Do you believe that this case will be solved?

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Sep 16, 2010
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It's been nine months since Kyron went missing. Maybe it's too soon to be asking this question; after all it hasn't even been a year but the more time that goes by, the less likely it is that a case will be solved. So do you believe that Kyron's case will be solved? Do you think that LE will move forward with charging Terri even if they don't find Kyron? Would they charge her with kidnapping and/or murder and do you think they would be able to get a conviction?

For those who don't believe Terri had anything to do Kyron's disappearance, what do you believe the chance of Kyron's case being solved is?

For me, I don't believe that this case can come close to being solved until they find Kyron. It is like Jacob Wetterling's case; no one knows whether he is dead or alive so how can they solve the case? If they do find Kyron, and I do believe he is no longer with us, what evidence will his body still hold? Would they be able to prove premeditation? There's a difference in jail-time between premeditated killings and ones that aren't so although they may solve the case, I'm not sure if Kyron will get the full justice he deserves.
I used to be certain it would be solved, any day now in fact. But recently I have lost faith.
I am increasingly concerned that it will go unsolved.

I am 70 to 80 % convinced that TH is the perpetrator, but I am not sure if she killed him, or if she handed him off to child traffickers or what.

I think if it was a random stranger SO that took him he would have been found already.

So it keeps going back to TH in my mind, but then it is just a dead end. Tragic no matter what transpired, Bless His Soul. I almost hope he is up in heaven considering some of the options.:cloud9:
I agree with Katy - I lose just a little more faith as each day goes by. Maybe the divorce proceedings (if they happen) will bring out a tid-bit of informaiton to help find Kyron. It's unlikely, but I can hope.


this is one of those cases that i thought would be solved very early on. boy was i ever wrong.
I have my doubts, unless Kyron is found. If deceased, unfortunately he will be the primary evidence, and at this point, that may be due to his location. And if the location is random, i.e. not matching TH's pings, or the pings of anyone else they may be looking at, that may not help either.

I guess they may go ahead and try the case without finding Kyron, but it would be one full of reasonable doubt for me, even for kidnapping. I just can't see how it can be proven at this point, beyond reasonable doubt, that TH did anything other actually criminal.
I found some interesting statistics online about abductions and murders:

When the time of the murder is unknown, solvability decreases to a mere 31.6%.

The bodies of abducted children are recovered within 24 h of when the victim was last seen in 37.6% of cases, within 48 h in 49.4% of cases and within a week in 68.5% of cases.

7% of children in family abductions are kidnapped from a school or daycare.

2% of children in family abductions are kidnapped by their stepfather. They didn't have a percentage for children kidnapped by their stepmothers.

In 91% of family abductions, the child is returned. In 6% of family abductions, the child is not returned but located. And in less than 1% of family abductions, the child is not returned and not located. (So that sounds like 91% are found alive, 6% are found dead, and less than 1% are never found).

I'll also include some statistics on stranger abductions:

2% of children abducted by a stranger or a slight acquaintance are at a school or daycare

57% of children abducted by a stranger were returned alive. In 40% of those cases, the child was killed. And in 4% of cases, the child was never found.
It's been nine months since Kyron went missing. Maybe it's too soon to be asking this question; after all it hasn't even been a year but the more time that goes by, the less likely it is that a case will be solved. So do you believe that Kyron's case will be solved? Do you think that LE will move forward with charging Terri even if they don't find Kyron? Would they charge her with kidnapping and/or murder and do you think they would be able to get a conviction?

For those who don't believe Terri had anything to do Kyron's disappearance, what do you believe the chance of Kyron's case being solved is?

For me, I don't believe that this case can come close to being solved until they find Kyron. It is like Jacob Wetterling's case; no one knows whether he is dead or alive so how can they solve the case? If they do find Kyron, and I do believe he is no longer with us, what evidence will his body still hold? Would they be able to prove premeditation? There's a difference in jail-time between premeditated killings and ones that aren't so although they may solve the case, I'm not sure if Kyron will get the full justice he deserves.

I'm beginning to wonder if Kyron's disappearance will ever be solved. The more time that passes, the more I think LE is spinning their wheels. Lots of action, no forward movement.

I lean somewhere between 60-80% sure that TMH is the guilty party depending on how I'm looking at events, but I can't get my own personal conviction higher than that.

