Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #12

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Damn. Sky writes that the second time Travis confessed to sinning with Jodi..it was to a Disciplinary Council..a step above the first time, because it was a repeat offense. One member of that council was Mimi's father!

It is so hard to see TA getting hooked into this woman's claws. I have so much compassion for TA in his confusion. But I can see he also bears some responsibility for not wanting to let go of her sooner.

Did he confess to sinning with Jodi twice, or once Deanna once Jodi?
in her ghoulish letter to the family, she refers to Cancun as a " trip of that magnitude". imo, the Cancun trip was another festering bee in her bonnet. she's lying when she says it wasn't.

She's way too defensive about it. Sky points out that 2 places of the 1,000 were close to Cancun. Now Jodi had been not only disinvited but replaced by Mimi
It is so hard to see TA getting hooked into this woman's claws. I have so much compassion for TA in his confusion. But I can see he also bears some responsibility for not wanting to let go of her sooner.

Did he confess to sinning with Jodi twice, or once Deanna once Jodi?

I think Deanna first, Jodi second. The Council removed his Temple Recommend. Travis was not allowed to attend the christening of Chris and Sky's new son shortly before he was killed
It is so hard to see TA getting hooked into this woman's claws. I have so much compassion for TA in his confusion. But I can see he also bears some responsibility for not wanting to let go of her sooner.

Did he confess to sinning with Jodi twice, or once Deanna once Jodi?

It is hard. But remember how slick and manipulative Arias is. She fooled many people. She was playing Travis against his friends like a violin. When he'd end things she cries, threatens suicide or amps up the sex. He told Sky that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she killed herself because of him. No amount of reasoning made a difference. The detectives told Sky that reading through the evidence they came to see Travis as a really really good man. They said no single man could have resisted the sex she was providing. She had him trapped
I stil think this evil woman was shocked at the sentence. Dr. Lilian Glass, showed 2 close up pictures on her website as she was receiving the sentence. She appeared to look as if she was ready to cry. Oh well, Jodi,remember when you said,no jury would ever convict you. Oh darn, you were so wrong. Have a miserable life in Perryvile.
That article and the letter sound as if rumors are going around that will make sure they all hate her and want to see her taken down a few notches. Not sure there was any intention to allow her around others for quite awhile anyway, but if there was, this talk will make sure she stays in isolation. Congrats, JA - you made it to the top of the most hated lists for both outside and inside of prison!
Sky also documents that Jodi was very inappropriate with at least two married men friends of theirs.
On one trip she disappeared for an hour with one of them. Sexting etc. at one point Sky grabbed Jodi's phone and texted the guy "stop texting Jodi and go get in bed with your wife. Sky"
I stil think this evil woman was shocked at the sentence. Dr. Lilian Glass, showed 2 close up pictures on her website as she was receiving the sentence. She appeared to look as if she was ready to cry. Oh well, Jodi,remember when you said,no jury would ever convict you. Oh darn, you were so wrong. Have a miserable life in Perryvile.


Thank you, I goggled the subject and found this link for Dr. Lilian Glass and her take on CMJA's Body Language.


Gone is the smug smile, the cockiness and the “I know I am going to eventually be a free woman” attitude. Present is the fear based on her tear glistened eyes, flat mid-face, pallid skin tone, and the tight muscle tension in her lower jaw. Her autonomic nervous system has taken over and gone into high gear. This is not the face of the Jodi we have come to know over the past sevenyears.It is a Jodi that just had the most severe reality check of her life- that she can no longer manipulate people or the system and that she will only leave prison in a pine box.


Paul Sanders blog of his attendance at the trial. He was there every day. He took such detailed notes Kirk tried to accuse him of smuggling in a tape recorder to court. Kirk Nurmi had a new theory/complaint every day about everything , real or imagined. My favorite was when he accused Paul, Mikal Ann and the Cane Lady as being racist ;because, they were discussing wanting Mexican food for lunch and were kidding singing LaCucaracha. They were already singing it when Maria happened by. He didn't bother to notice what race Mikal Ann was. https://youtu.be/_VILr1xH3io With a broad brush and ignorance Kirk asked , well in my opinion....demanded that they all three be kicked out of the courtroom. Without any dramatics the judge just quietly said "No".
Paul got to stay and continue his note taking and blogging and is now writing a book about the retrial titled Why Not Kill Her.
With Travis' book, Chris and Sky's book and soon Paul's the truth is being told. The truth is perpetual. What's her name is a convicted murderer, in prison for ever and her fifteen minutes are up. B_3aIcKU0AE0nDe.jpgZoeyWatson Justice for Travis Alexander-041.jpgZoeyWatson Justice for Travis Alexander-036.jpgZoeyWatson Justice for Travis Alexander-010.jpgZoeyWatson Justice for Travis Alexander-027.jpg
Sky also documents that Jodi was very inappropriate with at least two married men friends of theirs.
On one trip she disappeared for an hour with one of them. Sexting etc. at one point Sky grabbed Jodi's phone and texted the guy "stop texting Jodi and go get in bed with your wife. Sky"

