Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I realized something:

Whenever a Jury comes after a short deliberations after a long trial without reviewing evidence or anything like that 90% of the time it WILL BE NOT GUILTY....
Me too. I was so hoping they would come out and say, 'well, we think she probably did it, but there just wasn't enough for us to connect all the dots'.

I think maybe I could have lived with that.

I just caught up and read this post along with the part on what the alternate said about the verdict, and I am beyond :sick:
This jury had obviously been discussing this case all along and that is very very wrong!
I saw that and it was priceless...Way to Go Vinnie P. Jean Casras also said that Roseline Bolin (sp??) Was in the resturant where the "victory celebration" ....UGH!...was going on.....................SICK......JUST........SICK!

Rosalie Bolin was there at the Defense celebration?
I think it was correct. While shocked, I reflected on trial looking at what evidence was presented and what I wanted it to believe.

Jury got it wrong. All the defence did was provide UNREASONABLE doubt. The jury members failed to spot the difference between that and reasonable doubt IMO.

I couldn't login here for an hour after the verdict. I left to run errands and get my mind off of this for the last almost 3.5 hours and just returned home. I haven't read this entire thread, but I think you're both right. Later tonight or tomorrow I will read this thread and I expect to see posts with bits and pieces that are similar to mine.

If I were on this jury, I would have voted guilty and also would have been able to vote for DP. I would have accepted a life sentence only if my fellow jurors' votes could not be changed. Casey wouldn't have spent one second of her life sentence feeling remorseful about killing Caylee.....because she is not capable of caring about anyone but herself. To me, death was appropriate for what I believe she did and what I believe she is.

Whether or not the 'accidental drowning' happened, Casey knew Caylee was dead on June 16, 2008. She sat in jail facing the death penalty rather than tell people where Caylee's remains could be found (even preventing testing that would have helped her PROVE drowning) and let thousands of people spend countless hours and thousands upon thousands of dollars to search for Caylee and to prosecute Casey.

Having said that, the Prosecution presented a lot of evidence about cholorform - at the very least it was in her trunk and she did searches about how to make it. What they didn't present was evidence of her buying the ingredients or of her making or trying to make chloroform. (What happened to the Home Depot video? Do we know to this day what was on the video?)

If one or more of the jurors chose to hang onto that lack of evidence as their 'reasonable doubt', I would have been arguing the other way that put together with all of the other circumstantial evidence presented, I find her guilty even without any of that evidence presented.

For me.....there are just too many circumstantial things piled up against Casey for me to believe she is not guilty. They can only be explained if she is guilty.

I posted before I left that people expect too much because of all the CSI shows they watch. Every episode the crime happens and is solved with fancy-schmancy machines that probably most labs would kill to have. There's always dna or forensics of some kind or a suspect or witness that breaks or comes out of the woodwork..... Jurors need to be educated that real life cases are not like that. They need to understand that murder cases are successful when the victims' body is not even found - therefore no time of death, cause of death, and likely no or few scientific pieces of evidence to even test. They need to be given a legal definition of the word "reasonable".

I've come to wonder if a random, unbiased lawyer doesn't need to be in the jury deliberation room for complex cases. Just to answer questions and steer jurors toward what the law really means.

It's a sad day for Caylee and for anyone who loved that precious little girl.

Sorry so long.
As I've said elsewhere: Some folks just don't understand the meaning of the word "reasonable." Clearly, this jury was in that category.

I was on a jury once. It was a horrible experience and it left me with the desire to never serve on a jury again. We had the same issue with several jurors that just didn't "get" it. And this included testimony from the victims (of a home invasion)! A police officer who was one of the first on the scene described how he found the victims bound with duct tape. And get this: One juror began questioning why there wasn't any duct tape in evidence! Several of us were stunned. LE's testimony is evidence. There was no need to save the duct tape to show to the jury. The victims described it and LE backed up their statements. But some folks can't put two and two together without a sign that reads "equals 4."

I'm stunned that they didn't even give her manslaughter. Do they think Caylee bound her own mouth and nose, tied herself in a garbage bag, and tossed herself in the woods? What a bunch of misguided "modsnips." It's a sad day for abused children. They are the most vulnerable and innocent among us. They need all the justice they can get and they didn't get it today.