My own hunch is that at this time, LE has plenty of evidence that shows that TMH is a person with many faults but little to no evidence that she is actually the perpetrator. If that is so, then charging her would be like picking the least popular or most despicable person out of any murder victim's circle of contacts and charging them. Just because a person is despicable doesn't mean they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Would she be convicted if charged? I don't know. I think it depends on how much evidence there is and whether any or all of it is shaky. If the evidence is only what is publicly known, then I doubt she'd be convicted.

If some of what has been released by KH is shown to be wrong or mistaken, then I'm sure that she would not be convicted.

I doubt she will ever be charged for MFH. If the police had more than one person's word for it (the landscaper), I think she would have been promptly charged. I don't know if she did it because I have no way of evaluating the veracity of the witness and his motives. I know some facts about him that lead me to question his veracity: the time delay and the fact that LE approached him after Kyron disappeared rather than him coming forward when Kyron disappeared.

In a sense, what this case reminds me of most strongly is the Princes in the Tower. The two nephews of Richard III who disappeared at some point, never to be seen again. Was Richard III responsible? The Tudors, particularly Henry VII, really wanted people to think Richard III was guilty. But when you look at motive and the behaviour of their family, the evidence all points straight at Henry VII! But overall, there's not enough evidence to solve the case to any degree of certainty.
This case reminds me of Etan Patz; he was walking down a busy street in Manhatten when he vanished, at 8AM; And it took a few years, but LE developed a really good prime suspect, who knew Etan at least casually, was a known sex offender (of little boys) and was living in the area at the time (he had dated a woman who watched Etan for a few weeks not long before.) And he more or less confessed, over the years, but stopped short of saying he had killed Etan (who has never been found in 30+ years.) Yet LE thinks they don't have enough to charge him, although they have reopened the case as he is due for prison released in 2014 for molesting another young boy. To me, all of that adds up to far more than we know about TH's potential guilt. Maybe NY is just really tenative, but if they have all of that and can't see their way to making a case, I do worry about Kyron's case.
I think LE has solved the case but is lacking sufficient evidence to take it to court. It is just a matter of time before they will have enough, even without locating Kyron. If it takes a few years, so be it. There is one person who is suspected by many, and now she does not have a pleasant, easy life. Things will not improve for her unless someone else is named as the perpetrator.
I believe it will be solved, but not until Kyron is found. I still have heaps of faith that this will happen, sooner rather than later, MOO. I think he will be found before his one year anniversary of going missing rolls round. I have faith because the alternative is to believe that this child's mother and father will never know closure, or peace, and that is unacceptable, therefore, faith is my only option.

I do think we will be very surprised once it is solved and charges levelled. I think there is still much that is not known at this time, but will be once Kyron is found.
I sincerely hope this case can be solved. I have long given up hope of finding a live Kyron which was my ultimate wish for him and his family :(.

I believe the case will be solved when they the locate Kyron and he can tell his story. I check the news daily in hopes that someone, somewhere has heard and answered his mothers prayers. Desiree has been through hell and back and a few weeks ago when she was voicing that she know knows Kyron is deceased it was heart breaking to read. I think this case NEEDS to be solved for Kyron and his family.

The one concern I have is that when Kyron is located his story does not match the one LE have been traveling down. I hate to say i hope Th is responsible but it is where my thoughts have been heading (especially after DY last interviews). I believe if TH were responsible and Kyron is found LE should be able to provide the closure the family seeks. If she is not responsible then I'm unsure how much LE will have to go on after so much time has passed. Does that make sense?

clip from Staton (where my belief if Th is responsible they will be able to provide closure. I think they have evidence just not enough to secure a conviction. )

""We can target specific elements to bring a conclusion to this," said Staton.

Staton admitted the broad tips have caused him frustration in the case. He said each and every lead has to be looked at and documented, but some are too broad when the tip is no more than to search in a wooded area.

Staton would not give specifics as to what moving forward in the investigation meant.

"I don't like standing up here and telling you that we are moving forward in this investigation but not being able to tell you why. I would love to be able to tell you this is what we have found. I wish I could tell you this," said Staton.

Link to article voicing DY fears.
"Desiree Young's heart is telling her to hold on to hope that her son, Kyron Horman, will come home safe and sound, but her brain tells her to prepare for the worst.
For the first time since her son vanished more than eight months ago, Desiree Young conceded that Kyron is probably dead."

also from that same article:

"Despite that statement, Desiree has appeared increasingly resigned to the idea that she may never see her son alive again.
One way or the other, Desiree Young is seeking closure. She clearly believes that Terri Horman can provide that closure to her and to everyone else involved in the case."

