Do you like the new format for WS?

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...If we moved the Cayley Anthony, JonBenet Ramsey, and Jodi Arias cases in any way I promise you we would have many members protesting.

Keep in mind we have more visitors than members. These three cases are still popular as far as people reading. Especially JonBenet.

Many people are first-time visitors. These are our most well-known cases. We need them to be right out front especially for the new visitors...


<Respectfully snipped>

I can't speak for others, but I was reading Websleuths for a couple of years before I joined. I'd hazard a guess that many members were "lurkers" like me before they decided to join. When "googling" most high-profile cases, Websleuths' forums usually appear as a source for information about the case. That's how I learned about Websleuths, and I suspect other readers do, too. :moo:

I'd really like to hear a follow up about font size. The suggestions offered by Tricia for increasing the size do not work for iPads. Even though the font size is bigger than before according to Tricia, the ability I had to spread the page to make it even larger no longer exists because the side ads are gone. I don't want the ads back :) but I'm truly struggling with the font size. Not only is it hard to read posts, but the font of everything else, such as menu titles and names of those thanking posts has been reduced.

I've waited to see if I would adjust, but my eyes not handling this font size well at all. I hope silence means that an improvement is still in the works. I've enlarged the font in this post to a 4 so that a minimally acceptable size can be seen. I probably spread the page previously to a 5+. Perhaps the problem is that it would make things harder for people on phones. I'd just like to know if there will be a change. Thanks again for all your hard work Tricia and Dave.
I'm on an iPad and the font size is perfect for me. I'm old and wear readers so many sites I have trouble seeing, but not the new WS. The backgrounds is also a nice light gray on my iPad. Perfect.
Any chance the Trending Stories, Web sleuths News, and Trials at the top of the page could shrink down to just a click-on header after appearing on the first page visited?
I like the crisp look of new format. Also that there's no ads on the side of page...
On my IPad most of the time and I really love the new look. The type size is just right for me and the squeeze and expand size works perfectly. Background and colors are good. I went to the bottom of the page to select regular or mobile. Regular was best for me, but I appreciate the choices. Thanks so much for the effort to improve the look for us!!
Dear 1&2&3,

Thank you for posting your thoughts. It's always interesting to see what our long time members think of Websleuths and our changes.

If we moved the Cayley Anthony, JonBenet Ramsey, and Jodi Arias cases in any way I promise you we would have many members protesting.

Keep in mind we have more visitors than members. These three cases are still popular as far as people reading. Especially JonBenet.

Many people are first-time visitors. These are our most well-known cases. We need them to be right out front especially for the new visitors

Many times there are reasons I make decisions that I can't explain to you for a variety of reasons.

I promise you we do our best to please everyone but we all know it's just not possible.


I apologize in advance if I missed something, but I do not understand why the 'trending stories' with the Sievers case and the 'trials' have to be repeated at the top of every thread and every page, including preview posts. What is the use of that for new visitors?

Just give me a box with an x in the right corner that I can tick to make them disappear from my screen for ever and ever and I'm happy.

I x'd out the content of Websleuth News and now for days the center space has been blank; not sure if that's good or not. And thanks for the inclusion of the Haruka Weiser case on Trending Stories, but the other two, while not uninteresting, are yesterday's papers for now. Each of those side-pieces needs continually weeding if interest in the garden is to be maintained. As for that blank space in the middle of the top of my screen -- what now?

Oh yes -- and the timed "edit" feature needs to be extended past the very short time now given before the notification is pasted on.
I find it loads faster for me; that is always a plus. I'm glad to see the "HOT" was removed from the top--I found that to be in poor taste and also an eyesore. I did like seeing the Amber Alerts though.

Not a fan of the white background; I have young eyes and I still squint when reading it. Turning down the computer brightness doesn't help much. Also the "Thank You" section is way too small. I think it was taking up too much space before; would prefer a happy medium between the two sizes.

That being said, nothing too drastic has changed, and I will continue to spend way too much time on here. LOL.
On my IPad most of the time and I really love the new look. The type size is just right for me and the squeeze and expand size works perfectly. Background and colors are good. I went to the bottom of the page to select regular or mobile. Regular was best for me, but I appreciate the choices. Thanks so much for the effort to improve the look for us!!

I'm curious what you mean by "the squeeze and expand size works perfectly." I have my Ipad on regular too, but I can't expand the page on my screen the way I could when the dreaded ads were on one side. That allowed me to enlarge the font size. Is there something I'm missing about expanding font size? Thanks. :)
Lilibet my IPad will not expand and squeeze text in mobile mode. On the bottom of this page look for Full Site. Click and it goes to working right. If you do not see that option, select the mobile mode from the bottom left. Full Site selection will appear. Choose it. If necessary also choose -- Ws2016. This is pure trial and error for me. Hope it helps.
Lilibet my IPad will not expand and squeeze text in mobile mode. On the bottom of this page look for Full Site. Click and it goes to working right. If you do not see that option, select the mobile mode from the bottom left. Full Site selection will appear. Choose it. If necessary also choose -- Ws2016. This is pure trial and error for me. Hope it helps.

