Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Refresh my memory did the Lifetime movie paint the defendant in a good light? All I know is when I saw that 48 hours a million years ago before she was admitting any involvement I knew she did it and was extremely dangerous.
It's not that she watched it, she brought it into the deliberations AND it was not evidence given to them in trial.
I am officially angry at JSS for not doing anything once 11 jurors brought up the bias of 1 juror.

This is unbelievable.

Please read AZL's comments...if she had, it would have been overturned on appeal...and we'd be right back in this situation eventually. Her hands were tied. The problem is that this woman ended up on the jury to begin with.
Oh sorry may not have been a juror,but someone just calling in.
I've not paid much attention to this case, but I have a couple of questions.

1. Did JA represent herself?
2. Did she testify?
1. At times prior to trial to try to introduce fake evidence like manufactured pedo letters.
2. 11/2 days of closed door secret testimony, which has now been made public. No cross-examination.
I've not paid much attention to this case, but I have a couple of questions.

1. Did JA represent herself?
2. Did she testify?

1. she tried for a few days before the retrial but had her same attorneys during the retrial
2. sort of :facepalm:
They might have known last night or this morning, but I assume it was a surprise or the one Alexander sister wouldn't have cried out like that. :(

What do you make of the judge being ready to sentence immediately? Also, what is the reason for Jodi asking for extra time? Will she stay at Estrella during this time?
I have been on websleuths since the Casey Anthony case...followed both trials on Arias but never felt the need to add my "two cents". I'm upset that the Alexander's didn't get the outcome they wanted. That their agony of some closure is still denied. I hate that we appear to have a stealth juror or at least one that can't recognize her own bias.
I believe in the death penalty and hope if I am ever called to serve I have the strength of my convictions. But all that said, hearing about the constant torture to the victims family members do to all the rights given to the accused in death penalty cases, the re victimization of the family whenever a new anti do group takes on the murderer's cause..the sheer amount of attention that dp cases get even after conviction...I take comfort that she will be locked up..and hopefully lose her mouth piece.
It's clear this murderer enjoys torturing this family..loves the attention. She deserves to be locked up and forgotten...the defense team claims victory...they lost..the jury didn't buy it...the court of public opinion didn't buy it...Arias isn't free.
I wanted the dp for the family...but I can take solace that she can't continue to get her claws into them with every motion and muck slinging lie she Makes up..because she won't have the same rights as a dp case..she is just a number..and Travis's light shines even more brightly ...he has had a positive influence even after his death...what he stands for and his charity and love going beyond those who knew him in life is the true justice for Travis.
So, JAs "psychological make-up" did affect stealth juror. I knew it. There's always one.

I think these poor jurors will suffer from PTSD now. So sad.
I really think this one juror forgot that JA was guilty of premeditated murder and that was already decided by trial. On the other hand, she was against the death penalty from the get go.
I understand. But today I vent.
Tomorrow I'll slurp the **** out of a strawberry frap and toast the ***** to hell.
But today, I'm going to let this frustration out.

Freaking JSS.
Nurmi with his "victory". STFU.
Maria. OMG. Unprofessional idiot!
And JW, Dr. Freaking Idiot and Dr. Skunk Face.
And omg Marc McGee.

Well, there I go getting angry again.

Lol same.

Life goes on, I'm picking up my sweet daughter from school soon. I am a happy person, a good life, a good family. But for now grrr.

My heart really does break for the Alexanders. I'm not just saying that because it sounds nice. Every once in a while I catch myself thinking about Travis and become very sad and gets tears. I DO hope what the 11 jurors said about him gave them some comfort. I really do.
I must say.. It doesn't hurt as much as when Casey Anthony got acquitted. I really took that one to heart. That sweet baby. That day I left Websleuths and didn't return for months.

This one... We got the guilty verdict and she WILL rot in prison.
and why not sentence her today? what's the point of dragging this out another month, and with JSS, that probably means she'll get sentenced next year. i don't get it. it's like nurmi asks for ANYTHING, he gets it.
Please read AZL's comments...if she had, it would have been overturned on appeal...and we'd be right back in this situation eventually. Her hands were tied. The problem is that this woman ended up on the jury to begin with.

Thanks! It's really hard to keep up with this thread. So, this looks like it was a lost cause right from the get-go. :facepalm:
Damn now I'm glad we just had tweets and didn't have to hear all this. I'm already annoyed with KN
There will be books written about this trial, so I hope that Judge Stephens is immortalised in minute detail for her bungling of this case. It's all she deserves, IMO.
it's been a long road, and i'm just a bee.....i can't imagine being an alexander :(.....so i shall take my leave now but i'll be back on this thread on the 13th of april, praying for LWOP :jail:.....

but i wanted to thank everyone for the links, info, support and yes even the laughs(so we didn't go crazy) thru the years this tragedy has taken to wind down here on websleuths........

take care fellow fans of justice........

:rose:for travis
I understand. But today I vent.
Tomorrow I'll slurp the **** out of a strawberry frap and toast the ***** to hell.
But today, I'm going to let this frustration out.

Freaking JSS.
Nurmi with his "victory". STFU.
Maria. OMG. Unprofessional idiot!
And JW, Dr. Freaking Idiot and Dr. Skunk Face.
And omg Marc McGee.

Well, there I go getting angry again.

I wish I was in Amsterdam with you, suckin' down strawberry frappaccinos (which I don't even like) sitting at some pretty canal, crying together!
What do you make of the judge being ready to sentence immediately? Also, what is the reason for Jodi asking for extra time? Will she stay at Estrella during this time?

Jodi's trying to make friends from a distance to make it easier when she gets there. She's been trying to delay getting to Perryville for a long time, yet people say Estrella's worse. Not sure what to believe, but her new cell is ugly and Travis blue. Hope she's there by Memorial Day and can experience Arizona heat in the exercise cage.
just wondering if my posts are being seen, I am not getting any response. Thanks
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