I absolutely believe this case will be solved. Actually, I believe significant progress will be made this year. I have no hard proof or evidence...just a gut feeling.

Now....all I need to do is to convince everyone else to cooperate, lol.....:banghead:
In reference to the OP ...

I believe Kyron may be found in the next couple of months or so as outdoor recreational activity in the Northwest picks up again. Sometimes this starts as early as March in our area ... but we are having a cold winter, so maybe not until April or May. May includes two big weekends for campers, boaters, ORV'ers ... Mothers Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend. These are the first big camping weekends for many families in the Northwest.

If Kyron's body is found, what forensic evidence will still be viable after all this time? Well, I think the main thing a body would tell is that Kyron has died, and his body has ended up in a specific location. It isn't as much as we'd like to know ... but it may be enough to seal a case against the perp, and it's a lot more than we know right now.

If Kyron's body is found, I think Terri will be charged. Sadly, I don't know whether there will be enough evidence for a charge of murder one. I'm thinking they will go for second degree, and I'm pretty sure that she will be the primary perp they consider. Less clear to me is whether there might be other parties who are also charged.

If Kyron is not found, I doubt Terri will be charged. There have to be some pretty strong reasons that she hasn't been charged already. Esp for the MFH. I can't say why, but it seems to me that the more time that passes without charges, the harder it becomes to charge her.

Can she be convicted? I believe it's going to be relatively easy to convict her if they ever decide which charges to file. The problem is that if they don't find Kyron and develop a deeper level of evidence than they have right now, they are probably only going to be able to prove lighter charges.

Truthfully I don't think Kyron will ever receive true justice ... because the only true justice for a 7 or 8 year old is to thrive within a safe, loving family, surrounded by adults who can and will put the children first ... and sadly, it seems that the ship has already sailed on that one. For Kyron, anyway. May we all remember that we still have a chance to provide this kind of life for other kids.

My thanks to EileenHawk for an excellent thread.
I believe a person or persons may be charged, arrested, and possibly convicted, but I do not believe this case will be "solved". I think there are too many hidden things, things we will never be privy to, which may have played a big part in this tragedy.

My opinion only
Trident you bring up a good point. Everyone's definition of solved is different. Was Nicole Simpson's death ever solved even though there was not a conviction? Was Scott Peterson's crime truely solved? Did they know every detail of what happened to Laci? They have a pretty good idea and I suppose if you ask both the Detectives and the DA, they would say it was solved. Yet, I bet both families still have many questions that were never answered.

My definition of solved is they have a fairly good idea what happened and evidence to back it up but not every detail nailed down. A conviction is icing on the cake and separate from the word "solved". But it's really interesting how everyone sees it from a different perspective.
Absolutely 100% sure that Kyron's case will be solved and that Terri Horman will be arrested, prosecuted, and will spend the rest of her life behind bars where she belongs.

Adrienne, I like your confidence! I'm not at 100%. Maybe up in the high 70's. My number changes daily! ;)
i feel that this case will be solved but wont be until KH body is found and that wont be for at least 5 years.
Initially I thought it would be solved... and I felt sure that TH had done it (and still do!) I was certain she would do time for this and be miserable for the rest of her life, and I wanted it that way. But just the other day, for some unknown reason, I thought of Kyron and felt really sad and hopeless. I was thinking about how if he was left in the woods somewhere, who knows what wildlife could have done to him. And I began to feel like he would never be found :(

I don't know what this was, as I've always been hopeful and these thoughts just came out of the blue a few days ago. I wasn't even on Websleuths or anything - I was in my car.

I hope he is found, but I feel like even if he is, its been so long now... If it wasn't for the evidence found with Caylee, they probably wouldn't have had any idea what had happened to her. Makes me wonder if anything will ever be able to happen in Kyron's case.
As someone who believes that Terri murdered Kyron (although I am open to other possibilities), it annoys me that she might get away with this horrendous crime simply because she find a good place to dump his body. :(

ETA: Also, since LE has spent a lot of money investigating Kyron's disappearance, I feel that they are pretty much required to always be optimistic when they're on the news.
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