Thanks, TexMex, for sharing along with us as you read. This is so much better than Jodi's Perryville book club will ever be!
in her ghoulish letter to the family, she refers to Cancun as a " trip of that magnitude". imo, the Cancun trip was another festering bee in her bonnet. she's lying when she says it wasn't.

I did not think Cancun was what caused her rage, but I am beginning to think that the last visit on Jun4 was her way of trying to coax Travis into taking her. But, it would of been too late as Mimi's name was on the ticket? She more than likely hacked into his laptop saw all the communications with other women, and his trip planned, perhaps had money, even told 281129 he didn't, she was filled with even more rage, and that's when she attacked.

Some say if it was so premeditated, why didn't she just kill him upon arrival. Makes sense if she was giving a second chance to renew their "everlasting" love.
I cannot wait to read Chris and Skye's book,from the little bits posted here it sounds very informative.
Have to wait til Friday until I get paid...suspense is killing me.

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I think it's baloney - it's just another tool to get people riled up and keep her in the public view with her narcissistic puffery. Seriously, the unnamed sister of inmate Christy Olivas? Pffft. Jealous inmate trying to stir things up.

From the beginning of this case when she first spoke, I kept remembering this license plate frame from the 70s "Some people are legends in their own minds".

Now what is this all about?
"Jodi Arias update: Fellow inmate claims convicted killer getting 'special treatment' at Perryville"
I too am of the opinion the killer will try to take her own life at some point. I think she was absolutely flabbergasted that she got LWOP, and the killer believed right until sentencing she would get a possibility of parole. Her booking photo reflects pure rage. I will bet that today she is still in denial, and is using these first few weeks to observe her surroundings and how to adapt to assure her survival. When reality sets in and she realizes she can't manipulate her situation in her favor, she will try and committ suicide in PV. After all "death is the ultimate freedom", to quote the murderess.

Killer ended her life the day she decided to slaughter another human being. Even a sentence of LIFE did not give the killer her life back. She has not lived since her arrest but simply existed, the high points of that existence being spewing hatred and inhaling Hershey bars. I expect to see articles ranting that her teeth are rotting and it's all DOC's fault.

As for suicide, no. She will make gestures and threats, but only for attention. I can see the headlines now: "Jodi Arias attempts suicide due to maltreatment in Perryville Prison." And then her remaining fans will slither out from under their rocks and woodpiles long enough to hiss and moan and shriek about the injustice of it all.

I need a cigarette and I don't even smoke.
I think it's baloney - it's just another tool to get people riled up and keep her in the public view with her narcissistic puffery. Seriously, the unnamed sister of inmate Christy Olivas? Pffft.

From the beginning of this case when she first spoke, I kept remembering this license plate frame from the 70s "Some people are legends in their own minds".

Just looked for C Olivas at inmate datasearch, and with that spelling it said not found
EDIT___OPPS!! Very Sorry--I had it checked as maile, under female it does come up SORRY.
She came packed out. She said she had her backpack and a suitcase, her camera and laptop. She said Travis brought them before they went to bed that morning. So did Travis think she'd packed up and left only to come back and surprise him? Giving him that last chance? I think she only brought the backpack in - making Travis think it was just a quick stop and she'd be on her way.

She bought two two packs of facial cleanser, and two two packs of sunscreen, and that jumbo size of KY, and if all went according to plan, and Travis always taking her back, all she had to do was turn in the rental at a Budget in Mesa, and she was in Cancun with Travis. As vain as Jodi is she bought more than enough facial cleanser to get all that make up off, and enough sunscreen to keep you from not looking Hispanic.

Another thing Jodi said in her interrogation with Det. Flores and the ninjas was something about Travis saying she had clothes there but she didn't know if she did.

BBM 1 ~ Yes! This is what I believe was her train of thought during that road trip.

BBM 2 ~ :shame:
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