Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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I wonder if the cowboy juror and his wife chose their attire in response to Tanisha calling out to Jodi, "Burn in Hell!" I hope so.

ETA: I still am of the belief that he's the one Jodi was trying to make eye contact with, and for whom she wore the "sexy" sleeveless top. So happy to see his wife is so much prettier than JA.

Me too! I also believe that it was the cowboy that the killer thought she could win over. He and his wife's coordinating outfits are so cool! Perhaps someday the killer will see these photos. Can you imagine how angry she will be on that day?
That picture of the jurors, Juan, and Travis' family members is awesome. Such a contrast to the photo of the new inmate at Perryville.
This is only my opinion about Sandy Arias and the statements she has made both inside of the courtroom and in the media.

Sandy Arias nor any other family member are in denial. They know JA better than anyone.

Sandy lies to protect herself and her husband. By lying she doesn't have to admit they knew all along when Arias was growing up she was an explosive violent powder keg. They have seen her violent ways and even admitted it to the police.

So now they paint a false picture of not only JA but themselves. It is far better for Sandy to blame the blameless dead victim than to actually blame the daughter they raised. If they told the truth then it would be revealed that they are the one who raised a child that became a stone cold killer.

And I do believe they help create the monster she became. Instead of confronting her when she violently went off the rails when she abused her mom, and her little brother,and maybe even pets while she was young, they tolerated it instead. Confronting her only made JA madder than hell. So they gave in instead of correcting her and that is why she is such a narcissist today with no feeling for others. I also believe she was born prone to be a sociopath and her environment growing up let it bloom into rage and entitlement.

Sandy paints a picture of Jodi as false as Jodi does. Sandy paints a picture of a daughter they wish Jodi had been and not the daughter they really have had to deal with who has always been mean and has been violent for a very long time way before she murdered Travis.

The truth is JA did nothing for others unless it was to her advantage somehow. She used fake niceness as a manipulation tool just like she used kinky sex. She never even finished school and always held waitress positions. While there is nothing wrong with that position... embellishing Jodi's life to make it into something it wasn't and never has been.. shows Sandy is a lot like her daughter.

So all of Sandy's lies are done to protect herself. Just like Jodi lies to protect herself from the truth.

She cant face the fact (publicly anyway) that she knows she raised a very violent abusive child. But I do believe she is very aware of it in her own thoughts and is relieved that this one daughter is out of their lives as they once knew it. I think both parents feel they are lucky to be alive themselves for Jodi is the type to also murder parents if she felt they had not towed the line like she demanded they do.

They lived because they let her get away with everything and making her feel entitled to do anything she wanted to do. IMO

I think they have like the money they have been able to collect from the misfits and losers.

What Sandy says makes no sense. She conveniently, like her vile daughter, omits glaring truths. Travis was not seeing JA anymore since she moved away to CA and him remaining in AZ. No abused person travels 1000 miles to be with their abuser. It just doesn't happen in the real world. It only happens in the faux world the Arias' create which really doesn't exist.

Travis was in CA just two weeks earlier before he was killed and at no time did he see Arias.

Only a premeditated murderer travels that far to murder their victim with a gun and knife in their possession. And she didn't murder him because he abused her because he never did.

She murdered him for the same reason many murderers have killed. Travis wanted nothing more to do with her and that sealed his fate just like so many victims before and after him have suffered the same fate.:(

It was such a blessing to see the Alexander family smile again. I hope their lives here on out are filled with nothing but wonderful blessings. They certainly deserve no less.


What a very insightful post. Remember how Sandy Arias told Detective Flores that when she heard that this young man (Travis Alexander) was dead, she questioned Jodi on her whereabouts?!? Her Mom admits that her mind immediately suspected that her daughter had something to do with his murder!

For her very own mother to think she may have caused his death--wow! That is quite telling. No wonder Sandy never took the witness stand.

I also believe that her parents are thanking God that their daughter is out of their lives. However, I also agree with you--they have enjoyed the money that inmate # 281129's followers have been sending. Something tells me that soon all of the money will stop trickling in.
Thanks so much for sharing the photos! I am so happy to see those pictures and the happiness, camaraderie, friendships and bonds forged and a CELEBRATION that the despicable murderer is locked away Forever!
Yes, the celebration has finally begun. I think the pictures and comments that have been posted so far are the happy ending we've been waiting too long for.

Godspeed, Travis Alexander. May you never be forgotten, and may you always be an inspiration for what is possible in life.
Jodi Arias' Lawyer Tells How the Murderer Had to Keep Her True Personality Hidden

Willmott said that in spite of her plea to the court on Monday, where Arias said she viewed the death penalty as a release because then she would be free, Arias was actually fearful of a death sentence.

