DNA Solves Cold Cases/Parabon Nanolabs & GED/Match.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Trying not to get too far off in this parabon thread, but this story about an old kidnapping in China tells about a new technology that may help solve old crimes. Just had to include it because, in the future, facial recognition technology may end up being a new tool for LE to use in baby/toddler kidnapping. Fascinating!

'A man who was abducted as a toddler 32 years ago was finally reunited with his biological family Monday, with the help of facial recognition technology....

The police used facial recognition technology to analyze an old photo of Mao as a boy and came up with a simulated image of him as an adult, which was then compared with photos in the national database, according to CCTV. It did not give details about the database or the process of how the photos were compared.

After a series of investigations and comparisons, the police tracked down a man in the city of Mianyang who resembled the image of Mao. He was later confirmed to be the missing son using a DNA test, Xinhua reported.'

Facial recognition helps reunite kidnapped toddler with family after 32 years

Parents find son abducted in hotel 32 years ago
What Happened to Jay Cook and Tanya Van Cuylenborg?
May 26, 2020 rbbm.
''It took 30 years for the families of Tanya Van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook to see someone arrested and convicted for the young Canadian couple's murders on U.S. soil. And like the law enforcement teams who'd been pursuing the case since 1987, they never expected to see the Washington state cold case solved by way of an investigative technique only recently applied to criminal investigations: Genetic genealogy, which uses forensic DNA to locate relatives of a possible suspect. On the premiere of The Genetic Detective, ABC's new true crime series, airing May 26 at 10 p.m. EST, pioneer genetic genealogist CeCe Moore recounts her role in what would be the first criminal case involving the method to ever go before a jury.''

'exclusive look at ABC's new series, 'Genetic Detective'
•May 26, 2020''

Sad news, but at least some answers at last for one of our verified insiders in this case.
Ws thread..
OR - OR - Mark Dribin, 42, Portland, 02 July 1999

Police make arrest in 1999 killing using DNA, genealogy site
May 4 2020
''PORTLAND — Police say they’ve solved the 21-year-old killing of a Portland resident by matching crime scene DNA evidence to data in a public genealogy site, leading to a murder indictment against Christopher Lovrien.''

''In March 2019, the Police Bureau’s cold case unit reopened the case and submitted DNA evidence from Dribin’s case to a private lab for forensic genetic genealogy analysis.

The private lab compared the evidence to DNA in publicly available databases, including profiles from those who share their information from consumer DNA testing companies to search for relatives who have submitted their DNA.

Oregon State Police forensic scientist Janelle Moore and Portland Detective Brendan McGuire were called to present information to a grand jury, which last week returned an indictment.''
Thank you dotr. I was just going to add his case to this thread if you hadn't since I discovered that Mark's case was solved through the use of Parabon Labs. Thank-you!!! Mark's family appreciates it, and I am authorized to speak for his dad who is my first cousin.
May 28, 2020
Vernon Police make arrest in sexual assault cold cases
“The same MO- burglary, and violent sexual assault,” said Lt. Ryan Shea from the Manchester Police Department.

Investigators say they recently used new ancestry technology to attempt to identify the “John Doe” who committed these sexual assaults. Police worked with the State of Connecticut Forensic Lab and a genealogy service to analyze the evidence.

Based on this work, police have identified and charged Alleano as the person allegedly responsible for these crimes.

Kristin Sasinouski who is the Deputy Director CT forensics and biology lab said, “Through extensive and thorough research of records Bode technology developed a family tree to help drive the investigation. Detectives were then able to use that tree to obtain a known sample from a newly developed individual of interest.”

Ws thread..Keeping an eye open for other possible crimes( allegedly) committed by this Manchester fire-fighter, imo.
Arrest, brutal sex assaults/robbery of older women, 2001-08, Angelo Alleano, 47,VERNON, Conn,*DNA*
Boulder County Sheriff's Office: DNA Solves 50-Year-Old Cold Case

A 50-year-old cold case has been solved thanks to DNA, the Boulder County Sheriff's Office announced Thursday. The break in the case, however, may be bittersweet for the victim's family. The suspect deputies identified as responsible for the rape and killing of Betty Lee Jones, a 23-year-old mother of two, died nearly a year prior to authorities announcing a break in the case.

