Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #4

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That's changed and much more relaxed now. Here's my earlier post on the new rules, along with a chart that explains phases and privileges for each:


eta: this info is taken from an order by the Director dated IIRC May 2014. The website info doesn't include these changes yet, IIRC, but the link is on ^ post.

Thanks LinTX. Unfortunately, it’s not as restrictive as I had hoped and I think she’ll adapt quite well.
OMG, not to be mean, but why doesn't Jodi Arias' mother have any white in her eyes? The blackness is weird! (Maybe a bad pic? if so, sorry.)
Well, would you have white in your eyes if Jodi Arias were your daughter?:thinking:

I assumed it was a photoshop, but who knows?

So according to Willmott's way of thinking... by her calling JM a liar, that really makes HER the liar, right?

Regardless, she's got a lot of nerve to talk about the Prosecutor like that. She hardly proved herself to be honest and truthful. Just the opposite, in fact. And she knows it.
I wonder if she was always this pathetic, or just after Jodi came along? And why lash out at Juan at all? Didn't she "win"? Or is she still bitter about what Juan said about
wanting to kill himself if they were married? :D

And since she called Travis horrible things... that makes her a pedophile and a domestic abuser too. :gaah: This woman makes me ill! The lies that this defense team told and got away with... UGH! And I mean got away with the lies with JSS... the jury didn't buy any of their garbage!

So according to Willmott's way of thinking... by her calling JM a liar, that really makes HER the liar, right?

Regardless, she's got a lot of nerve to talk about the Prosecutor like that. She hardly proved herself to be honest and truthful. Just the opposite, in fact. And she knows it.
I wonder if she was always this pathetic, or just after Jodi came along? And why lash out at Juan at all? Didn't she "win"? Or is she still bitter about what Juan said about
wanting to kill himself if they were married? :D

I have to ask this... if it's listed on the JA site, does that really mean JW tweeted it? I can't find the actual tweet. That sounds like JA's cohorts' shenanigans to me.
The fact that she brought up the movie, and actually wanted to use it as an argument while sitting in the midst of all that actual evidence, and having sat through months of the actual trial, means she was reaching for straws, knew she had no real argument, and was determined to keep her mind closed. It's very strange.

Didn't J17 say she only watched a few portions of the movie? How would that be useful for her argument?
The appeal will no doubt mention prosecutor misconduct. And the victim being a pedophile, probably. Also DV and self defense, which won't fly because nothing regarding that was inadmissible during the trial. I mean, it's not like there was a witness to DV and the judge would not allow them to testify. In fact, they testified by affidavit when they refused to appear because she did not want to risk them not testifying to what the killer was claiming was her reason to kill.

There were no doubt many errors in this trial but it would have to be something significant for her to win a do-over...some significant error that it could reasonably be assumed that if it had not occurred it would have changed the verdict.

Appeals only deal with judicial error (i.e. rulings by the judge that the defense will claim constituted reversible error). The case itself will not be tried at the CoA level. I suspect there will be very little for any appellate attorney to work with.
Didn't J17 say she only watched a few portions of the movie? How would that be useful for her argument?

Nobody knows if she watched 2 minutes or 87. The fact that she used that as her basis for her vote for "life" is what's scary. And as far as "useful." it was useful enough for her to state it as her reasoning and attribute to the jury being hung.
Didn't J17 say she only watched a few portions of the movie? How would that be useful for her argument?
Maybe she didn't want to admit she saw the whole thing. The point is she brought it up as a subject of debate, which made no sense as a juror with direct experience of the trial and full access to the evidence available to her. It also means she knew the evidence contradicted her opinion so she needed to bring in something else to support it.
Hopefully AZL will be around to clarify it, but I'm pretty sure she said the state will pay for her appeals even with LWOP, but I don't think she has an unlimited number of them as she would with the DP. I even saw a message from her family (I think the Youtube video of her parents) saying they want to raise money for her appeal so they can hire their own attorney and not have to rely on the state-appointed one. It's very, very unlikely that any of her appeals will be successful, and that's from AZL. It's completely normal to file them, but that doesn't mean they'll get anywhere.

The state will pay for Arias' appeal, though she (through her attorney) will have to file the appeal. Indigent defendants' appeals are covered by the state.

verbiage about indigent defendants and appeals.

Rule 5. Appeals by Indigents

a. A defendant who had appointed counsel at the determination of guilt or at sentencing may proceed on appeal as an indigent without further authorization, unless the trial court finds that the defendant is no longer indigent or the punishment imposed did not result in a loss of liberty.
BBM- Actually, this part really is possible. Stay for awhile, do some work, then bail!

Agreed...I'd like to see Youtube remove Bill & Sandy's Youtube video begging for money to finance Convicted Murderer Jodi's appeals . It's disgusting ! ( Sorry if this off the subject but its irrating to me) Forgive me everyone. :sorry:
Based on what I read, Jodie will spend her initial months in 23 hour lockdown which could last anywhere from 2 - 6 months. After that she will be assigned phase 1, 2 or 3. I have not being able to find out much about the phases, except that phases 3 inmates are allowed unlimited phone calls per day. Does anyone have info about these phases and how they are assigned?

