Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

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Aphrodite Jones Reports: 'Where's Justice for Caylee?'
July 11, 2011
[ Aphrodite Jones gives her perspective from attending the Casey Anthony trial. Check in for her regular reports. Read her Bio >> ]

So many of us are stunned and saddened by the Casey Anthony verdict -- it's hard even to put it into words.

What were they thinking? These 12 jurors? Were they really sitting in the same courtroom that I was in for six weeks in Orlando?

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 11, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: In six days, Casey Anthony is expected to leave her Orange County jail cell, where she's been for nearly three years. Many of you are very upset by the verdict, wondering how she could be found not guilty of murder. The jury foreperson said he was unconvinced by the prosecution's evidence surrounding the duct tape as the cause of death.

We wanted to get more information. We asked Casey's defense attorney, J. Cheney Mason.


VAN SUSTEREN: We interviewed one of the jurors, or actually the jury foreperson. And what he said was the reason behind the finding was that the prosecution couldn't prove to them beyond a reasonable doubt the cause of death. And I asked him to explain to me this duct tape because it's hung up a lot of viewers. And I'm -- could you explain to me -- because we don't have the photographs -- where was the duct tape on the remains when the remains were found?

J. CHENEY MASON, ANTHONY DEFENSE ATTORNEY: There was no duct tape on the remains, except for part of the hair mat on the lower right side. The other duct tape, piece number three, was found about eight or nine feet away. There was never any evidence of duct tape being actually placed across that child's mouth or nose. That was a figment of Mr. Ashton's imagination.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-th...hose-who-have-threatened-jurors#ixzz1RtXUIt2D
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 11, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Tonight: Not guilty. Now, how did that happen? For the first time, you will find out. You will hear from the foreperson. Casey Anthony Juror Number 11 goes "On the Record." As foreperson, he had the job to run the deliberations and then sign the verdict form, the form that read "not guilty" to the murder of little Caylee.

Now, we know a lot of you are stunned and many outraged by the verdict. You want to know how and why 12 citizens said not guilty. And tonight and only right here, you get that inside information. Here's the foreperson.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-th...e-and-suspicions-george-anthony#ixzz1RtYinqYy
WHen the original judge says the jury got it wrong, the jury got it wrong. I really think HHJP should not have allowed the drowning theory into closing arguments. Just because there is a pic of her gma helping her up the pool ladder, and a pic of her reaching for a door? C'mon! THere are videos of her dancing; she could have fallen and hit her head. In the sandbox..she could have choked on sand. Pics of Mr. Potato head..she could have choked on a part.

I wonder if any of the jurors read that Strickland said there was no reasonable doubt. None of these jurors seem to question themselves. I really think there needs to be reform to limit the ability of defense attorneys to throw innocent people under the bus and make false accusations.
Too bad defense was able to get judge Strickland to remove himself as a judge. I listened to judge Strickland's explanation of why he removed himself-it were just some very minor things, I so wished he stayed on.
The more I hear the jurors talk, the sicker it makes me. I really believe this juror #11 may be the key. On the outside, he appears to really know a lot about the case and has a persuasive personality. But when you look at his reasoning, it makes your head spin. He didn't understand as much as he thought he did or the others thought he did. He was able to convince the others that he was right and they were wrong. Some were just too weak to stand up to the pressure and wanted out of there. He knew how to read people, or thought he did. He may be reading them completely wrong, but you will never be able to convince him of that. Sort of like wives with overbearing husbands may be finally convinced that everything they do is really wrong because he keeps telling them it is.
Maybe the jurors thought "No Doubt." They really didn't understand the concept of reasonable doubt or they would have found her guilty. Lady Justice is crying over this verdict.
The foreman's interview only confirms what I've been talking about in this thread. If you didn't buy GA and thought he wasn't being truthful, then you really don't know what he really knows back on June 16th. If you don't know what he knows, you don't know if he's anyway involved.

I asked this during the trial threads but I'll ask again, why is everyone so quick to defend GA on everything he says about the last time he saw Caylee and when he found the car? Nobody had a problem throwing CA and LA to the wolves but when it comes to George, it's hands off.
The foreman's interview only confirms what I've been talking about in this thread. If you didn't buy GA and thought he wasn't being truthful, then you really don't know what he really knows back on June 16th. If you don't know what he knows, you don't know if he's anyway involved.

I asked this during the trial threads but I'll ask again, why is everyone so quick to defend GA on everything he says about the last time he saw Caylee and when he found the car? Nobody had a problem throwing CA and LA to the wolves but when it comes to George, it's hands off.

