Did Morphey know what he was involved in?

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May 12, 2007
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It is my opinion that Morphey knew what he was involved in:

If Morphey wasn't part of this plot, why did Drew give him the phone to hold? If he wasn't involved, wouldn't Drew just put his phone on silent, hide it in a cabinet, then go make the call?

If Morphey did know, Drew would make him a further accessory to the crime, therefore, giving him more blackmail ammo to keep him quite.

Why else is Morphey not coming forward with more info? Why is he having "memory lapses" about the time frame around the barrel moving?
It is my opinion that Morphey knew what he was involved in:

If Morphey wasn't part of this plot, why did Drew give him the phone to hold? If he wasn't involved, wouldn't Drew just put his phone on silent, hide it in a cabinet, then go make the call?

If Morphey did know, Drew would make him a further accessory to the crime, therefore, giving him more blackmail ammo to keep him quite.

Why else is Morphey not coming forward with more info? Why is he having "memory lapses" about the time frame around the barrel moving?

I think Drew - because of his experience, not his intelligence - is smarter than to give Morphey a phone and tell him not to answer it if it rings. As you said, why not just put it on silent, then hide it.
Not defending Drew, but IMO Morphey is not reliable.

We keep hearing ideas about a blue barrel and a blue rectangular container. Which was it? I have doubts about either one containing Stacy because it is common knowledge that the more people you involve in a crime, the greater the odds of being caught. DP knows this basic. If DP did this crime, I think he acted alone. Either the barrel is a ruse, or the neighbor was mistaken.
It is my opinion that Morphey knew what he was involved in:

If Morphey wasn't part of this plot, why did Drew give him the phone to hold? If he wasn't involved, wouldn't Drew just put his phone on silent, hide it in a cabinet, then go make the call?

If Morphey did know, Drew would make him a further accessory to the crime, therefore, giving him more blackmail ammo to keep him quite.

Why else is Morphey not coming forward with more info? Why is he having "memory lapses" about the time frame around the barrel moving?

I agree completely, CO. I believe that DP involved Morphey because knowing his history, I think DP thought that LE wouldn't view him as credible, if he were to turn over evidence.

Another poster on here, TGIRecovered, said yesterday that she suspected that DP might have actually poisioned Morphey, which I have a tendency to agree with her theory......DP gave Morphey a bottle of his favorite beverage, with the anti-depressants laced in it.
I think Morphey knew. But I think after he participated it hit him what he had done and he got scared. I think he called the friend and told him what he was afraid of, in order to try to promote the idea that he had been unwillingly duped into telling.

If you were asked to move a barrel out of a bedroom, wouldn't you ask what was in the barrel?
If you were given a phone to hold and told not to answer, wouldn't you wonder what was happening? And wouldn't you be less comfortable with moving that barrel?
I agree completely, CO. I believe that DP involved Morphey because knowing his history, I think DP thought that LE wouldn't view him as credible, if he were to turn over evidence.

Another poster on here, TGIRecovered, said yesterday that she suspected that DP might have actually poisioned Morphey, which I have a tendency to agree with her theory......DP gave Morphey a bottle of his favorite beverage, with the anti-depressants laced in it.

If DP gave Morphey a bottle, wouldn't Morphey have given this info to LE? They would have been all over DP about this by now.
If DP gave Morphey a bottle, wouldn't Morphey have given this info to LE? They would have been all over DP about this by now.

I wasn't saying that DP gave anything to anyone. All I was saying was that was another's posters theory and I think that the theory is entirely plausible, given what we know about DP's character.
This post from Chitown makes me think that Thomas Morphy did know what was going on.

Today, 08:16 AM
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This is why I question how much does Tom Morphy really know. Last night Chitown posted the below comment and I and yet I don't think the Suntimes mentions it. Very very chilling, IMO.

Yesterday, 09:30 PM
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I saw the NBC 5 report and tomorrow's front page of the Sun-Times, in big, bold, letters will state " STACY TOLD CLERGY DREW KILLED KATHY".

Also on this report, "according to sources", Stacy told Drew a few days before she went missing she wanted him out of the house by next weekend. Drew then called his step brother and said he needs to "dispose of the problem".

Chilling report and I feel the walls are closing in on Him now.

If DP gave Morphey a bottle, wouldn't Morphey have given this info to LE? They would have been all over DP about this by now.

Now remember, Morphy is having "memory lapes".
Drew had just been told by Stacy that he had to be out of their home by Wednesday. She likely used the fact that she knew he had killed his previous wife as leverage, otherwise, why would Stacy be so bold? Stacy must have threatened to tell, and that got her killed. She knew he was dangerous and a control freak. Stacy knew that without some kind of powerful threat looming over his head, Drew would laugh at the thought of leaving "his",( not "their's") in his mind, own home.

Having just experienced this betrayal by Stacy threatening to go to the police with what she knew if he did not leave, I don't believe Drew would have considered risking letting anyone in on his little secret that Stacy was dead. Why would he trust a substance abuser? I speak from experience, I am a recovered alcoholic. If I were still drinking (thank God I'm not!) I could never be sure WHAT I might tell if I were drunk out of my mind.

Drew is a cop. He ran a bar. He worked undercover drugs. Drew knew Thomas had a drinking problem. How many drunks, maybe even Thomas himself, have spilled their guts to him and not remembered it the next day? How many times has Drew purposefully gotten someone drunk or high just to get them to talk?

