but I've heard not word of follow up.
The initial count was 6/6 but it only took 11 hours to whittle away at SIX people to get them on board with acquittal? I think the brevity of deliberations was because they had already discussed it and those six were just hanging loosely on the fence.I think they also discussed their cash cow coming up, they were ready to book on out of Dodge.
Isn't anyone else AMAZED that there was not one jury issue throughout this trial? Even very short trials in very small towns have their percentage of issues such as juror misconduct, talking out of turn, etc. I just smell a rat on a bunch of levels. JP was too much worried about this jury. They were there to do a duty. The clock is the clock. I understand the desire to keep things fairly moving but there was a push to seat the jury and they ended up with a bad bunch.
All I needed to know was how they didn't have the integrity to stand up for the verdict for free, in the media room. They went home and waited for the offers to come rolling in.
I believe in the Constitution of the United States and I support our current system but I definitely think it's time we look at it.

This is my opinion and my opinion only. I welcome views and opinions of all and every side of the issues. Respecting you shows that I respect myself :)

You bring up some very valid points. Another thing that set my hinky meter off. They wanted to work Memorial Day. I could not get over that.
for that to work here would mean Casey had to have bribed the jurors. Highly unlikely.

I'm not so sure. What about the Aleman case? Aleman murdered a teamster named Billy Logan in Chicago. The Prosecutors had a very strong case including 2 eye witnesses. Aleman offered a bribe to the Judge and in return the Judge found Aleman not guilty. Sixteen years later, the truth about the bribe was exposed. Aleman was re-indicted for the murder of Logan and found guilty. Aleman's re-trial and subsequent conviction are historic as he was the first American to be retried for murder following a fraudulent first trial.
Yes, 2 specific examples I can think of:
1) During the trial, the jurors requested to view a photograph again. If they'd not discussed it, how did they collectively make that request?

2) One of the alternates when interviewed stated that "The seventeen of us (jurors and alternates) believed it could have been an accident." As he was not part of deliberations, how does he know this?
Yup, I heard a judge saying it is VERY unusual to have a jury NOT have questions for the judge on the charges during deliberations, and he'd never seen a murder one trial that didn't have any questions from the jurors.
Also, during the trial some spectators said one juror looked at the other and mouthed "WOW" during one testimony. Clearly they were discussing it. I think the article that discussed the bonding mentality of jurors (was it marcia clark's article?) was right on the money..
You bring up some very valid points. Another thing that set my hinky meter off. They wanted to work Memorial Day. I could not get over that.

I will admit I am a bit naive, and I blew off the little things as they were happening by giving them the benefit of the doubt. Now when I look back, I see that they were red flags. (the sticker request, all the special food requests)

However, this is the first time I am seeing the Memorial Day request mentioned, and I wonder why you felt that was suspect, LambChop? :)
I have a question. I haven't seen it asked on this thread, but if it has been, apologies. IMO, it seems as though these jurors DID discuss this case before deliberations. However, how did they manage to get away with it? Wasn't there a deputy watching them at all times? IF so, could there be a corrupt or negligent deputy that didn't bother to report these people were discussing the case when they weren't supposed to be doing so? Just wondering what you guys think.
I have a question. I haven't seen it asked on this thread, but if it has been, apologies. IMO, it seems as though these jurors DID discuss this case before deliberations. However, how did they manage to get away with it? Wasn't there a deputy watching them at all times? IF so, could there be a corrupt or negligent deputy that didn't bother to report these people were discussing the case when they weren't supposed to be doing so? Just wondering what you guys think.

I imagine its possible, but without any details whose to say.When more jurors talk and I believe they will,we will have a better picture.
I thought about this long and hard today. My answer is still yes, the jurors talked. I said yes because of 2 reasons--
The jurors took almost no notes.
The jurors let a killer walk out.
I imagine its possible, but without any details whose to say.When more jurors talk and I believe they will,we will have a better picture.

Thank you, Ranch. I'll be glad when we have a better picture of what happened!
How can you say the system work when you know it let a killer go free?
That blows my mind. How can you say the jurors did their jobs when they overlooked so much of the evidence? How can a juror say she didn't want to speculate but yet say she thought George had something to do with it?

That's why none of the that relates to the verdict makes sense. The jurors had to discuss this case either before or during trial.

Is there any possibility the DT-by way of a third party- bribed the jurors :banghead::waitasec: ?

I feel like the jurors had way more concern for ica than they did Caylee.
How come JP continued to warn everyone about their reactions to this and that, but said nothing to Casey or her young female attorney, about all the feel sorry for me faces Casey and that female attorney were making! Casey, the fake whimpering and shaking her head no. The attorney, oh poor Casey it will be ok looks! This whole thing makes me sick.

Need to add that this was aimed at that Jury.
Did the defense have names and addresses of the potential jury?
Wonder if they could have heard a not guilty would make them some money.
They all did go home to prepare for their stay in Orlando.
I have felt suspicious of the outburst and the finger guy. That could have caused a mistrial. I had a thought maybe someone was going for mistrial. As it was the outburst lady caused a whole group of potential jury to be relieved.
As the attorneys rested I thought oh my gosh there is so much to go through and as anxious as I was to hear the verdict I didn't expect it for at least 4 days because there was so much I thought the jury would need to revisit.
It would have been at least one more week for the jury to hear the penalty fase right?
Maybe time was of the essence for all of them. 11 hours too quick. IMO
For not wanting to speculate they must have done alot of it to come to this conclusion
Did the defense have names and addresses of the potential jury?
Wonder if they could have heard a not guilty would make them some money.
They all did go home to prepare for their stay in Orlando.
I have felt suspicious of the outburst and the finger guy. That could have caused a mistrial. I had a thought maybe someone was going for mistrial. As it was the outburst lady caused a whole group of potential jury to be relieved.
As the attorneys rested I thought oh my gosh there is so much to go through and as anxious as I was to hear the verdict I didn't expect it for at least 4 days because there was so much I thought the jury would need to revisit.
It would have been at least one more week for the jury to hear the penalty fase right?
Maybe time was of the essence for all of them. 11 hours too quick. IMO
For not wanting to speculate they must have done alot of it to come to this conclusion

BBM. The outburst lady only caused ONE potential juror to be dismissed. The group of 50 that were dismissed, were done so because a lady that the defense had on their witness list had been called for jury duty, and she ran her mouth about the case to the group of potential jurors.
BBM. The outburst lady only caused ONE potential juror to be dismissed. The group of 50 that were dismissed, were done so because a lady that the defense had on their witness list had been called for jury duty, and she ran her mouth about the case to the group of potential jurors.

what was her name?
Everyone does realize it was the Defense Team that originally brought up the idea the jury had been talking, and asked for a mistrial at that time and were denied.
I've been a juror on a murder trial and it was all circumstantial evidence. We questioned not only the Juror instructions and how to apply them to each individual piece of evidence, but also had many questions about "reasonable doubt". I know that I and several other jurors even asked questions of the Judge during the proceedings, we were allowed to do so and our questions were given to him by note when we had a break. We found the defendant guilty and then found out that this was his second trial, the first had resulted in a hung jury. I don't understand how this jury could so easily understand and apply the juror instructions without question. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence and it appears that they dismissed all of it without question.
Of course they talked during the trial, but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters now, the baby killer is free in a few days.

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