Do you believe that this case will be solved?

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I do not think that Terri is going to flee the country, but I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up moving to another state. Outside of the Pacific Northwest, the majority of people would not recognize Terri, and her name wouldn't ring any bells for them. Terri has never done any interviews and her face has stayed largely out of the public eye. This case has gotten national coverage, but that was mostly back in the summer months. However, national coverage does not equal nationally known.

If Terri were to apply for a job in her new community, the employer would probably google her and he/she would find out about Kyron's case. Desiree and her friends could call up all of Terri's neighbors to warn them about Terri, but unlike in Oregon, Terri could go out to the mall, without all eyes being on her.
Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton stopped by the booth to talk about the investigation. He said investigators are now getting help from the Oregon Attorney General’s office.

Investigators who specialize in tracking data are sifting through mountains of information from emails, phone calls and text messages looking for anything that might be tied to Kyron’s disappearance.

He said tips are still coming in, although they number has decreased over time.

These paragraphs, from the KATU article about Kaine's presence at "Portland's Largest Garage Sale," are encouraging and discouraging at the same time. They've been working on the data forever. (I'm frustrated enough to suggest all the posters on the case donate a weekend....BET we'd get through the information????)

I know we (I) need to be patient...but it's hard, isn't it?!
Oh yeah it will be solved. And it will be prosecuted. And there will be a conviction. I have to hold on to this belief. For Kyron.
Solved? Hopefully. Prosecution and a conviction? Possibly, but if it actually comes to that, I hope and pray they get the REAL PERP, and not twist evidence to fit any preconceived notions.
The last I heard, people can cross into Canada from WA state without much hassel, but it's getting back into the US that requires a passport or enhanced DL. About a year ago a couple in my circle went to Vancouver BC for the weekend. When they tried to come back into the US, the wife discovered she did not have her passport with her. They had a terrible time getting back into this country.

But if she were entering the country illegally from Mexico, it would be a FAR different story!
I really hope so.
Kyron brought me to WS. I mean, I was "here" as a lurker for many years, Caylee was a case I lurked, but I joined for Kyron.

I am still here for Kyron. I still have hope for Kyron. I still adore Kyron.

I still pray, every night, that Kyron will be found and justice will be served.
Here are my thoughts about this case getting solved. If the public and LE think he is dead and buried somewhere in the area and he isn't, they will never find him. TH may have orchestrated his kidnapping, and he is with another person or couple. If that is the case, he could very well be alive. If people think he is dead, they won't look, they won't pay attention to kids faces and that would really hurt Kyron if he is living with another person. That is why his parents want his face out there, because there is no evidence he is dead. Just missing. They haven't found one thing to indicate she killed him, they haven't found his body, no cloths, no blood, nothing to say he was killed. I don't think TH had time to kill him and dispose of him in such a manner LE can't find him. But she may have set him up to be taken. She never acted like a woman who was devastated that her step son, that she raised was missing. If fact there is speculation she didn't like him, so something is wrong here, even after a year, something is wrong. If she made arrangements for him to be taken, she could have used a throw away phone so they wouldn't have a record of her calls. The person may have contacted her in some way. There are ways to get around being tracked. But I hope you will all still keep your eyes pealed for him, in the event he is still alive.
I really hope so.
Kyron brought me to WS. I mean, I was "here" as a lurker for many years, Caylee was a case I lurked, but I joined for Kyron.

I am still here for Kyron. I still have hope for Kyron. I still adore Kyron.

I still pray, every night, that Kyron will be found and justice will be served.

Me too Sherbert, Me too.
I really hope so.
Kyron brought me to WS. I mean, I was "here" as a lurker for many years, Caylee was a case I lurked, but I joined for Kyron.

I am still here for Kyron. I still have hope for Kyron. I still adore Kyron.

I still pray, every night, that Kyron will be found and justice will be served.

Kyron also brought me to WS ... I lurked for a few months then joined, and I am glad I did !

I have faith that Kyron will be found ... but it is taking longer than I thought ... it gets very frustrating waiting to hear some of new news, and I cannot even imagine what his mother and family are going through.

Prayers for Kyron and that he is found soon ... and Happy Easter !
I keep checking this site almost daily because I feel that this is definitely going to be solved and I want to be here to watch the proceedings unfold. I have no gut feelings as to how or when, but someday it will be solved.

That innocent little boy's body will be found within a few miles of the school, you can bet on it. And I still think a container of some type is involved.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Rescue crews were alerted Friday morning to a body in the Willamette River near Terminal 2.

A Portland Fire boat located the remains and the Multnomah County Sheriff River Patrol was contacted to pull the body out of the water.

So far police have not said anything about the remains, including the gender of the body or how long it’s been in the river.

KATU will update this story as new information is confirmed.


I didn't know where to post this because I didn't want to make a new thread (most likely not Kyron, I know), but when stuff like this comes up I hope for closure.
I do think Kyron needs to be found for this case to even have a chance to be what anyone could consider "solved." How can anyone know for sure what happened to him otherwise? There is no sign of a struggle, no crime scene, no signs of injury, none of the indicators used in most cases without a body.

I doubt his is the body in the river...not if he was put in a year ago, seems like he would not be so easy to spot from a boat...he was/is so small to begin with. :(
PORTLAND, Ore. - Rescue crews were alerted Friday morning to a body in the Willamette River near Terminal 2.

