Did the jury get it wrong, or...

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Did the jury get it wrong?

  • The jury got it wrong

    Votes: 1,051 81.9%
  • The state didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt

    Votes: 179 14.0%
  • The Defense provided reasonable doubt and the jury got it right

    Votes: 55 4.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 31 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The person that left the house with Caylee on that dreadful day was ica. It was testified to by her own father. From that moment on that child was in the total care of her mother.
The child dies.. still in the care of her mother, never reported. How hard is that to understand for 17 people? That alone is a criminal act and if you throw in the decomp in the car trunk of that mother and add a little duct tape you would have to be a fool not to connect the dots.
Of couse you didn't see it happen- how many crimes are actually seen. You have to use a balance of common sense when you put together the facts. This was a young mother desperate to join her crowd and Ca was way too busy supporting the two of them to take time off and watch Caylee when ica should have been doing it.
The person that left the house with Caylee on that dreadful day was ica. It was testified to by her own father. From that moment on that child was in the total care of her mother.
The child dies.. still in the care of her mother, never reported. How hard is that to understand for 17 people? That alone is a criminal act and if you throw in the decomp in the car trunk of that mother and add a little duct tape you would have to be a fool not to connect the dots.
Of couse you didn't see it happen- how many crimes are actually seen. You have to use a balance of common sense when you put together the facts. This was a young mother desperate to join her crowd and Ca was way too busy supporting the two of them to take time off and watch Caylee when ica should have been doing it.

Not to mention a young desperate sociopathic mother (monster) absolutely PIZZED off at her control freak mother for busting her on check fraud, choking her and threatening to take Caylee away from her.!
Let's all just take a deep calming breath and seek some calm...

We are all emotional:
some because we are so hurt and devastated for Caylee
some because we see it as an injustice
some because we believe our interpretation is the correct one and it disagrees with the verdict
some because we agree with the verdict and are being opposed by three quarters of society (according to some surverys taken)
some because we have come to love Caylee
some because we have come to hate Casey
some because we are confused
some because we'll get emotional for any old reason (haha)
some because of the level of time we have devoted to this case

There are a plethora of reasons.
We have to get back to this-
We are here for the victims.
This particular victim still has no justice.
We need to get justice for this victim.
She deserves that.
So we have to figure out how to do that.
We have to put our heads together and SEEK that this horrible injustice against Caylee Marie (how do you like that Cindy? You gonna trademark every word that exists? Because believe me-we are some resourceful individuals here and we can figure out a way to get our point across and your trademark will not stop us)
We have to take all of our opinions and isolate what causes what to be thought and why and try to get a clearer picture of the end result-

Caylee Marie remains without justice!

Let's not turn on one another...let's find a way to recognize these people who do these crimes so that the next one CAN be found guilty. There has to be a way this could have been proven beyond a shadow of any doubt, and we need to isolate that shard of proof and recognize it in the future...because there always is another child murdered by their parent.

Our efforts hope to help eliminate that, and to offer comfort and support to the victims. (I know WE feel almost like victims as we have been so intensely deep into it)

Focus is everything. So let's focus on nailing the next Casey Anthony that comes on the scene. Let's see to it that she is the only one who ever escapes justice because something that could have been proved was not discovered. Websleuthers can find things nobody else can find...so let's get hunting, and do the research and sink this ship of corruption that has sailed right before our eyes in the form of the methods used in the defense of Casey Anthony.

Happy to be in your midst.
Im sorry, but to sit there and pick apart the smell, death banding hair, and cadaver dog alert is completely illogical when you stop to realize that if there wasnt a dead body in the car, you wouldnt even be having to pick apart these things. If it was ONLY the smell, or only the hair, or only the cadaver dog alert, maybe, but just the fact those three exist tells a logical person that a dead body was in the car. This is no longer opinion to me, this is like arguing with someone that 2 plus 2 is 4, and they are telling you 2 plus 2 is 5. That is how illogical it sounds to me to hear someone say there was no body in the trunk. And that the smell was rotten pork, when none was found in there, and THE DEFENDANT HERSELF never said it was in there. I see that akin to saying that an alien came down and put duct tape on Caylee...

Edit: Oh yeah, and the fact that a dead body was somehow transported to the woods. We cant deny that it was taken there, and with all the evidence pointing to Casey's car, someone finds it more likely that it was transported in another car??? That is NOT logical

I keep thinking back to Cindy and George's comments about the trunk of CA's car smelling like a dead body keeping in mind that George was a deputy sheriff in Ohio for 10 years or so and would definitely know the smell of a dead body. Between JB and CA there were so many untruths going on (downright lying to put it bluntly), then along came Cindy with her chlorophyll story to save her daughter's behind, then Lee who was totally unbelievable with his fake tears. Dysfunctional family of the century but that still does not escape the fact that as of now, there is no justice for Caylee. IMO, a trial of this magnitude would have meant note taking extraordinairre and not one juror took a single note. None of them are believable either. I'm waiting for the civil trial, wonder how many lies will be told there...maybe one day there will be justice...
PS) Besides? Nobody loves a good debate like a Websleuther. :)

Thanks, I just wanted everyone to know that although I agree with the verdict because of how saw the evidence, I do wish justice for Caylee. She just may get her justice at another time, but it will come. I wanted very much for their to be enough evidence for a conviction, I just didn't see it.