On March 9, 1970, two Colorado Department of Transportation workers found the woman's lifeless body down the side of an embankment on Highway 128, near the Boulder County/Jefferson County line, according to deputies. She had been bound, sexually assaulted, strangled and shot.

Jones had last been seen alive at about 3:30 p.m. the previous day in the street in front of her home in Denver at 12th and York Street that she shared with her husband of nine days, Robert Ray Jones. Deputies said the two had been together for less than a year, and had been arguing for two days, culminating in Robert Jones leaving the residence in his car, and Betty trying to flag down cars in the street near their residence. She got into a blue sedan that had stopped and was last seen in that car going southbound on York Street.

In 2006, deputies reopened the case and evidence, which was recovered from Jones' body. was submitted to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Authorities said a male DNA profile was developed, but the suspect's profile was not in the national Combined DNA Index System database. Six potential suspects were then developed, which included her husband, Robert Ray Jones, and DNA was obtained from each, through personal items, direct swabbing, or, as in the case of Robert Jones, from his parents, as he had died in 2000. None of those profiles matched the suspect's DNA, deputies said.

In 2019, the suspect DNA was submitted to a private lab, Bode Technologies, where a profile was developed. With the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Denver Field Office, the FBI's Forensic Genetic Genealogy Team was enlisted to assist with the forensic genealogy aspect and helped develop a family tree. The suspect's generation in that family tree was identified and more fully developed. All offspring were identified and eliminated, except one daughter, who was seen in a 1957 Denver directory, but no other identifying information was found.

The CBI, also working on the forensic genealogy, identified the woman, her husband, and her two sons, who would have been in their twenties at the time of the murder, and who lived in Denver at the time. One son was still living, but the other was deceased, in 1977. The living son was interviewed, and DNA swabs obtained. He then identified an estranged third brother, Paul, but did not know if he was living or dead, nor knew his whereabouts. The living brother's DNA profile was compared to the suspect DNA and came back as "closely related" to the suspect. The FBI's Genetic Genealogy Team was able to identify the closest common ancestors on the father's side, focusing the investigation narrowly on the three sons.

The missing brother, identified as Paul Leroy Martin, was found to have died in June 2019, with no identified next of kin, except the living brother, and had been interred in Fort Logan National Cemetery. The court authorized an exhumation, and on April 8, 2020, the exhumation was conducted at Fort Logan and biological material collected.

On April 9, 2020, Martin's biological sample was sent to the CBI Lab, where a profile was developed, and a comparison made of Paul L. Martin's DNA to the suspect's DNA. On April 24, 2020, the CBI Forensic Sciences Biological Unit notified the Boulder County Sheriff's Office that the sample collected from Betty Jones' body and Paul L. Martin were a match, quantifying it by stating that the probability of selecting an unrelated individual from the general population who matched at the identified 18 loci was 1 in 3.2 sextillion.

According to the sheriff's office, Martin has no known link to Betty Lee Jones, and a close family member, who was living during that time, said the Martin name was not familiar to her and she did not recall Betty dating anyone by that name. The name was not in any of the original reports or in the original officers' notes. Martin, according to his brother, did drive a blue, mid-to-late 1960's Plymouth Fury sedan.

A probable cause statement was submitted to the Boulder County District Attorney's Office and was approved earlier this week. Based on the evidence and DNA analysis produced through this investigation, if he were alive today, the Boulder County Sheriff's Office said Paul Martin would be charged and prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office for the murder of Betty Jones.

"In addition to our sincere thanks to CBI, the FBI, and all the contributing scientists and investigators, I would like to personally thank Detective Steve Ainsworth for his diligent work and tenacity for solving this very cold case, which was so brutally committed. Steve has a long career, much of it dedicated to cold cases, and he does a wonderful job for these victims and their families," Sheriff Joe Pelle.
What Happened to Jay Cook and Tanya Van Cuylenborg?
May 26, 2020 rbbm.
''It took 30 years for the families of Tanya Van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook to see someone arrested and convicted for the young Canadian couple's murders on U.S. soil. And like the law enforcement teams who'd been pursuing the case since 1987, they never expected to see the Washington state cold case solved by way of an investigative technique only recently applied to criminal investigations: Genetic genealogy, which uses forensic DNA to locate relatives of a possible suspect. On the premiere of The Genetic Detective, ABC's new true crime series, airing May 26 at 10 p.m. EST, pioneer genetic genealogist CeCe Moore recounts her role in what would be the first criminal case involving the method to ever go before a jury.''

