Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #8

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Ohhhh I finally placed what type of crazy JA is and who she reminds me of! The wife in Gone Girl!!! Straight up JA way of thinking!
I remember that case when it happened. This ruling doesn't make her innocent. We don't know if the cop was lying about her confession. Maybe he did, as he was found to have lied in other cases, there is no way to know now. The shooters said it was for the insurance on her son. She would have received the $, not them. At least she did a lot of years in prison. The last witness who testified said she hated her son.

It was proven he lied in other cases and under oath. That is what helped turn this case around.

I know the ruling does not make Milke innocent of any crime she committed. Likewise, the conviction does not make her guilty of a crime she did not commit. I have not seen proof of her guilt and that means I have to assume (until I see proof) that she is not guilty.

Not innocent -- just not guilty.
I think the most obvious lesson of the JA farce is what the framers of the Constitution already knew-- secrecy is poisonous. Trials are supposed to be public because it is in the public's name that justice is sought. Deprive the public of knowing the whys and whats of the process and we will fill in the blanks.

Because secrecy deprives us of the right and opportunity to be informed, what we will conclude will be based not on facts, but on our individual suspicions and biases and worldviews---the antithesis of the result our justice system was intended to yield.

JSS should be held accountable, IMO, not solely for any single one or even the sum total of her egregious decisions, nor even for the harm her decisions have caused the Alexanders, but for the damage she has done to the perceptions of many that there is no justice or fairness or decency to be had in her courtroom, or for some, in any court of law.

I hope those of you in AZ have long memories, and think of her in 2016.

I think so too!! I think the whole "secret testimony" was just to be a brat and make people think something was going, when really it was just the same testimony she gave in the first trial.

...it reminded me of when two school girls whisper just to make the other girls feel bad!
While watching Fox 10 Now yesterday many people were chatting and asking questions to Troy and Samia. A few comments
were made about people harassing Angela Arias on Twitter.

So, I got on her Twitter account and some of the comments were immature and very trashy. I do not think JA's family should be
harassed. This is what I found confusing.....Angela engages with the people who write these negative comments. Why wouldn't she block

I was raised if someone called and harassed you to NOT answer the phone or to change the phone number.

If I received negative posts on twitter or FB I would block the person and move on. I am not in the social media generation so maybe I
don't understand the back and forth exchanges.

I TOTALLY agree!! By engaging they encourage it!! ...and if it's so hurtful and scary BLOCK the people!! And certainly don't ENGAGE with them!!!
Mindmatters, please, if you will... If you could elaborate more I would be very appreciative.

I have been a member at Beth's site since the beginning and I cannot get it to load- no matter what I do, and I have tried everything. When my hubby gets back from travel I will have him update our browser, I'm pretty certain that's the problem, but anyway I have wanted to read this from the beginning.

I think I am beginning to see a theme with Jodi that I never would have guessed or predicted. She really gives herself away, but more important, over time with all we have access to, certain issues are beginning to really stand out to me.

I really, really want to hear from people in her recent past who were either too afraid of Jodi or the long arm of the law to come forward and speak the whole truth about her. I hope after she is locked away- for good, with no chance of ever getting out alive- some of these people will come forward. Also, as with most things time can offer much more clarity.

I really want to hear from anyone in Darryl Brewers family, Darryl himself (if he is singing a much more enlightened tune), Darryl's Ex-wife and Matt McCartney and anyone in his family. I would also love to hear from the mixed martial arts fighter guy/friend that helped get her the job at Ventana. Oh, and Ventana people willing to tell the truth about both Jodi and Darryl!

Hi Frigga, sorry it took so long to respond but I posted and then got called away. I am in the process of writing a post about the things that struck me and should have it posted by tonight.
I'm sorry, let's be real the entire Defense Team is schmarmy- and that's the truth.

Whenever I would find myself starting to feel sorry for Lawrence Kirk Nurmi ( I really do think he despises Jodi and wanted off her case)- I think of the victims of the perpetrators he chooses to defend. Enough said.

Jennifer Wilmott has shown her true colors in her affiliation with the other potentially misguided, knowingly fraudulent Geffner, MF, ALV and Samuels... I almost feel sorry for him now and think he was probably the most honest of them all, which is not saying much.

Maria De La Rosa is a whole other breed, in my estimation. I think emotionally and psychologically she has a very similar make-up to her client. I think she probably made different choices in her fork-in-the-road moments in life and thus ended up in a much different place and position than her client, but deep down they are more alike than different.

That is scary.

I think it will be very interesting to see what happens with her and TO HER in the next coming months.

I no longer hold out hope for Karma to come for any of them swiftly. I learned my lesson after the Florida fiasco. I do believe that we pay-one way or another eventually- I can live with that.

As long as Jodi is locked up forever- I am good with that. Unlike many here, I could care less what cons she pulls on the inside. That may sound harsh but I just don't feel a lot of love for the other inmates. Guards perhaps, but they also choose their profession and you get the good, the bad and the ugly- just like you do with everything else.