"I don't know how she feels about dying but it's really what comes before that that's so awful, to be on death row, so yeah, she was afraid of that, she did not want the death penalty," Willmott told ABC News affiliate KNXV in Phoenix.

Not that I believe one word that comes out of JW's mouth.
Oceanblueeyes: Good to see you on the boards. I just stopped by to say hola. I always liked your posts. Much oblige.

Aww, thanks Dexter for the nice compliment.

We are very fortunate to have great posters here at WS including you.:)
I wonder where Steven was during the sentencing? I didn't see him in the videos that were shown of the trial and he didn't speak like he usually does. I know of all of them he was the one that looked the most damaged from his brothers murder. I believe his marriage was affected also. Such a tragedy all thanks to the sociopath CMJA.

I am following the trial in Ohio of Shayne Hubers who killed her boyfriend, Ryan Poston, and claimed self defense. She was 21 years old and he was 29 years old. He was a successful lawyer and she was a student at a college nearby. It was an on again off again relationship. He was trying to end their relationship and asked her to move out, she in turn took his loaded gun and shot him six times, waited 15 minutes and then called 911 and claimed he attacked her and she defended herself. (sound familiar?) She is a very pretty girl, much prettier than CMJA and Ryan was better looking than TA.

When interviewed by the police, Shayna said she shot him first in the face, right in his nose, said he got the nose job he always wanted. She said she shot him again in the head because he was so vain and he wouldn't want to live with a damaged face. Then she shot him 4 more times in the chest because he was twitching and moaning. She wanted to put him out of his misery. EVIL

The trial started yesterday. It is not televised and the judge said no live tweeting from courtroom. This is another CMJA if I ever heard one. I hope she gets life just like CMJA. What is it with these girls when the guy says it's over? Move on for heavens sake. I bet Ryan saw the evil in this woman and wanted out.:gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
Shot first or stabbed first.... Doesn't really matter, IMO. Jodi had to leave the room to get a second weapon. If she was in fear for her life, Jodi would have run out the door instead of back to her abuser. Never happened the way she said.

IMO, it's entirely possible more than one shot was fired.
I wonder where Steven was during the sentencing? I didn't see him in the videos that were shown of the trial and he didn't speak like he usually does. I know of all of them he was the one that looked the most damaged from his brothers murder. I believe his marriage was affected also. Such a tragedy all thanks to the sociopath CMJA.

I am following the trial in Ohio of Shayne Hubers who killed her boyfriend, Ryan Poston, and claimed self defense. She was 21 years old and he was 29 years old. He was a successful lawyer and she was a student at a college nearby. It was an on and off relationship. He was trying to end their relationship and asked her to move out, she in turn took his loaded gun and shot him six times, waited 15 minutes and then called 911 and claimed he attacked her and she defended herself. (sound familiar?) She is a very pretty girl, much prettier than CMJA and Ryan was better looking than TA.

When interviewed by the police, Shayna said she shot him first in the face, right in his nose, said he got the nose job he always wanted. She said she shot him again in the head because he was so vain and he wouldn't want to live with a damaged face. Then she shot him 4 more times in the chest because he was twitching and moaning. She wanted to put him out of his misery. EVIL

The trial started yesterday. It is not televised and the judge said no live tweeting from courtroom. This is another CMJA if I ever heard one. I hope she gets life just like CMJA. What is with these girls when the guy says it's over? Move on for heavens sake. I bet Ryan saw the evil in this woman and wanted out.

I have to confess that I watched Nancy Grace last night, hoping for something about CMJA's arrival at Perryville. Instead, this case was blared (as only NG can do).

This case almost seems like a repeat of CMJA. I get so angry when a killer immediately claims she was abused. All those decades spent trying to get the legal system to recognize domestic abuse and take it seriously go down the drain when such killers make these usually false claims. I wish there were an extra penalty for false claims of DV that could be added to the sentence when such people are found guilty.

What also gets me about them is that usually they consider themselves a "princess" (or goddess) who is above the law.
I wonder where Steven was during the sentencing? I didn't see him in the videos that were shown of the trial and he didn't speak like he usually does. I know of all of them he was the one that looked the most damaged from his brothers murder. I believe his marriage was affected also. Such a tragedy all thanks to the sociopath CMJA.

