Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I believe there were guys writing her in prison so maybe she's got a plan.

A plan to use them, then kill them?? She deserves the kind of sickos that are attracted to monsters like her. I hope and pray that she gets what's coming to her.
If Casey is what most of us believe she is, she'll be back. This isn't the last we'll hear of her. It took awhile, but look where OJ is now.

I hope Mr Morgan is ramping up his plans to get every cent she ever makes from Oprah or whoever is happy to give their blood money to her.
Maybe there needs to be an IQ test prior to picking jurists. I can't see how they have a "reasonable doubt" at all.
I'd bet money ICA ends back in jail on other charges. Hopefully she messes with the IRS and they come down on her. I also see more theft in her future.
The system is fine. This particular group of jurors are not.

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If the system were "fine", this particular group of jurors would not have come to this verdict!
Here's the thing. Pinellas county is very conservative. Florida is very bad for criminal defendants. Yes, there were uneducated people on that jury but there were several with educations and smarts. Yet all 12 found the state did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. ALL 12!!!

I cannot believe that all 12 were stealth jurors. Something went terribly wrong in this case. Common sense did NOT prevail but it is obvious that common sense is not enough.

I thought they did a great job with the forensics but I guess the CSI effect is still in operation.

I don't know but this is a horrible day for me. It is a sick feeling for not only me but all of my family and friends, most of whom have NOT followed the case as I have, who are blowing up my phone in shock.

The whole country is watching this and the great majority are appalled, as they were with the OJ case. casey got away with murder. But I guess, the jury sat down and felt when they read those jury instructions, that there just was not enough.
Well that makes me even sicker - why didn't she hold out and have a freaking hung jury ??!?!!??!!?!??!

Because they all wanted to go home.

This is jury nullification at its best!

This makes me sick!
Does anyone remember what Richard Hornsby said that this trial would be lucrative to future jury members. Is possible that all the jury members found her not guilty to get more money??? It's just a theory I was thinking about. I find it hard to believe that not one jury thought she was guilty!!!
I just wonder... if things would have come out any different....if JB had not been allowed to claim in his opening statements that she'd grown up dealing with her father putting his body parts in her mouth... since there was NOTHING brought out in the trial about that subject ever again....not in witnesses and not in closing statements on either side....so that claim was allowed to sit there in their heads...perhaps simply taken as a fact since it wasn't refuted....and perhaps color their judgements on everything else they heard....like the weird jail phone call, etc....just something I wonder.... and we'll never know..
My 20 year old son...who thinks the amount of time I have spent following this case has been absurd...just called me to say what a joke our justice system is. Even he in his limited knowledge believed Casey was guilty.
Now, I'll just have to believe Karma will be at work...for the entire family.

You have a wise son. ;) I will join you, I believe in Karma...I know it will come around to those in the Anthony family, especially CMA.
I believe the reason this case was lost by the State is because there were two people on trial. George and Casey. George never should have been accused of this crime. This jury forgot who was on trial here IMO.
I am thinking thinking thinking about what could have gone wrong. Only 3 things really got me when I watched every minute of this.

1. George would not answer a question. I don't feel the love a lot of people have for him. I kept screaming at the TV...just answer the question. Bothered me much more than Cindy's lying.

2. Lee's breakdown and KC broke down too. I was believing abuse and incest after that. Even debated on here.'

3. Not going to lie, when LDB said, "and by no means take this as insult"... Whenever someone says that they really mean an insult. I gasped at that...but then she drew me in and I forgot about it and thought she rocked. Maybe they were insulted.
Yesterday, I saw on TV that HHJP had to tell a court official to take some notebooks to the jury because many were left at the chairs while the jury left for deliberation. THEN they only take 10 hours of deliberation time and don't ask to look over any evidence or testimony while they're discussing?! I'm sorry but something is just not right with that. God only knows what they didn't understand and/or missed. So yes, I think they made a mistake.

I'm really trying to keep my emotions in check (which is tough!!) and just logically see where they came from but I don't understand at all.
I wonder how Amy and TonE and Jesse are all feeling today.
I'd bet money ICA ends back in jail on other charges. Hopefully she messes with the IRS and they come down on her. I also see more theft in her future.

She won't need to steal anymore. The media is offering her millions and millions for interviews, etc. Yes, Miss KC will be rewarded AGAIN by the media for killing her baby! Sick. Disgusting.
I think the jury got it very wrong. They have set a murderer free and dishonored Caylee Marie Anthony, IMO.
didn't one of the jurors say that his wife has been following this case from the beginning? Wonder what his life will be like when he gets home?? This just makes me SICK!!
I believe the reason this case was lost by the State is because there were two people on trial. George and Casey. George never should have been accused of this crime. This jury forgot who was on trial here IMO.

ITA. I will never understand how the GA was brought into this without ONE shred of evidence to support it. But it worked. And a murderer walks free.
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