Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #11

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Per BK, Sheriff Arpaio's office said their report on Arias won't be released until May :(
Per BK, Sheriff Arpaio's office said their report on Arias won't be released until May :(

:great: Oh goodie ... I cannot wait to read it :happydance:

Did Beth say when in May -- and -- how it would be released because IIRC, it is two 3-ring binders :eek:


:great: Oh goodie ... I cannot wait to read it :happydance:

Did Beth say when in May -- and -- how it would be released because IIRC, it is two 3-ring binders :eek:



No, BK didn't say anything else about the report, other than she would get it in May when it is released. BK also said she has already requested transcripts of the sidebars and in-chamber proceedings from both trials, but was told they would take some time to prepare as well.
Per Perryville regulations, JA has absolutely no phone access for approximately the next 60 days. She has to wait for the prison to approve her contacts.

I LOVED the answer JM gave in his interview when asked about sending poor ALV to the emergency room! Must have been a pre-existing condition, that was an awesome answer. I can't wait to read all of the in-chamber transcripts regarding ALV.
MK never fails to disappoint. He is such a crappy reporter. Asking JW if they disclosed juror's names, she's all 'NO absolutely not! J17 saved Jodi's life. We would never do that' and he just ended it there, letting her skate right by the other 11 jurors names being on JAII. :facepalm:

And doesn't that sort of give her away? The names were all listed in full on the site but J17's space read "the one who saved Jodi's life."
You didnt like how she use'd quote's randomly?

You mean like whenever someone on twitter says they pray for the Alexander's ?? It drives me up the wall! It is the Alexanders - plural of one Alexander, NOT the property of one Alexander!
I agree with you, He doesn't see it that way. He used the words "there must be some truth to what she says" because he doesn't see how she would "turn off her humanity" and kill him so brutally due to jealousy or rejection. Of course, I said she isn't normal but disordered and his first mistake is trying to see her through a normal lens. Just because she didn't get the death penalty doesn't mean she was being honest in her accusations. It could mean that people don't like to personally sentence people to death...Yada yada yada

Some people just aren't going to look deep enough to find the errors in her words from one telling to another. Unfortunately.

Suggest he watch Fatal Attraction. or Play Misty For Me - a classic and years before FA
I LOVED the answer JM gave in his interview when asked about sending poor ALV to the emergency room! Must have been a pre-existing condition, that was an awesome answer. I can't wait to read all of the in-chamber transcripts regarding ALV.

Can someone please provide a link to this interview? Thanks!
And doesn't that sort of five her away? The names were all listed in full on the site but J17's space read "the one who saved Jodi's life."

The JAII website is proof positive that the jurors did not access social media. Any juror that came across the JAII website, what with all of the cogent arguments, intelligent reasoning and general humanity expressed by the posters, could possibly have voted guilty....:crazy:
I believe there are at least two other states, one being either Washington or Oregon? Don't have the info at my fingertips, but I know Florida is not the only one.

(Regarding states that don't require a unanimous vote for the DP): I haven't seen anyone answer this yet. Besides FL, it's Oregon.
Did anyone catch in CMJA statement, right before she said she remembered the knife going in, when she said something like "I could have testified to this." What did she mean by that? Personally I think she was trying to reconcile fact that she testified to not remembering any stabbing with her desire on that day to dig into the family and tell them they were wrong and Travis was conscious. But I'm wondering what others' ideas are.
I have to say that you've got to hand some points to JW for consistency.
Instead of giving the letters on behalf of the murderer to JSS in a timely manner, she claims they were sent to JSS on Friday (she didn't give a time, but knowing that the DT wouldn't want JSS to have a chance to double check claims made in those letters, IMO, if they were emailed to JSS on Friday it was a little before midnight and well after JSS would have left the building).
Instead of going to the court clerk or bailiff and having them deliver the letters, JW waits until she can insult the Alexander family yet again by treating their presentations as though they are of little consequence to someone as important as a Defence Attorney.
Instead of bringing the letters as new business to JSS at the very beginning the court convenes, she waits until the emotionally fragile HS is invited by JSS to approach the podium. Then she interrupts with her inane excuse.
She had a month to prepare and deliver those letters and couldn't even organize that properly.

Disorganized, classless, and as much as liar as her client.
Who but the dregs of society will ever seek her advice?

And sadistic.
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