Dissimilar head hair on Q107 and extra DNA segment on the duct tape

DNA Solves
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About the extra DNA: I know some feel that it may be due to sloppiness on the techs part,but I want to point out something.
We have a tracking dog [see siggie]. We had to train to learn to track with him.The way they track is by following our continuously shedding skin cells.They can pick up that teeny tiny scent.
My point is ,everyone has continuously shedding skin cells that contain dna.It goes beyond a tech just wearing gloves ,IMO. Their entire body,face,hair,everything ,would have to be covered to insure no shedding skin cells came into contact with the adhesive on that tape.I'm not sure what they wear,but it may be ,near impossible,to avoid ANY cross contamination.JMO

It IS impossible to avoid cross-contamination. That's why people who work in sterile industrys have to wear caps-- like food production workers and surgeons.

Surgeons and some others who work in sterile industries also have to wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and booties, to contain skin and hair shed.

Normal rate of shed is about 50-100 hairs per person, per day. (out of an average of 100,000-150,000 head hairs).

Nurses who work in laminar flow also have to wear panyhose, to avoid body hair fallout. We shed skin cells and hair all the time.

In fact, my microbiology prof told me that a major component of common house dust is dead skin cells.
It IS impossible to avoid cross-contamination. That's why people who work in sterile industrys have to wear caps-- like food production workers and surgeons.

Surgeons and some others who work in sterile industries also have to wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and booties, to contain skin and hair shed.

Normal rate of shed is about 50-100 hairs per person, per day. (out of an average of 100,000-150,000 head hairs).

Nurses who work in laminar flow also have to wear panyhose, to avoid body hair fallout. We shed skin cells and hair all the time.

In fact, my microbiology prof told me that a major component of common house dust is dead skin cells

LOL. That is why we have dust mites as that is what they feed on. Can you imagine if there were no dust mites? We would be up to our elbows in dust.
It IS impossible to avoid cross-contamination. That's why people who work in sterile industrys have to wear caps-- like food production workers and surgeons.

Surgeons and some others who work in sterile industries also have to wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and booties, to contain skin and hair shed.

Normal rate of shed is about 50-100 hairs per person, per day. (out of an average of 100,000-150,000 head hairs).

Nurses who work in laminar flow also have to wear panyhose, to avoid body hair fallout. We shed skin cells and hair all the time.

In fact, my microbiology prof told me that a major component of common house dust is dead skin cells.

So true, not to mention those who are instrumental in creating the items used in the collection and sampling of evidence.

For example take the Phantom of Heilbronn, who until recently, was thought to have been a prolific female serial killer responsible for 15 years of varied (in both location and nature) crimes throughout Germany. Well, turns out the cotton swabs used to try and recover DNA were contaminated in the factory where they were produced. Whoops.

Wouldn't it be fun if the unidentified hair came from one of the searchers? Or Joy Wray?

Just thinking out loud :D
I know, or anyone else! That hair could turn out to be no big deal, or could never be matched, but then again it could turn out to be really important. Thanks goodness they found it. Hats off to the crime scene investigators. :)
what was the description of the hair again? (I'm thinking about 5 inches long, dark, caucasian head hair? But I need to go read again. Please correct me people.) (Of course I know everyone has a mixture of lengths and colors in their hair, I'm not attempting an identification/match, I was just trying to remember what the description was.)

just trying to link in the new documents.
So they resubmitted the Q107 hair for the lab to compare it to hair samples provided by 7 crime scene investigators and none were a match. Apparently only the crime scene investigators who were thought to be a potential match to the hair were compared? It does seem like some names are missing here, I guess they were just thought to be ruled out by the naked eye? p 4 at this docstoc link (p13846). I think the description of the hair itself is on about page 12 (13854). So the mystery hair remains interesting. To me anyway.
Just wondering but being that the remains site was located, if I'm remembering correctly, down the street from a school, is there anyway that a hair from a student or teacher could have "floated" into evidence during photographing? I live directly across the street from my school's playground, and it looks like a little fog the stuff the kids can kick up.
Couldn't the hair have also been on the clothing of the crime scene workers or on a vehicle of their units? But, to me, it was a dump. A hair in a dump.
what was the description of the hair again? (I'm thinking about 5 inches long, dark, caucasian head hair? But I need to go read again. Please correct me people.) (Of course I know everyone has a mixture of lengths and colors in their hair, I'm not attempting an identification/match, I was just trying to remember what the description was.)

