Do you think SA harmed Hailey? ***POLL***

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Is Shawn involved in Hailey's disappearance?

  • Yes, or LE wouldn't have named him a suspect

    Votes: 84 26.8%
  • Yes, because of all the evidence I've seen so far

    Votes: 173 55.1%
  • No, I don't think LE should have named him a suspect

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • No, there isn't enough evidence to prove he harmed her

    Votes: 16 5.1%
  • I'm sitting on the fence

    Votes: 40 12.7%

  • Total voters
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I am kind of surprised that over 82% believe that SA harmed Hailey. I just can't get a feeling at all about this. I think it is entirely possible, but my faith in LE is extremely low in this case and that makes me question everything more than usual. The things the city spokesman has come out with are beyond unintelligble.

Also Clint's seems to be flip-flopping on what he believe; even as he speaks, supposedly, about how manipulative Billie is, he seems to have fallen right back in line that LE must look elsewhere. I keep waiting for Billie to give the van to Clint so he can search out of state, for other suspects.
I keep thinking that this case is going to be very similar to Kyron's, in which the majority of people have their #1 suspect but until Hailey or Kyron is found, no one can be sure since we don't even know if they're dead or alive and we have no forensic evidence, just evidence that tells us about Terri and Shawn's character.
Saying that Haleigh is boy crazy at age 13, then the media turning it into promiscuous, but her own Dad says that she is definitely not really interested in boys yet. Thinks he knows her and trying to paint her as a runaway. Why wasn't he hollering and insisting abduction while walking to her friend's house instead of manipulating the situation. Also, saying that she went to a friend's house that Haylie had never spent the night with shows just how little he was interested in everyday kids lives and did not know her at all, he just scared her and made her uncomfortable in her own home.

Well, there was that boy about her age that she supposedly was interested in for a few weeks, and I think that came from BD. I think it pretty unlikely that she would have been telling any of the adults or family around her about any such interests. Children generally start becoming interested in the opposite sex at around 12 or 13, but that is not the sort of thing they would talk to their parents about. Most kids would be horrified at even the thought of that. SA and CD might have had suspicions that she was or wasn't interested in boys but I doubt that either of them would have known for sure.
SA was the one who called Hailey "promiscuous" not the media. Didn't LE say that SA used "promiscuous" not "boy crazy" to describe her? They might mean the same thing, technically, but we know that there's usually a difference being implied. I don't think the media has made Hailey out to be "promiscuous" at all since NG defended Hailey when that came up.

They didn't quote him, that was their interpretation of the conversation, so their words, not his.
SA isnt fairing to well in the polls. George bush had a higher approval rating. LOL
Yes, I absolutely do think he harmed her, and I DON"T think he was the ONLY one.
I've decided I don't like polls because my answer is never on them. :cry:

While one choice is there which I agree with, it doesn't go far enough to include another person, which is what I'd answer. Someone else was involved, too, whether in actual deed or in the coverup.

That's my opinion. :cow: And I've never been on the fence.
For the first time now, I am on the fence about SA harming Hailey. Cannot even explain what caused me to jump up there. If SA did harm her or is responsible for her disappearance, then I think there are three POIs in the case. Hope LE knows way more than we all do and they are just making sure the charges will result in a conviction when they decide to make their move. I do tend to think that the investigation needs to be widened to include some acquaintances of not just Clint, but coworkers of ALL of the parents/bf/gf, and other family members' acquaintances, down to when was the last time they were in that area. The motels (not just the one with surveillance cameras) need to have their guest registry examined closely for the days leading up to HD's disappearance. But, then I think if someone had intentions of doing harm to a child, then they probably would register under an assumed name somehow.

Anyway, bring on the minut juleps for the fence "sit-in"
For those of you that are on the fence, what puts you there or keeps you there? Do you all believe he is involved in some manner, but just not sure if he actually was the one who hurt her or is there something that keeps you from believing he is involved at all? I think that LONG list up-thread suggests some circumstantial evidence of involvement (and I believe LE does have way more than we know), but I don't want to be tunnel visioned either, so I am interested in hearing what puts you guys back on the fence (or those who are wavering) or those who are completely unable to hop over yet. TIA for anyone willing to share.

ETA: I am barely over the fence regarding who actually harmed her (and could go the other way very easily), but I stand firmly planted in the idea that their is at least one other POI perhaps involved in a cover up and am very strongly considering a third---those who have failed the polys.
Hmmmmm :waitasec:

I feel I know the WHO... BUT not The WHAT,

and of Course, the WHERE she is now.

One Minute I am one way and the next minute I think totally differently...

One thing I do Know is SA and another close to him are involved in WHAT ever happened to HD.

I just cannot figure out the WHAT.

Is this BALLOON BOY? No, because CD and Friends pushed the "she is not a run away" Theory and begged the LE to look into it more.

Is it an accident that needs to be covered up and she is no longer with us? Possible

Is it a planned out to the detail, Horror show. I Hope NOT!

I am still pretty sure it happened Sunday night in the living room on that couch.
Hmmmmm :waitasec:

I feel I know the WHO... BUT not The WHAT,

and of Course, the WHERE she is now.

One Minute I am one way and the next minute I think totally differently...

One thing I do Know is SA and another close to him are involved in WHAT ever happened to HD.

I just cannot figure out the WHAT.

Is this BALLOON BOY? No, because CD and Friends pushed the "she is not a run away" Theory and begged the LE to look into it more.