Because a lot of us have followed this case from the beginning and saw it in real-time. We saw GAs conversations and letters and reports of him yelling at his daughter for the truth. We saw the jail videos...although the jurors did too they seem to have dismissed it. We saw GA get angry about people assuming "the body in the trunk was his granddaughter". We saw him angry when people insisted he was dead. If it's wet outside when you wake up, it rained. We were there and GA didn't do anything to Caylee.
GA and CA helped clean up, but in the haze of denial. Maybe subconsciously they had a good idea at that point. If I were scared my daughter and granddaughter were in the trunk, and opened it to find a bag of trash, I'd probably have new hope as well. We have to remember that a neutral party, the tow yard man, smelled it as well and he let it go without calling LE. It's not strange to me that GA drove the car home. He wasn't in his right mind.

Yes, you are right! Perhaps they were so used to cleaning up her lies and messes that this was second nature. That and denial. Why didn't the tow yard man call LE? There is no excuse because he was positive the smell was decomposition. That might have made all the difference. All week long I have been in turmoil. I can't wrap my head around the fact that they found her NOT GUILTY!! :banghead:
Because a lot of us have followed this case from the beginning and saw it in real-time. We saw GAs conversations and letters and reports of him yelling at his daughter for the truth. We saw the jail videos...although the jurors did too they seem to have dismissed it. We saw GA get angry about people assuming "the body in the trunk was his granddaughter". We saw him angry when people insisted he was dead. If it's wet outside when you wake up, it rained. We were there and GA didn't do anything to Caylee.

Wait a second, he got angry at people assuming Caylee was dead and there was a body in the trunk, but yet he pretty much thought there was a body in the trunk when he found the car and is pretty sure that was a dead body smell coming from the trunk.

So in other words, you have to have followed this case every day from day one to determine whose lying and who's telling the truth. Let me say, I've met a lot of liars in my lifetime. No two look the same.
I believe the State proved charge #3 without a doubt. This jury could have voted for LWOP if they didn't want to go with the DP. If the jury felt the state did not prove FCA did not murder Caylee, fine. BUT there is no way the proof for #3 was not there right in front of their eyes. The 31 DAYS tells it all. I think the jury did not understand the instructions, and they were too _________ (fill in your own words for what they were) to ask questions or to examine the evidence. I believe this jury does not know that circumstantial evidence is still evidence. I believe this jury would have had to have a video of this crime and then they would still doubt who was doing the crime. It's sad this jury found FCA not guilty on charge #3, but I do believe in KARMA.
Yes, you are right! Perhaps they were so used to cleaning up her lies and messes that this was second nature. That and denial. Why didn't the tow yard man call LE? There is no excuse because he was positive the smell was decomposition. That might have made all the difference. All week long I have been in turmoil. I can't wrap my head around the fact that they found her NOT GUILTY!! :banghead:

Turmoil: me too! I feel better coming here and discussing it with like-minded people, even those who argue the finer points.

To those who are doubting GA: He may very well be guilty of lying, of being a drippy dad, of having an affair, of lying to LE about tape on the gas cans, I don't know. But he is innocent of murder. He didn't do anything to Caylee! :anguish:

Now can we please all have a group hug??? :sigh:
I haven't listened to any of the jurors speak, for those who have, has anyone asked them how they decided FCA was not guilty on charge #3? Thanks :) I would bet no one has.

This is just something funny I found out yesterday while cleaning out our shed. My hubby has three gas cans, I knew we had more then one, I thought maybe two, but not three. AND he has four shovels, yep FOUR???? Three look the same, they have that pointy thing at the end one is brand new, the 4th is square. I don't know why we have gas cans, our lawn mower is electric. LOL men ???? :)
Wait a second, he got angry at people assuming Caylee was dead and there was a body in the trunk, but yet he pretty much thought there was a body in the trunk when he found the car and is pretty sure that was a dead body smell coming from the trunk.

So in other words, you have to have followed this case every day from day one to determine whose lying and who's telling the truth. Let me say, I've met a lot of liars in my lifetime. No two look the same.

