Dina Shacknai wants Max's death reopened; gives ICU pic to media

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Police didn't do a complete "victimology" on Rebecca but they did do an investigation into her background trying to prove she was "depressed." She stopped exercising for a little while some time back-that was about the extent of her "depression."
But nothing came out about her having any sort of violent tendencies as far as I can tell.
And if any such info existed why wouldn't DS provide Dr. M with that info?
Police didn't do a complete "victimology" on Rebecca but they did do an investigation into her background trying to prove she was "depressed." Nothing came out about her having any sort of violent tendencies. She stopped exercising for a little while some time back-that was about the extent of her "depression."
And if any such info existed why wouldn't DS provide Dr. M with that info?

Maybe because RZ was not the only person with Maxie when he went over the top/
Well, ok... I just noticed - is this the original report from the two Dr.s? I don't see it signed anywhere and the comments about Rebecca at the bottom say Dr. M noted. I do know when experts advise like this they will note things as they go for their clients - it doesn't mean it ends up in their report. I always take it as not part of the report, but as 'here are things you might research further'.

So, I would like to know who wrote up the report we are seeing? Anyone know? It does not designate and author(s) and is not signed.
Police didn't do a complete "victimology" on Rebecca but they did do an investigation into her background trying to prove she was "depressed." She stopped exercising for a little while some time back-that was about the extent of her "depression."
But nothing came out about her having any sort of violent tendencies as far as I can tell.
And if any such info existed why wouldn't DS provide Dr. M with that info?

Yeah, I agree, I don't think it exists either. Given that Dina hired a PI or whatever to investigate Rebecca, it would have come up. LE really painfully stretched what they used to say she was depressed. None of that was meaningful.
Police didn't do a complete "victimology" on Rebecca but they did do an investigation into her background trying to prove she was "depressed." She stopped exercising for a little while some time back-that was about the extent of her "depression."
But nothing came out about her having any sort of violent tendencies as far as I can tell.
And if any such info existed why wouldn't DS provide Dr. M with that info?

That is true. Dina seems to hate Rebecca so much then that surely would have been mentioned at the press conference in conjunction with her "criminal history of a shop lifting episode." There is no way Dina would not have been all over that as the reason for a need for Maxie's House.
Maybe because RZ was not the only person with Maxie when he went over the top/

Katydid23, XZ is a victim and a child. She lost her sister. You are not implying that a child and a victim is a murderer without proof or facts are you? That would certainly be out of character for you now wouldn't it?

Just like it wouldn't be right to accuse a grieving mother who believed Rebecca stole her husband and murdered her son of murdering Rebecca likewise it is not right to accuse a possible murder victim or her grieving sister of Max's murder with out facts or proof. REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL TRYING TO BE VICTIM FRIENDLY HERE, NO?
I find the last paragraph of the report to be bizarre. Dr. M wasn't provided with information on previous aggressive acts by Rebecca? Isn't it because there weren't any? Not a single person said anything about Rebecca having any violent tendencies as far as I can tell. Why put that into the report?

Maybe because RZ was not the only person with Maxie when he went over the top/

BBM and responding

Precisely. There may have been at least four other people there!
Yeah, I don't think it does take into account running/jumping, tripping over the dog, or even using his scooter? One of those had to occur right? Or something of that sort. No one ever claimed he was just standing there, bent over at the waist, and ended up like he did. And, I am still thinking planking could be a possibility. He saw other kids doing it or a video or talking about it. Or he stood on the rail for some reason.

If he stood on the rail and fell over could he have grabbed the chandelier going down? Just a thought.
We got a whiff of the beginning of this 'crusade' back in September of last year. I will have to find the thread and the post, and link to it here.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA - Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #9

Chasing.Halos wrote:

I have now been verified as an insider in this case.

Alright, here are the things I know. LE is aware of everything I am about to share. I just have some tidbits, nothing earth shattering lol.

-Some family members do not believe Max died accidentally. I will leave it at that. Dina has hired a private team to investigate in the hopes that LE reopens the case and believes Max was suffocated before the "fall."

-Since March of this year, Dina told Jonah she did not want Rebecca alone with Max. This is due to her getting "weird vibes" from Rebecca. A background check was performed on Rebecca that revealed things (I was not told what those things are nor will I prod about them).

-Jonah has an interesting past of having his ex wives/girlfriends boyfriends followed, investigated, photographed etc...

-Rebecca was forbidden to go to the hospital to visit Max.

I will share more as I learn more.

### End of post ###

Thank you nora!

A couple of things stick out. Dina believed Max was suffocated before the "fall" ... she had already decided Rebecca was guilty and I believe that was based on the misdiagnosis she was given by the doctor. In fact, I believe she had decided Rebecca was guilty before Rebecca died.

