Did Susan Powell's father-in-law have a "crush" on her?

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Hi. Long time lurker. Please forgive me if I am repeating anything that was already mentioned. Has anyone looked at S P's (aka Steven Chantry's) website? It is very creepy!

I read his bio and apparently, he said when he was a little boy, his father (unbeknownst) to his mother "decided" to separate from her. When the mother was visiting relatives he transported their trailer to a different location without telling her. When he asked his grandma where mama was?, she told him he would never see her again! Wow! That is truly mean. No wonder this guy is messed up in the head (no excuse for doing deviant things imho though).

He posted the lyrics to the first song he wrote when he was a child and had just experienced this. Does anyone see any symbolism here?

Cigars, cigars,
Someone stole my cigars,
So I called the cops
To get my cigars.
The cops finally came.
The darned thing happened again,
So I called the cops
To get my cigars.

I am definitely not a therapist, or psychologist, but I think the cigars are a symbol meaning his "mother" or "sense of well being" and the "cops" were the grandparents/father. "Someone stole my cigars" means someone stole his "innocence/safety/mother".

"The "cops", like parents or grandparents are supposed to be our protectors. By having to call the cops over and over again with no help, it probably symbolizes that he couldn't feel safe and trust his so called "protectors/family members".

With a warped view of life like that, his self esteem and emotional health probably took a beating. He also probably had abandonment issues which when he evolved into an adult led him to want to be in control of others and to make them dependent on him so they couldn't abandon him.

When SP rebuked his advances, it probably sent him into a frenzy. He probably felt out of control, anger, less of a man, etc... He most likely felt the same sort of abandonment and low self esteem issues from childhood come to the surface. The more she rebuked him, the more obsessed he had become with her. What he couldn't control, he had to have even more.

What happened next only one could guess. She had his number and didn't fall for his manipulations and perverted sexual innuendos. She may have been finally ready to leave JP. JP and SP may have panicked because she knew too much nauseating details about SP and JP that would come out in divorce court. This probably made them have a need to "get rid of her".

This case is truly erie and sick. All I know is if one of my daughter's were victimized by him or anyone, I would want to beat the gulity party/parties to a bloody pulp. I wouldn't rest unless there was justice.

I think her family are real class acts! They are much bigger people than me.
Steven Powell is a dishonest man. his writings should be looked upon with great suspicion. It is advantageous for him to paint a tragic childhood as it at gains sympathy and justifies his sins. This is not to say his childhood was without at the least emotional abuse, particularly from the mother as a young child. Abandonment by her does make sense. I suspect some invented drama however, such as the grandmother remark. MOO.
I can vouch for Tricia's sources being completely reliable on this. The word "crush" is an understatement, but I realize Tricia is respecting the sources, and unable to elaborate at this time. I do hope that will change in the near future.

There is no much we don't know, but one question I contually ask is this:
Who would Josh (the sociopath) protect besides his two sons: His father.

I think even without sources it has been validated with Steven Powells own words

Steven Powell said he had a flirtatious relationship with his daughter-in-law and believed they were in love.

"Susan was very sexual with me," Steve Powell told a national television news show. "We interacted in a lot of sexual ways because Susan enjoys doing that."

The man is delusional
Hi Everyone,

Look, I know we needed to let off steam after Steven's arrest and that's why we've been letting a few off topic things go but how about we get back to just the facts and leave the descriptions of how people look and such out of it.


I just read it. OMGosh. I don't even know what to say about this FIL without having to give myself a time out.
I just read it. OMGosh. I don't even know what to say about this FIL without having to give myself a time out.

I know Kimster. The only decent thing I can say is that he gives me the skeeves. If I say anything else, I'll be on "vacation."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is this guy thinking? Seriously, I agree with the poster that said he's delusional....

If my FIL ever acted that way toward me, well, let's just say I'd be looking for places to hide him....
Interview with Susan's friend, JoVonna.

Friend says Susan Powell confided in her about Steve Powell's alleged sexual advances

Thanks for the link SuziQ!

It must be a relief for Susan's friends to be able to speak publically about SP since he was arrested. God bless them and keep them for being such loyal friends to Susan.

What kind of effery is going on with SP? He has alot of nerve to ask Susan what 'they' are gonna do about it. (meaning his feelings for her) Susan wasn't interested in any ole geezer. How disappointed she must have been when her owm husband didn't step up to the plate and defend her honor against his pervy father!


I could not believe the pure nerve of this man and his horrifying words....
Susan was uncomfortable living with him, too.
This guy's own daughter is suspicious, and I think he may have abused her.
I think something very dark and disturbing happened to Susan, and it was building up for a very long time during her marriage. She would not run away without her boys! I hate to say it but there does not look as there will be a good outcome on this case.
And Powell's horrible acting and noticeable lies in front of the cameras when the news broke about her disappearance....I HOPE they find SOMETHING!

Hi DeeMarieGK I see your first post..
:wagon: :welcome: :welcome5:

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