Is it an accident that needs to be covered up and she is no longer with us? Possible

Is it a planned out to the detail, Horror show. I Hope NOT!

I am still pretty sure it happened Sunday night in the living room on that couch.

If it was an accident or BD and SA knew she was deceased... it seems like they'd go with a "runaway " theory. They must know some cause sure seems as though they aren't looking and went to police awful quick. Even police don't seem overly concerned.
Hmmmmm :waitasec:

I feel I know the WHO... BUT not The WHAT,

and of Course, the WHERE she is now.

One Minute I am one way and the next minute I think totally differently...

One thing I do Know is SA and another close to him are involved in WHAT ever happened to HD.

I just cannot figure out the WHAT.

Is this BALLOON BOY? No, because CD and Friends pushed the "she is not a run away" Theory and begged the LE to look into it more.

Is it an accident that needs to be covered up and she is no longer with us? Possible

Is it a planned out to the detail, Horror show. I Hope NOT!

I am still pretty sure it happened Sunday night in the living room on that couch.


I'm in a similar place. I feel confident about two parties involved in what happened to Hailey, pretty sure about where and when Hailey was last seen, but on the fence about what actually happened. If I'm right about the who, I keep wondering how they expected Clint to react to a runway or abduction scenario. Was Clint's desperate reaction anticipated or did they expect him to accept whatever he was told and be less engaged? I think possibly Clint's strong reaction and insistence that Hailey would never run away was not expected and threw a wrench into the original plan (whatever that was)...:crazy:
Au contraire... I believe someone close to CD who once lived in the same house with him knew well that he would be devastated by this, And maybe wanted that...

However if you spin the story of her missing, just right that LE would truly think it was a run away,

But that is where I get very confused was it to hurt CD,

Or get Fame and Notoriety, money and pity?

Or a thrill?

Or an Accident?

What always struck me odd was when a reporter asked her about those story's of true gory crime she ran off she state;

"they aren't original"


I can see it that way too. I can see someone who knew Clint well anticipating that he would be devastated, but also thinking that they would be able to spin it to him and that he would rather trust the spin than challenge it. Seems to me that whoever orchestrated whatever happened to Hailey has a lot of confidence in their ability to manipulate. I'm confused too about how it was supposed to work out. And, was there a plan B to direct more attention at Clint if he didn't buy the spin, and that's what made him go full throttle in releasing details about Hailey's mother after searching long and hard for a month? He seems to have retreated since. We don't really know what he's doing now, but I'm convinced he's not involved in Hailey's disappearance but poses a challenge to those who are. I hope one day soon all the dots are connected and Hailey is found.

"They aren't original" was very curious phrasing...
I can see it that way too. I can see someone who knew Clint well anticipating that he would be devastated, but also thinking that they would be able to spin it to him and that he would rather trust the spin than challenge it. Seems to me that whoever orchestrated whatever happened to Hailey has a lot of confidence in their ability to manipulate. I'm confused too about how it was supposed to work out. And, was there a plan B to direct more attention at Clint if he didn't buy the spin, and that's what made him go full throttle in releasing details about Hailey's mother after searching long and hard for a month? He seems to have retreated since. We don't really know what he's doing now, but I'm convinced he's not involved in Hailey's disappearance but poses a challenge to those who are. I hope one day soon all the dots are connected and Hailey is found.
"They aren't original" was very curious phrasing...

So My Answer to the Thread Question is:

Yes, SA is involved. along with at least one other....

Harmed ???? Not sure on that

I believe they thought LE was going to look harder at CD,

And the ones whom are involved (one being SA)

were vey angry that CD is now looking pretty good in the eyes of LE and the public.
Everything but {the last person to see her} could be said about the mother as well.

I am trying hard to keep open to other scenarios. It is always possible that there is a rush to judgement here. BUt .....he is such a suspicious character and fits so much of the prime profile; last to see her, hinky behavior that day, failed polygraphs, live in boyfriend, drug user, anger issues, past death threats, admittedly obsessed with serial killers.

uughhhhhhhhh. Hard to dismiss him as the top suspect, imo
If it was an accident or BD and SA knew she was deceased... it seems like they'd go with a "runaway " theory. They must know some cause sure seems as though they aren't looking and went to police awful quick. Even police don't seem overly concerned.

I'm thinking they didn't go with the runaway theory because "runaway" screams unhappy at home and they didn't want anyone to focus on their homelife.

They early on pointed to "abduction" with the story that she left the house saying she was going to Dad's house and then to the friend's place. Going with "runaway" would have been much more difficult for them to handle because they thought they would get more scrutiny that way. Probably, in their minds, claiming "abduction", they thought it wouldn't focus as much on their homelife.

With that being said, I'm thinking those two adults know exactly what happened to Hailey, but I think BD may not know exactly where she is now. :cow:

I agree, CD threw a wrench into their plan. Oops! for them. Good for CD.

My thought is that what happened to Hailey wasn't an accident, or it was an accident caused by something terrible, something so terrible, it would get those two adults in the household into a mess of trouble. :cow:

Note: I hope I'm within TOS in stating this.
Any doubt that I had is GONE since the news release of the deviant downloads of bestiality and child *advertiser censored*. jmo, it's too repulsive for words.
:fencefall: Fell off the fence!
My" HD petioned the court to be removed form the home"
THEORY bombed :bricks:
all the awful pics,:thud:
IMO it was planned out and executed - the only thing that would shock me now is to hear SA made a "Snuff Film" :eek: - I REALLY thought it was just urban legend, but I now know it is not. :puke:

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