Didn't JonBenet mention a visitor was coming?

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SleuthingSleuth said:
Say whaaat?

I'm guessing the phone records were never checked then? Or did the Ramsey's give the go ahead?
Oh yeah, unbelievable but true. As far as I know, and anyone, please correct me, the police never got the records.

What I wanna know is, why didn't the Rs just turn the records over without a warrant, without being asked, if they have nothing to hide? You'd think they'd want to prove their innocence here.
Beyond Belief said:
So where did JonBenet see a Santa before xmas. I can't see them standing inline at the local mall. Was there a xmas parade that she was in or a xmas contest that had a Santa?
The Ramseys had a Christmas party on the 23rd and Bill McReynolds came and played the part of Santa for the children.
Eagle1 said:
I haven't seen it but some say there's a video showing the bear being presented at a pageant. Has anyone here seen it? Maybe someone's false memory? Is it true that PR said it was "shabby" and had never seen it?

Hi Eagle,

I've learned reading around this evening that the bear was described as shabby and was older. That could be one huge clue for us. Maybe it really was his bear as a child. If JonBenet had won this at a pageant, I don't think they would give a 6 year old girl and antique! LOL It would have been brand spanking new, right?

Could he have actually brought this bear with for her and that is why JB said said Santa was going to bring her a special present after Christmas. I bet the bear was it!

scandi said:
Hi Eagle,

I've learned reading around this evening that the bear was described as shabby and was older. That could be one huge clue for us. Maybe it really was his bear as a child. If JonBenet had won this at a pageant, I don't think they would give a 6 year old girl and antique! LOL It would have been brand spanking new, right?

Could he have actually brought this bear with for her and that is why JB said said Santa was going to bring her a special present after Christmas. I bet the bear was it!

The only thing about all of this is who told her Santa was going to give her a special present>If this thing with the bear occurred and JBR knew she was getting a 'special' present who told her.When and Where? Someone she met at a pajeant or a mall maybe.
That overheard comment bothers me as much as the pineapple.

I can't believe the police never got the phone records, though. That is such a no-brainer, they surely had them by the time of the grand jury. Of course, all that testimony is sealed, right? So we don't really know what they finally found.
Texana said:
That overheard comment bothers me as much as the pineapple.

I can't believe the police never got the phone records, though. That is such a no-brainer, they surely had them by the time of the grand jury. Of course, all that testimony is sealed, right? So we don't really know what they finally found.
I'd say. Why in the world weren't the police given phone record access in the first place I wonder...and as well, why in the world didn't the Ramsey's give the go ahead?

In a murder investigation the phones is something you typically do check out...once again, the Rasmey's sure were helpful.
scandi said:
Hi Eagle,

I've learned reading around this evening that the bear was described as shabby and was older. That could be one huge clue for us. Maybe it really was his bear as a child. If JonBenet had won this at a pageant, I don't think they would give a 6 year old girl and antique! LOL It would have been brand spanking new, right?

Could he have actually brought this bear with for her and that is why JB said said Santa was going to bring her a special present after Christmas. I bet the bear was it!

That's what I've been thinking too, ever since I heard the word "shabby", and IF we find out he really was in Boulder. I'll bet you he brought it. So I wanted to see that pageant video that SD mentioned. Have you seen it?
Maybe that was just a rumor too for all I know so far.

Trip Dumuth was on some show last night saying McSanta gave JBR a NOTE saying there would be a special after Christmas thing, but I'll bet he's just assuming it was McReynolds because they didn't know JMK, Helgoth, and others at the time. I can't remember the name of the program last night, sorry, there's so much going on everywhere about this.

A doctor at another forum is saying JMK has a hereditary disease, knew I should have written it down. Probably his mother had it too. Guess he lived at home with her another decade before she was put into a mental hospital after she tried to kill him when he was 2. What's surprising I think is how nearly normal he acted in the video with the undershorts. I'll try to remember to go back and write down the 2-word name of the disease, for here if someone else doesn't post it first.
the police wanted it to be the ramsays, they werent interested in any other theories, thats how it seems, they did the most crap job in the world of trying to find the perp.
keriekerie said:
the police wanted it to be the ramsays, they werent interested in any other theories, thats how it seems, they did the most crap job in the world of trying to find the perp.
Where are you getting that information from? That isn't true at all.

Police interviewed 590 people, consulted 64 outside experts, investigated and cleared more than 100 possible suspects, collected 1,058 pieces of evidence, tested over 500 items at federal, state, and private laboratories, gathered handwriting and non-testimonial evidence from 215 people, reviewed more than 3,400 letters and 700 telephone tips. They contacted 17 states and two foreign countries, amassing a case file of over 30,000 pages. It all kept leading back to the Ramseys having some involvement in or some knowledge of their daughter's murder.

(source - ST's book, hb, page 297)
A Santa suit was taken as evidence from the R's house.

Maybe the Santa who was going to visit JB was JR.
Nuisanceposter said:
Where are you getting that information from? That isn't true at all.

