Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #6

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And to the same question I would answer, "I know who he is (followed by the explanation of how I know who he is) but I've never spoken to him, and I don't know him." In other words, we're each defining what that means and without being prompted we're explaining why we answered the way we did, and neither of us would be lying.

I don't know if J17 was trying to get on the jury. She very well may have. And she didn't offer up information that she had. We might consider it lying but is it lying in the legal sense? I don't know.

And the bottom line here is "do you have feelings toward him" - aka feelings that will cause you to lose perspective and be impartial.

She clearly did, whether she "knew" him or not. I'd guarantee you IF for some reason - aka life - she's 'forgotten' who the prosecutor was (someone mentioned this all happened quite a few years ago AND more importantly the fact that they were still very young - hey the young forget) - anyway, IF she had forgotten, someone in her family reminded her. Guaranteed. My 2 cents. JMO
But...IIRC, JM DIDN'T put him in prison. The ex went to prison because he violated parole. Am I wrong?

That is her current husband that went to jail for violating his parole.
She does love her some felons, that's for sure.
Yes! Yes! YES!!! You NAILED it!!! All JA has ever wanted is VALIDATION and RECOGNITION.... and she doesn't care WHERE it comes from or WHAT she has to do to get it!! (actually, this is how she got her 3-hole wonder nickname!! ;0)

BRILLIANT observation! Thanks for putting it so well!
And, in addition, I'd like to ask her to please explain to me how the age of the defendant, her alleged "abuse" and other in the list of mitigation outweigh that crime scene and two little (but big) words: gas cans.

She believed it was premeditated. Said so. AND she said she knew JA was not remorseful, AND that JA manipulated Travis into anger on May 26. Personally, I can't imagine how all of that, before you even get to the autopsy photos, doesn't equal a vote for the DP. Personally I would have given her the DP just for lack of remorse.

Best case, whatever was going on in her head was pretty convoluted..
Oh she did? LOL!! There it is then :) Do you have a link for that, I'd like to see it, and I am interested about looking into this case / situation a bit more .. TIA!!

I still think a few more probing questions from the state at jury selection would have unearthed all this and she would have been dismissed for cause. If that sounds like I'm blaming the state for not being thorough enough then so be it.

Sometimes, I think all courtrooms could use the likes of us - super, snoopy, suspicious, need-to-know, I-wonder-if, snoops. :D We work for free and seem to get more info.

*proudly waving my websleuths flag*

And then reality hits and I know I wouldn't want to do to every jurror, just the sketchy ones where you can tell that somethin' ain't right. Sometimes, it's like a sixth sense.

Not sure what to do about those who are wearing really good masks - those are the people who scare me.
That is her current husband that went to jail for violating his parole.
She does love her some felons, that's for sure.

Thanks. What I'd really like to see is a factual account of what happened with husband 1 -charges, court appearances, was there a plea or trial, length of trial if trial...like that. Has anyone done that research? Any links? I'd be more than willing to go digging myself......
Bears repeating...

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 3m3 minutes ago

10/6/14 sealed hearing now available! Discusses Marc McGee and how he's being "harassed" on Facebook. #jodiarias http://bluesharp1911.wix.com/courtchatter#!jodi-arias-pretrial-hearing-10062014/c1bdz …

Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq · 23h 23 hours ago

#JodiArias waived presentence interview. We know almost everything about her..except finances.

Jeffrey Evan Gold @jeffgoldesq · 23h 23 hours ago

#FOLLOWTHEMONEY "@juanstie: So that's how MDLR does it ... SS sent to the IRS... #JodiArias in trouble. MDLR too. "
That is her current husband that went to jail for violating his parole.
She does love her some felons, that's for sure.

Well, it's surely so that I don't share or understand her taste in men. :D
She believed it was premeditated. Said so. AND she said she knew JA was not remorseful, AND that JA manipulated Travis into anger on May 26. Personally, I can't imagine how all of that, before you even get to the autopsy photos, doesn't equal a vote for the DP. Personally I would have given her the DP just for lack of remorse.

Best case, whatever was going on in her head was pretty convoluted..

Indeed. I have my own theory, which involves an understanding of codependence and having a speculative opinion on if a person like this, living with a felon who has dealt with the "system" in a high profile trial, would actually have the ego strength to maintain for months total silence about their involvement in the trial. I'll just leave it at that, for now. His seeking $ for interviews sounds, to me, opportunistic. I can see someone seeing, rather $eeing a lucrative opportunity for being involved in a unique and $pecial way like this trial down the road. And I'm not talking about Juror 17 in my speculation about $eeing.
Her ex husband is serving 21 flat years for the 2008 aggravated assault while on parole In which his wife claudia made a character testimony at sentencing. He will be eligible in 2037 for release

Btw according to court minutes and his PRC appeal she stuck by him through up until at least his sentencing where he received 21 flat years. She was involved from the 1997 crime until at a minimum the 2008 sentencing. I'm not buying she didn't know juan martinez or her then husbands FULL and complete criminal history within maricopa county. Nope.