I don't want to make enemies, because in all of the other places on this forum, I am in agreement with you all..and I like webslueths!!

(I guess I can't stay off this thread like I thought I could.)
at that point if his daughter was clearly alive and saying Caylee was fine. Would anyone, seriously anyone at all, deduce from that, that your daughter was lying, that actually she had suddenly killed her daughter and put her in the trunk of her car? Who would ever think that? NO one!

No matter what you smelled, if the trunk was empty and your daughter is OK and saying all is well why would you call 911 because you believed you smelled something that was obviously wrong given the circumstances. Only in much later retrospect would there be a reason to believe your daughter was a murderer. You just need to use common sense in evaluating behavior here.

She had been in contact with Casey, but Casey wasnt telling her where she was. Also, after finding the car, she realized then that Casey had been lying about being in Jacksonville. I think that is where the "ive been searching for my daughter" comment came from. Simon Birch didnt call 911 either, but that doesnt mean he was involved in Caylee's death. I agree that normal people would have called 911, but I disagree that it means George was involved in Caylee's death. I think he convinced himself that it was the trash that smelled, and since Casey had been telling Cindy she and Caylee were fine, I can see why he would not quite believe that someone was dead yet.
A central reason so many people are understandably upset about the verdict is that there are strong grounds for denying the jury, in particular the foremen, plausibly and appropriately reasoned from the available evidence. The overall appraisal has to include ALL the evidence, taken as a whole---and I greatly appreciate the fact that many people on this website have astutely noted the radical gaps and absurdities that would have to be countenanced in order to sustain the the foreman's reasoning (e.g., to the possibility George murdered Caylee). Further, if the foreman claims, as he did, to entirely discount and reject the defense's position that Casey was molested by her father, then how can he possibly accept other portions of their story? They either hang together (as the accounting presumably given by Casey) or else the entire defense story is to similarly be rejected as a desperate and illogical attempt to present a scenario that leaves Casey entirely innocent. Moreover, the fact that they took essentially NO TIME to review the data is irresponsible; it seems they allowed themselves to be swayed by the foreman's standpoint rather than insisting on assuring themselves that there really was reasonable doubt, and that the foreman's echo of the defense was not vastly overruled by the evidence.
Thanks, I just wanted everyone to know that although I agree with the verdict because of how saw the evidence, I do wish justice for Caylee. She just may get her justice at another time, but it will come. I wanted very much for their to be enough evidence for a conviction, I just didn't see it.

I don't want to make enemies, because in all of the other places on this forum, I am in agreement with you all..and I like webslueths!!

(I guess I can't stay off this thread like I thought I could.)
THAT is the most beautiful thing about Websleuths is we are all welcome here, and all of our opinions matter and we share them, sometimes a little emotionally, but always (well almost haha) with respect for one another. Please carry on...help us find the keys to coming to understand...
Your opinion as as valuable as every other single opinion here.
Right now? Even more valuable, because maybe we can all figure out WHY we see it different and come to a place where we CAN find the same conclusion-the right conclusion-the only conclusion...

depends upon exactly what happened in this case that most everyone sees except the jury...All the circumstantial evidence, all of it seperately and together, only points to one person, Casey Anthony. Just like it all pointed to Scott Peterson and not to a Satanic cult or oen of his neighbors or Laci's father. Yes, you can attack an individual piece or pieces on different grounds and try to lead to someone else but when you look at it as a whole it all points to only her.

I keep seeing a theme with everyone who agrees with the verdict. They take each little piece of evidence by itself and try to argue any possible theory of innocence, no matter how unreasonable it is. Does everyone understand the term reasonable doubt should apply to the evidence as a whole, and not each piece on it's own? I don't see that in the explanations I am hearing from those who agree with the verdict
The fact that VP is reporting the jury "loved" baez tells me right there the jury was not very good judges of character especially after his inappropriateness on the courtroom..... Wendy M is cracked.
The fact that VP is reporting the jury "loved" baez tells me right there the jury was not very good judges of character especially after his inappropriateness on the courtroom..... Wendy M is cracked.
Go read some of Wendy M. blabberings on the Patriot Ledger - it's obvious this woman doesn't even know the facts of the case and she's on national TV.
For the life of me, I will never be able to make sense of the verdict. I will ALWAYS wonder if a hiccup in the space-time continuum caused the universe to bring together twelve of the laziest least-critical thinkers in Florida to sit on this jury. The plethora of solid and circumstantial evidence should give one pause at the very least. A pause that begs a stop. Stop and re-examine the evidence. Stop and apply some common sense and logic. Does the Defense story make ANY sense if you shine a light on the elements and timeline of the case? Less than eleven hours to render a verdict? Really? I've taken longer to weigh the decision of paint color for my guest bathroom.

Someone please stop the world. I want to get off.
Go read some of Wendy M. blabberings on the Patriot Ledger - it's obvious this woman doesn't even know the facts of the case and she's on national TV.

