Do You Think Susan Will Ever Be Found?

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DNA Solves

Do You Think Susan Will Be Found?

  • Yes

    Votes: 287 58.6%
  • No

    Votes: 203 41.4%

  • Total voters
I honestly believed Susan would be found in the spring. Here we are now, nearly at the end of summer and there's been nothing.

I hope something relevant will be found soon.
I honestly believed Susan would be found in the spring. Here we are now, nearly at the end of summer and there's been nothing.

I hope something relevant will be found soon.

I was hoping she would be found in the spring, now I'm hoping the hunters will find her. Where are you Susan???
I was hoping she would be found in the spring, now I'm hoping the hunters will find her. Where are you Susan???

I wish we could washboard JP to get that question answered once and for all :furious:
To me, it's just incredible that there has been no real credible information forthcoming from anyone. Surely, someone knows something....

And even info that can't be reasonably proved, such as the bar visit, torch purchase, or is just downright wrong rumor, is very limited.

There's just nothing...Still, I believe that "what goes around, comes around". He'll get it, sooner or later.
I don't remember SLC/WVC being so insular that no one would have seen anything.

I wonder if a larger reward would help?
If he murdered her late at night and then took her body a distance away from home while he was "camping" with the boys there is a good chance that no one saw anything at all. It was freezing outside with a lot of snow and people with any sense were probably at home in the warmth.

I just can't figure out where he would have taken her and hiden her body that well so that it has never been found. He couldn't have dug a grave because the ground would have been frozen solid so what did he do with her? How did he hide her that well? It is just a puzzle to me. I really thought she would show up once the snow melted.
Every morning I wake up hoping that Josh has been arrested.

I really want to witness Karma in action. :furious:

There are too many cold cases out there; let's pray this is not one of them!
Every morning I wake up hoping that Josh has been arrested.

I really want to witness Karma in action. :furious:

There are too many cold cases out there; let's pray this is not one of them!

Every morning Im wake up I hoping Susan is found alive...I really want to see Karma in action...:hopefull:
i followed this case since day one and i knew it was gonna go cold. I'm afraid it maybe years before they find Susan.
I'm still holding out hope the hunters will find her. In October, my stepson went hunting in an area similar to the Utah area where Susan is missing. He lost his cell phone on the trip. Last Sunday a pheasant hunter called to say he had found the cell phone and would mail it to him. This phone was a long way from anywhere, if it could be found, so could a body (provided it's not down a mineshaft).
JP's latest attempts to assassinate Susan's character is totally incomprehensible! He must be directing this crap to all of the village idiots walking the planet. As if Susan's family and friends aren't going through enough pain..he's continues to turn the knife. I can't help but think this recent smear campaign is daddy's idea :loser:

Braden and Charlie must wonder why they can't visit their grandparents and Susan's friends. The steaming is twisting their lives around his little finger.
Still praying for a break through...
JP's latest attempts to assassinate Susan's character is totally incomprehensible! He must be directing this crap to all of the village idiots walking the planet. As if Susan's family and friends aren't going through enough pain..he's continues to turn the knife. I can't help but think this recent smear campaign is daddy's idea :loser:

Braden and Charlie must wonder why they can't visit their grandparents and Susan's friends. The steaming is twisting their lives around his little finger.
Still praying for a break through...

I was thinking about the children and the impact this will have on them going forward, then I had another awful thought. If the LE is unable to solve this case, in time, when the children grow up and truly grasp what's really happened, they might solve it themselves one way or another. Poor children - they will be so messed up...Yes, I want Karma to come back around to JP but, of course, I'd really like it to be the LE that provides it.

Could someone tell me, on WS, when does a case get moved to the "Cold Case" section? I don't think this one is near ready to go there yet, but I was just curious, what are the criteria for moving a case to that area?

All MOO, of course.
I see no option to post, so this is going up as a reply.

I have been searching for Susan since the December she went missing. I have tried to get cooperation from police in their involvement with search groups and specifically to share information with a search coordinator, would sign a confidentiality agreement, that would tell us where to search based on their evidence, such as cell pings, dirt/rock samples from carpet, shoes and van, any debit or credit card transactions, business and residential security videos, highway cams, witness sightings, mileage traveled, etc., etc., etc. They refuse to release any information based on the fact that there is a secrecy order established by the DA's office preventing them from releasing any of this information. So, we have 5 possible states where Susan could be, while I'm sure police could narrow this down to one area in one state.

I have written the DA's office about this problem and received no reply.

I think that family should contact the DA's office to get them to address this problem for searchers. It is frustrating that we citizens and SAR people cannot get any movement out of Utah law enforcement or the DA's office unless Chuck, Susan's father calls them on it - then they respond immediately.

