Discussion of the Transcriptions of the Testimony of Jodi Arias

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From what AZL answered in other places, the judge could deem this the first part of her allocution. If so, she would remind the jury that none of what she said those two days can be considered to be under oath and could restrict her to not repeating anything she already covered in that part when she continues with the rest of her allocution.

I don't think she could say it wasn't under oath, because it was. But she could say you may consider the fact that it was not subject to cross-examination--and then JM could comment in closing about all the great cross-examination he would have done lol.
I don't think she could say it wasn't under oath, because it was. But she could say you may consider the fact that it was not subject to cross-examination--and then JM could comment in closing about all the great cross-examination he would have done lol.

Thanks for the clarification.
I don't remember JA saying TA used the visor mirror to see her performing oral on him from a different angle in the car around the corner ftom Starbucks in Palm Desert the second week they knew each other. Does anyone else remember her mentioning that during her excruciating 18 days?

It seems she's adding more odd and unneeded embellishments again. Those stupid details (lies of course) will hopefully help her find her way to the needle.

I guess since no one found *advertiser censored* on his computer, this is the only way for her to say he liked 'to watch'.
I don't think she could say it wasn't under oath, because it was. But she could say you may consider the fact that it was not subject to cross-examination--and then JM could comment in closing about all the great cross-examination he would have done lol.

Sounds to me like justice could still have a chance here, if the judge instructs the jury properly. I have to admit I am still a bit worried about JSS rising to the occasion. I believe she is capable of doing so; I have seen her do so on occasion. Just not so much recently. But then, that may be due to this being trial be tweet, where we cannot possibly know with any clarity what is happening in the courtroom. For all we know, the judge might have been exhibiting great skill at ducking most of the spitwads the DT have shot in her direction.

This has become a case of if no one tweets it, it didn't happen...at least to anyone's knowledge. Sadly.
Unfortunately, the PDF is from scanned images and not generated directly, so you can't extract the text. This attachment has just the 13 pages at the end of day 2 covering the discussion after the higher court decision was received.

I'm not sure how to compress it visually (so-called breaking news or other means), so if this takes up too much room I'll delete the attachment and let someone indicate how to append I can append it without taking up a ton of screen space.

View attachment 67485
Acrobat pro converts scanned docs into text with ease.
Acrobat pro converts scanned docs into text with ease.

I have an old version of Acrobat Pro and I got no text extracted.

ETA: Unless I needed to tweak a setting related to OCR. Will poke around.
Acrobat pro converts scanned docs into text with ease.

Well crud - found it in help. Will see if I can convert that last part.

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She was 4 and wandered into her parents bedroom and saw white powder and a razor

Beep Beep goes the bus

Makes me wonder if Jodi could be spinning a little of her own drug experiences and claiming those were done by mom and dad
I have an old version of Acrobat Pro and I got no text extracted.

ETA: Unless I needed to tweak a setting related to OCR. Will poke around.
I have an older version as well, Acrobat Pro 9, you have to optimize document, I do it 2x, then run the OCR, and save as word document.
Well crud - found it in help. Will see if I can convert that last part.

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2. Choose Document > OCR Text Recognition > Recognize Text Using OCR.
3. In the Recognize Text dialog box, select an option under Pages.
4. (Optional) Click Edit to open the Recognize Text - Settings dialog box, and select the options you want to use.
You need to optimize it first, cleans the document up nicely, I usually run it twice.
I hope the jury fully realizes the absolute truth of JA and that is that she, above all, is a prolific liar. Anything that comes out of her mouth is suspect. She lies with the ease that most of us breathe. She is a lazy liar because she assumes her audience is not clever enough to recognize her deceit. She heaps lie upon lie with no care if the stories mesh with reality or her previous lies. The jury (and all us) should constantly remember that NOTHING she says can be accepted as 100% truth. At the very least she spins and contorts everything to fit into her distorted and ever-changing version of reality.

I so wish Juan could say this in his closing; but it's doubtful he will be allowed to . :thinking:
Nope but I do remember her talking about the incident since this is when she says he gave her the book of Mormon to actively recruit her. But oopsie she forgot that she was "dabbling in Mormonism" a minimum of 6 months before she even knew of Travis Alexander.

I also caught that glaring discrepancy in her "testimony."
Kind of late in joining the discussion - just finished reading the transcripts yesterday and just wanted to say that there was an error on Page 93 line 6 to 8 from Oct. 31st transcript read as such:

and he (Matt) found this mediation class online that was happening in Nevada in the Bay Area. And so we went there, we checked it out.

Nevada should be Novato, as I lived there in the 50s and early 60s; everyone pronounced as "Nevada", but it's Novato...

okay - now I can start reading all your comments here!

Nevada should be Novato, as I lived there in the 50s and early 60s; everyone pronounced as "Nevada", but it's Novato...

I'm glad you cleared that up, because I live in Nevada. I read that and thought, "We have a 'Bay Area' here? How does THAT work?" :facepalm:
Wasn't that after she'd fallen asleep in one of his armchairs... (sorry can't remember for sure)

IIRC wasn't this episode not at TA's but at a friend of TA's? If it was one of TA's armchairs, how did she get to be at TA's?

I also wondered how she could take Spanish and sign language classes at Monterey Peninsula College, given that she had neither a high school diploma nor a GED. So not that I'm obsessed or anything... I checked the college website. Turns out if you're 19 or older, you actually can enroll without a diploma or GED. I'd already imagined her crawling in through an air vent, dropping (ninja-like) into a classroom, then hiding under something. I guess instead she was allowed to enter and exit through doors just a real person.

I believe that at a community college you can actually take a class without any kind of credentials; I once took intermediate Spanish without ever taking beginning Spanish, and Algebra just because I felt like it. The only thing required was payment! High school students are often allowed to take for-credit classes at c. colleges without having high school diplomas. Also, classes are offered to members of the community that don't give credit. Perhaps JA's statement is BS for taking one of these "General Interest" types of classes? Is there any record of her getting a grade?
Back then you probably could. Now at most you need a GED or high school diploma. You also need an ACT score or to take a test equal to it. Went to Delgado Community College in New Orleans then transferred to University of New Orleans. Go Dolphins!

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