Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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I have to be upfront and say I haven't read any of this thread. While waiting for the jury I got physically sick. My DH thought I was nuts and I'm so disappointed in myself.

After calming down and listening to the jury here are my thoughts. I hope I don't make anyone mad.

I feel terrible for the Alexanders that they didn't get the verdict they wanted. I hope not to offend here, but I've been praying about this since the beginning of deliberations and asked God to guide the jury outcome. After the jury spoke, I felt that my prayers had been answered.

I have no right to speculate on the Alexanders feelings, but when 11 jurors come out and say they didn't believe any of the BS the defense was trying to sell and they thought JA was a lying evil person, that was satisfaction for me. It says the defense was NOT successful in their attack on Travis. The plus of it is JA will be locked away forever and the Alexanders won't have to be further hurt by endless appeals.

I hope the Alexanders are aware of what the jury stated and it brings them peace.


Beautifully written Myvice...but you have to remember, they've been waiting so long for this...willing to put themselves through almost 5 more months of hell...and for what? To feel at peace with 11 jurors believing what they knew all along? Travis was a good guy...they're beloved brother...and, IMO, a pretty terrific human being. Not sure how I'd feel with the "almost was". Maybe one day they'll be able to wrap their brains around this...I pray they can, but I can understand why they may not...'cause right now, I can't wrap my brain around how this played out. Just boggles my mind.
Somehow I don't believe justice was granted today, not to Travis, nor to his family. There is but one chance remaining for a semblance of justice to be granted. Judge Stephens has the last say in this matter, here's hoping she has the thoughtfulness, the strength, and the moral fiber to ensure that the convicted murderer never again walks outside of a prison and spends every single day of her miserable life behind bars with no potential of gaining freedom from the those bars.
Yes, now she'll be the belle of the ball at Perryvilld. Makes me sick.

More like the belle of the ball and chain. Sheesh, can't stay away. Tweets about #17 tweeting are starting to grow.
What really pisses me off is that she was right. "No jury will convict me". :maddening:

At one point in the text she tells him "you're not the only one addicted"
To me...I think he was so mad at her about something big. .maybe releasing sex tape... it's really sad to read knowing what happened to him. He kept saying I keep forgiving you and taking you back...so sad.
the fact that he said "victory" shows his ignorance meanwhile willmott laughing in background

And don't forget Maria smirking her *advertiser censored* off standing behind him.

Maria irritated me to no end this morning when she gave the Alexanders a dirty look as they were sobbing.
Because she was following the law. If Jodi and her DT would have waived her right to some presentencing report/interview whatever, then she could have. It was JODI once again delaying the inevitable. Her last 39 days at Estrella, while her DT continues to suck the teat of the AZ taxpayer for as long as they can.

CMJA *did* waive her right to a presentencing hearing! Well, she didn't want to, but since her atty couldn't be present during that hearing, she had to. SMDH!!! JSS should have already had that sentencing ready!!! :mad:

What is that report they were talking about in court that she denied wanting???? Sentencing report??? What does that mean?
I was worried there for awhile. But listening to them makes me appreciate that most people called to serve do so in good faith.

Love that they said the *advertiser censored* and defense tactics to make Travis seem like a bad guy were wasted!

BBM: Agreed

The jurors who deliberated got JA's number - so to speak.
Let's remember this. :goodpost:
Wow, the entire GChat between Travis and JA is so revealing in full context, and I just wanted to let you guys know that this in its entirety shows without question that TA was the victim of DV, i.e., sexual manipulation and psychological abuse at the hands of JA...I can't even imagine what else will come to light now that this trial is over.

FWIW: I think this is only the tip of the Iceberg, and now I am gaining a full understanding of why, without question, the Alexanders could only see the DP as a fitting punishment.

Where do I read that? TIA
I can't even believe they can call it a "victory" LUCKY is what they should be calling it, because if not for the one lone juror it would have been death row for the princess. But knowing Nurmi I'm sure he will claim it and especially the fact that he beat Juan, but they were just very very lucky that one juror saved her life. And regardless of win or lose, I believe he will STILL be scrutinized for years, especially based on the fact that the jurors didn't believe any of his BS. JMHO.
Nurmi has to know that he really didn't convince anyone one on that jury that Travis was the bad guy and deserved what she gave him. The one lone holdout was a stealth juror that didn't need convincing, she went into this with a prejudice to start with. He didn't convince anyone to his or JW's way of lawyering. Trash the victim didn't work with the REAL jurors.
That's not at all what you said in your post and you know it. I will excuse it and move on because I get people are upset and angry and trying to find someone to be angry at, other than the killer herself. I take solace in knowing this killer will spend the rest of her life behind bars.

I said: she thinks like the defense and juror 17. Yeah sure did. And I meant it. And you don't need to "excuse" what I said. Just hit the ignore button and move right along. I am angry, yes. No apologies. Been putting up with defense of this judge for two years. She bears a lot of responsibility for the decision today. I am not misrepresenting anything. I just had my eyes opened today to the fact that there is no justice anymore.
Wow, Michael Kiefer's complete silence today is almost deafening. I guess now that the DP is off the table, he needs to take his biased agenda elsewhere. Good riddance!

He's probably with Nurmi, Wilmott and MDLR celebrating their "victory".
What really pisses me off is that she was right. "No jury will convict me". :maddening:


I guess you missed the trial where they said Guilty of 1st degree murder?
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