This seems to be a new hair isn't it? One just come up in evidence? Or is this the same one from last fall. I read it was determined to be from a Caucasian female and approx five inches long. All the females who were tech's or lab people have tested negative.

To me that means if it wasn't a hair from anyone involved in collection, and not Casey's then it's a hair from the dump. I'm moving on to the next thing.
There was more hair found at the crime scene:

pg 3487


pg 3500



Just saying...
Yes, of course, the first police officer who bent over poor Caylee's little skeleton could have had a relative's hair on their clothing which fell off at that time.

Those original officers would not have been wearing lab coats and coverups.
Does anyone else think that the Gatorade bottle looks as if it has not been under water? The label looks relatively new. We know the body was underwater. So when would this bag have been placed there? jmo
Yes, of course, the first police officer who bent over poor Caylee's little skeleton could have had a relative's hair on their clothing which fell off at that time.

Those original officers would not have been wearing lab coats and coverups.

ITA! Or, it could have been on JW's clothing since she claims to have searched that area so many times. Or DC could have "dropped" it on one of his forays into that area. I'm not about to get hung up on how one stray, random hair MUST mean someone else was involved, but a young mother who never reports her child missing, parties hardy while said child is missing, and then lies, lies, lies to authorities when it is discovered that her child is "missing" doesn't mean she's guilty of anything.
I imagine that every WS'er could go out in their yard, crawl around on their hands and knees with a magnifying glass and find dog hair, cat hair, their own hair and a lot of hair that has blown in from who knows where - maybe even my hair that was carried east by the recent tornado activity.
I imagine that every WS'er could go out in their yard, crawl around on their hands and knees with a magnifying glass and find dog hair, cat hair, their own hair and a lot of hair that has blown in from who knows where - maybe even my hair that was carried east by the recent tornado activity.

Shoot, as much as the wind blows in Oklahoma, you can never be sure of who's hair in is in your yard or on your house at any time. I don't know how the wind is in Florida, but Florida does get a LOT of hurricanes, so that hair could come from anywhere around the freakin' globe. I'm so not worried about it.
Hmmm I would have checked the A family's hair, DC and JH's hair, maybe JB's just for fun. :)
Shoot, as much as the wind blows in Oklahoma, you can never be sure of who's hair in is in your yard or on your house at any time. I don't know how the wind is in Florida, but Florida does get a LOT of hurricanes, so that hair could come from anywhere around the freakin' globe. I'm so not worried about it.

I agree! I've read that humans shed an average of 50-100 hairs per day so I am not at all surprised that they found a unknown hair and I would not of been surprised if they would have found more then one considering all the garbage in the area.
There was more hair found at the crime scene:

pg 3487


pg 3500



Just saying...

I've never had much to say about the quote that Dr. Lee found 17 hairs in the trunk of the car a la LKB.

So I was mooching around in the myth buster thread and discovered that Lee found one hair in the already stripped down trunk. While Dr. Lee was still there, the LE found an additional three hairs in the trash.

And after Dr. Lee left, the LE found 14 more hairs in various trash, liners and covers.

So I'm not concerned about one hair found at the large, much disturbed over six months crime scene. I'm more concerned about whose hair was found in the trunk Caylee was carried around in while she began to decompose.
I must be missing something, because I just don't understand why an unidentified hair would be significant considering the dump site. And, with it being underwater a portion of the time that Caylee's body was there, hairs from anywhere could have floated and ultimately landed near or on Caylee's remains.

As for any hair in the car trunk, KC carried bags of trash around in her car and was in and out of others' homes and apartments and could have picked up hairs anywhere.

I honestly feel that LE has enough evidence to obtain a jury conviction and the hair(s) are insignificant (unless I've missed something about this). I'm guessing we will never know where the hairs originated. JMHO.
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