Thanks for this. It does make it a bit easier to see/read.
On my IPad most of the time and I really love the new look. The type size is just right for me and the squeeze and expand size works perfectly. Background and colors are good. I went to the bottom of the page to select regular or mobile. Regular was best for me, but I appreciate the choices. Thanks so much for the effort to improve the look for us!!

I'm curious what you mean by "the squeeze and expand size works perfectly." I have my Ipad on regular too, but I can't expand the page on my screen the way I could when the dreaded ads were on one side. That allowed me to enlarge the font size. Is there something I'm missing about expanding font size? Thanks. :)

Lilibet, my IPad will not expand and squeeze text in mobile mode.On the bottom of this page look for Full Site. Click and it goes to working right. If you do not see that option, select the mobile mode from the bottom left. Full Site selection will appear. Choose it. If necessary also choose -- Ws2016. This is pure trial and error for me. Hope it helps.

Hi chi-mama. Thanks for you instructive response. :tyou:

I'm quoting your OP, my post and your answer to make sure we understand each other. :) I'm not on the mobile setting. I do have my iPad on Full Site, which also shows as WS2016. I can expand the page to make the font larger, but then it doesn't fit on the screen. So, in order to read a post, I have to move the screen back and forth. Is that what you do? That isn't really what I want to have to do, as it's a little "dizzyfying." I just want the #%$& font bigger!!! :tantrum: But I certainly thank you for trying, even if it's unsolvable by anything other than Tricia increasing the font size. Pretty please, Tricia. :please:
Lilibet, I must agree that the 4 point font that you typed in was a much easier read in my bifocals. Was not having to pinch and squeeze to make it larger.

The Thanks posts could be raised 1 point to make them easier to read. Since they are in color, it is a squint to see them.

Love the fact the ads are gone fron the side and above the posts! Much cleaner layout and easier on the eyes.

Hi chi-mama. Thanks for you instructive response. :tyou:

I'm quoting your OP, my post and your answer to make sure we understand each other. :) I'm not on the mobile setting. I do have my iPad on Full Site, which also shows as WS2016. I can expand the page to make the font larger, but then it doesn't fit on the screen. So, in order to read a post, I have to move the screen back and forth. Is that what you do? That isn't really what I want to have to do, as it's a little "dizzyfying." I just want the #%$& font bigger!!! :tantrum: But I certainly thank you for trying, even if it's unsolvable by anything other than Tricia increasing the font size. Pretty please, Tricia. :please:

Lilibet, I tried what chi-mama suggested and it seems to make it a bit darker, which made it easier to read. Go to the box that says WS2016, click and select Mobile style. Then go to the bottom, select full Full site. It should look better now....?

At least on my iPad, it always shows WS2016, even if I choose Mobile. I think it goes back to that after choosing full site. Try it.... did it make it easier to see?
I like the new format. But I use a computer, and have a large screen, so it is easy to read. I am also happy I can log on now. For months I haven't been able to always log on or get to the site. It took so long for the ads to load, that I would get error messages and have to close out. So far so good.:dance:
I don't have a lappy/pc. So my cell it is. lol. I must admit I'm a lazy sonofagun n just lower screen brightness &#128514;

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Lilibet, we are seeing the same format on IPads. The thread indexes expand well, but messages I often expand to cut off part of the last words on the right side when I am just scanning. One size increase in the font would be great, but overall the changes have mostly helped my old eyes. Thanks to everyone.
Lilibet, we are seeing the same format on IPads. The thread indexes expand well, but messages I often expand to cut off part of the last words on the right side when I am just scanning. One size increase in the font would be great, but overall the changes have mostly helped my old eyes. Thanks to everyone.

Yes, chi-mama ..... just one size larger would be great. I imagine it is very difficult to find a font style and size that works on every type of device, though. I can mostly handle the new look unless I am overly tired and my eyes are straining too much. Then it must be time for me to head to bed. Like having my mama tell me it's bedtime? :giggle:
I apologize in advance if I missed something, but I do not understand why the 'trending stories' with the Sievers case and the 'trials' have to be repeated at the top of every thread and every page, including preview posts. What is the use of that for new visitors?

Just give me a box with an x in the right corner that I can tick to make them disappear from my screen for ever and ever and I'm happy.


Glad to see you agree to my feeling up post.. your idea of an X to make disappears is a good one... others have mentioned something similar - but no response from mods about this, even if to say it is not doable...
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