Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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please read my post at the top of this page.

I just read it. I wasn't bashing you or your opinion, I was being very serious. Susan Smith looked as sweet as can be and everyone also said she was a good mother. "Good mothers" do kill their children. Most often than not when you hear of someone who murders, the people that know the murderer always talk about how they were so 'nice', 'polite', etc.
Some people convince themself that they are doing their victim a favor or they justify it in some way.. Casey's myspace post 'everyone lies, everyone dies' suggests something like that to me. "everyone dies"

I think it's very easy to appear to be a 'good mother'. I know someone who was simply the devil to her children, but you would never, EVER know it by looking at her in public. Actually, even now that her kids are grown, you would NEVER know it by looking at their own facebook pages. They post pics of themselves with their mom and how much they love their mom, etc. I grew up with them, I saw firsthand the things she would say or do to them, but never in a million years would anyone who knows them only as acquaintances believe me.

Casey's uncle, in the letters he wrote to Cindy, expressed how they know Casey is a pathological liar and not a very good person. I think the people closest to Casey knew she wasn't a great mom, that's why Cindy took control of the care for Caylee. Anyone can appear like a good mom in pics. Look at the Kyron Horman case, his stepmother has a bunch of smiling pics with him. There are some pics of Casey with Caylee (in the Big Trouble shirt) and the room is filled with red plastic cups...I can guess what is in all those cups. Boozing it up with your toddler in the room and then having her sleep in the bed with you and your boyfriend, does not a good mother make. IMO only.
I suspect that KC was a "doting" mother when she had an audience around or a potential suitor to impress. I personally believe that behind the doors on Hope Spring Dr, with only her parents as witnesses, things were very different.

Any decent sociopath worth her salt knows how to behave when being viewed by those outside of her circle. It's second nature.

I just read it. I wasn't bashing you or your opinion, I was being very serious. Susan Smith looked as sweet as can be and everyone also said she was a good mother. "Good mothers" do kill their children. Most often than not when you hear of someone who murders, the people that know the murderer always talk about how they were so 'nice', 'polite', etc.
Some people convince themself that they are doing their victim a favor or they justify it in some way.. Casey's myspace post 'everyone lies, everyone dies' suggests something like that to me. "everyone dies"

I think it's very easy to appear to be a 'good mother'. I know someone who was simply the devil to her children, but you would never, EVER know it by looking at her in public. Actually, even now that her kids are grown, you would NEVER know it by looking at their own facebook pages. They post pics of themselves with their mom and how much they love their mom, etc. I grew up with them, I saw firsthand the things she would say or do to them, but never in a million years would anyone who knows them only as acquaintances believe me.

Casey's uncle, in the letters he wrote to Cindy, expressed how they know Casey is a pathological liar and not a very good person. I think the people closest to Casey knew she wasn't a great mom, that's why Cindy took control of the care for Caylee. Anyone can appear like a good mom in pics. Look at the Kyron Horman case, his stepmother has a bunch of smiling pics with him. There are some pics of Casey with Caylee (in the Big Trouble shirt) and the room is filled with red plastic cups...I can guess what is in all those cups. Boozing it up with your toddler in the room and then having her sleep in the bed with you and your boyfriend, does not a good mother make. IMO only.

This is so true. My mother was a Mrs. Brady clone, always smiling to the public, bragging about her children, keeping us dressed to the nines, always doing nice things for people, and turning our living room into a toy store at Christmas.

But when it was just us an her on a daily basis, she called us names, denigrated us, never complimented us, never taught us anything we really needed to know (when I married my first husband because I was already pregnant, one night I asked him where the bone in his penis went when we weren't having sex! He fell out of bed laughing.).

She was really mentally abusive and alcoholic, and to this day no one understands why I finally had enough of her and broke ties last year.

I think it's totally possible Casey was a "good mother" only for the cameras and the public.
I dont understand why she wont talk to her parents now, can someone explain that to me.
I dont understand why she wont talk to her parents now, can someone explain that to me.