Do you have links?
I've seen enough in here this morning.

It's obvious we just need a brand new trial, from scratch.

Same defendant, same lawyers, same sex stories, same psychiatrists and psychologist, different jury.

Let's get it started bright and early on Monday.
Her ex husband is serving 21 flat years for the 2008 aggravated assault while on parole In which his wife claudia made a character testimony at sentencing. He will be eligible in 2037 for release

Btw according to court minutes and his PRC appeal she stuck by him through up until at least his sentencing where he received 21 flat years. She was involved from the 1997 crime until at a minimum the 2008 sentencing. I'm not buying she didn't know juan martinez or her then husbands FULL and complete criminal history within maricopa county. Nope.

We all know that Juan Martinez is not easily forgettable. Unless he's had some kind of personality transplant since her first husband's trial, just he alone, imo, creates a memorable impression. To put it mildly.
Indeed. I have my own theory, which involves an understanding of codependence and having a speculative opinion on if a person like this, living with a felon who has dealt with the "system" in a high profile trial, would actually have the ego strength to maintain for months total silence about their involvement in the trial. I'll just leave it at that, for now. His seeking $ for interviews sounds, to me, opportunistic. I can see someone seeing, rather $eeing a lucrative opportunity for being involved in a unique and $pecial way like this trial down the road. And I'm not talking about Juror 17 in my speculation about $eeing.

Aaah. Maybe it was you who posted something similar awhile ago. Couldn't remember who posted it, but have wanted to second it as an explanation that makes logical and emotional sense of what happened. If it's true, 17 is fully culpable, both legally and morally, despite the ugliness and twistedness of what would lie underneath.
Her ex husband is serving 21 flat years for the 2008 aggravated assault while on parole In which his wife claudia made a character testimony at sentencing. He will be eligible in 2037 for release

Btw according to court minutes and his PRC appeal she stuck by him through up until at least his sentencing where he received 21 flat years. She was involved from the 1997 crime until at a minimum the 2008 sentencing. I'm not buying she didn't know juan martinez or her then husbands FULL and complete criminal history within maricopa county. Nope.

Did he have a trial or make a plea?
Do you have links?

I'm on my phone so i can't link. I have over 20 pdfs from maricopa county minute entries his minute entries on my phone. Also received the info fro. Arizona court of appeals on their opinions for his PRC. Received inmate info from arizona DOC
Minute 18:50


Minute 18:50

Aaah. Maybe it was you who posted something similar awhile ago. Couldn't remember who posted it, but have wanted to second it as an explanation that makes logical and emotional sense of what happened. If it's true, 17 is fully culpable, both legally and morally, despite the ugliness and twistedness of what would lie underneath.

It was (at least) me.

And to think I was JUST at the Maricopa County Public Records office yesterday to get my divorce records (had to go twice this week and when I pulled a number I got the EXACT SAME NUMBER both days--how weird was that? R444). Anyway, I could have pulled those records on their system.

We do have public records online though at www.maricopa.gov
See my post above. :) I could split hairs about hair splitting, but think I'd rather just split as in leave and go do the things I'm supposed to be doing. Hope you're doing well...haven't "seen" you for what seems like a really long while.
I am sorry. :(
Yes I was really angry after verdict. Guess stress was a contributor but i hurt my back. Been down and in pain. Will come and go and post, but cannot sit for long. I miss the posters.

Let me just say that I was fine with Life. What made me angry was that eleven people decided for death and felt one had an agenda. I was mad at JSS, the defense, and juror 17. I was even upset at Juan's closing. Who cares about the moon landing almost fifty years later?

As for Jodi, all I wanted was to see her sit in a cell, alone, for the remainder of her life with no outside or human contact. Some have said if she got the DP, she would never have been executed. Whether she is executed was never a deal breaker for me. I just want to see her live in hell on earth. Was that too much to ask? Because she is a psychopath, she will do well in general population once she has been beat a few times and we will likely never hear of that.
Sounds like a couple of jobs I've had while I was younger, barring the heat.

LOL, me, too. After high school graduation, I had a job transplanting strawberry plants. Working on the ground, sometimes in sun, mostly under those great, long screened covers. I was working squatting on the ground alongside women in their 50s and 60s. They laughed when they saw my friends and me come to work. I didn't take it personally, I thought that I'd show them.

I lasted three days.

It's a brutal job for anyone and I was floored by the stamina of those older women. I'm one of those older women now, and I can't imagine doing that back-breaking job now. Plus, I wilt when the temps are in the 80s. :(

I had the luxury to be able to quit.

Sucks to be an inmate.
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