'exclusive look at ABC's new series, 'Genetic Detective'
•May 26, 2020''

I'm watching the second episode of genetic Detective. Great show with CeCe Moore.
This is awesome!
June 3 2020 rbbm.
COVID-19 face mask provided DNA to solve 2018 child rape case, police
''KING CITY, Calif. - DNA swabbed from a California man’s face mask, which he was wearing to protect himself from the coronavirus, has led to his arrest in connection with a 2018 child rape, authorities said.''

“MCU personnel arranged to meet with Leonardo Ramirez to discuss an unrelated matter at the King City Police Department,” the news release said. “When Leonardo Ramirez arrived, he was offered a disposable mask to comply with the ongoing Monterey public health order as investigators were to be in close proximity as they spoke.

“Upon receiving the mask, Leonardo Ramirez discarded a mask he had been wearing, which MCU staff collected at the conclusion of the interview.”

The mask was sent to the California Department of Justice for DNA testing, police officials said. Genetic material found on the mask matched DNA evidence from the girl’s rape.''

''Ramirez was taken into custody Sunday afternoon''.
Post moved here from another thread re riots in the US got DNA from mask to identify perp from child rape case through DNA on COVID mask

Well some (unexpected) good has come out of all this, re face masks! rbbm.
COVID-19 face mask provided DNA to solve 2018 child rape case, police
''KING CITY, Calif. - DNA swabbed from a California man’s face mask, which he was wearing to protect himself from the coronavirus, has led to his arrest in connection with a 2018 child rape, authorities said.''

“MCU personnel arranged to meet with Leonardo Ramirez to discuss an unrelated matter at the King City Police Department,” the news release said. “When Leonardo Ramirez arrived, he was offered a disposable mask to comply with the ongoing Monterey public health order as investigators were to be in close proximity as they spoke.

“Upon receiving the mask, Leonardo Ramirez discarded a mask he had been wearing, which MCU staff collected at the conclusion of the interview.”

The mask was sent to the California Department of Justice for DNA testing, police officials said. Genetic material found on the mask matched DNA evidence from the girl’s rape.''

''Ramirez was taken into custody Sunday afternoon''.

Well some (unexpected) good has come out of all this, re face masks! rbbm.
COVID-19 face mask provided DNA to solve 2018 child rape case, police
''KING CITY, Calif. - DNA swabbed from a California man’s face mask, which he was wearing to protect himself from the coronavirus, has led to his arrest in connection with a 2018 child rape, authorities said.''

“MCU personnel arranged to meet with Leonardo Ramirez to discuss an unrelated matter at the King City Police Department,” the news release said. “When Leonardo Ramirez arrived, he was offered a disposable mask to comply with the ongoing Monterey public health order as investigators were to be in close proximity as they spoke.

“Upon receiving the mask, Leonardo Ramirez discarded a mask he had been wearing, which MCU staff collected at the conclusion of the interview.”

The mask was sent to the California Department of Justice for DNA testing, police officials said. Genetic material found on the mask matched DNA evidence from the girl’s rape.''

''Ramirez was taken into custody Sunday afternoon

ETA: What is really to me stands out.. King County is the first case in US, and I still follow infection rates. Has just doubled in the last few days and is going up again.
Sweden has solved its very first case using genealogy! The double murder in Linköping in 2004 was one of Sweden's most high-profile unsolved murders, but after Swedish LE managed to track down a 37 years old man using DNA uploaded to family tree websites, the suspect confessed to the murders, marking the end of a 16 year old mystery.


Släktforskaren hjälpte polisen att lösa dubbelmordet: ”Kan låta som science fiction”

Dna-tekniken som löser dubbelmordet i Linköping

Släktforskare: ”Jag har hela tiden trott att man ska hitta rätt”
Maybe The Netherlands will follow soon. I really hope we can overcome the legal complications and at the same time keep an eye on our privacy and human rights. There are still so many people unidentified (murder victims and others) after years and years, the oldest one from 1935.

