Discussion of the New Lead in the Search for Stacy Peterson

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hi, I'm a newbie, but have been reading for a long time. I agree that they already have found something, and they're just waiting for DNA. IMHO

I agree with you. Either DNA or chemicals that could be used to dissolve a body, or some other trace that ties in with the new lead that led them there.

Or hey, it could be that LE is telling the truth and they are waiting for special equipment.

What I don't believe is that they are stating they have a very solid lead just to state it to keep people happy.
In the woodchipper murder all that was found of the poor victim was a fingernail, tiny bone IIRC.
So possibly they found something tiny and will go back if DNA is right on.
I hate to be a pessimist, but if they haven't returned to begin some of the physical searching for over a week, then they probably feel that this is not a real lead. I can't see LE sitting on a potential crime scene for this long with no activity.

The only thing I can think of at this point is the possibility that LE never intended to have their search of the area made public. I think they didn't want the defense team to know of the search. If the search led to finding Stacy Peterson's remains, it would come as a complete surprise to the defense and catch them off guard.

I also think LE has been waiting for both the weather to clear and has been lining up the special equipment in preparation for a more thorough search. From what's been posted here at WS, it sounds like that equipment is not readily available.

What we've been left with is that according to anthropologist Hern, LE has a good solid lead. LE said they wanted to further investigate the lead, which sounds like going back and talking to sources.

It's discouraging that we're not seeing anything happening, but at the same time, I remain hopeful that whatever LE has in the way of a lead is eventually going to result in finding Stacy.
Hi, I'm a newbie, but have been reading for a long time. I agree that they already have found something, and they're just waiting for DNA. IMHO

To Websleuths Fleetfoot! :)
Hi, I'm a newbie, but have been reading for a long time. I agree that they already have found something, and they're just waiting for DNA. IMHO

Hi there, and welcome!
Hi, I'm a newbie, but have been reading for a long time. I agree that they already have found something, and they're just waiting for DNA. IMHO

Hi FF and welcome to WS! We are all hoping so badly that you are right. And it is very possible that they did, though the first search was so short that the chances are slim.

But I do know with LE, they very seldom have info and just sit there on it. Somewhere behind the scenes they will be working on some aspect of it.

Does anyone remember if Stacy's cell phone was found after her death? I can't remember what all they said she left behind or took with her. I do remember that there were allegedly two cell phones. The one DrewP gave her, and the new one she bought. So maybe one of them is with her. Whatever she allegedly left with, there is a possibility that he dumped it at the scene. (Her bikini for instance)
This is very true. But what if the chemicals weren't liquid? Many chemicals begin as a dry solid, then some liquid is added to start the reaction. It makes them safer to transport. So what if there was some small amt of solid chemical in them, the body was put in on top. Movement of the barrel would cause the solid chemical to spread over the remains more. The water in the remains and any spilled blood could have begun a slight reaction.

The other thing is that TM believed that he might be transporting Stacy's remains, he may have just imagined that the barrel was warm.

Another possibility is that Stacy wasn't in the barrel or container. That DrewP used TM only as a distraction. I have always wondered why DrewP would pick TM as an acomplice. TM wasn't hardcore criminal, as a matter of fact he seems to have a concience. DrewP can read people so he would have known that TM couldn't be a trusted accomplice. So why call on him, except maybe as a distraction? By using him as a distraction everyone is looking for a blue barrel. My bet is that no blue barrel was involved. Since leads are now pointing to a new accomplice, I am guessing that that is what was intended. DrewP figured that TM would go to the cops. So he is the distraction and the accomplice is the one that actually helped him and knew what happened.

From what we know of Tom Morphey, he seems to be a very emotional man, and was very frightened of his step-brother, DP. I can easily see that knowing what DP was capable of doing, Tom's imagination could play a role in what happened.

I think it's very possible that the barrel/container (Tom Morphey described it as a rectangular container) could have been a set-up distraction.

Bear with me for a moment for some background..............

DP's oldest son, Eric, who's been estranged from the family since Kathleen Savio's death (he thought DP killed her), testified at the pre-trial hearing in January. He testified that he and his brother, Steve, then about 13 and 14, were spending the weekend with DP who was then married to Kathleen. He said that DP ordered he and his brother to go to their room upstairs and stay there. He said that he and his brother heard the sound of Kathleen screaming, furniture being knocked over, glass breaking, etc. When they got up the next morning, Kathleen was gone. This may have been the time that Kathleen went to the emergency room, or she left and was staying with her family.