The worst part, trading comments with a blogger I admire and respect, who also happens to be a psychologist, she agreed with me that Casey is capable of doing it again. If I were George and Cindy, I'd sleep with one eye open.
I say again, I personally I like the Israeli three judge tribunal system. Maybe this time I will get a few less hecklers on my opinion.
My husband and I just spent the day visiting our one and only grandbaby. We enjoyed every second with that precious little girl. She fills our heart with love!!!

Then when we heard the verdict while visiting, I was ready to bawl my eyes out. I held my granddaughter tightly and told her how much I loved her.

IMO this not guilty verdict is the biggest travesty of justice since the OJ Simpson trial!!! :furious:

WTH were the jurors thinking? They found Casey not guilty on all THREE counts? :banghead: Seriously? Really? I feel like I'm being punked! A precious, beautiful child is DEAD!!! Where is the justice in that? Casey will walk away a free woman and face no consequences whatsoever for the death of HER daughter? Where is the justice in that? IF Casey moves back to George & Cindy's home, if G&C were smart, they would sleep with one eye open at all times!

I am beyond sick, beyond disgusted, beyond angry, beyond devastated that our sweet Caylee will NOT receive justice.

Our legal system sucks and this case proves it!!!! Hey, we all have the right to free speech and we are the citizens of the US of A, so let's go back to town hangings, right in the middle of the town square and let the criminals hang! How is that for justice? I don't think the "old west" had such a bad idea after all! MOO

Oh yeah, one more thing......IMO the jurors rushed a verdict so they could hurry back home. So I hope this weighs on the minds of the jurors for the rest of their lives.
Rosalie Bolin was there at the Defense celebration?

That is not a surprise, she has been working on the mitigation part and is part of the DT even though out of the front lines unless the verdict was guilty. They start a lot earlier though than the day of the verdict.
I feel they got it wrong, so so wrong.

But hey, now Casey can go hang out at Universal Studios with Zanny, Anabelle and all her other kick a$$ friends.
When Judge Perry read the definition of reasonable doubt it was very clear it was different than what the defense presented to the jury. I guess he did not emphasize it enough.

I agree they were talking about it before deliberation there is no doubt in my mind.
I voted that the Jury got it wrong. Did they ever! I really believe that, collectively, this jury resented being dragged from their lives in another county to serve on a case that they felt was no concern of theirs. Coupled with that was their own various self-centered reason for not carrying out their civic duty. Anything from wanting to get home to catch a "cruise"; religious reasons for not "judging others"; to not wanting to tackle the 6+ pages of charges from the judge. Although we never saw them seated, I got the feeling from on site courtroom descriptions that were looking for the quick and easy way out from Day 1. Little note taking, stretching, yawning, leaning back, heads down - all manner of body language that showed lack of interest and concern. The quickest way out of this mess was to ignore all evidence, all judges charges, and vote Not Guilty on everything except the obvious lies to Law Enforcement. That way, no hanging around for sentencing or media interviews - just hop on the bus home asap. Let Orange County worry about the fall out - not their concern.
Can the judge reverse the jury's verdict? I have seen that happen when the verdict was guilty, what about the other way?
I take it If they had found KC guilty, they would have been sequestered longer during the penalty phase? I personally think they were wanted to go home. Find her not guilty was their ticket out of here. To find her guilty would have meant they would have to stay.
This 'jury' wanted an actual video of Casey murdering Caylee. They probably wouldn't even have given her guilty for lying to the cops except that there was audio of it. WHAT A JOKE.

This. I have heard several people in the last few days saying they couldn't prove beyond reasonable doubt. I even asked one of them what reasonable doubt meant, and she said to believe 100%. I believe this jury didn't understand the concept of reasonable doubt.

I have also noticed a good many people don't understand the concept of circumstantial evidence. I guess for some it does take a video and confession. Whatever.

This jury got it wrong. Horribly wrong. What other reasonable explanation is there for Caylee's death?
The alternate juror seems to indicate the lack of a cause of death was huge. I don't know what that means to murder victims who are found too late to determine cause of death. No convictions?

