CANADA Doctor Douglas Macrobbie age 42 (1917) OLDEST COLD CASE IN HAMILTON,ONT,CANADA

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The Strange Case of Dr. Douglas Macrobbie.

Hello Folks! I am a very fascinated by everyone’s insight and views on all of the content of this website. I have a loose connection to a very old cold case that happened in my families business 100 years ago in 1917. Crescent Oil in Hamilton, ON has been in operation since 1905 and family owned and operated by the Ewen family since 1928.

Doctor Douglas Macrobbie, the most prominent Doctor in the city at the time of his murder was found in a pool of his own blood on the evening of Sunday, August 19, 1917, by local police. He had a severe skull fracture. What ensued after this death was a public inquiry, huge interest from the city’s population over this blockbuster case, criminal charges and trial of several men accused of killing the good doctor. I could go on but the story, which is told through these old transcribed newspaper articles offer dozens of clues, theories, questions and murky answers over what happened that hot summer night 100 years ago. I have my own theories on what happened which I will offer later on. I’ve added information about other points of interest that were not included in the article. The story was featured in The Hamilton Spectator this past summer. That article is listed below but before reviewing please be aware of SPOILERS as it summarizes all the articles in a few pages. Enjoy and please let me know what you think happened! Index and articles to follow!
Hamilton Spectator Article


The Victim
DM = Dr Douglas Macrobbie

The Accused
WS = Walter Scott
JM = JJ McAuliffe
HS = Harry Smith
HA = Herbert Asselstine

Police and Medical Experts
Harry Sayer= HAS
Dr. McNicol = DN
Dr. Langs = DL
Dr. Jaffery = DJ
Dr. Perry = DP

Crescent/Royal Oak Employees
Ben Fowler = BF
Harry Bell = HB
Eddie Dornan = ED
Hines = H

C.W Bell = CWB
Crown Attorney Washington= CAW
Mr. O'Reily = MO
Judge Latchford = JL

Mrs. Powis = MP
Mrs. William Baker = MWB
George Baker = GB

The Wives:

Mrs. Harry Smith = MHS
Mrs. Douglas Macrobbie = MDM
Strange Case of Dr. Douglas Macrobbie.

Hello Folks! I am a very fascinated by everyone’s insight and views on all of this websites content. I have a loose connection to a very old cold case that happened in my families business 100 years ago in 1917. Crescent Oil in Hamilton, ON has been in operation since 1905 and family owned and operated by the Ewen family since 1928.

Doctor Douglas Macrobbie, the most prominent Doctor in the city was found in a pool of his own blood on the evening of Sunday August 19, 1917 by local police. He had a severe skull fracture. What ensued after this death was a public inquiry, huge interest from the city’s population over this blockbuster case, an exhuming of the Dr's body for additional examination, criminal charges and trial of several men accused of killing the good doctor. I could go on but the story, which is told through these old transcribed newspaper articles offer dozens of clues, theories, questions and murky answers over what happened that hot summer night 100 years ago. I have my own theories on what happened which I will offer later on. I’ve also added information about other points of interest that were not included within the article. The story was featured in The Hamilton Spectator this past summer. That article is listed below but before reviewing please be aware of SPOILERS as it summarizes all the articles in a few pages. Enjoy and please let me know what you think happened!!