It will be very interesting to see what becomes of her family and the people she was close to, who enabled her after she killed Travis.

The lawyers are well... lawyers. I'll stop there.

MDLR and the group from California have a special kind of danger to them, MDLR being one of the worst, IMOO.

Amen. Thanks for being so blunt. I think and feel the same way. In addition, the DT lawyers may skirt illegality, but to me they are shady as hell. All, in their way, are a danger to society.
I TOTALLY agree!! By engaging they encourage it!! ...and if it's so hurtful and scary BLOCK the people!! And certainly don't ENGAGE with them!!!

Or FGS GET OFF TWITTER! I never have been on twitter but a month ago i closed FB because i was tired of the negativity FB brings. It's not that hard people. It's like a robber who cuts himself on glass breaking into a home and then sue the homeowner for their cut. Or the person who yells BOMB on a plane and then complains to the airline their flight was cancelled.
I saw it on a FB page but when I went to search for it on my search engine the 8th search that appeared was our conversation about not being financial whizzes, seriously!

I also read it in a comment from a twitter. I came here to ask if it was ok to post and when I looked back, I had accidently closed the twitter page. Now I cannot find it again. :sigh:

Genius I am...not! :biggrin:
Reward Jodi and others like her with their own reality tv show? No thanks. I'll pass on watching her look through the trash can, sing and do head stands.

...not a reality show... I think what M74 means is access to security cameras... Like live weather cams, or live road cams...etc..

And I don't know how serious anyone really is about this... I think there have been a few times, like when JA learned that her secret money was found, that a few of us have said that we would have loved to see her throw a tantrum.

Just to reassure you, I don't think any of us really wants to pop a bowl of popcorn and make an evening of it. I'd rather watch ID Discovery! ;0)
Ohhhh I finally placed what type of crazy JA is and who she reminds me of! The wife in Gone Girl!!! Straight up JA way of thinking!

Probably the reason I figured out the story pretty much from the beginning. Lol
Hi Frigga, sorry it took so long to respond but I posted and then got called away. I am in the process of writing a post about the things that struck me and should have it posted by tonight.

Looking forward to your post (even tho I'm not Frigga :))

Another question to add to Frigga's...do you think that JSS will give LWOP?
There is a Presser going on with Bill Montgomery right now:

Here are some Tweets, which are :eek:fftopic: but somewhat related topics ... :waitasec:

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 35m35 minutes ago

Apparently we're running late. Startinng now. Bill Montgomery just walked in.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 30m30 minutes ago

Flores is giving a statement on the shootings in AZ!
LIVE now http://bluesharp1911.wix.com/courtchatter#!az-central-/cizv …

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 27m27 minutes ago

Montgomery says #debramilke decision left him sad and frustrated.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 25m25 minutes ago

Montgomery: "people will be left with the impression that prosecutors did something wrong." #debramilke

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 24m24 minutes ago

Lead detective in the case took the 5th to avoid incriminating himself. Court found prosecutorial misconduct. #debramilke

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 14m14 minutes ago

MCAO not takig much about juror 17.
Any investigation would go to outside agency. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 5m5 minutes ago

Gotta bail. Not much in juror 17.
Heading to mesa for the shooting. Suspect still on the loose.

Sorry for going OT on this subject again but Montgomery has some nerve, the Court of Appeals said the prosecution did do something wrong (their opinion is blistering), threw out her conviction and sentence and forwarded the info to investigators, and now the AZ Supreme Court has denied their appeal - what more does he need to convince him what an awful thing they did in prosecuting an innocent woman with a detective who lied in court (and not just in this case but several others) and how many more courts need to tell him that? Sorry, had to get that off my chest, I just wish BM would leave it and that woman alone.
I remember that case when it happened. This ruling doesn't make her innocent. We don't know if the cop was lying about her confession. Maybe he did, as he was found to have lied in other cases, there is no way to know now. The shooters said it was for the insurance on her son. She would have received the $, not them. At least she did a lot of years in prison. The last witness who testified said she hated her son.

The shooters lied, hoping to shift the blame. I am amazed it worked.

The witness who said she hated her son was her sister; they never got along at all and it was more than normal sibling rivalry. Debra was pretty, popular. Her sister, plain and shy with no friends. She finally had a chance to stick it to her sis and she relished it. I found her not credible. Same goes for Milke's ex-- it was obvious to me he had an agenda.

Everyone in that case lied except possibly the defendant and the prosecutor, imo; it is unfortunate though that his office will be blamed.

Anyway...if Milke had anything to do with the crime, she has served time. Over 20 years on death row. I do not know all the details of what happened but I am glad she is free now.
@Quinn__Michaels has deleted Twitter acct.
Are these people in high school?

Well LaCooks, given the recent news of Travis' murderer "schooling" Ohio teenaged girls on how to obtain/use fake ID cards for visitation, and the 12 indoctrinated children, who appeared to range from children to teenagers, sending video messages of love and adoration to the murderer, it would not surprise me in the least if the majority of her supporters were actually under the age of 18!!!
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