Knowing that has made me think that in the immediate aftermath of killing Stacy in the master bedroom, DP may have ordered the two older boys, Tom and Chris, to stay in their rooms and watch the two youngest. While the children were all in their rooms, DP may have taken Stacy's body out of the house.

How would he do that? He could have backed Stacy's car up to the garage door and put the lid of the trunk up. Then he brought Stay's body downstairs, and through the door into the garage and quickly put her body in the trunk. With the trunk lid up it would have blocked anyone from seeing what was going on. It could have been done so quickly, that none of the neighbors would have seen it happen.

Neighbor, Sharon Bychowsky, has stated that she left to do errands at about 9:30am and at that time both Drew's car and Stacy's car were in the driveway. She said that when she got home at about 11:30am, Stacy's car was gone.

I think it's possible that DP killed Stacy, put her body in the trunk of Stacy's car, and then drove that car a couple blocks away, and parked it in a residential neighborhood. He then walked home. To anyone driving by the Peterson house, Stacy's car was gone, so they'd presume she was gone.

When LE investigated, cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Stacy's car, and Stacy's car was the one that DP wouldn't allow LE to examine. So it's logical that Stacy's body was in the trunk of her car at one point.
DrewP also gave a very specific list of items that Stacy took with her, and it included her bikini. I can't imagine that DrewP wouldn't get rid of the items that he said she took with her. If those items were found in his house, then that would be something suspicious that pointed to him.

The reason I thought about the cell phone was that I was under the impression that DrewP wasn't aware that Stacy had a second cell phone. So she could have had it on her person and DrewP may not have found it until he went to dispose of her.
From what we know of Tom Morphey, he seems to be a very emotional man, and was very frightened of his step-brother, DP. I can easily see that knowing what DP was capable of doing, Tom's imagination could play a role in what happened.

I think it's very possible that the barrel/container (Tom Morphey described it as a rectangular container) could have been a set-up distraction.

Bear with me for a moment for some background..............

DP's oldest son, Eric, who's been estranged from the family since Kathleen Savio's death (he thought DP killed her), testified at the pre-trial hearing in January. He testified that he and his brother, Steve, then about 13 and 14, were spending the weekend with DP who was then married to Kathleen. He said that DP ordered he and his brother to go to their room upstairs and stay there. He said that he and his brother heard the sound of Kathleen screaming, furniture being knocked over, glass breaking, etc. When they got up the next morning, Kathleen was gone. This may have been the time that Kathleen went to the emergency room, or she left and was staying with her family.

Knowing that has made me think that in the immediate aftermath of killing Stacy in the master bedroom, DP may have ordered the two older boys, Tom and Chris, to stay in their rooms and watch the two youngest. While the children were all in their rooms, DP may have taken Stacy's body out of the house.

How would he do that? He could have backed Stacy's car up to the garage door and put the lid of the trunk up. Then he brought Stay's body downstairs, and through the door into the garage and quickly put her body in the trunk. With the trunk lid up it would have blocked anyone from seeing what was going on. It could have been done so quickly, that none of the neighbors would have seen it happen.

Neighbor, Sharon Bychowsky, has stated that she left to do errands at about 9:30am and at that time both Drew's car and Stacy's car were in the driveway. She said that when she got home at about 11:30am, Stacy's car was gone.

I think it's possible that DP killed Stacy, put her body in the trunk of Stacy's car, and then drove that car a couple blocks away, and parked it in a residential neighborhood. He then walked home. To anyone driving by the Peterson house, Stacy's car was gone, so they'd presume she was gone.

When LE investigated, cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Stacy's car, and Stacy's car was the one that DP wouldn't allow LE to examine. So it's logical that Stacy's body was in the trunk of her car at one point.

Good logic. The one thing I have a hard time with is that D.P. would leave the car parked somewhere with a body in the trunk. I believe that since he is a control freak, he would have "needed" to be in complete control of where the body was. I believe it was in the house until he was able to move it to a secured temporary location....i.e. storage unit.

