Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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If he was public defender he wouldn't have any overhead. He would be a state employee and wouldn't have a staff/office/supplies.

He's not a public defender. Courts routinely assign cases to private practice attorneys. my understanding is he was in the process of moving to private practice or had planned to do so before this case would have gone to trial.
When she gets to Perryville, how do I get her snail mail address? I want to send her some mail. Like pictures of Travis, Dead, something to think about in her cell

Please don't, she would actually enjoy that.
I haven't really followed this sad day, but I wanted to say a big thanks to all the WS posters. It's always fun to hang out here for a while. Now I can go catch up on a few months' worth of paperwork. I definitely need a break for a while.
Honestly, I am not indicting Juan Martinez for this. However, from what is being reported this stealth juror wasn't particularly stealthy. she admitted she knew about the case, she admitted she watched the movie. Why didn't he use a strike to pass on her. I don't get it.

I'm not completely familiar with the process But iirc they are only given so many strikes?
Jay Beckstead, Attorney for Alexander family is on thanking #4
Honestly, I am not indicting Juan Martinez for this. However, from what is being reported this stealth juror wasn't particularly stealthy. she admitted she knew about the case, she admitted she watched the movie. Why didn't he use a strike to pass on her. I don't get it.

I said the same thing...but others have said he may have been out of strikes. She was #17 out of #19 so that's possible. I wish a reporter would confirm this. Can we get access to her questionnaire to see how truthful she was?
I can not believe this jurors husband is Facebook friends with someone in Jodis family. Unreal.

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The husband has been in jail, right?
Good Point Its just hard right now because we saw how JA and Nurmi are rub it in our faces.

Which reminds me. Did anyone notice right before the Judge announced the verdict. ?

Jodi turned to the right to hide her face. She was looking at the wall. I first thought it was because she may have been crying. But she was laughing and grinning. I swear she was. Because when she turned around you could tell she had been hiding that she was smiling and couldnt resist.

This was before the verdict. She just loves the attention. She loves it. Good or bad. It dont matter. She thrives on being in the spotlight.

Like others said. In the long run this maybe better with Life sentence. She will get less attention and thats 1 good thing. Its just hard to take right now.
Do you think when the judge talked with the Prosecution and defense the night before someone noted
Wilmott had a smile on her face about the jury question, do u think she told JA.???
SHE felt "assaulted". This was about a MURDER, an actual assault. And her & hubby make it about her. I just can't.

So I've just seen that video of the hold outs husband.

Felt like she was being assaulted by the rest of the jury...really???

She was the one taking things into the jury room that they hadn't heard at trial,walked in on day one and basically said I ain't voting death & couldn't give any circumstances where she would.


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Honestly, I am not indicting Juan Martinez for this. However, from what is being reported this stealth juror wasn't particularly stealthy. she admitted she knew about the case, she admitted she watched the movie. Why didn't he use a strike to pass on her. I don't get it.

I believe it had to do with defense being able to pick a juror even though the State would strike. Have to run this by AZL. She would know.
She definitely did an amoral thing by being a sleeper juror. However, by harassing and threatening her it will make the prospect of jury duty too scary for people. Do NOT harass or threaten that woman. We are better than that. Please, we cant be like those people on the DT.

How much evidence have we ever had that anyone on this site has harrassed the defence side? On the other hand, how much evidence have we had that the murderering convict's supporters have done unspeakable things, the latest being the cruel words thrown at the Alexanders after the mistrial? The lunatics are over there, not here. Is this not obvious?
I hope those posts are saved and handed to her bosses. Completely unprofessional (and cruel).

I have brought that up here numerous times...who oversees her? I find it hard to imagine her supervisors (County? I'm not sure) would condone this, but she continues! She is one of the outlying mysteries of this whole fiasco that I really have questions about. Is there such a shortage of "mitigation specialists" in the area, that she is considered a good employee? If so...some WS'ers need to go get their degree/get experience, and go apply for when her contract expires in 2018 now, I think.

She does NOT represent what our system should accept!!!! JMO
only the court has it and the legal teams would have access. No way did an attorney do that. But her, yeah, I can see it. She really needs to be fired. Her actions are not the acts of a mitigation specialist. Tweeting for the murderer-please.

How does she tweet? And how did a website get the names of all of the jurors and post them?
B&IBM... :laughing: True story.

Heartbroken tonight for the Alexander family, Mr. Martinez, Det. Flores, the Phoenix Eleven (especially you, Mr. 4 :loveyou: )
:tyou::tyou: and everyone who has cried for Justice for Travis.

I'm a big believer that things happen the way that they are supposed to (Presbyterian upbringing?). While I am most disappointed in the non-verdict, I have to believe that this is the way it was supposed to turn out. She'll not be a special DR inmate with all gaggles of people trying to stop her execution and giving her attention. Please, JSS, give her LWOP. If she gets out, she'll do it again. I've no doubt.
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