A Portland Fire boat located the remains and the Multnomah County Sheriff River Patrol was contacted to pull the body out of the water.

So far police have not said anything about the remains, including the gender of the body or how long it’s been in the river.

KATU will update this story as new information is confirmed.


I didn't know where to post this because I didn't want to make a new thread (most likely not Kyron, I know), but when stuff like this comes up I hope for closure.

I put an update in the scanner thread to keep this thread on topic.
Hope I did the link right =)

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I have pretty much thought little Kyron was not alive for awhile now.But if I look at all possible things that could have happened to little Kyron.Alive and not alive.If LE said there is no reason to believe he is dead do they still believe this?Maybe someone close to little kyron took him and it wasn't Terri and he is really ok out there and this person may feel they cannot really come forward now because they feel they will get into trouble.I feel if LE looks at EVERYONE.They might find him.I just pray they find him very soon so everyone can have some sort of closer.
Will this case be solved...I think depends upon what "solved" means to most people. Perhaps TH will eventually be charged, and the state will give its best presentation on what they believed must have happened to Kyron, and the jury will agree, thus obtaining a conviction (on what charge, I can't even guess.) But if "solved" means we will know what actually happened to Kyron and know for sure who did it, I am very, very doubtful about that being the case. If she is charged, she is not going to testify, innocent or guilty, so we won't hear from her. If someone else is guilty, they won't be coming forward to confess all of a sudden.

So I would have to say "no" in that I do not believe we will ever know what really happened to Kyron, even if his body is found someday. It is my belief, now that a year has passed, that none of the the potential witnesses or sightings of anything happening with Kyron outside of the school have been able to be confirmed. At least, they have not been able to confirm that TH was outside with Kyron at a time when he should have been inside. I think the last "known" sighting of Kyron is TH's own admission that she saw him in the hallway and left him there. LE has no way of knowing if that even happened. So they can't "know" who saw him last, they know when she last said she saw him and no one, apparently, can swear they saw him later than that.

Not to ramble...but it is very doubtful anything solid will surface at this late date, as far as pinning down within minutes what occurred on that day.

TH may somehow end up convicted and serving a long sentence, but I do not think that will result in us knowing what happened to Kyron.
Will this case be solved...I think depends upon what "solved" means to most people. Perhaps TH will eventually be charged, and the state will give its best presentation on what they believed must have happened to Kyron, and the jury will agree, thus obtaining a conviction (on what charge, I can't even guess.) But if "solved" means we will know what actually happened to Kyron and know for sure who did it, I am very, very doubtful about that being the case. If she is charged, she is not going to testify, innocent or guilty, so we won't hear from her. If someone else is guilty, they won't be coming forward to confess all of a sudden.

So I would have to say "no" in that I do not believe we will ever know what really happened to Kyron, even if his body is found someday. It is my belief, now that a year has passed, that none of the the potential witnesses or sightings of anything happening with Kyron outside of the school have been able to be confirmed. At least, they have not been able to confirm that TH was outside with Kyron at a time when he should have been inside. I think the last "known" sighting of Kyron is TH's own admission that she saw him in the hallway and left him there. LE has no way of knowing if that even happened. So they can't "know" who saw him last, they know when she last said she saw him and no one, apparently, can swear they saw him later than that.

Not to ramble...but it is very doubtful anything solid will surface at this late date, as far as pinning down within minutes what occurred on that day.

TH may somehow end up convicted and serving a long sentence, but I do not think that will result in us knowing what happened to Kyron.

BBM. Great post, I totally agree. The way this investigation is going TH appears to be the ONLY one under the microscope - to me, that's tunnel vision at its finest. Yeah, she may end up convicted, but will she really be the guilty party? I'm really not sure.
This is just a quick review of the KOIN TV 'IN DEPTH SPECIAL REPORT' on the case 1 year later after Kyron disappeared.

Does she {TH} go to bed every night wondering if there'll be a knock on the door? C. W. Jensen

* 6500 tips since June 24th 2010
* No suspects named
* Everyone wants to bring Kyron home

They review the timeline, going faster than I write. We'll get the transcript.

Things said of interest:

* There was a cell phone report of TH being on SI that morning/day.
* They focused on Germantown Rd.
* TH made a point to show the Science Fair photo she had taken to a friend in Freddie's while shopping that morning. The friend says it was odd as they just happened to be passing each other in the store.

* There is only one person that makes any sense who did anything to him, and that is TH C. W. Jensen

* There had to be probable cause to bring the case before a Grand Jury. They need an evidenciary piece to show something relating to where Kyron ended up.

IS TIME HELPING OR HURTING THE CASE ~ They say TIME is on the side of LE in finding Kyron.

* "She looks like a tough nut to crack"
* She'll never be able to get any custody of her baby unless she tells what happened to Kyron.
* The Wall of Hope is still there and active.
* LE is working around the clock to bring Kyron home.
* One has to give LE the benefit of the doubt as they live with the case every day.
* Kaine is as determined as ever to bring Kyron home. Kaine says that is what is the hope and the focus now ~ TO BRING KYRON HOME.

The show left a very pointed thought with me, that LE will not give up until they locate Kyron.

PS: . . . . and it was a full half hour show ;} I just hit the highlights.
Thank you for this! I hope KOIN will show it again or put it on their website. Thanks.
Was this show aired at 11 pm? If so, I don't understand why they would air a half-hour special about the case that late.
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