Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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I have absolutely no reason to believe the adoption story is true. I wonder how pregnant Casey was when she told that story to Kia Marie, if Cindy even know about the pregnancy when it happened.

I'm not talking about Kia (I'm not sure I believe her either)...I thought Casey told Cindy she wanted to give the baby up but Cindy would NOT let that happen and forced her to be a mother..But, who knows if any of it's true? I'm sure we will never hear the truth anyway.:banghead:
Do you really think having an affair makes someone an abusive parent or a sociopath? :waitasec:

And no, being a sociopath is not inherited. There are absolutely no facts to back up that statement.

Absolutely not. My own father was a cheater and certainly was not a sociopath nor an abuser. One has nothing to do with the other. Georges' "affair" or lack of had nothing to do with this case at all. IMO RC/KH was impeached. In that first interview with PD she SAID they did not have an intimate relationship. Also stated George said "I BELIEVE it was a horrible accident that snowballed out of control. She changed her story when she got PAID by the enquirer. JMO
Casey wasn't exactly a teen when she got pregnant, was she? Anyway, knowing Casey, I don't see how anyone could force her to do anything. I'm not saying Cindy didn't hound her to keep the baby. She probably did, but I don't buy this "forcing" thing. Casey hates her mother and if anything, would do the opposite of what Cindy wanted. Casey may have not wanted a baby, but I don't think she kept Caylee just because Cindy MADE her.

I'm just not buying into all of this Casey sympathy that seems to be going around now that she's been acquitted. Frankly, I don't understand it. She's still the same evil person she was before. IMO

THANK YOU. Seriously it's unreal how many people suddenly flipped to feeling sympathetic to a baby killer. Maybe people are trying to make themselves feel better about the fact that she will walk soon. I personally think she's laying back in her cell cot thinking "I might be a spiteful b*tch, but I'm such good liar!"
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?

Susan Smith was, by all accounts, a 'good mother'.
They were probably as 'normal' as the rest of us until ICA started her incorrigible lying, stealing, promiscuous behavior. ICA controlled that household and CA spent too many years pandering to her trying to be her BFF.
They both cared more about having the perfect image than seeking help to manage her...

I agree. The studies seem to indicate also, that these type of "disorders" show up in late teens early 20's. I once dated a guy in HS that was normal in every sense of the word. When he turned 19 he began bizzare behavior. He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and after 3 attempts killed himself at age 24.
You can see in conversations with her how they tiptoe around her and do not want to upset her so she doesn't "go off".
I'm not talking about Kia (I'm not sure I believe her either)...I thought Casey told Cindy she wanted to give the baby up but Cindy would NOT let that happen and forced her to be a mother..But, who knows if any of it's true? I'm sure we will never hear the truth anyway.:banghead:

The adoption story came from Kia, who heard it from Casey. We've never heard it from anyone else, including Casey or Cindy.
I think it is the way she was made; apparently all her friends, throughout her school life and beyond knew she was a terrible liar. Why the A's didn't seek help is beyond me, they let her terrorize them.

Do we know for a fact that they didn't try to help?
i will admit that there is no reliable proof she was a good mother, but regardless. no matter how much she lied or stole, what was the trigger? lying and stealing does not a murderer make. i do not believe cindy ever expected her granddaughter would turn up dead, even if she did threaten to take her away.

i am not defending caseys actions here, i do not want any bashing. i am just generally curious of peoples opinions.

I don't have a specific theory to espouse either, but, like you, I am interested in throwing out ideas and hearing the opinions of others on this topic.

I know that some have pointed to the dead pets as possible evidence of Casey's sociopathy. Perhaps there were early signs of a serious disorder that the Anthonys were able to obscure from the larger public (school, extended family, friends, etc.)--since we all know they are very good about covering up for Casey's mis-deeds!

I have often suspected that Caylee's death was a rage murder--that Casey didn't plan it ahead of time (I'm more inclined to believe that her online "research" was the result of idle curiosity about whether there was some way to off her parents). I think that she may have killed Caylee in a fit of anger about any number of things; it's almost too easy to come up with half a dozen viable scenarios. And if that's possible, is it also possible that Caylee's death itself was the trigger of the web of lies, the party-girl acting out, the callous treatment of Caylee's dead body, the lack of emotion when confronted with Caylee's "absence", etc.?