Oh who the heck knows what KC is thinking? :waitasec: My guess, she plans to stick with the "I'm a victim, too!" act. It's a much better story than the one where she hatefully murdered her baby and tossed her in the woods.

Or maybe she's still mad that they ate chili while she was in jail. :crazy:
Just saw a clip of the upcoming interview with Jacee if this is not someone whose life was a living hell I don't know whose would be....ICA's? I don't think so. Jacee Dugard did not kill her children and managed to survive against all odds. Sorry for ICA? Not a chance. IMO:banghead:
Just saw a clip of the upcoming interview with Jacee if this is not someone whose life was a living hell I don't know whose would be....ICA's? I don't think so. Jacee Dugard did not kill her children and managed to survive against all odds. Sorry for ICA? Not a chance. IMO:banghead:

Yes! Jaycee lived a hell none of us could imagine and birthed two children as a result of it. Yet, through all that torture and living in a hidden tent in the backyard she was still a fantastic mother who did all she could to care for her children.

Thank you for reminding me of Jaycee and her story. Jaycee and her children were victims. Casey Anthony was spoiled rotten and seemingly never punished for her wrongs. Thank you thank you for putting this back into perspective for me.
Not in the least little bit.
I dont understand why she wont talk to her parents now, can someone explain that to me.

Because no one was paying to broadcast it...

Just wait - you thought the A Train antics were bizarre before, just wait - it will shortly be more bizarre than ever.

Many of you are old enough o remember some of these names who came from ghettoes and others who came with mental illness BUT made something of themselves, Judges: Sonja Sotomayor, Joe Brown also Actors who slept in cars before they got famous, OR assuming KC is mentally ill these folks do great work and suffer from bipolar. Mental Illness Patty Duke Carrie Fisher Connie Francis,Claude Van DammeRobin Williams.
I am sorry she is sick. I have a MI daughter, and it is hard. So for that part I am sorry for her.
I do not for one second believe that pity helps anyone, and letting them get away wth too much is not good for anyone.
I believe that hanging someone is nothing different then extreem reaction, personal anger and rage at people doing bad things but I do no think that all that rage is at Casey, THIS CASE is upsetting THE UNTOLD STORY that is making people so angry and rightfully so. the "A"s are dysfunctional, not moral, not likable and yet we have to LET CASEY KNOW that while her setting was hard the rest of the world also has many sad story's and there are just some moral boundaries that you do not cross –
If you do cross them there are consequences……if you don’t feel good there are prescription meds, and other solutions.
However, she did go to far sick or not, NO, she is not normal; but she was not that far gone to not know she needs help.
She knew how to get what she wanted. So she is not making safe decisions and to that end she needs to pay. WE DO NOT KNOW THE STORY. this story is darker then the fairy tales around it. Regardless to why or how it cannot go unpunished.
Not good for her - not good for anyone. It only teaches bad kids that they too can get away with mistakes that should not have been made in the first place.

I believe that the state THREW THE CASE
I taught special ed and I've had the pleasure to have worked with many, many children of all backgrounds. One family stands out in my mind to this day. The dad died of Lou Gehrig's disease and the mom took it really hard and went "beserk" and got caught up in drugs. The 3 children (kindergarten and younger) went to live with maternal grandma. These children turned out to be so strong and pillars of the community dispite their difficulties. They were so sweet and such great kids to know. I admire them so much.

ICA has none of their strength and grace. She was indulged, treated like a queen and led to believe in her own "wonderful-ness". She is beyond words for me at this point and the ones I would use would probably get me banned from this site and I don't want that. I enjoy this site too much for that!!

Oh-- so to answer-NO I don't feel sorry for her at all!! Kids who are dealt a much worse hand make something of themselves and do fine in life!! They don't kill their children!
Yes! Jaycee lived a hell none of us could imagine and birthed two children as a result of it. Yet, through all that torture and living in a hidden tent in the backyard she was still a fantastic mother who did all she could to care for her children.

Thank you for reminding me of Jaycee and her story. Jaycee and her children were victims. Casey Anthony was spoiled rotten and seemingly never punished for her wrongs. Thank you thank you for putting this back into perspective for me.

