Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Juror #3 is missing some dots on her dominos...
How long is the average trial for these states so we can put it into context?

and how much evidence was introduced on an average in those cases. THere were almost 400 pieces of evidence in this case. THey didn't inspect any of it!
Death-qualifite Jury? Are you serious. I heard some with my own ears say they would NOT vote for the DP..Who is this crazy Drew on w/Vinnie right now on HLN.
disagree...i don't think 12 responsible people could have been confused by the mish-mash bs that was spewed by the dt.

their argument was so transparently ridiculous it bordered on farce.

something else was going on


Me, too.

I was leaning toward <self edit>, until these jurors started speaking and admitting to some of what was said during deliberation.

I'm not saying I suspect all of them but after hearing #3 speak, I'm convinced (beyond a reasonable doubt) that someone got to a.couple of.the jurors. Nothing can convince me otherwise. IMO.
The Peterson trial was very different, even if the prosecution was also based on circumstantial evidence. There was more of it, and it was far more specific than the feeble 'evidence' offered in the Anthony trial.

It sure wouldn't take me long as a juror to look at what the prosecution offered here. It wasn't much.

Really? I'm familiar with the facts of both cases and I believe there was FAR more circumstantial evidence in the Anthony case than there was in the Peterson case - and there was plenty in that case.

<shrug> Different strokes and all that...
There is nothing defensible about the jurors apparent ignorance of what questions they DID NOT HAVE TO ANSWER.
I can't believe they saw things in him we didn't and didn't see everything else we saw in the evidence. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

How could anyone like JB? Seriously, he's a smarmy, underhanded, snake and his actions in the court room proved this EVERY SINGLE DAY. Not one day went by where he did not reinforce my opinion of him. These people are true pieces of work. That shows me that JB is closer to their level of intellect than JA or LB. They weren't intimidated by him, and the prosecution used too many big words. I'm not being sarcastic either.

I dunno. Maybe they have a lot in common with him? :rolleyes:
Me, too.

I was leaning toward stupidity, until these jurors started speaking and admitting to some of what was said during deliberation.

I'm not saying I suspect all of them but after hearing #3 speak, I'm convinced (beyond a reasonable doubt) that someone got to a.couple of.the jurors. Nothing can convince me otherwise. IMO.

Well, whatever got to the jurors, it wasn't logic, reason or intelligence.
Me, too.

I was leaning toward stupidity, until these jurors started speaking and admitting to some of what was said during deliberation.

I'm not saying I suspect all of them but after hearing #3 speak, I'm convinced (beyond a reasonable doubt) that someone got to a.couple of.the jurors. Nothing can convince me otherwise. IMO.
Watch around 4:08 of this interview with alternate #4 (juror 16)


At the end he is asked if he thinks some will try to benefit finanicially from it and he says oh yes with a little smile on his face as if he knows that was the plan for some of them.
The jurors are stuck on dumb. They want DNA when a body was in a swamp for six months? OMG! Somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery.
The jury loved, loved Jose Baez..poor judgment on their part.

I guess they found his smarmy grin, head bobbing and Eddie Haskell like greetings charming. Go figure. They made my skin crawl.
I did a little test today i did my own survey in the mall and the grocery store i asked 12 ppl i saw if they knew about the Casey Anthony case and what they thought of it 8 ppl said guilty 4 were undecided.

I did the same thing in a grocery store today it was almost the same thing the majoritysaid guilty and not all knew ALL THE FACTS BUT FROM WATCHING tv they came to that conclusion...

Now my question is howwwwwwwww in heavens name did all these 12 ppl get to that conclusion that quickly?
My problem with what juror #3 is her saying that she wished there was some other charge they could find her guilty of - the were. It proves to me they did not listen OR review the judge's orders and charges.

I am not assuming she speaks for all 12 jurors.
It seems she does love to yak on TV . . .just sayin'

I guess they found his smarmy grin, head bobbing and Eddie Haskell like greetings charming. Go figure. They made my skin crawl.
Baez sold them a sensationalized piece of fiction that they couldn't forget. Sadly we live in a society that thrives on gossip and drama.
The jurors are stuck on dumb. They want DNA when a body was in a swamp for six months? OMG! Somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

It's driving me crazy! The more they talk the less they say, I'm wondering how they found their way from their beds to the bathroom in their hotel suites. It seems so impossible that nobody on that jury had a working brain.
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