I am following the trial in Ohio of Shayne Hubers who killed her boyfriend, Ryan Poston, and claimed self defense. She was 21 years old and he was 29 years old. He was a successful lawyer and she was a student at a college nearby. It was an on again off again relationship. He was trying to end their relationship and asked her to move out, she in turn took his loaded gun and shot him six times, waited 15 minutes and then called 911 and claimed he attacked her and she defended herself. (sound familiar?) She is a very pretty girl, much prettier than CMJA and Ryan was better looking than TA.

When interviewed by the police, Shayna said she shot him first in the face, right in his nose, said he got the nose job he always wanted. She said she shot him again in the head because he was so vain and he wouldn't want to live with a damaged face. Then she shot him 4 more times in the chest because he was twitching and moaning. She wanted to put him out of his misery. EVIL

The trial started yesterday. It is not televised and the judge said no live tweeting from courtroom. This is another CMJA if I ever heard one. I hope she gets life just like CMJA. What is it with these girls when the guy says it's over? Move on for heavens sake. I bet Ryan saw the evil in this woman and wanted out.:gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar


BBM: Stephen was there, in the front row sitting with his sisters ! He looked good !
Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a dedicated thread to showing our appreciation to Detective Flores and to Juan Martinez? Juan is awesome. But you have to admit, Detective Flores did one heck of a great job investigating this murder. And the defense tried to drag them both through the mud, as well as the whole police department and prosecutors office. I am so very proud of their hard work!
I wonder where Steven was during the sentencing? I didn't see him in the videos that were shown of the trial and he didn't speak like he usually does. I know of all of them he was the one that looked the most damaged from his brothers murder. I believe his marriage was affected also. Such a tragedy all thanks to the sociopath CMJA.

I am following the trial in Ohio of Shayne Hubers who killed her boyfriend, Ryan Poston, and claimed self defense. She was 21 years old and he was 29 years old. He was a successful lawyer and she was a student at a college nearby. It was an on again off again relationship. He was trying to end their relationship and asked her to move out, she in turn took his loaded gun and shot him six times, waited 15 minutes and then called 911 and claimed he attacked her and she defended herself. (sound familiar?) She is a very pretty girl, much prettier than CMJA and Ryan was better looking than TA.

When interviewed by the police, Shayna said she shot him first in the face, right in his nose, said he got the nose job he always wanted. She said she shot him again in the head because he was so vain and he wouldn't want to live with a damaged face. Then she shot him 4 more times in the chest because he was twitching and moaning. She wanted to put him out of his misery. EVIL

The trial started yesterday. It is not televised and the judge said no live tweeting from courtroom. This is another CMJA if I ever heard one. I hope she gets life just like CMJA. What is it with these girls when the guy says it's over? Move on for heavens sake. I bet Ryan saw the evil in this woman and wanted out.:gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::gaah::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar

Shayne Huber case looks interesting. Anywhere to follow? Nothing here or WAT.

I never watch NG, but tuned in to see JA's arrival at PV. There is a PV mugshot at Radar on line. She wasn't smiling in this one, but no matter because I guffawed enough for both of us.
That's some article.

Umm..yes, JW, thanks for letting us know that your client was acting in court. It wasn't necessary for you to educate us on this.

We figured out years ago she didn't give a rats patoot about the murder. That's why when she's not pretending to be serious in court she's all chit chatty and smiles with you.
Shayne Huber case looks interesting. Anywhere to follow? Nothing here or WAT.

I never watch NG, but tuned in to see JA's arrival at PV. There is a PV mugshot at Radar on line. She wasn't smiling in this one, but no matter because I guffawed enough for both of us.

I haven't found one yet Tartlemon but I plan on looking for one today. I just hope this case does not take as long as CMJA's did. I do not believe it is a DP case so it probably won't take as long. But so far she has been in jail for over 3 years. Will post later if I find up a site to peruse.
I should have known better but I watched the interview with JW. She was very concerned when there were 'threats' against her own family but is able to refer to the slaughter of a man as simply a two minute mistake. How does she think the victim's family feels? Perhaps she should put herself in their shoes and try the empathy thing a bit. It might clear her mind and open her heart. I get that this dirty job of defending a person like Arias has to be done by someone but can't they do it with a little bit of honesty and dignity? Perhaps Willmott feels compelled to believe Arias' nonsensical stories because how else can she continue to live her life as a mother, wife and citizen? I'll never understand.
Wonder where the celebration took place? Anybody know whose house this is?
Wonder where the celebration took place? Anybody know whose house this is?

I've been wondering the same thing too. Wild speculation on my part, but I'm thinking it may possibly have been at the juror's home - just by the change of clothes - he and his wife are wearing the "burn in hell" outfits, whereas everyone else is wearing the same clothes they wore in court.........JMO!!!
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