Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

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Let's not forget that her own brother described her as a con artist and a thief (to Tony and his roommates). He would know her better than anyone.

I believe Casey was the reason for that family being dysfunctional. CA did not want to admit how bad the problems were with Casey, GA did but CA wouldn't let him do anything. Even though he didn't do much, he must have at least let Casey know he was on to her nonsense because remember what Casey said in the jail recording? She wanted to see George, not Cindy or Lee because she and George had not had a good relationship for awhile and were just starting to get a better relationship when this all happened. I think Lee was totally onto how Casey really was with all her lying but he still loved her, she was his sister. The only one in that family that did not want to meet head on what a rotten person Casey was is Cindy. Cindy enabled it for reasons we'll never know. It was not all because of Caylee because it had already been going on long before Caylee was ever born.

i will admit that there is no reliable proof she was a good mother, but regardless. no matter how much she lied or stole, what was the trigger? lying and stealing does not a murderer make. i do not believe cindy ever expected her granddaughter would turn up dead, even if she did threaten to take her away.

i am not defending caseys actions here, i do not want any bashing. i am just generally curious of peoples opinions.

the trigger was a boyfriend getting ready to leave for New York and Casey wanted to go, but she knew Caylee would be in the way - he had already said he wasn't ready for kids to his friend. Just another Susan Smith, only a better liar.

Lots of murderers are liars ad theives, imo
Let's not forget that her own brother described her as a con artist and a thief (to Tony and his roommates). He would know her better than anyone.

I believe Casey was the reason for that family being dysfunctional.

I agree, you have to make adjustments for a sociopath - they will drive you insane and make you feel insane. You never know what they are up to or if they are manipulating you, or they really need a new liver.
the trigger was a boyfriend getting ready to leave for New York and Casey wanted to go, but she knew Caylee would be in the way - he had already said he wasn't ready for kids to his friend. Just another Susan Smith, only a better liar.

Lots of murderers are liars ad theives, imo

i never claimed murderers are not liars and thieves, but the two are not mutually exclusive.

thank you for answering my question.
the trigger was a boyfriend getting ready to leave for New York and Casey wanted to go, but she knew Caylee would be in the way - he had already said he wasn't ready for kids to his friend. Just another Susan Smith, only a better liar.

Lots of murderers are liars ad theives, imo

Seems (unlike susan smith) that Casey had plenty of boyfriends and when one didnt fit her idea's he was completely ditchable. I really do not see this as a true motive for anything in Caseys life because she seemed very able to pull a boyfriend and tony wasnt even the hotest or most interesting of the ones I saw showcased in court. Not to mention Casey seemed to aviod lasting relationships on purpose. Plus the amount of time she knew Tony Casey surely was not that attached if she is narcissistic like people say she wouldnt have cared what he wanted she would have just been like See ya ,and been with one of his friends.

Nope IMO she was using tony if she is Narcissistic like people say.

And Tony never said anything like that in court.
This is so true. My mother was a Mrs. Brady clone, always smiling to the public, bragging about her children, keeping us dressed to the nines, always doing nice things for people, and turning our living room into a toy store at Christmas.

But when it was just us an her on a daily basis, she called us names, denigrated us, never complimented us, never taught us anything we really needed to know (when I married my first husband because I was already pregnant, one night I asked him where the bone in his penis went when we weren't having sex! He fell out of bed laughing.).

She was really mentally abusive and alcoholic, and to this day no one understands why I finally had enough of her and broke ties last year.

I think it's totally possible Casey was a "good mother" only for the cameras and the public.

I suspected Cindy Anthony of being much like you mother.
I agree, you have to make adjustments for a sociopath - they will drive you insane and make you feel insane. You never know what they are up to or if they are manipulating you, or they really need a new liver.

In total, total agreement. :rocker:
If you remember LA's testimony and depo, he said his mother had called ICA an unfit mother many times - thrown it in her face.
To me that would be a horrendous thing to say to a mother, so I think if CA said it,she had lots of good reasons, and EACH TIME SHE SAID THAT she should have protected Caylee and taken her from her- at the very least ICA was neglecting Caylee significantly..
IMO if there's an unfit mother around you don't wait until the child has been harmed or killed to do something about it.