Ministerie onderzoekt gebruik van commerciële dna-databanken bij cold cases article from 2/25/2020

Ministry investigates the use of commercial DNA databases in cold cases

Minister Grapperhaus of Justice and Security will investigate whether commercial DNA databases can be used to solve old cases. These are cold cases that may be solved by DNA from mostly American companies.

The minister writes this in a letter to the House of Representatives. He talks about the progress of the policy to send more resources to cold cases, but he also responds to parliamentary questions about an article on the subject in NRC <a serious Dutch newpaper, "a newspaper of record">. In it, scientists argue in favor of using data from private DNA databases for cold case studies.

Minister Grapperhaus says he wants to find out 'to what extent this new development can be used in Dutch criminal procedural law'. An exploratory investigation will be carried out by not only the ministry, but also the police, the Netherlands Forensic Institute and the Public Prosecution Service. The study
examines the possibilities and conditions for the use of such data. These are cold cases where unknown deaths are identified that are not victims of a crime.

Grapperhaus refers to commercial companies where customers can donate DNA material. This is often done for genealogical research, but also for early detection of medical risks, for example. Grapperhaus does not name specific companies.
Most companies are in America, Grapperhaus acknowledges. He also says that it may cause problems. "As a result, there is little insight into what is uploaded by whom in the DNA database. For example, there is no obligation to identify yourself."

Grapperhaus acknowledges that there are risks associated with the method. "The private genealogical DNA databases have been set up for a different purpose than police detection means," the minister writes. "By uploading a profile, information is available not only from the person who had their profile recorded, but also from family members who have not chosen to have their DNA profile recorded in a private genealogical DNA database." As a result, the databases have an 'impact on privacy', says Grapperhaus. "It has to be handled with care." The minister does not write how he intends to do this carefully. That must be shown by the investigation. The very first use of the DNA relationship study during the Vaatstra case in 2012 already showed that the Public Prosecution Service did not comply with the law because it did not destroy the collected DNA data in time.

edited to add date of the article and typo's
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June 11 2020
Alleged serial rapist arrested in Muskogee, Oklahoma for crimes dating back to the 1990's - KOAM
"Between January 1993 and October 1995, the women, ranging in age from 19 to 40, were sexually assaulted. The survivors all described their attacker as an African American male in his 20’s. DNA was collected at the time, but was never able to be matched to a suspect. In September 2019, District 15 District Attorney Orvil Loge requested assistance from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) with identifying a suspect using tools available through the Bureau including forensic analysis and genealogy testing.''
''Based on the information received from Parabon NanoLabs, the OSBI Cold Case Unit was able to narrow down the suspect pool. Agents learned that Smith had been the subject of several investigations in Tulsa.''

Ws thread..
Muskogee, Okla, 1990's, multiple women raped, Leroy Jamal Smith,50, arrested *DNA*
Another one!
June 11 2020
Finding a killer: How DNA helped solve a Seabrook cold case murder
''Davis, 35, was a Vietnam veteran and local boat captain. Investigators identified him with DNA found on the clothing used to strangle Eads.

“It was not in bad condition, which is another reason why we were able to receive or obtain a DNA profile,” said Amanda Balasco, a forensic scientist with the Texas Department of Public Safety.

With that profile, investigators turned to the FBI and genealogists, who spent months comparing the DNA to online ancestry profiles. A match came back to a distant relative and the investigation that followed helped investigators hone in on Davis.''

Ws thread..
TX - Susan Lee Eads, 20, Aug 30, 1983 - Seabrook, TX (Harris Co.)
'The efforts of many people finally gave this mystery woman a name'

GARDINER, Ore. - DNA science has helped identify skeletal human remains found in October 2016 near Gardiner as a Eugene woman.

Then in November 2019, a private laboratory called DNA Solutions produced a new type of DNA profile and compared it to the public family genealogy website, GEDMatch.

The analysis led investigators to a possible family member.

The Douglas County Medical Examiner's Office followed up on the newly obtained information and contacted the family member of the unidentified person. Through the investigation, the remains were identified as those belonging to Genelle McDaniel, a resident of Eugene, Oregon who was born in 1954. McDaniel had not been previously reported to law enforcement as a missing person.
Investigators have concluded McDaniel did not die from foul play.