If Dina had found anything significant on Rebecca that indicated violent or aggressive tendencies or whatever, I believe we probably would have heard about that in this media blitz. Her background check on Rebecca (possibly conducted in March of 2011) didn't show anything more than what she put forth - Rebecca had not yet changed back to her maiden name and she had a shoplifting incident but was not convicted.

"Jonah has an interesting past of having his ex wives/girlfriends boyfriends followed, investigated, photographed etc"

See, I have to wonder if this was not a game for these two or tit for tat. I wonder who he followed that was the BF/Partner of an ex wife or GF?
I think it's a safe bet that RZ's estate doesn't have money. I am not sure what the goal is either. The woman (RZ) is dead after all. Even if something could somehow be proven, it's not like she can be punished.

The goal could be as simple as pure hatred and wanting to characterize a murdered woman as a child murdering monster. I believe it drives Dina absolutely beyond ballistic to think anyone has any sympathy for Rebecca whatsoever. I think Dina feels that only she and she alone deserves any sympathy. This is just my impression and only my opinion.
If he stood on the rail and fell over could he have grabbed the chandelier going down? Just a thought.

I don't know. I could possibly see he jumped and grabbed it, thinking it would swing? Not sure all the possibilities have been covered really no matter what LE or the new report says. Who would know if he backed into the railing because he was playing with the dog for instance or that there is nothing else causing those. I'm still not convinced he wasn't on some other part of the railing or something. Seems to me the dog could have been chasing him and he turned around. I think if the dog hit him hard enough it could make a child somewhat airborn or he was sitting on the railing and the dog nudged him hard from below IDK.
Here is a copy of the new report (link and attached)... the other had some hoogey boogey in it that required a password to copy sections out of the pdf file. This one doesn't.



  • SummaryofReports.pdf
    565.5 KB · Views: 35
JVM show covering the case tonight, in fact, right now. I think she's having Dina on tonight.
Although it IS prosposed in your document link that Max could have just "escaped over the banister." :waitasec: I'm assuming while he had to be walking backwards - also based on what is in the document. That's all clear as mud.

It appears the scenario put forward by this report is that he was pushed into the railing during this supposed assault and somehow "escaped" over the railing? How could he possibly "escape" with his back over the railing if they don't think he could have fallen going forwards?
All because his center of gravity is below the railing they are arguing he couldn't have fallen? Yet, with his back to the railing he could have escaped over it? It doesn't make any sense to me. I also don't see any calculations or models attached to this report.
Compelling evidence? That report is ALL opinion. There is no science in that report.

To clarify, that is my response to Dina's lawyer's comment on JVM (Recovering Alcoholic Show)
It appears the scenario put forward by this report is that he was pushed into the railing during this supposed assault and somehow "escaped" over the railing? How could he possibly "escape" with his back over the railing if they don't think he could have fallen going forwards?
All because his center of gravity is below the railing they are arguing he couldn't have fallen? Yet, with his back to the railing he could have escaped over it? It doesn't make any sense to me. I also don't see any calculations or models attached to this report.

First of all, I do not think this is the original report from the two Drs because of some wording and because a lot of it is in quotes.

Here is just the wording I was talking about. I have to say it doesn't all work together for me either - having to go over on his back and whatever! It says he first he was injured on his back because he was pushed against the railing or backed into it and THEN was "either lifted over the banister or escaped over the banister, falling down to the front entry way." ACK. And, how would this explain the chandelier or scooter?


  • Untitled Image 1.pdf
    82 KB · Views: 13
Compelling evidence? That report is ALL opinion. There is no science in that report.

To clarify, that is my response to Dina's lawyer's comment on JVM (Recovering Alcoholic Show)

I hope they ask Dina's lawyer about some of the odd claims in that report as I mentioned above.
I am so glad to see Dina is wanting Max' case reopened. I sincerely hope it happens. His 'freak accident' never made any sense.

The main hosptial doctor had already told Dina he did not think this was an accident. I think Dina is like any loving mother and will fight and fight until the truth is told about what really happened to her son. She deserves to have the truth come to light.

I have always had many more questions about how Max really died than how Rebecca died. Suicide victims use bizarre methods sometimes and no one sets up a fake suicide and makes it look like a murder. They do it just the opposite and make it look like a suicide instead of a murder.

I think when Rebecca learned that Max was going to die she was afraid the autopsy would show what really happened to him.

What always made me very suspicious was according to Rebecca's LE statement conveniently she and her sister was supposedly in different bathrooms at the very same time when Max had his 'accident.' She elminated any witnesses to his 'accident.'

It is great to see that Dina has a very good expert who has assisted her in trying to get to the real truth as to what really happened to her precious little boy.

I wouldnt be shocked at all if Rebecca flew into a rage about something and hit Max knocking him backward over the railing. The way his body was to have laid by the scooter never made sense to me. It was like it had been placed right near his body.

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