Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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BREAKING NEWS~!!! Air Force One just landed in Phoenix (10 min from my house) and Barack Obama just deplaned. I wonder if JA is assuming he rushed here to set Arpaio straight about the restrictions just placed on her. How many JA supporters are there hoping to follow his motorcade to the jail (only to land at the VA hospital)?

BREAKING NEWS~!!! Air Force One just landed in Phoenix (10 min from my house) and Barack Obama just deplaned. I wonder if JA is assuming he rushed here to set Arpaio straight about the restrictions just placed on her. How many JA supporters are there hoping to follow his motorcade to the jail (only to land at the VA hospital)?


Katie, You are a treasure! Thanks for the smile! :)
I'd be surprised too, and you know I love Mr. Juan and have been a fan since day 1. But I still have somewhat of a Missouri mindset (the 'show me' state) even though I've never been there. Every time I've assumed something I've learned a lesson and that was not to assume. LOL. ;)

LOL! love it. :lol:
It's not tons of work to do, Baez did it during jury selection in the Casey Anthony trial and didn't hide it. Bare minimum he should have pulled her ex-husbands records, and once jury had been all but selected we're only talking about the 12 plus alternates.

That kind of sleuthing does seem more typical of defense attorneys than prosecutors. IMO.
That kind of sleuthing does seem more typical of defense attorneys than prosecutors. IMO.

Yes, and this is sort of new, I think. Folks aren't exactly happy faced to show up for jury duty. If they thought they would be background checked (or something similar) they might hate it more...And try harder to get out of it.
No real answers.
I've only read the tweets about her finishing up other cases in the morning before the Arias trial (which is why it always started late). She is pretty tough with her sentencing.

Well I have heard that but I want proof.
Yes, and this is sort of new, I think. Folks aren't exactly happy faced to show up for jury duty. If they thought they would be background checked (or something similar) they might hate it more...And try harder to get out of it.
No real answers.

Anomoly here. I've always wanted to serve on a jury and there was a time I had a couple very stressful corp jobs (back in Calif) where I was miserable and was praying to be called for jury duty because my companies would pay 100% and it would be better than being at work. I never ever got called. Not in the 19 yrs I lived there nor the 13 years I've lived in my current state (North Carolina). I'm registered, I vote, I drive. What gives? I'm ready to serve! Go ahead and background check me, social media check me, no problemo. I got nuttin' to be worried about there (unless posting pictures of one's insolent bratty cat is a sign of mental illness, to which I say, "yep, cray cray checking in!")
Well...........the more of this that comes to light through investigative reporting, the morel likelihood the D.A. and the powers-that-be will be forced to take action.

I highly doubt that Bill Montgomery is going to tip-toe lightly and skirt issues regarding MDLR, the same way he did with juror 17.
I suspect that what she's doing for Arias is legal........but just barely.

Once again, this is the defense team that bends every rule possible just shy of breaking it. MDLR probably found some obscure loophole in the law somewhere which would enable her to launder money for Jodi. I'd imagine she ran the idea through a couple of her attorney friends as well prior to setting it all up.

The D.A. in Phoenix right now is feeling a huge amount of heat and backlash after the mistrial last week. If allegations and accusations regarding misdeeds by MDLR come to light, and they are found to be illegal, then I have no doubt the DA would charge her in the blink of an eye.

What she is doing may not be illegal, but it would sure fall into the category of unethical, without a doubt. As we all know, nobody on the entire defense team cares about unethical behavior..........unless it is them blaming someone else of it.

Unethical will not get someone charged by a prosecutor's office. Illegal is the only thing that can do that.

However, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the IRS might be interested in MDLR's banking activities.

I hope someone does something, though. Her behavior is not acceptable, if not illegal. How can we have a society of law and order if we neglect to enforce law and order?
Yep - in other words - 'Done deal people. Move on.'

Interesting, he didn't actually come out and say they weren't investigating, or that they had found no evidence of misconduct. Just the insinuation that it wouldn't be disclosed to the public if they did.


By not investigating the Juror 17 he gives the appearance of impropriety and that the Court is covering something up. It's kinda like saying "come to Arizona and do anything you want with no consequences. Looks bad for the general population there, and hurtful for those who tried to get justice in this case. If the DA walks away from this without at least investigating ;he isn't performing his duty or maybe he is just covering his tracks. A gambler never shows his hand. Will be interesting to see

-Just my opinion; like it or leave it
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only verified threats in this case that resulted in actual charges was from a Jodi Arias supporter who threatened Nancy Grace and JVM. These are the types of people who support the killer. It appears that the Laws of Attraction are finally working for her. :facepalm: Dr. Demarte was burglarized just before she was scheduled to testify during the guilt(y) phase, but the only thing stolen was her laptop (even though some cash and diamond earrings were left out in the open). All the other 'threats' that the defense team have cried about are nothing but bluster, and that includes the latest from J17. I'm just not buying it. :moo:




Personally I don't think the Law of Attraction was not the source; I think Jodi convinced others to do her deeds for her.. Just my opinion
By not investigating the Juror 17 he gives the appearance of impropriety and that the Court is covering something up. It's kinda like saying "come to Arizona and do anything you want with no consequences. Looks bad for the general population there, and hurtful for those who tried to get justice in this case. If the DA walks away from this without at least investigating ;he isn't performing his duty. --Just my opinion; like it or leave it

I think that in order to take action against J17 the state would need some concrete evidence that cannot be refuted. They may have that but I don't know the specifics. Sometimes how things look are not enough to prove an allegation.

One thing I am sure of is if the DT did not like something about this juror, no matter how small, an in-depth investigation would have commenced immediately or, better yet, she would have been removed from deliberations immediately.
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