I'm not sure she could ever be Phase 3. These phases will take many years to reach. Plus, all her visitors and phone callers have to have background checks (paid for by said visitors, $25), which takes some weeks. Until the approval process is completed, there are no calls or visits. I believe the solitary phase can be much longer than 2-6 months.

For fascinating reading regarding rules, etc. and the entitlements of different phases, see...





For the Earned Incentive Program:


-Jodi, as a max inmate, would have to wait for Phase 2 for art supplies, and she will have to choose between origami and pencils.
-Max prisoners only get 1 non-contact visit per week at any phase; this is fewer than DR inmates!
-1 phone call per week
correct me if I am wrong but all this appeal talk...she can file but they have to agree to hear it right? and that there is solid grounds for appeal...does anyone really think the appeals court in AZ is going to waste more time and money on her????? i don't think there is even a remote chance of it.

The CoA does not have to hear the case. At a minimum they will read the defense brief and the state's response brief. They could ask for oral arguments to be delivered by each side if they wanted to. But they could also just make a ruling and not ask for any oral arguments. 3 judge panel. Takes many months for a decision to be handed down, either way.
Appeals only deal with judicial error (i.e. rulings by the judge that the defense will claim constituted reversible error). The case itself will not be tried at the CoA level. I suspect there will be very little for any appellate attorney to work with.
Or prosecutorial misconduct and I think insufficient assistance of council. None of it's going anywhere in this case, imo.
Oh frick. If this chick wins against Arias, would she have first dibs over anything JA receives for "art" or donations to her fund over the Alexanders? That would just be salt on the wound.

I thought Jodi was suing her

So according to Willmott's way of thinking... by her calling JM a liar, that really makes HER the liar, right?

Regardless, she's got a lot of nerve to talk about the Prosecutor like that. She hardly proved herself to be honest and truthful. Just the opposite, in fact. And she knows it.
I wonder if she was always this pathetic, or just after Jodi came along? And why lash out at Juan at all? Didn't she "win"? Or is she still bitter about what Juan said about
wanting to kill himself if they were married? :D

And that she needed to go back to law school....
If you mean the press conference right after the mistrial was declared, I just listened to it again. I didn't hear them saying that she was following the media and wanted off the jury. I may have missed it. Listen again and if you find it, please post the time stamp from about where it is in the YouTube video.


I hear their frustration. The 11 jurors in that presser—they all got it. They got everything we understand and we've been discussing and examining and rehashing this case for years. Still, even with the disappointment of this jury being unable to reach a verdict, I will support #17's holdout vote if she's cleared by the official investigation.

BBM - @3:04 on the video one of the jurors says:
"Ya because it was somebody that like i said my issue with it was that she had seen so much like as far as the movie and the news if we could have gotten somebody in there even if it was for life..."

It's definitely worth listening to the bit between 3:04 and 3:08 imo.
Ugh...So many privileges for the depraved. Looks like they can chat away on the phone and visit on weekends. I guess they have TV and Internet access, too.
IIRC the best she can get with good behavior eventually is medium security
Inmate “phase” system used in AZ prisons

The different Phases of inmates:

Phase I - date of arrival to 6 months with NO disciplinary
Phase II - 6 months to 1 year with NO disciplinary
Phase III - over one year with NO disciplinary

Phase I is permitted one 4 hour visit per weekend and one phone call per day.
Phase II is permitted 3 , 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend and 2 phone calls per day.
Phase III is permitted 4, 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend if medium custody, they are permitted up to 5 phone calls per day, if minimum custody, unlimited phone calls per day.
(they may only make calls to those people who are their approved list of visitors)

For more information on the different Phases and the privileges they are permitted, check the DOC website under policies.

The visitation schedule is as follows:

Saturday: 8:00am to Noon OR Noon to 4:00pm
If visiting during the morning block you must be checked in by 10:00am
If visiting during the afternoon block you must be checked in by 2:00pm

Sunday: 8:00am to noon or noon to 4:00pm
If visiting during the morning block you must be checked in by 10:00am
If visiting during the afternoon block you must be checked in by 2:00pm

Inmates may have up to 6 visitors at one time. It is best if someone is leaving and another person is arriving , that you overlap the visit. This will keep your loved one from being returned to the yard, being strip searched twice and on some yards, once the inmate is strip searched and returned to the yard, they will not be called to visitation for another visitor.
So what has happened to the money from her glasses and her "artwork"? Thought that was going into a fund for her?

Her family have put all her money into trust funds so that it is technically not hers and thus cannot be counted when considering her indigent status.

It's a loophole that in my opinion should not be allowed. If it weren't taxpayer money paying her way no one would care but it is--and because it is, everyone should care.
I have a LOT OF CATCHING UP TO DO but it is nice to see this;

Joey Jackson Esq. ‏@JoeyJacksonEsq Mar 6

“@Sojka78: @JoeyJacksonEsq can't #Juror17 get in trouble because her ex husband was prosecuted by #JuanMartinez #HLN @HLNTV”YES, if true!
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