I just heard her say there are photos of "this child" (which leads ppl to think she means Caylee) that the Judge sealed, so she beleives ICA was pimping caylee....can't. watch. wendy.m. ....soooooo irresponsible of her. I'm writing VP now.
For the life of me, I will never be able to make sense of the verdict. I will ALWAYS wonder if a hiccup in the space-time continuum caused the universe to bring together twelve of the laziest least-critical thinkers in Florida to sit on this jury. The plethora of solid and circumstantial evidence should give one pause at the very least. A pause that begs a stop. Stop and re-examine the evidence. Stop and apply some common sense and logic. Does the Defense story make ANY sense if you shine a light on the elements and timeline of the case? Less than eleven hours to render a verdict? Really? I've taken longer to weigh the decision of paint color for my guest bathroom.

Someone please stop the world. I want to get off.
I do believe this is just more proof about the dumbing down of Americans.
We are no longer a society that wants to use the brains we were born with.
Unless it s p e l l e d out in perfect black and white then it's just too much work to try to figure it out. At any rate, I'm still in disbelief.
I don't agree with the verdict but you are confusing innocence with 'not guilty'. Their own interviews say they don't believe she's 'innocent', just that the state didn't somehow prove how she murdered her little girl.

Does someone here know exactly how Caylee died and in what manner? Do you know when Casey mixed chloroform? In manner was it used? When did she take the body out of the car? Did she bury her first? If you know all these answers, why weren't you testifying for the state?

In how many murder cases that result in convictions do we know all that? When there isnt a confession? All the lawyers have stated on tv even, the things you are stating are not required, only that someone died from the result of another's actions. I believe she was both chloroformed and duct tapes, like Jeff Ashton explained. Coincidentally, there was chloroform in the trunk (where the body was, based on several pieces of evidence) and duct tape stuck to part of the hair. I mean, these things aren't there for no reason.

I can see how in certain cases not having that info would be reasonable doubt, but each case is different, and this case had so much evidence proving Casey murdered her that those things arent needed.

I mean, almost every legal expert on tv before the verdict was saying there was enough for a guilty verdict, I think the worst case scenario they were predicting was a mistrial, or a conviction of 2nd degree or manslaughter, but none of them foresaw this. You could argue that they were just trying to please the public, but I think they knew there was enough proof based on the fact that most cases with this evidence end up in convictions.
I do believe this is just more proof about the dumbing down of Americans.
We are no longer a society that wants to use the brains we were born with.
Unless it s p e l l e d out in perfect black and white then it's just too much work to try to figure it out. At any rate, I'm still in disbelief.

I have had to remove myself from this board or else I would have been banned,so better I "time out" myself. IMHO this jury did not take the time to review the information 11 hours (GMAB) I felt then and I feel now that the jury wanted to go home,and felt that because they were from another county they could return home and no one would be the wiser,well I got news for you this Orange county problem has followed them home to their county. I would have respected their decision more if they had deliberated for a few days,asked for some info to review,let me believe that you are being open minded and using your "noodle" JMHO:twocents:
I just heard her say there are photos of "this child" (which leads ppl to think she means Caylee) that the Judge sealed, so she beleives ICA was pimping caylee....can't. watch. wendy.m. ....soooooo irresponsible of her. I'm writing VP now.

We were laughing in the chat room on this live stream of HLN, when she said there should be an IQ test required for jurors, and me and another person posted at the same time: there should be an IQ test required for commentators.

I guess Wendy missed the press conference today, where they specifically asked the Detectives if Wendy's theory about the sealed pics was true, and they patently denied it.
Do I have this wrong or right. Wasn't FCA charged with Aggrivated Child Abuse? Wasn't that her 3rd charge, with First Degree murder #1, and Aggrivated Manslaughter of a Child her 2nd count. And each count if found guilty carried the sentence of LWOP or the DP ?
The "Foreman" seemed to feel the state was rather bland in their story of what actually happened to Caylee but they were very much taken with the sordid, exciting, more unique, although completely implausible story told by Jose. Wow...cool story...can't stop thinking about it.

Evidence, forensics, police investigations...so boring...but that Jose, he can tell a tale and accuse people of horrible things and ask them about it and so maybe we'll think about something other than all that evidence and Casey and we'll talk about ...hmmm....yeah, George...maybe he did it, maybe he killed her even though she suppsoedly drowned..let's go with that.

They didn't even stick with Jose's actual unsuported story, they went further and discussed George murdering Caylee...these jurors should be embarrassed to admit to any of this. But they're not and some people are supporting them as though anythng a jury does is AOK because they're the jury.

I do believe this is just more proof about the dumbing down of Americans.
We are no longer a society that wants to use the brains we were born with.
Unless it s p e l l e d out in perfect black and white then it's just too much work to try to figure it out. At any rate, I'm still in disbelief.
fell and hit her head and Scott panicked and threw her in the ocean while he was fishing. They had no evidence of how, when or where she died. Just like Caylee.

Yeah...but in Casey's case it could have been an accident..Scott, NO WAY.
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