Did Time Magazine's Breastfeeding Cover Cross The Line?

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The only issue I have with self-weaning that stretches past the toddler years comes from my experience as a preschool teacher.

I have had a handful of children who are products of attachment parenting and are still being breasted (I teach 3-year-olds). These children are able to enjoy a productive morning at school, but by noon become inconsolable and are desperate and crying for their mothers, and milk.

The frustrating part is that not a single one of these poor kiddos was in the half-day program, but were expected to stay for lunch and nap.

You can imagine the upset the entire room undergoes when a child who is used to being swaddled and breastfed is suddenly left at school for 7 hours with no mommy and no breast. I have one child this year who stands at the classroom door with his backpack and cries on and off most of the day. :(.

I think attachment parenting is a beautiful and wonderful thing, but would just beg moms to wean their children before enrolling them in school. It is heartbreaking and frankly, disruptive to the whole class.

I will say that we do have conferences after the first six weeks of school (so that we can have a chance to really observe) and if a child is still having such a hard time, we recommend a shorter day or other options. Didn't want anyone to think we would let a little one cry all school year! :(
I breastfed all 3 of my children. I also bottle fed. I don't agree with nursing a child who is potty trained and learning to become an independent young person. At some point, who is the nursing really for? But, that's just me.

I would never, ever judge another Mom who chose not to nurse vs the bottle. For me, it's just not those nursing moments/child and Mom time. Women who bottle feed are no less nurturing than those who breast feed.

I can't wait to read some other new article that will bring up having a natural childbirth vs C-section and how we yet again failed as women "not having the experience". These topics always seem to go hand in hand.

imvho, etc... :)

I get REALLY pissed when it is mentioned (and I heard from my MIL tooooo many times), that if you didn't end up "pushing" a baby out, then you didn't experience the birth experience. I say "BULL#HIT"!
My mom was unable to nurse me, but we're super close and always have been. She did nurse my older sister, but there is no difference in our closeness. I am probably the more independant of the two of us, not that my sister isn't independant.

A friend was turned off by the long term breast feeding when she went to e meeting and the host mother was nursing her 1 year old, the six year old came home from school, whipped open the other side of the nursing bra and "dug in".

I know the value of my breasts lol, but I don't think they were meant to be "whipped out"

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