The reason the body was "stored" in the barrel in the bedroom was an attempt to keep cadaver dogs from hitting in the bedroom. Again, this was premeditated so he had the barrel ready in the bedroom so he could immediately place her in it. Likely, he knocked her unconscious, put her in the barrel, THEN killed her inside the barrel before sealing it shut...again, to prevent cadaver dogs from hitting.

Remember, he spent years planning his "what if" plan because he knew Stacy was dangerous because I believe she knew about Kathy Savio.

Again, just my opinions.
Thank you everyone, for the welcome!
I thought I read that the coroners van was at the search site. I don't think they bring in the van to carry animal bones. Human remains yes, but they ID the animal bones right there on scene. That's what makes me believe they have something. I'll see if I can find article.
Thank you everyone, for the welcome!
I thought I read that the coroners van was at the search site. I don't think they bring in the van to carry animal bones. Human remains yes, but they ID the animal bones right there on scene. That's what makes me believe they have something. I'll see if I can find article.

Fleetfoot..............I sure hope they did find something. I know it was reported that the anthropologist suddenly quit working and called it a day. It may be that he did find something and the decision was made to halt further searching until testing was done.

It was very strange that LE called a press conference away from the search scene and all the media went to the site of the press conference. A member here who lives in the area, said she and a friend drove by shortly after the media left, and there was one media van from Chicago still there and she stopped to talk to them. While they were talking, a number of police cars and a van (coroner's van?) came down the driveway and left. Our member and the media she was talking to all felt that something had been found. It had the appearance of having a press conference a few miles away as a diversion while LE left.
Fleetfoot..............I sure hope they did find something. I know it was reported that the anthropologist suddenly quit working and called it a day. It may be that he did find something and the decision was made to halt further searching until testing was done.

It was very strange that LE called a press conference away from the search scene and all the media went to the site of the press conference. A member here who lives in the area, said she and a friend drove by shortly after the media left, and there was one media van from Chicago still there and she stopped to talk to them. While they were talking, a number of police cars and a van (coroner's van?) came down the driveway and left. Our member and the media she was talking to all felt that something had been found. It had the appearance of having a press conference a few miles away as a diversion while LE left.

Yes, thats where I read it. I looked it up, it was post #295
Thank you
"Brodsky declined to release the letter itself. "We don’t want anything to impede the investigation" ~November 2007~

That is what Brodsky had to say about the letter Drew received from the Peoria resident who allegedly saw Stacy.

Maybe Mr. Brodsky should release that letter in its entirety now. Since he doesn't want to impede the investigation for the search for Stacy.

Letter bits and pieces:
Justice Cafe/Wordpress: http://petersonstory.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/peoria-letter-sm.gif

acandyrose.com: http://www.acandyrose.com/stacy_peterson_sideshows1.htm
Yes, thats where I read it. I looked it up, it was post #295
Thank you

I brought it forward because I didn't remember the details.

It's Not the Nanny's Post 295

Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back on here!

My friend and I were on our way out to dinner and decided to drive by the property. Several police cars were at the end of the drive blocking it's entrance. You could not see any activity or how many cars/police were on the scene due to the woods and rolling hills. (you definitely couldn't see the blue tent from the road)

My friend and I drove a bit farther down from the driveway entrance they were blocking and parked next to a TV truck from Chicago 7. We befriended the camera guy and he said he really thought something was found by what they were hearing and how the LE were acting.

I asked where all the other news media crews were (no local media was there ... and only this one station out of Chicago). He said they were holding a press conference across town that was about to start at any moment.

After waiting around for a while (and listening to some funny stories about Geraldo and DP while staking out his house), a trailor carrying an excavator came down the driveway from the scene and drove away.

A few mins after that, 6-7 unmarked, marked, and what looked to be a CSI type van came driving down the driveway quite rapidly and took off into town. The helicopter from above followed them.

The news reporter and camera guy strongly felt they had found something and had distracted the media and observers with the press conference which was being held quite a distance away. They did a live broadcast for the 6pm news while we watched. (The Chicago Tribune interviewed us, too, while were waiting...maybe that will be in the paper tomorrrow?)

I'm on the fence as to whether or not they were creating a distraction or if they were really wrapping up for the day.