Again, I'm just kicking around ideas.
One of the analysts said that the A's were probably a fairly normal family but became dysfunctional as an affect of Casey's disorders coming on. I agree with this theory. I think the parents definitely have their issues, but i still feel more sympathy for them than I guess other people do. Caylee is gone. Nothing can fix this world we live in, even if Casey had gotten the chair, we still wouldn't have Caylee. God's tears.
I have not had time to read all the posts here, and I'm not sure I feel "bad" for her, but I do think the whole family situation was very unfortunate. It's unfortunate for ANYONE to have to grow up in a situation like that let, regardless of whether it's Casey or not.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but I watched Dr. Drew last night and Jesse Grund was on. Dr. Drew pressed him for info on the family dynamics. He recalls a time when he was at the Anthony's and Cindy was nagging Casey about paying her back some money. Casey asked her mom to let it go as she didn't want to discuss it in front of Jesse. The moment Casey said anything, Cindy blew up and starting going off. Saying to Jesse...why would you want to be with someone who didn't graduate high school? She will never make anything out of her life. Basically asking Jesse why he would want to be with such a loser.

Regardless of whether or not we agree that Casey is a loser, it's sad to me that any parent would speak like that to their child. After years of being spoken to like that, I have no doubt one would have some serious emotional issues. It's probably the reason she was sleeping around, seeking the need to be loved and needed, because she never felt that from her parents. Probably the reason for all her lies...a way to impress people (including her parents) perpetuated by the need to feel accepted. It's probably the reason she got pregnant in the first have someone (her child) who would love her unconditionally. :( I think Casey was a "good" mother when she wanted to be. There are many photos and videos of her with Caylee. Friends didn't seem to notice anything to be concerned about. I don't think her emotions in those photos/videos were faked, but I think when Caylee became an inconvenience, she did the inconceivable. I firmly believe you learn how to treat others by the way that you are treated. If Cindy treated Casey like she was worth nothing to them, how does she know to treat her daughter any differently? Some will say it's basic common sense...but when that's not what is displayed in your life, it's hard to know what common sense is. People are not "born" sociopaths, I truly believe that.

Listen, what she did is inexcusable, and there is not a doubt in my mind that she was the one who killed poor Caylee, but hearing the interview with Jesse and him saying he wanted to marry her (back then) so he could get her out of that house, I have no doubt it was not a fun place to live. Once Caylee came along, she was George and Cindy's everything which I think pushed Casey over the edge. Like we've discussed before, I think Casey got rid of Caylee just to spite Cindy. We all know she could have given Caylee to George and Cindy, but that would only further prove Cindy's accusations of worthlessness.

Sad, sad, sad, all the way around.

Jesse Grund felt sure bad for her while they were dating/engaged.


see his interview w/ Dr. Drew
Bear in mind that the majority of people describing Casey as a good mother were her superficial friends, she did not have one long term friend. They only saw her during the photo opportunity type of interactions... whereas her own mother called her an "unfit mother" numerous times and considered seeking custody more than once.

just for the record, jesse grund also said she was a "doting" mother and i wouldn't call jesse grund a superficial friend. just putting that out there.
No, I don't. I think things became very tough in that household because they have a criminally minded daughter. They have a father who seemed to know it, a mother who protected her, and a brother who was forgotten about so everyone could concentrate on ICA. She's a sick young woman. Of that I have no doubt.
A perfect storm?

If reports are true, GA was a prolific liar and CA was a control freak. ICA was Version 2.0 of the combination of CA and GA with some new sociopath issues.

ICA was fed by CA who operated at the extremes of emotionally punishing ICA at times while providing her too much freedom and no accountability at others. She enabled and allowed the stealing and lying and fake life.

It all escalated completely out of control but ... if CA had taken ICA to task more consistently and set boundaries would it have been prevented?

Who knows.
Let her apologists get out their little bitty tiny violins for her.

She brought down everyone around her - tainted everyone who knew her longer than 5 minutes.

She'll bring down her new "friends" and "family" in no time at all.

Just watch.

Tick tock people.

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