I could not agree with you more, the contrast between Jaycee Dugard and KC should open everyone's eyes! Jaycee is the "amazing mother".
i just cannot for the life of me figure out how "one and one makes two" in this situation. assuming it was a mix of nature and nurture. how does a person who by all accounts was a "good mother" albeit a liar and thief, end up killing her child?

Susan Smith did.
I don't have a specific theory to espouse either, but, like you, I am interested in throwing out ideas and hearing the opinions of others on this topic.

I know that some have pointed to the dead pets as possible evidence of Casey's sociopathy. Perhaps there were early signs of a serious disorder that the Anthonys were able to obscure from the larger public (school, extended family, friends, etc.)--since we all know they are very good about covering up for Casey's mis-deeds!

I have often suspected that Caylee's death was a rage murder--that Casey didn't plan it ahead of time (I'm more inclined to believe that her online "research" was the result of idle curiosity about whether there was some way to off her parents). I think that she may have killed Caylee in a fit of anger about any number of things; it's almost too easy to come up with half a dozen viable scenarios. And if that's possible, is it also possible that Caylee's death itself was the trigger of the web of lies, the party-girl acting out, the callous treatment of Caylee's dead body, the lack of emotion when confronted with Caylee's "absence", etc.?

Again, I'm just kicking around ideas.

The only problem with sudden rage is that she left around 1:00 pm and told George that she and Caylee would be spending the night with the sitter, and there has been no indication that she asked Tony if she and Caylee could spend the night with him or anyone else. Casey (if I'm not mistaken) had never spent the whole night with Tony yet and Caylee hadn't even been over to his apartment very many times. Just where was Caylee supposed to be that night, and how did an accident or a rage happen in 3 hours time with Casey on the phone, texting, or on computer most of that. I'll never understand why none of that came out in court. Caylee was even dressed in clothes never seen or not seen for a long time, clothes that could have stayed in that bogus babysitter bag. It's almost as if she was changed in the vehicle between 1 & 2, and whatever happened took place not long after. We never even heard if any of her shoes were missing or not. Disgusting.
I suspect that KC was a "doting" mother when she had an audience around or a potential suitor to impress. I personally believe that behind the doors on Hope Spring Dr, with only her parents as witnesses, things were very different.

Any decent sociopath worth her salt knows how to behave when being viewed by those outside of her circle. It's second nature.


This is so true. My mother was a Mrs. Brady clone, always smiling to the public, bragging about her children, keeping us dressed to the nines, always doing nice things for people, and turning our living room into a toy store at Christmas.

But when it was just us an her on a daily basis, she called us names, denigrated us, never complimented us, never taught us anything we really needed to know (when I married my first husband because I was already pregnant, one night I asked him where the bone in his penis went when we weren't having sex! He fell out of bed laughing.).

She was really mentally abusive and alcoholic, and to this day no one understands why I finally had enough of her and broke ties last year.

I think it's totally possible Casey was a "good mother" only for the cameras and the public.

That is exactly what the narcissists I know are like. They always try to have other people around when they have their kids, so that the parenting show isn't wasted on just the child. They pretend they are super-parent, but when the audience leaves, so does their interest. They go days without even looking at the baby or children if there's no outsiders around. But you'd definitely think they were MOTY or FOTY if you saw them when they are putting on the big act.
-just want to point out everything that has been said about Casey may apply for her parents as well-
I believe a child learns what they live.
GA lost lots of money on schemes, he's got a temper,he lies
CA has a temper ,she lies, she has been less than kind to people that were trying to help.

The Grunds seem like they are decent people. They have offered their opinion.
There is some reason the A's were not surrounded by a wall of support from family and friends.
Apparently they had exhausted that supply before this even happened.
There is a reason and it isn't just Casey.

I do not see that the A's are people with redeeming qualities....

The only way we as the public can hurt Casey and the Defense Team is by not watching any television specials relating to Casey. Please do not buy any books and please do not watch any movies they are likely to appear.

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