Discussion of "Overkill - The Unsolved Murder of Jon Benet" doco crime scene footage

DNA Solves
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l. Snodgrass Hugh, Duct Tape Analysis as Trace Evidence.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Forensic Aspects
of Trace Evidence, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA, p.69-73,
June 1991

Shuford Mills
Manco, Inc.

Table1, Table 2, characteristics of duct tape
There was no blood in JonBenet's hair. There was no blood above her waist.

I knew that from the medical reports etc, and that it's common knowledge. I was just wondering what the dark on the side of her face was in those first few photos. Just haven't seen them before.
I knew that from the medical reports etc, and that it's common knowledge. I was just wondering what the dark on the side of her face was in those first few photos. Just haven't seen them before.
Oh, OK. So, if you knew that - I guess I don't understand your question about blood, then. I wasn't talking down to you.. I was just offering a reply, I truly thought you didn't know.
Could be matted hair, or a shadow I suppose. I circled it in red here: http://imgur.com/a/Ib2RX

And no worries Kanzz, just didn't want you think I was bringing up what is a fact and denying it! I was just surprised in the first few photos to see what looked to me like hair matted with dried blood.

And these two spots in this photo: http://imgur.com/a/CMGe6
I believe the circled bit is actually the carpet. The pattern being darker at that place.

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The two spots probably just lightning maybe?

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I believe the circled bit is actually the carpet. The pattern being darker at that place.

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Ah you know I was thinking the bit just above the dark circled area was skin, but it is hair. I was thinking her head was looking straight up but obviously in the second photo you see she is facing to the side completely.
Could be matted hair, or a shadow I suppose. I circled it in red here: http://imgur.com/a/Ib2RX

And no worries Kanzz, just didn't want you think I was bringing up what is a fact and denying it! I was just surprised in the first few photos to see what looked to me like hair matted with dried blood.

And these two spots in this photo: http://imgur.com/a/CMGe6
Ah - gotcha. Maybe camera angle + lighting + shadows +? And any rate, I think it's just artifact.
Thanks for grabbing these images.

As for the hand, I pretty clearly see a smiley face with stars for eyes. From the way it's drawn I would say JonBenet did it as it would be right-side up facing her. If someone else drew it, I would think it would be flipped.

I keep getting hung up on the gifts, so image #6 is interesting. Not yet sure about the red box, but the one behind it looks like it was for a sailing ship.
Thanks ZoriahNZ it's just not so "heartish" for me? Sometimes it makes me think it could also be the starting picture of a stethoscope but there was a shortage of space to finish the drawing? Children draw strange things to let out emotions. On which hand was this and could she have done this drawing herself? All depends on the hand that she used. Heart shapes? They love to draw it to show love of feeling loved but in this case the drawing was not completed. If it was herself maybe that is how she felt. I would also say that if somebody else made the drawing it the brother HE DID THE DRAWING BECAUSE HE COULD HAVE BEEN MOLESTING HER. I still feel the same. She was accidentally killed by the miserable smiler, and the parents knew his molesting days was about to get into the open. They thought poor JB was dead and then killed her. WHY I ASK? OR RATHER WHERE IN THE WORLD CAN THERE BE SOMEONE TO PENETRATE THE BRAINS OF KILLERS THAT "knows nothing". Dare the pigs!!!!! IF YOU ARE NOT GUILTY THEN TAKE THIS TEST BECAUSE IT IS DEMANDED BY COURT. I am going to double check on that heart shape, even if it breaks my heart to look at those photo's. It makes me sickkkkkk and someone is guilty as hell:maddening::desert::websleuther::goodpost:
I have an idea that Patsy stated that JBR used to draw hearts on her hand, or sometimes Patsy herself would. I'll have to go back and look at her interview transcription to find her exact words.
I have an idea that Patsy stated that JBR used to draw hearts on her hand, or sometimes Patsy herself would. I'll have to go back and look at her interview transcription to find her exact words.
She did although I don't remember where she said it either. She claimed she would draw a heart on JBR's hand so she wouldn't be scared at night because she has her mother's heart in her hand. Or some nonsense like that. Other times she claimed no knowledge of the ink, and implied it may have done during the party.
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong but it looks as though on pic 7 of the cord (that is so so horrible and sad to see) like to the right hand side the hair is wound around the cord? I thought there was only hair wound round the knot on the paintbrush? Is there a lot of text I've missed? Or am I looking at it wrong cuz I perhaps don't want to see too closely anyway?
Thanks for the thread. I sort of go between not being able to look as it's so awful to wanting to look to try to make any sense of it to then thinking surely her parents couldn't have done any of it. BUT I didn't know them I guess. And even then how well can you ever really know someone.
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong but it looks as though on pic 7 of the cord (that is so so horrible and sad to see) like to the right hand side the hair is wound around the cord? I thought there was only hair wound round the knot on the paintbrush? Is there a lot of text I've missed? Or am I looking at it wrong cuz I perhaps don't want to see too closely anyway?
Thanks for the thread. I sort of go between not being able to look as it's so awful to wanting to look to try to make any sense of it to then thinking surely her parents couldn't have done any of it. BUT I didn't know them I guess. And even then how well can you ever really know someone.
Yes, there was hair in the cord on the ligature as well as on the knot around the paintbrush. You can see it better in the ME's photos.
There are other pics available on pinterest, which I also have linked in my sig.
Excellent work on the screen caps, which I've downloaded. I cannot download the DailyMotion video.

Is there a software app that can download from DailyMotion independent of the browser?

Yes, no doll, or barbie, just the wrapping paper, likely courtesy of BR?

Seeing the clarity of the images makes me realize there is no way the pink nightgown arrived in the wine-cellar via static.

Yet it appears independent of the wine-cellar crime-scene, unless this is what JonBenet was wearing as she lay just outside the wine-cellar, or was it tossed in because it was overlooked?

I agree great work ZoriahNZ..

I, too, cannot open the video. Is there anywhere else to view it? I googled to no avail.

Thank you for any help.
Thanks for that kanzz, that's awesome. It's quite difficult to find everything now I think. There's so many threads! And I have to say the site is quite buggy on my iPhone at times. I have been reading for a while and think of loads of things I want to post or ask about but I can't tell which thread my thoughts belong to! And then I think maybe it's already been covered and I've just not read far back enough into the past!
Thanks for that kanzz, that's awesome. It's quite difficult to find everything now I think. There's so many threads! And I have to say the site is quite buggy on my iPhone at times. I have been reading for a while and think of loads of things I want to post or ask about but I can't tell which thread my thoughts belong to! And then I think maybe it's already been covered and I've just not read far back enough into the past!
You're welcome. And don't worry too much about which thread is the right/appropriate one. So many of them have gotten so far off topic anyway, it's hard to tell (imo). If you have something to post or a question - just find the thread you think fits the best and post it. It's all good!
Thanks ZoriahNZ it's just not so "heartish" for me? All depends on the hand that she used. Heart shapes? They love to draw it to show love of feeling loved but in this case the drawing was not completed.

If could be as simple an explanation as the ink rubbing off over time, especially as it was in the palm of her hand.

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