Of course, then, a horrible tornado came right through our area (and the actual location they were searching) so it's been a bit of a wild night!

A lot of people we talked to seem to think there is some connection with the gun/sportmen club on the property and DP.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back on here!

My friend and I were on our way out to dinner and decided to drive by the property. Several police cars were at the end of the drive blocking it's entrance. You could not see any activity or how many cars/police were on the scene due to the woods and rolling hills. (you definitely couldn't see the blue tent from the road)

My friend and I drove a bit farther down from the driveway entrance they were blocking and parked next to a TV truck from Chicago 7. We befriended the camera guy and he said he really thought something was found by what they were hearing and how the LE were acting.

I asked where all the other news media crews were (no local media was there ... and only this one station out of Chicago). He said they were holding a press conference across town that was about to start at any moment.

After waiting around for a while (and listening to some funny stories about Geraldo and DP while staking out his house), a trailor carrying an excavator came down the driveway from the scene and drove away.

A few mins after that, 6-7 unmarked, marked, and what looked to be a CSI type van came driving down the driveway quite rapidly and took off into town. The helicopter from above followed them.

The news reporter and camera guy strongly felt they had found something and had distracted the media and observers with the press conference which was being held quite a distance away. They did a live broadcast for the 6pm news while we watched. (The Chicago Tribune interviewed us, too, while were waiting...maybe that will be in the paper tomorrrow?)

I'm on the fence as to whether or not they were creating a distraction or if they were really wrapping up for the day.

Of course, then, a horrible tornado came right through our area (and the actual location they were searching) so it's been a bit of a wild night!

A lot of people we talked to seem to think there is some connection with the gun/sportmen club on the property and DP.

The above post is important!

All the media was congregated right there in front of the blocked driveway. They were right there, and it would have been far easier and made sense for LE to take a microphone and address the media right there instead of sending them quite a distance away for a press conference that really didn't amount to much.....a few words stating that nothing was found, they feel they have a good lead, and they'll return at some point to further investigate.

Considering that the police cars and what may have been a CSI van, left together and abruptly after the media had left the area, with a helicopter overhead, suggests that something was found.

Since then, there's been nothing. No indication that LE has returned to search further, and no news.

If they did find something, it may be a matter of awaiting test results. We've all seen other cases where the test results took a long time......at least several weeks. If the item or items are sent to the FBI labs in Virginia, rather than a state forensic lab, it can take considerably longer.

I'm wondering if that's what's happening now? If it is a matter of awaiting test results, and it takes a month or longer, the results could come back during the trial for Kathleen Savio's murder.

That leads me to wonder if the prosecution would delay any announcement, one way or another, until after the trial is over to avoid any suggestion of trying to sway a jury? That's something the defense could use for an appeal if DP is convicted.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back on here!

My friend and I were on our way out to dinner and decided to drive by the property. Several police cars were at the end of the drive blocking it's entrance. You could not see any activity or how many cars/police were on the scene due to the woods and rolling hills. (you definitely couldn't see the blue tent from the road)

My friend and I drove a bit farther down from the driveway entrance they were blocking and parked next to a TV truck from Chicago 7. We befriended the camera guy and he said he really thought something was found by what they were hearing and how the LE were acting.

I asked where all the other news media crews were (no local media was there ... and only this one station out of Chicago). He said they were holding a press conference across town that was about to start at any moment.

After waiting around for a while (and listening to some funny stories about Geraldo and DP while staking out his house), a trailor carrying an excavator came down the driveway from the scene and drove away.

A few mins after that, 6-7 unmarked, marked, and what looked to be a CSI type van came driving down the driveway quite rapidly and took off into town. The helicopter from above followed them.

The news reporter and camera guy strongly felt they had found something and had distracted the media and observers with the press conference which was being held quite a distance away. They did a live broadcast for the 6pm news while we watched. (The Chicago Tribune interviewed us, too, while were waiting...maybe that will be in the paper tomorrrow?)

I'm on the fence as to whether or not they were creating a distraction or if they were really wrapping up for the day.

Of course, then, a horrible tornado came right through our area (and the actual location they were searching) so it's been a bit of a wild night!

A lot of people we talked to seem to think there is some connection with the gun/sportmen club on the property and DP.

The above post is important!