Drew would be a fool to let Thomas know he killed Stacy; unless he had reason to believe Thomas would no longer be around to talk after they were through disposing of the body.

Thomas was probably very suspicious when Drew left him with the phone. Leaving it in a cabinet in a coffee shop would risk getting it stolen or worse, turned in to police by a good samaritan. Drew wanted to "receive" the call in a public place where he had been seen.

When the caller ID read "Stacy", Thomas would have been more suspicious, but I think if Drew had told him what was up before they actually moved the barrell he would be risking Thomas backing out... not a chance Drew could take.

I think the only way Drew would have let Thomas know what was in the barrell is if Drew somehow engineered a plan to help Thomas committ suicide," Drew Peterson-stlye".

I believe Thomas was suspicious, but did not realize what deep poop he was in until he felt the warm barrell. That is why he remembers the warmth so clearly. It was his moment of realization that he was in deep with a killer.

Okay - How would anyone know the conversation between Drew and stepbrother? Did stepbrother confess to the conversation? I do not believe that Drew would tell anyone. He thinks that he is clever. He probably offered the step-brother some prescription narcotics for his help.

Also, there is no way that I believe that Stacy would threaten Drew with exposing his involvement in Kathleen's death. That would be signing her own death warrant. If it were I, that would be the last thing that I would do--threaten a murderer!
Drew picked Morphey because of his dyfunctionality. He knew that he wouldn't be a credible witness.

That is my thinking, too, in regards of the possiblity that this person was brought in on the act, knowing or unknowingly, of disposing of Stacey.
I don't think Thomas did know what he was involved in until the next day when the news reports said Stacy was missing.
Drew placed him in the coffee shop with the phone not only for the pings to be accurate, but to seal Thomas's cooperation..meaning Thomas would then know he was part of somethin bad, there were witnesses in the coffee shop to them both being there, and that if Thomas went to the police later, Thomas would think he was in trouble also..so he would keep his mouth shut.
Drew thought wrong both about Thomas and the police. And although Drew's lawyer can discredit Thomas' mental health..he is an attorney not a doctor..so therefore Drew's attorney's opinion of Thomas is worthless.
If the police thought Thomas was unreliable they certainly would not have declared Stacy a possible murder vic so early on..this would coincide with Thomas having spoken with police while in the hospital.
While I agree that the idea that Drew P might have thought of giving Morphey an overdose, I don't think he did. Because it didn't kill him. If he hadn't voluntarily taken the OD, then that would have come out when he got to the hospital. If he hadn't taken it voluntarily, then when he got to the hospital and they told him he had overdosed, I think at that point he would have been calling LE and pointing at Drew P as his source for whatever it was that he drank.
I don't think that Stacy ever knew for sure what happened to Kathleen until probably drunk and in an agrument Drew may have said I can do the same to yu as I did to Kathy. Then that may have been confided in to a clergyman, Cassandra, Sharon..but I don't think she would have let on to Drew that she understood what he said or was going to do anything about it..that would have been suicide when you are dealing with someone like Drew.
I know I keep harping on this issue, but IMHO Morphey becomes extremely credible if it can be proven that he discussed the blue barrel and fears of assisting Drew "get rid of his problem" i.e., Stacy PRIOR to Cassandra reporting Stacy missing.

Regardless of his alcoholic-drugged-out mental-institution status, if he had such a discussion with a friend or his wife BEFORE Stacy was reported missing or BEFORE there was any release of information ... proves he's telling the truth.
Okay - How would anyone know the conversation between Drew and stepbrother? Did stepbrother confess to the conversation? I do not believe that Drew would tell anyone. He thinks that he is clever. He probably offered the step-brother some prescription narcotics for his help.

Also, there is no way that I believe that Stacy would threaten Drew with exposing his involvement in Kathleen's death. That would be signing her own death warrant. If it were I, that would be the last thing that I would do--threaten a murderer!

This is what hung up Drews plan. Drew didn't plan for Tom to confess to a friend as to what just happened with the phone and container. Drew also never planned for this friend to contact LE on 10-30. The friends phone call is what led LE to Tom. Since Tom suddenly started having "memory lapses" it doesn't appear that Tom has ever admitted to anything with LE.
I think that Thomas did OD on his own ..it may have just been an accidental OD or sucide..however I am glad he did because that really got the ball rolling it seems..because about the time he would have been in the hospital telling what he knew, the police were declaring Stacy possible murder vic.
I know I keep harping on this issue, but IMHO Morphey becomes extremely credible if it can be proven that he discussed the blue barrel and fears of assisting Drew "get rid of his problem" i.e., Stacy PRIOR to Cassandra reporting Stacy missing.

Regardless of his alcoholic-drugged-out mental-institution status, if he had such a discussion with a friend or his wife BEFORE Stacy was reported missing or BEFORE there was any release of information ... proves he's telling the truth.

That's the beauty of the Tom's confession to the friend. It did happen before Cassandra reported Stacy went missing. In fact it happened as soon as Tom got home around 11PM on 10-28.
I think Thomas has admitted much to LE and the memory lapses talked about may not even exist..meaning all of this Thomas story is supposedly a leak....so to put more pressure on Drew I can see them saying Thomas didn't supply as much info as he may have to the police. As far as him not being home..I think he is in a safe house now....Drew has too many friends in low places to leave Thomas out and about.

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