Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #3

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don't think I'm "misguided" at all and as they all do she will fade into oblivion and unless she escapes prison don't expect to know what is going on with her unless you are a regular at the AZ courthouse.

The wrongful death suit could wind up being highly publicized ala OJ.....I really hope not. We know what the outcome of that will be. JMO
She won't have Nurmi at her beck and call nor the ability to choose an equivalent. Court-appointed run of the mill all the way for her indigent highness. Also I doubt she'll be getting day passes to appear before his or her honor, all done by paperwork is much more economical to the State, her new owners. I agree, though, she'll try.

don't think I'm "misguided" at all and as they all do she will fade into oblivion and unless she escapes prison don't expect to know what is going on with her unless you are a regular at the AZ courthouse.

I don't think you're misguided either, just need your morning coffee. (you quoted the wrong post).
Now I am wondering if JA didn't allocate because they knew juror 17's intention. It didn't make sense at the time, but now it does.
No reason to give a fake apology in public. I thought I would feel better when this all ended, but the way this went down is not a relief at all.

:seeya: Good points ... and adding some thoughts :)

1st BBM: Yes, BUT, if that is the case, then Nurmi and Willmott would have to have known ...

Going to back to the 1st Sentencing Phase, JA's "presentation" worked for the 4 jurors who did not vote for death.

So why not try it again ? Because they already knew the fix was in ...

And going back to Wilmott's response Hayden: that "they knew that Juror #17's ex-husband had a past, and that Juan should have checked it out" -- Wilmott knew "something" IMO.

2nd BBM: Exactly, that appeared to be the most logical reason at the time ... but NOW, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together !

JMO and MOO !
The wrongful death suit could wind up being highly publicized ala OJ.....I really hope not. We know what the outcome of that will be. JMO

i don't know because I think the OJ wrongful death was of interest because he had not been held accountable up to that point...in JA she will be in prison and convicted of first degree murder...I don't think it will be worth more involvement by the family but may have some results that they feel strongly about...
I don't think you're misguided either, just need your morning coffee. (you quoted the wrong post).

yes it referred to steelman's post starting with misguided...just put me on ignore...you are right love my coffee
learned something new today...an ignore button....not too tech savvy here.
Yea I'm glad there's one here. Haven't had to use it though, but came close. The mods here are great though.
I wanted to address two things and had a whole post written out yesterday before we lost internet. grrr Anyway, the first thing is the idea that CMJA will not be able to hurt anyone in jail. People were saying it's jail and the system knows what it is doing. My best friends husband is a corrections officer who works in segregation. He has been doing it for 15 years, is built like a brick wall and is VERY good at his job. He said having someone like Jodi show up in his prison is his worst nightmare. If she had gotten death, her contact would have been much more limited, thus eliminating a lot of the issues someone like Jodi causes in prison. With a life sentence, he expects her to be a nightmare for those trying to control her. She will eventually be living in gen pop where she is much more likely to find a guard to exchange favors with. She will build herself a "family" and run it with the same crazy iron fist she runs her little support group on the outside. There will be many women with the type of personality that Jodi looks for. She will mostly cause people to extend their stay in prison by having them do her dirty work for her. As a prison guard, my friend says CMJA is his worst nightmare. He would rather have a huge crazy guy, than a tiny psychotic girl any day!!

The other than I want to touch on was why did Travis keep hanging around Jodi. A lot of people have gone so far as to say Travis couldn't have been abused by Jodi because he was a guy. I was thinking about this and I think I might have some insight. Travis and I had similar childhoods. Abuse and substance abuse were the norm in my house growing up. When i became an adult I had a very difficult time separating abuse and love. For a victim of childhood abuse those things become mixed up. You almost believe abuse must be present in order for it to really be love. Now before you lamb baste me because Travis was this charismatic motivational speaker whom everyone loved therefore he couldn't possible of had this issue consider this. The relationships that were best for Travis scared him and he broke them off. The one that hurt him the most is the one he kept going back to. I am not saying this was the case for sure, just that this may be the reason Travis was addicted to Jodi. It took my husband years of loving me and a lot of therapy before I finally stopped looking for abuse to validate love.
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