Police interviewed 590 people, consulted 64 outside experts, investigated and cleared more than 100 possible suspects, collected 1,058 pieces of evidence, tested over 500 items at federal, state, and private laboratories, gathered handwriting and non-testimonial evidence from 215 people, reviewed more than 3,400 letters and 700 telephone tips. They contacted 17 states and two foreign countries, amassing a case file of over 30,000 pages. It all kept leading back to the Ramseys having some involvement in or some knowledge of their daughter's murder.

(source - ST's book, hb, page 297)

I second that!
scandi said:
Hi Kimmer,

I've read here that she won the Santa teddy bear at a pageant in Denver. Don't know what date or why her parents said they hadn't seen it before.

It is very strange though that Karr sent a photo by email to the professor of a young boy holding a bear exactly like it.

I think I've figured out it had to be a staged photo he sent. 25 years difference in age between them, and if she won this bear it would be a brand new one, right? So he had to find a bear like this, get a little boy that looked like him and then snap a pic.

Crazy. Why in the world would he go to such lengths?


To convince Tracey, evidently. And I don't keep up with Karr any more, but "what if" the shabby prize means Karr really was at one of her pageants and planted it to be given to JonBenet, wanting her to have something from his own childhood, he was so obsessed with her? Just a thought.
I believe Bill McReynolds was the one that gave JonBenet a card that said she would be getting a special gift from Santa after Christmas, and that the card was later found in the trash. It's very possible that the Ramsey's remembered the card after they murdered JonBenet and used it as a tool to cast suspicion on someone other than themselves.

I've asked before in another post, if investigators ever asked Bill McReynolds what the card was all about, and also if he was ever questioned about the wooden harp that had names of dead children carved on it. He told someone that there was a spot left on it for JonBenet's name. I know the McReynolds were cleared in the case, but the man who kidnapped their daughter and friend some twenty years prior, also on Chistmas night, was never found either, and the wife's book about a girl being sexually abused and then murdered in her own basement, is just too coincidental, don't you think? It almost sounds like another cover up, or perhaps a "borrowed scenario" for the Ramsey's to use.

I think they're all involved in some way. Perhaps the theory about the child sex ring is more probable than we know. And what kills me the most, is how quickly the Ramsey's were able to go on with their lives after JonBenet's death. For God's sake, their daughter was strangled, blungeoned and sexually molested. I know I would be emotionally dead if something like that happened to one of my children. Yet neither parent showed any kind of emotion when describing the details of that morning, the events surrounding, and the cause of their beautiful young daughter's death. It's just horrible.
calicocat said:
I believe Bill McReynolds was the one that gave JonBenet a card that said she would be getting a special gift from Santa after Christmas, and that the card was later found in the trash. It's very possible that the Ramsey's remembered the card after they murdered JonBenet and used it as a tool to cast suspicion on someone other than themselves.

I've asked before in another post, if investigators ever asked Bill McReynolds what the card was all about, and also if he was ever questioned about the wooden harp that had names of dead children carved on it. He told someone that there was a spot left on it for JonBenet's name. I know the McReynolds were cleared in the case, but the man who kidnapped their daughter and friend some twenty years prior, also on Chistmas night, was never found either, and the wife's book about a girl being sexually abused and then murdered in her own basement, is just too coincidental, don't you think? It almost sounds like another cover up, or perhaps a "borrowed scenario" for the Ramsey's to use.

I think they're all involved in some way. Perhaps the theory about the child sex ring is more probable than we know. And what kills me the most, is how quickly the Ramsey's were able to go on with their lives after JonBenet's death. For God's sake, their daughter was strangled, blungeoned and sexually molested. I know I would be emotionally dead if something like that happened to one of my children. Yet neither parent showed any kind of emotion when describing the details of that morning, the events surrounding, and the cause of their beautiful young daughter's death. It's just horrible.

First, could Trip Dumuth have just assumed the greeting card in JonBenet's waste paper basket contained the promise to visit after Christmas? I don't think anyone would have put it in writing for the world to see, do you?

"I think they're all involved in some way," SO DO I, all along.

Can we compare reasons we think that? And it seems to me McSanta was cleared only because he'd had heart surgery. He certainly could have participated in some way, especially if the celtic harp meant some kind of ritual connection. Anyone know how he explained that, if he ever did?

Cults and sex rings, even terrorism, I think all need to be considered, since the two Ca. guys allegedly were from a Kali CULT, which Rupert says is about Time as well as Death, a clock in a movie scene stopping at exactly 1:18, and there were pagan and maybe celtic CULTS around Boulder, discussed years ago before this forum moved several times.

Seems to me this was about power, not an accident, and that there are just too many of these coincidences for it to have been JUST the parents.
I wouldn't trust Trippin' Da Myth to tell me the sun is shining!
I think it was nothing more than something JonBenet was told about the trip to Michigan or the cruise. Such as Melinda or some other relative who would see her after Christmas made an innocent, "And Santa will be visiting after Christmas, too," etc. to explain why she would be getting presents from them.
Could be. But would Melinda or any relative tell her "It's a secret"? And as I've already said, if it was the killer who promised a Santa visit that was to be a secret between him and her, it isn't logical at all that he'd put it into a greeting card that the whole family and the housekeeper who we've all noticed was a liar, might see?

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