I do remember the depo, but I do not know why Cindy would say that. It could be anything imo
Seems (unlike susan smith) that Casey had plenty of boyfriends and when one didnt fit her idea's he was completely ditchable. I really do not see this as a true motive for anything in Caseys life because she seemed very able to pull a boyfriend and tony wasnt even the hotest or most interesting of the ones I saw showcased in court. Not to mention Casey seemed to aviod lasting relationships on purpose. Plus the amount of time she knew Tony Casey surely was not that attached if she is narcissistic like people say she wouldnt have cared what he wanted she would have just been like See ya ,and been with one of his friends.

Nope IMO she was using tony if she is Narcissistic like people say.

And Tony never said anything like that in court.[/
Susan Smith murdered her two boys in a horrible way, to keep a man. It is my opinion that Casey was happy when Caylee was no longer a problem. Eveyone said how happy she was after Caylee was dead - she even got a tattoo that did NOT memorialize Caylee - it celebrated her freedom.

Tony never said anything like that in court, but there are depositions of Casey's friend, under oath, stating how angry and upset Casey was on July 4th while talking to Tony on the phone. He was telling her he had planned to move to New York. She was sure, IMO, that she had solved the problem that may have prevented him from taking her. She was sure all would work out perfect when she could tell her parents she was moving to NY and taking Caylee - and she could tell Tony Caylee was staying with the parents, or even the Nanny. Casey wasn't one to think things through, she was more of an "in-the-moment" liar.

I don't believe Casey is simply a narcissist, I believe she is a text book sociopath and one of their traits is to win at any cost. She wasn't going to lose Tony because it was not HER idea - she needed to be the one to break up or leave the relationship - JUST as it had always been with her boyfriends. Sociopaths are not to be spurned - they do the spurning.

I can't find the spell check feature, so.....
Seems (unlike susan smith) that Casey had plenty of boyfriends and when one didnt fit her idea's he was completely ditchable. I really do not see this as a true motive for anything in Caseys life because she seemed very able to pull a boyfriend and tony wasnt even the hotest or most interesting of the ones I saw showcased in court. Not to mention Casey seemed to aviod lasting relationships on purpose. Plus the amount of time she knew Tony Casey surely was not that attached if she is narcissistic like people say she wouldnt have cared what he wanted she would have just been like See ya ,and been with one of his friends.

Nope IMO she was using tony if she is Narcissistic like people say.

And Tony never said anything like that in court.[/
Susan Smith murdered her two boys in a horrible way, to keep a man. It is my opinion that Casey was happy when Caylee was no longer a problem. Eveyone said how happy she was after Caylee was dead - she even got a tattoo that did NOT memorialize Caylee - it celebrated her freedom.

Tony never said anything like that in court, but there are depositions of Casey's friend, under oath, stating how angry and upset Casey was on July 4th while talking to Tony on the phone. He was telling her he had planned to move to New York. She was sure, IMO, that she had solved the problem that may have prevented him from taking her. She was sure all would work out perfect when she could tell her parents she was moving to NY and taking Caylee - and she could tell Tony Caylee was staying with the parents, or even the Nanny. Casey wasn't one to think things through, she was more of an "in-the-moment" liar.

I don't believe Casey is simply a narcissist, I believe she is a text book sociopath and one of their traits is to win at any cost. She wasn't going to lose Tony because it was not HER idea - she needed to be the one to break up or leave the relationship - JUST as it had always been with her boyfriends. Sociopaths are not to be spurned - they do the spurning.

I can't find the spell check feature, so.....

ITA, a dangerous sociopath like that devil is fine until cornered then they strike out.

I don't feel sorry for Casey for the way she was raised.......that's not a reason to kill. Many many people have suffered terrible childhoods and they do not kill

ITA, a dangerous sociopath like that devil is fine until cornered then they strike out.

I don't feel sorry for Casey for the way she was raised.......that's not a reason to kill. Many many people have suffered terrible childhoods and they do not kill

Yes, plus when we talk of her "terrible" childhood, keep in mind that she never lacked for food, nice clothes, a car to drive, a warm bed in a nicely decorated bedroom of her own, and a mother who adored her. How many children get NONE of those in life?

Her mother may have protected her from responsibility and consequences of her actions. That surely can not have been considered a "terrible childhood" by Casey herself. I think she was smug at how well she could twist her mom into contortions. It looked to me that all Casey had to do was raise her voice and have temper tantrums and her mom made everyone else back off of poor lil princess. If anything, she was "trained" by positive reinforcement to never be satisfied, to never "have enough".

