Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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Katie, you don't really think she would do things over again, do you? I am really surprised she didn't do it sooner. Travis just happened to be the one, the unlucky one. This would have happened sooner or later.

She only regrets she didn't do it over but smarter. I guess what I"m trying to say is I DO think she wishes she could do it over...as in again. Because I think she enjoyed it just that much...she is just that evil. But yes I agree, he was doomed as soon as he began with that evil #*@$^%! btw, Hi. :seeya:
Hi! Oh, and congrats....send a good one south to Houston.... ; ) Thx

She only regrets she didn't do it over but smarter. I guess what I"m trying to say is I DO think she wishes she could do it over...as in again. Because I think she enjoyed it just that much...she is just that evil. But yes I agree, he was doomed as soon as he began with that evil #*@$^%! btw, Hi. :seeya:
Her victim wasn't a snitch though she just claimed he was. He was a disabled man. Judging by her prison record she'll be in solitery for a long time and won't be anywhere near Jodi.
Her victim had a family just like Travis did. I'm not throwing rocks but please have a look at what this woman did.

I'm tired of hearing people talking about this monster like she's going to be some sort of avenging angel who will make Jodi pay. With any luck Angela Simpson will spend her days locked away from all human life.

IIRC, AS had a lot more legitimate mitigators than JA. No remorse, though. She also seems bizarrely self-aware, unlike Jodi. They will both be in Perryville a loooooooong time. Sooner or later, they'll be thrown in together.

I don't know her (Angela's) history, but it must have been awful. Does anyone knoewher background?

Angela Simpson Gets Life in Prison (Plus a Little Extra) for Savage Murder of Disabled Man | Phoenix New Times

Linked interview:



I ran a search here on WS but, interestingly, wasn't able to find a thread attached to AS. Watching her interview does give us some (rather chilling) insight into her personality IMO. I recently viewed a show profiling her on Investigation Discovery, but I can't recall the series name. It covered her formative years as well as her crimes.

I'm still :lookingitup:


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I still don't have clarity on why she made that choice. Not that a sociopath's reasoning ever makes sense. And she won't be able to appeal on it now at all. I just wonder what she was up to...other than exerting what very little control she still had.
She only regrets she didn't do it over but smarter. I guess what I"m trying to say is I DO think she wishes she could do it over...as in again. Because I think she enjoyed it just that much...she is just that evil. But yes I agree, he was doomed as soon as he began with that evil #*@$^%! btw, Hi. :seeya:

I also agree Jodi enjoyed the killing. She has zero regrets about murdering Travis just regrets getting caught and not being smarter about it
Ya know, when things are just too much to deal....a little office humor ALWAYS makes me feel better.


Hahahaha!! Radarluv!! Lol!! How dare you!!!, Boy did I walk right into that one!! :hilarious:
I still don't have clarity on why she made that choice. Not that a sociopath's reasoning ever makes sense. And she won't be able to appeal on it now at all. I just wonder what she was up to...other than exerting what very little control she still had.

"Her way, or no way"!!

So did she not allocute? Was it maybe b/c she already had an inkling of the verdict? Is that when a defendant would allocute, before the jury decides the verdict?
The appeal(s) JA files will most likely start off with ineffective counsel, prosecutorial misconduct ALV, tampering with evidence, add in defense's threats, witness threats, juror threats. Yeah, good luck with that, there's a lot of information already exposed to the contrary.
Christ. This sounds even more forced than the first time around, not even kidding. Her talking about the Flores interview and the way she backtracked through her half hearted tears "I wish I could take that-well there's a lot of things I wish I could take back-but that's one of them."

How not to fake remorse.

And she sounds EXACTLY like I imagined.

It really did come across as rehearsed, and very poorly performed... She even had to pause when she was trying to remember the script... all the while trying to remember to cry, and look and sound remorseful!
From Fox10 Phoenix: https://twitter.com/FOX10Phoenix

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Andrew Hasbun @andrewfox10 · 40m 40 minutes ago

JUST IN: full statement from Maricopa County Attorney regarding #jodiarias juror 17.


I realize some do not agree, but this reads to me like nothing further will be done regarding #17, and they want this situation to go away immediately. This statement is simply a demand for the public to back off.