Wait another second......he got angry at people assuming "Caylee" was dead and there WAS a body in the trunk. He thought that at the towyard but assumed it wasn't either KC or Caylee when it was opened and nothing was there BUT the smell. Doesn't mean he thought the "smell" was from Caylee. There's a fine line between intentional lying and denial, so don't assume there was acceptance of what he smelled as being Caylee. That came......much later.
I would like for someone to please explain to me how the jury could not find FCA not guilty on charge #3. Anyone ???? Just help me understand how on just this charge
(#3) they came up with a not guilty verdict. I'm not interested in knowing how they came up with a not guilty on charge 1 and 2, only #3.
Anyone ???? goldenlover are you there???? PEACE
My big problem is with the manslaughter charge. I agree that the state really didn't put together murder 1. I never thought she'd get the death penalty. BUT-by the very scenerio defense presented, she should have been nailed to the wall on the manslaughter charge. Regardless of WHICH side's testimony you believed, you would STILL get a guilty on that one--so I just don't get it. The things these jurors are saying now are just baffling. It is as if they had no idea what the charges even were and ZERO understanding of their job as a juror. One of them actually believed sentencing was part of the job and she "couldn't put KC to death without a clearer idea of how Caylee died"--WTF?????
I would like for someone to please explain to me how the jury could not find FCA not guilty on charge #3. Anyone ???? Just help me understand how on just this charge
(#3) they came up with a not guilty verdict. I'm not interested in knowing how they came up with a not guilty on charge 1 and 2, only #3.
Anyone ???? goldenlover are you there???? PEACE

Uneducated, misinformed, in too big of a hurry to get the heck out of dodge??? That's the only way possible.....
I would like for someone to please explain to me how the jury could not find FCA not guilty on charge #3. Anyone ???? Just help me understand how on just this charge
(#3) they came up with a not guilty verdict. I'm not interested in knowing how they came up with a not guilty on charge 1 and 2, only #3.
Anyone ???? goldenlover are you there???? PEACE
No way to come to a guilty verdict on count 3 if they didn't come to a guilty verdict on count 2- additionally the state didn't argue accident OR negligence (only premeditation)-so the only way to come to a guilty on count 3 is if they believed there was aggravated child abuse,imo.
How could the video show how the tape was when she died, when no one knows how it was when she died. No on knows this, not even JA. He thinks it's how she died, but he does not know. No I am not insinuating Kronk was involved, but you never know, he did know where the body was for 4 months. Who knows how many times he went back to check on his "find". His son said he called him around Thanksgiving and told him about it, yet he didn't report it again until mid-December?

I think the man who flipped off the camera you are talking about is CM. He was being harrassed as well as the rest of the DT daily by that obnoxious reporter..guess he got fed up.

I truly do not want to be argumentitive, I just can easily see how the jury came to their decision. I think a lot of the states evidence was very questionable. They did not use many of their own sherrif department investigators or FBI investigators, but went outside and found others, like Dr. Voss. When JB used the state and FBI people as his own witnesses, we found out why..because their findings did not coincide with the states theory so they left that evidence out and did not use them, instead finding a "research lab" rather than a FBI forensics lab (big difference).

I dont want to be argumentative either, Im sorry, I know I come off that way sometimes, and its not fair to you. It seems sometimes to me that you take something the SA did and see it as a negative, when it really isnt (at least to me.

JA explained the video was only to show that the tape was large enough to cover her mouth. He was clear on that. That fact, along with the other evidence presented, all point to it being put on her face. You blame them for some reason for going to the FBI and finding others, and I dont see why. They did not have a person like Dr Vass at Orange County, so they had to go outside. The FBI was involved early on, even the Anthony's wanted them involved, due to the fact it was a high profile case and there was talk about the child possibly being out of state, which Orange County had no jurisdiction over. The SA knew early on that due to the high profile nature of the case, the best lawyers and experts in the country would be available to the defense, just like Dr. Spitz, Linda Kenney Baden, etc. They thought the case would be more solid if they found the best of the best, like Dr. G and the FBI crime lab, so that the defense couldnt argue incompetency. Also, the defense alleged early on that Orange County had some vendetta against Casey, so the SA probably thought that using the FBI crime lab and others would show that the evidence is what it is, and its not just a case of Orange County and Lawson Lamar trying to "kill an innocent woman".

Again, if I am wrong please tell me so, but it seems like you look at everything through the lens of someone who does not trust law enforcement. I have had horrible experiences with the police, but I don't assume that all law enforcement is bad or corrupt. Maybe I am misjudging you, so please dont take it personally, just let me know Im wrong and I will take your word for it. Like I said, it just seems like you assume the worst of whatever law enforcement does, but yet are able to excuse any questionable behavior by the defense or defendant.
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