I really hope they let her stand on her own two feet now. And I hope that Cindy develops an identity of her own that is not enmeshed in Casey's.
Susan Smith murdered her two boys in a horrible way, to keep a man. It is my opinion that Casey was happy when Caylee was no longer a problem. Eveyone said how happy she was after Caylee was dead - she even got a tattoo that did NOT memorialize Caylee - it celebrated her freedom.

Tony never said anything like that in court, but there are depositions of Casey's friend, under oath, stating how angry and upset Casey was on July 4th while talking to Tony on the phone. He was telling her he had planned to move to New York. She was sure, IMO, that she had solved the problem that may have prevented him from taking her. She was sure all would work out perfect when she could tell her parents she was moving to NY and taking Caylee - and she could tell Tony Caylee was staying with the parents, or even the Nanny. Casey wasn't one to think things through, she was more of an "in-the-moment" liar.

I don't believe Casey is simply a narcissist, I believe she is a text book sociopath and one of their traits is to win at any cost. She wasn't going to lose Tony because it was not HER idea - she needed to be the one to break up or leave the relationship - JUST as it had always been with her boyfriends. Sociopaths are not to be spurned - they do the spurning.

Totally agree vlpate with every word.
I don't feel sorry for Casey because of how she was raised. There are many people in this world that have been raised like this and even FAR worse and didn't turn out like her. It is hard I'm sure to overcome things that you were/are raised with but it is our choice whether to continue along that path or to change them. Its not like she had no contact with other people raised in a healthy environment so never saw what a healthy family was like.
OMGosh. I just finished listening to and watching CNN's presentation on Jaycee Dugard's tragedy. Casey's environment, struggles and depravation of moral mentoring were nothing compared to Jaycee's. And yet Jaycee loves, and even to this day, protects her two daughters who were obviously conceived under the worst circumstances one could ever, ever imagine.

I have this small, niggling worry that we may be dumbing down about the fact that there are, in this world, good people and bad people. Understanding why people fail is a good thing because we can all learn from that and try to see if there is any "fix." But feeling bad for people for failings that effect our societal expectations of right and wrong simply because we can diagnose why they failed doesn't seem constructive to me.

I worry that in the rush to understand why a person did the bad thing that they did, we are losing the distinction between right and wrong, good and bad. I know there are gray areas and the older I become, the more gray areas I see. But I also see and understand that it is within those gray areas that one must make either a good or bad choice.

Casey Anthony made her own choices. I don't feel one tiny bid of remorse for her at all. (Sorry so long and obviously moo.)
I'd choke her if she stole my checks, too.

I don't feel sorry for her. And I don't know that the Anthonys are all that dysfunctional as they are portrayed to be. We have only seen them since their granddaughter was missing, in the very worst of times. Seems like before that, other than what Casey put them through, they were a pretty normal family. George and Cindy worked and gladly helped raised their granddaughter. Seems like a pretty normal family to me. The only one dysfunctional, to me, is Casey.
My nature is to see things mostly black and white with very little gray, which is not always a good thing. I also have been told that I can be very judgemental too. I do have strong opinions. I like to refer to my cynical side as being 'analytical' :) My DD and I spent quite a bit of time yesterday discussing all sorts of aspects of the Anthony tragedy.
I WANT to feel bad for her. I WANT to find something in me that looks at her and feels compassion for all that she has done. I think it would make me feel better if I could. Normal people don't do what she has done. Fact. And if I try hard enough to dig deep enough and think that maybe there is a sliver of compassion for her, I remember the change in her demeanor when the jury was in or out of the room, I remember the absolutely chilling grins that were caught on film during the trial. She actively played the pitiful card and I don't believe I saw one real or genuine glimpse of her until the day of her sentencing when she came sashaying into the courtroom, all ready to roll on outta there.
No matter what she claims happened, there have been no tears for Caylee. None. I do believe that some people are just bad. She does have NPD, clearly but that isn't why she killed Caylee. She is just a bad human. Every genus of being produces a percentage that aren't right or good. It's hard for us to truly understand because we are coming from our perspective, our morals and our character. She lacks morals or character. She scares me. The more I learn and see about her, she really does scare me. She is capable of bad things. I can't feel badly for her.
No, but I am heartbroken for Caylee that her mother was brought up the way she was...enabled over and over all her life no matter what she did, including murder.

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