"Claims of juror misconduct ... are viewed with seriousness," "there is a process for review," "fairly assessing available information ... should be observed in this matter." These statements equate to "let us do our job; refrain from sleuthing and investigating on your own; and for the love of all things holy, quit tweeting your findings to the media!"

IMO what's happening here is the more dirt the public digs up on #17, the more clear it has become that the PT made monumental mistakes in their process of green-lighting her. They knew she grew up around DV and later was a DV victim herself - gave it a pass. They knew she watched "parts" of the Lifetime movie - gave it a pass. They knew both her ex and current husbands were convicted criminals and both served jail sentences - gave it a pass, and then didn't bother checking their records to confirm she was truthful about the offenses. This does not cast a very favorable light on the PT and IMO they want the #17 hoopla extinguished and forgotten quickly.

She undeniably participated in some suspicious activity - lied about seriousness of the crimes her husbands were charged/convicted of, withheld the fact that JM was the prosecutor in her first husband's case (she knew. I cannot be convinced otherwise), her FB "likes" and activity are highly suspect, MDLR's sister being #17's husband's FB friend is shady......but IMO this really just falls back on the PT too. I mean, isn't there an intern or someone around to monitor the social media accounts of the jury on a $3mill trial??

And all that stuff about "reports of threats and intimidation," "singled out for attack ... because of individual decisions made in ... deliberations," "the attacks on juror 17 ... must cease," " anger and frustration ... does not justify death threats or disgusting characterizations of what should happen to someone's person" ....... Huh??! If anyone has made any substantiated threats to this woman's life or safety, have your PD arrest those people pronto! Making the blanket statement "leave her alone" to the public at large is just silly. And IMO it's just a disguise for the real message here which is: let it go, move along, nothing to see here, forget about this asap, thank you & goodbye. MOO
Oh Blech...wonder how many times she practiced that remorse act in front of the stainless steel "mirror". Nothing absolutely nothing rings true about that sociopath. Except wishing she could do things over again which I think has something to do with a camera.

Ha! Stainless steel mirror?? She probably practiced that script LIVE via video chat with every family member, Tom, Dick, or Harry (no matter their age)!!! She probably practiced that script with every single one of her minions over a video call!
here is more (ETA: was she trying to look FLDS?)


Off to watch a sitcom now. Too much.....Night : )

urgh,i watched about 30 seconds and had to turn it off.

i just cannot listen to her spew that crap again

i agree with KCL, she does wish she could have a do over. not to so she wouldn't murder travis but to savor in killing him and not to leave the camera,prints etc.

i hope she is enjoying her what..last 29 days or so in estrella with NOTHING. surely a sign of things to come?
it has become that the PT made monumental mistakes in their process of green-lighting her. They knew she grew up around DV and later was a DV victim herself - gave it a pass. They knew she watched "parts" of the Lifetime movie - gave it a pass. They knew both her ex and current husbands were convicted criminals and both served jail sentences - gave it a pass, and then didn't bother checking their records to confirm she was truthful about the offenses. This does not cast a very favorable light on the PT and IMO they want the #17 hoopla extinguished and forgotten quickly.

When this all first came out after the verdict I said this mistake is on the state (PT). There were waving red flags with this juror just based on the things she did disclose, and yet the state let her on the panel. It appears there was enough info to excuse her without the state having to use any of their limited peremptory challenges.

For some reason very few want to or will acknowledge the painful truth that the PT made this error. All blame has been placed on J17 for getting on the panel and for not proactively self-disclosing during voir dire all the reasons they should exclude her. Well, that's the voir dire process and if she answered the questions posed and answered truthfully then it's not her fault the state didn't ask the right questions or do any further inquiry. IF she lied then that is on her, but so far I haven't seen evidence of lying, just a lot of speculation that she must have lied and 'obviously' lied.
Found it.

To Her, He Was Just A Piece Of Garbage | Deadly Women | Investigation Discovery


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Thanks for the link to the show. I heard in one of her interviews that she said she was diagnosed with a mental condition & going to doctors at age 10. When the reporter asked for more, she didn't want to say anymore. She also said she had 3 children.
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