Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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There are members here, both lawyers and layman alike, that think that because we "knew more" than the jury, that this verdict could come about.
I don't agree, I beileve the jury had plenty of evidence before them.
I should write that I am not soliciting an argument or a debate on this, it's just the way I look at it.
I am not sure what the jury thinks happened to Caylee...if they thought she drowned, is there a reason she was found not guilty of child neglect? Are people not charged with neglect when they leave their child in a hot car? Why would this not be the same?
At any rate, my personal opinion of this jury is not all for the eyeballs here to read. Nor is my opinion of KC's fate, other than to say her life certainly will never be a Bella Vita. Just ask OJ, recidivism will pull at her. No job for a convicted felon, convicted of stealing money...
Let me get back to the topic at hand and state yet another opinion that is mine and I don't expect anyone to agree with: This verdict in this type of case would not have happened in my state, I know it to be true. No Virginian jury would care about her "fame"-Heck, John Mohammed and Lee Malvo were famous enough, and look where they are now. We couldn't wait to serve them a hot plate of real justice. Even a liberal state like Cali knew what to do with Peterson...And to be clear, I believe the state proved many if not all of these charges, so my assertion about Virginia goes along with my assertion that I believe this jury had more than enough evidence to convict on more of the charges before them.
AGAIN, just my opinion, not a solicitation for debate, and I fully acknowledge that there are members from each state and other countries that may disagree.
As such, never another dime out of my pocket for a trip to Florida. Ever. Grandma comes up here plenty anough for me to see her here. Might as well leave Misty Croslin right where she is on drug charges, cause Lord knows anything else won't stick. We can argue all day long whether my state or Florida is more lenient on baby killers, baby rapists and the like, but the fact remains that the perception which sticks is that Florida has done little to curb crimes against children. Yes, the state did more than its part, many Floridian members here have done their part...but it seems the good people of Florida cannot overcome the ambivalence that we have seen from this jury.
BTW - This TRAVESTY just taught my 13 yr. old son that he can lie, murder, etc. and NOTHING will happen to him if he can, oh-I don't know, get 12 sdfkjs#(*((*$dfl's on the jury.

Hopefully my OUTRAGE is making more of an impression on him. Maybe, just maybe - him, and other kids like him - can CHANGE this...
The jury got it wrong! I am shocked behond belief that 12 jurors came to a not guilt verdict as soon as they left the court room yesterday. It doen't make sense to me.
She didn't even get man slaughter.
I know their gravy train has left the station because of this verdict. If there plans were to get rich off this, guess what? Not going to fly now. I don't want to hear their lies anymore. I want the truth. If 20 -20 or 48 hours or any station has this on, I can't watch it. I can''t support their lies.

KC certainly was right & true when she said ''Ï am such a good liar"'
What evidence can they have looked over and rehashed in just 11 hours. It just doesn't make sense.
Nothing. They did not have time to go through the evidence. They got it all wrong-and they know it. That's why they are all silent. I am devastated for Caylee...:banghead:
I know without a doubt that she did it. No doubt...zilch....100% believe she did it. I do not believe "the evidence" proved that. I think the fact that she was a big fat liar her whole life and The Anthony's CRAZY BEHAVIOR, worked in her favor. I think NO ONE believes an adult child can live in a house for 2 years and not work and convince parents they do....no one believes that control freak gma went 2 years without meeting a babysitter named Zanny and so forth and so forth so therefore they could believe this was ALL A BIG COVER UP.....not what normal people would do BUT they aren't normal!!!!
The jury had a hard job. They had to follow those jury instructions and apparently they did not feel the state proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I disagree with them but I was not on the jury. What I have heard and read and viewed for three years, they did not get to see.

My feeling is that many of the jurors probably felt she was guilty and did something to her child, but that they felt the state could not prove it.

I thought the state did a great job but they missed many things that we glossed over because we already heard them. The jury had not.

I do wonder, though, if the fact that they knew, if they found casey guilty, they would continue to be sequestered for a few weeks during penalty phase, had a subconscious effect?

I don't know, but they don't want to speak and I guess they are having some real mixed feelings right now.

The attorneys have spoken to those who agreed to speak to them and the attorneys know why they did what they did. I hope we will hear about that at some point.

I also think that many of the jurors will feel they would have decided otherwise once they hear many of the facts that were not presented and/or were deemed inadmissible.
They got it wrong. What can I say? A waste, a "HUGE WASTE". Hopefully these jurors will start researching everything on line as we all have for these pass three years. All of the videos, news reports, documents, Videos and audios. Then I want them to realize what a mistake they made. Now, do you think that the state will go after CA for perjury? Or will they considered it another "HUGE WASTE." I think that the jury wanted to go home. So, since the jury found her not guilty, do they believe the story that the defense gave? Do they believe that it was an accident and that GA helped in the cover up and that GA and LA sexually abused her? That RK moved and hid the body? We all know what CA tried to do. But what does the jury think? Do they think that somebody else killed her? Can they not connect the dots. My sixteen year old granddaughter has been keeping up with this case. When the verdict was read she called my crying. She wants to know how a child murderer can go free. She's mad, upset,angry and disappointed with the injustice in the justice system. I was so upset and didn't know what to tell her. I'm 56 and this is the system in place that my grandchildren and grandchildren will grow up in and your children and grandchildren too. What do we tell them? What does it tell the children of the future?
How in the world if they believed she committed perjury can they not justify either child abuse or manslaughter? I don't understand that??

Gitana can you address my question from the standpoint of an attorney. I was just curious how this can work. They believe she lied but that did not lead to her daughter's death???
How can that be valid?
Casey had never worked and she won't have to now. Expect her on all of the talk shows, writing a book and a movie deal. The bookers are probably knocking down the door of the Anthony home as we speak.

If anything gives me any comfort it was the look on George Anthony's face. He is a broken man, has been dragged through the mud and knows exactly where this is going. Casey will want to go home and Cindy will let her. I don't see George hanging around for that.

I must say, I am hopeful this will finally set George free from The 3 Ring Circus he has been living in......
I guess they just dismissed what went over their heads, which apparently was a lot. I suspect they were in a hurry to get it over and done with so they could go home. I am so disappointed and heart sick.
I respectfully disagree to them being cowards. They have been away from family for weeks, they were presented with a small percentage of the evidence in this case, they didn't have WS to help fill in their doubts, answer their questions, show them where to find more evidence. They did what they could with what they were given. 12 people made a brave decision and i do not think they should be condemned for that. JMO

Thank you!
I don`t think the jury "got" the evidence and common sense was lost in all the rhetorics, just like Linda was afraid of. If this was a man, I`m sure the big picture and circumstancial evidence would`ve been enough. Now they painted her as some sort of victim.

Or, I wouldn`t be surprised if they made up their minds in opening statements, like some study suggested a jury often does.
Gee are you forgetting the DA office had the chance to get them out of the pool before they were seated? Guess they did not selct the right ones huh?

I said yesterday it would come down to who picked the jury right.
I think they wanted a charge of covering up a death, or improper disposal of a body...maybe they would have convicted her of those types of charges. But they couldn't find for what the State asked. No one can convince me that they came to this verdict on a whim...if all 12 believed the state did not prove the case to them, then they didn't...IMO
It's possible to believe someone did it, and still believe that it wasn't proved beyond a reasonable doubt. I doubt all of the jurors think that Casey is innocent. I doubt all the jurors believe there was abuse, or that George Anthony had anything to do with it.

All I believe is that all of them believed it couldn't be proved beyond a reasonable doubt with the evidence they were presented and allowed to consider.
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