It means that if you want to kill someone know where to hide the body. Unbelievable. There was absolutely no question that she was dead for crying out loud. How do they think she got in the swamp.

SERIOUSLY. wtf. so if a victim is just not found for a while, or not found at all, the murderer can walk free? WHAT THE HECK.

My husband and I just spent the day visiting our one and only grandbaby. We enjoyed every second with that precious little girl. She fills our heart with love!!!

Then when we heard the verdict while visiting, I was ready to bawl my eyes out. I held my granddaughter tightly and told her how much I loved her.

IMO this not guilty verdict is the biggest travesty of justice since the OJ Simpson trial!!! :furious:

WTH were the jurors thinking? They found Casey not guilty on all THREE counts? :banghead: Seriously? Really? I feel like I'm being punked! A precious, beautiful child is DEAD!!! Where is the justice in that? Casey will walk away a free woman and face no consequences whatsoever for the death of HER daughter? Where is the justice in that? IF Casey moves back to George & Cindy's home, if G&C were smart, they would sleep with one eye open at all times!

I am beyond sick, beyond disgusted, beyond angry, beyond devastated that our sweet Caylee will NOT receive justice.

Our legal system sucks and this case proves it!!!! Hey, we all have the right to free speech and we are the citizens of the US of A, so let's go back to town hangings, right in the middle of the town square and let the criminals hang! How is that for justice? I don't think the "old west" had such a bad idea after all! MOO

Oh yeah, one more thing......IMO the jurors rushed a verdict so they could hurry back home. So I hope this weighs on the minds of the jurors for the rest of their lives.

BBM - that is EXACTLY how i felt! 'am i being punked???' :banghead:
I take it If they had found KC guilty, they would have been sequestered longer during the penalty phase? I personally think they were wanted to go home. Find her not guilty was their ticket out of here. To find her guilty would have meant they would have to stay.

Oh my what a good point...I hadn't thought about that but that explains a lot. I'm afraid they will never be able to get away from it now...
I think that the jury did their job well and got it right. I thought that the prosecution's evidence against Casey was flimsy. They should have waited to try her until they had more solid evidence. I do not think that potentially using masking tape as a weapon or even googling information about chloroform is enough to say that Casey killed Caylee. I do not think that because you wait to report a child missing for 31 days, that is enough to say that you definitely killed them. Nor do I think that because of her behavior during that time period, would be enough to say that she killed her daughter. I always felt that Casey was negligent perhaps only because she left Caylee in the care of someone who may have killed her or an accident did happen under the care of that unnamed person.
I have missed my WS family over the last few days. I checked HLN this afternoon expecting no new news. Much to my shock a verdict was in, and not the one I anticipated.

I understand the heartbreak and frustration that so many people are experiencing, but I also understand that the system in place sometimes yields unexpected results.

Our system while flawed in some places, is a rich fabric that has been woven and tailored for quality and strenth. We must trust in the craftsmanship of our legal system, and respect the boundaries and limitations that are impacted by the human factor.

We are not machines nor objects free from influence and opinion.

The system is ever changing, ever growing, and ever adapting just as human nature is ever changing, growing, and adapting.

I remain ever thankful.

Hugs to all.
I think the jury has been discussing this case for a long time. Remember when they requested to look at the sticker pics found in the Ant home? I thought that was very strange and thought at the time they had to be discussing the case. The alternate juror kept saying "we" and then corrected himself with "I". I think this would account for the speed of the deliberations and the not guilty verdict. JMO.
Ugh. Like everyone here, I'm literally sick because of this. You have all given such thoughtful explanations as to what might have caused this injustice and I agree. I think all of these things, from rushed jury selection to perjurer after perjurer appearing on the stand; an inexperienced, obnoxious and unprincipled lead lawyer to overly generous court rulings (new attorney? avoid appeal issues?); from cutting-edge testing and results to a defense team that projected the "under-dog" image ~ All of these things (and too many more to list) combined into the perfect storm, big enough to darken the halls of justice today for Caylee Marie Anthony.

I have faith, though, that there is a Power higher than my state's legal system that will deal with all of the people who perpetrated this injustice. Until that happens all I can do is sit and wait with all of you . . . and complain like fish monger's wife!!!
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