All the media was congregated right there in front of the blocked driveway. They were right there, and it would have been far easier and made sense for LE to take a microphone and address the media right there instead of sending them quite a distance away for a press conference that really didn't amount to much.....a few words stating that nothing was found, they feel they have a good lead, and they'll return at some point to further investigate.

Considering that the police cars and what may have been a CSI van, left together and abruptly after the media had left the area, with a helicopter overhead, suggests that something was found.

Since then, there's been nothing. No indication that LE has returned to search further, and no news.

If they did find something, it may be a matter of awaiting test results. We've all seen other cases where the test results took a long time......at least several weeks. If the item or items are sent to the FBI labs in Virginia, rather than a state forensic lab, it can take considerably longer.

I'm wondering if that's what's happening now? If it is a matter of awaiting test results, and it takes a month or longer, the results could come back during the trial for Kathleen Savio's murder.

That leads me to wonder if the prosecution would delay any announcement, one way or another, until after the trial is over to avoid any suggestion of trying to sway a jury? That's something the defense could use for an appeal if DP is convicted.
I strongly agree.....great assessment. I think they have something and they are testing. It would be a HUGE blunder if they stated they thought the HAD something that proved Stacy was there then lab results proved otherwise. The defense would have a field day with that. They need to be 100% certain it is her. They made a brilliant move as far as I'm concerned to move the press conference!!
When LE investigated, cadaver dogs hit on the trunk of Stacy's car, and Stacy's car was the one that DP wouldn't allow LE to examine. So it's logical that Stacy's body was in the trunk of her car at one point.

How is that possible? I mean if I was a cop and a fellow cops wife was missing and he didn't want me to examine her car then red lights would be flashin big time. Couldn't they get a warrant to search that car?

On the subject of the bikini ... if I went missing I swear my husband couldn't tell you what I was wearing at the time much less if a bikini was missing from a drawer. DP is so full of it!
How is that possible? I mean if I was a cop and a fellow cops wife was missing and he didn't want me to examine her car then red lights would be flashin big time. Couldn't they get a warrant to search that car?

On the subject of the bikini ... if I went missing I swear my husband couldn't tell you what I was wearing at the time much less if a bikini was missing from a drawer. DP is so full of it!

I've had a similar discussion with 2 LE friends of mine. Our discussion was about probable cause to search. My question posed (R/E Drugs)was if they stopped someone and asked to search their car without probable cause and were denied, whatcha going to do then? Their reply was we will call for the drug dog and if the drug dog hits on the car, it gives us probable cause to search anyway.

Hello everyone, I've not been real involved in this case but find myself drawn to it by the recent events. I'll mostly remain silent and just read.

My other comment tonight is on the letter posted that was sent to DP. My impression was it was female who followed the case early on and had objections to Dr. Baden and was certain Stacy wanted her to see her, whomever it was??? Color me baffled.

My first impression was they were a calligrapher. I can't say I've ever seen such deliberate lettering in writing I've seen. I'm curious if anyone has seen such neatness and well designed lettering in their experience.
I've had a similar discussion with 2 LE friends of mine. Our discussion was about probable cause to search. My question posed (R/E Drugs)was if they stopped someone and asked to search their car without probable cause and were denied, whatcha going to do then? Their reply was we will call for the drug dog and if the drug dog hits on the car, it gives us probable cause to search anyway.

Hello everyone, I've not been real involved in this case but find myself drawn to it by the recent events. I'll mostly remain silent and just read.

My other comment tonight is on the letter posted that was sent to DP. My impression was it was female who followed the case early on and had objections to Dr. Baden and was certain Stacy wanted her to see her, whomever it was??? Color me baffled.

My first impression was they were a calligrapher. I can't say I've ever seen such deliberate lettering in writing I've seen. I'm curious if anyone has seen such neatness and well designed lettering in their experience.


The letter itself is a doozy. Makes me wonder about the author.

I'm pretty sure it was typed on a computer and printed, then mailed to Drew, not calligraphy done by hand.


Well, if they were in the 'right spot' you have to wonder how DP has been acting of late. I wish I were a fly on the wall and could observe his demeanor of late.

Leila, you make very good sense in what you suggest concerning the conference and the way they all cleared out of there like they did. I'm hoping with all my might you are spot on.

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