“Our hope is to bring resolution to families in these cases," Dr. Vance said. "With new DNA technology and collaboration, the efforts of many people finally gave this mystery woman a name. Our condolences go out to the family of Genelle McDaniel.”
This time DNA identified the UID female AND the perp!June 15 2020
Florida Keys murder cold case from 1991 solved, sheriff says
''MONROE COUNTY, Fla. – It became known as the “Valentine Jane Doe Homicide” and was chronicled on “Unsolved Mysteries” and other shows.
Three decades later, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office says it has cracked the cold case.
Sheriff Rick Ramsay announced Monday that the previously unknown young woman discovered on Feb. 15, 1991, in a wooded area off U.S. 1 near Mile Marker 35 has now been identified as Wanda Deann Kirkum, who was 18 and lived in New York.''
''The Sheriff’s Office says that her killer has been identified as Robert Lynn Bradley, who was himself killed in a homicide in Texas in April 1992 at age 31''
''The agency says that its major crimes unit detective Vince Weiner partnered with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and used new DNA technology to ID the victim and killer''.
Ws thread
FL - FL - Big Coppitt Key, 'Valentine Jane Doe' 49UFFL, 16-25, Feb'91
Cold Case Arrest 25 Years Later: Riverside County Serial Rapist

After extradition from Arizona, Darin Edward Cooke, 50, has been charged by the Riverside County DA's office with 16 felony counts.

Cold Case Arrest 25 Years Later: Riverside County Serial Rapist

"A serial rapist who terrorized his female victims and eluded capture for nearly 25 years in Riverside County has been arrested in Arizona after DNA helped crack the case...

A resident of Chino Valley, Arizona, Cooke was arrested May 26 in nearby Prescott. He had been living in Arizona for several years, the DA's office said.

Cooke is accused of committing the crimes between 1996 and 1998 in Riverside, and in Corona during 2007, and it wasn't until years later that the case began really coming together with the help of DNA.

With help from the FBI Los Angeles Forensic Genetic Genealogy Team, Cooke became a suspect. A surveillance of his Arizona home got underway — investigators collected trash bags from the residence, which were then examined for DNA.

A match was made.

Some of the victims resided in the same Riverside apartment complex — now known as Corona Pointe — where Cooke once lived, according to the DA's office.

The arrest was a combined effort involving the Corona and Riverside police departments, the Yavapai County (Arizona) Sheriff's Office, and the FBI Phoenix Violent Crimes Task Force which is made up of the Phoenix, Peoria, and Scottsdale police departments; the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office; the Maricopa County District Attorney's Office; and the FBI."

Cold Case Arrest 25 Years Later: Riverside County Serial Rapist

After extradition from Arizona, Darin Edward Cooke, 50, has been charged by the Riverside County DA's office with 16 felony counts.

Cold Case Arrest 25 Years Later: Riverside County Serial Rapist

"A serial rapist who terrorized his female victims and eluded capture for nearly 25 years in Riverside County has been arrested in Arizona after DNA helped crack the case...

A resident of Chino Valley, Arizona, Cooke was arrested May 26 in nearby Prescott. He had been living in Arizona for several years, the DA's office said.

Cooke is accused of committing the crimes between 1996 and 1998 in Riverside, and in Corona during 2007, and it wasn't until years later that the case began really coming together with the help of DNA.

With help from the FBI Los Angeles Forensic Genetic Genealogy Team, Cooke became a suspect. A surveillance of his Arizona home got underway — investigators collected trash bags from the residence, which were then examined for DNA.

A match was made.

Some of the victims resided in the same Riverside apartment complex — now known as Corona Pointe — where Cooke once lived, according to the DA's office.

The arrest was a combined effort involving the Corona and Riverside police departments, the Yavapai County (Arizona) Sheriff's Office, and the FBI Phoenix Violent Crimes Task Force which is made up of the Phoenix, Peoria, and Scottsdale police departments; the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office; the Maricopa County District Attorney's Office; and the FBI."

Awww, was he crying? His eyes are bloodshot, hope he cries everyday until he's dead. :D

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