The resources are out there to find Susan, and WVCPD has been aware of these since Susan went missing, but they have never utilized any of these professional volunteers. It has long been time for the public and police to work together in search efforts and not allow ego or legal paranoia to stand in the way!
I see no option to post, so this is going up as a reply.

I have been searching for Susan since the December she went missing. I have tried to get cooperation from police in their involvement with search groups and specifically to share information with a search coordinator, would sign a confidentiality agreement, that would tell us where to search based on their evidence, such as cell pings, dirt/rock samples from carpet, shoes and van, any debit or credit card transactions, business and residential security videos, highway cams, witness sightings, mileage traveled, etc., etc., etc. They refuse to release any information based on the fact that there is a secrecy order established by the DA's office preventing them from releasing any of this information. So, we have 5 possible states where Susan could be, while I'm sure police could narrow this down to one area in one state.

I have written the DA's office about this problem and received no reply.

I think that family should contact the DA's office to get them to address this problem for searchers. It is frustrating that we citizens and SAR people cannot get any movement out of Utah law enforcement or the DA's office unless Chuck, Susan's father calls them on it - then they respond immediately.

The resources are out there to find Susan, and WVCPD has been aware of these since Susan went missing, but they have never utilized any of these professional volunteers. It has long been time for the public and police to work together in search efforts and not allow ego or legal paranoia to stand in the way!

Let's look at a small timeline. May 11, the Powell's were apparently told by the FBI that they couldn't find anything in the investigative reports from WV LE. He immediately comes back to does the Cox's. No one knows why.???? Did JP indeed want to talk to WV LE to find out what he could? I'm sure the search of the sheds would have taken place before this, and prolly could have been handled by his lawyer...since he says LE had his permission. Was this around the same time as the secrecy order?

We all need to go back to this time period and sleuth what's available. It was appox a month after the 4/10 search and that search was very near in not happening from many fronts..if you remember. Here is the thread of his return and how the MSM in SLC did not know or did not bother to report on. Just Isabelle....and I'm guessing she had an "in". Curious, are the WVCPD still calling him a person of interest at this time?

[ame=""]May 6, 2010: Josh Powell Allegedly In West Valley City, Utah - WHY? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Let's look at a small timeline. May 11, the Powell's were apparently told by the FBI that they couldn't find anything in the investigative reports from WV LE. He immediately comes back to does the Cox's. No one knows why.???? Did JP indeed want to talk to WV LE to find out what he could? I'm sure the search of the sheds would have taken place before this, and prolly could have been handled by his lawyer...since he says LE had his permission. Was this around the same time as the secrecy order?

We all need to go back to this time period and sleuth what's available. It was appox a month after the 4/10 search and that search was very near in not happening from many fronts..if you remember. Here is the thread of his return and how the MSM in SLC did not know or did not bother to report on. Just Isabelle....and I'm guessing she had an "in". Curious, are the WVCPD still calling him a person of interest at this time?

May 6, 2010: Josh Powell Allegedly In West Valley City, Utah - WHY? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

You may well be right about this, hollyblue, but honestly, after reading the posts about his return, I'm having a hard time deciding what there is to sleuth. If MSM didn't know about it (or anyone else) what could we go on?

Can you elaborate some more on what may have happened, in your opinion, of course? I just don't know where to go with this suggestion.

You may well be right about this, hollyblue, but honestly, after reading the posts about his return, I'm having a hard time deciding what there is to sleuth. If MSM didn't know about it (or anyone else) what could we go on?

Can you elaborate some more on what may have happened, in your opinion, of course? I just don't know where to go with this suggestion.


Not sure "what" happened, but if it's true what SP says the FBI said, then it's very interesting. The fact that MSM did not report on it and Isabelle did...makes me think KH did NOT know anything either and wanted to....hence contacting Isabelle to see if she could find out? Isabelle usually takes her stories from the MSM lead...this time she didn't.

As for sleuthing.....go back to the posts that were made on WS, the F & F FB page and even JP/SP's .org site around this time period....even a few weeks prior. JMO, but it's important to note just who, what and when people post info......

In the link I provided about JP returning to WVC....and no one knowing, only 7 people posted 15 comments. Why so little interest??? All within a week, the secrecy order, both JP and Coxes travel to SLC, and SP says the FBI found nothing in the WVPD investigative reports.

IIRC, the red spot on the carpet was huge...2' in circumference...and LE took half of the whole carpet. If this was blood, LE would doing more...I'd would scream of definite foul play.

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