August 20[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Police Believe Dr. MacRobbie May Have Met With Foul Play
Three Well-Know Citizens Held---Blood-Spattered Room Tells of Struggle.
*PICTURE* DR. D. G. MACROBBIE Well-known physician who was found dead about midnight in the office of the Crescent Oil Company, Cannon and Caroline streets. In connection with the affair the police are holding tree other well-known citizens, pending the inquest, which opened at noon to-day.
Another mysterious death was reported to the police about one o’clock this morning, when the body of Dr. D. G. MacRobbie, 58 Hess street, was discovered by the night watchman of the Crescent Oil Co., lying in the office of the company, corner of Caroline and Cannon streets, in a pool of blood. Detective Harry Sayers, who was on night duty at the Central Police Station received the message from Herbert L. Asselstine, who, finding the side door to the office open, investigated and made the ghastly discovery of Dr. MacRobbie lying in a pool of his own blood beside one of the heavy office tables.
The first act of Mr. Asselstine after finding the body, was to call Manager Harry Bell of the Crescent Oil Co., who immediately called Dr. Langs and Dr. McNichol, who upon arrival, pronounced the man dead from one and one-half hours to two hours before they arrived. The police were notified, Detective Sayers arriving at the scene of the tragedy between one and two o’clock. The remains were removed in the ambulance to the City Hospital morgue, where it was viewed by the jury at 12 noon to-day.
That the death of Dr. MacRobbie its surrounded in deep mystery, and that there are suspicions of foul play in connection with the finding of the body at that hour in the office of the Crescent Oil Co., is borne out by three arrests made by Detective Sayers, who took into custody Harry Smith, the manager of the company, 187 Jackson street west; Joseph McAuliffe, a real estate agent, 9 1-2 John street north and Walter Scott, 419 Bay street north, all three being lodged in the cells.
It was stated that the skull of the victim had a deep wound in the back part, near the base, but that there were no indications in the office that there had been a struggle.
The office furnishings are of the massive type, there being in addition to the furnishings several heavy bars of iron, which were presumably used in connection with the shifting of heavy cases. Dr. McNichol, the coroner, who was one of the first to arrive on the scene, when he was there after midnight did not observe any sign of a struggle in the office, yet there could have been a struggle amidst such heavy furnishings without making any appreciable difference to the appearance of the office.
Dr. MacRobbie’s father, Rev. Dr. G. G. MacRobbie recently of Nelson and Knox Presbyterian churches Tansley, Ont., was immediately informed of the tragedy, arriving on an early morning train. The sad news has completely crushed that aged minister, who lost his wife eighteen months ago. Rev. MacRobbie is well known throughout the province. He was the first High Chief Ranger of the Canadian Order of Foresters.
Dr. D. G. MacRobbie was well known in Hamilton, where he has practiced for the past ten years. He moved here from Victoria Harbor, where he had practiced medicine for eight years. Deceased was a graduate of the University of Toronto, taking his Arts degree in 1896, graduating in medicine in 1899. Beside the widow, he leaves to small girls, aged 2 and 5.
That there has been a foul murder in connection with the death of Dr. MacRobbie at midnight last night in an upper room over the offices of the Crescent Oil Co., every circumstance in connection with the surroundings seem to bear out.
The coroner’s jury, with Sargt. Wm. Hawkins as foreman viewed the remains in the city hospital morgue at 12.15 today. Dr. McNichol, the coroner, pointed out to the jury that the victim’s head was badly crushed in at the back, but as to the extent of the injuries which had been inflicted, nothing definite could be ascertained until after the post-mortem, which will be performed this afternoon. One of the jurors also remarked on the bruised condition of the left hand of the victim, which had the appearance of having received a heavy blow from some hard instrument.
These facts were all the evidence that was taken at the hospital the jury being then taken to the premises of the Crescent Oil Co. Here it was found that the body was discovered in an upper room of the building, directly over the offices, and not in the office as at first stated. The room above is used for the storage of heavy pulleys, belting and a variety of goods handled by the oil company. The stairs lead from the back of the office on the ground floor to the room above. At the landing there is a large room, off of which there are several smaller rooms used for clerks. The doctor was found by the night watchman at about 12 o’clock, as he was making his rounds lying about 15 feet from the stairs, his feet pointing in a north easterly direction, and his head a few feet from the entrance of a small office in the southwestern corner of the building. Though the nature of the piles of goods which were around the dead man were not such to register signs of a fierce physical struggle, yet the paper coverings on the large wooden pulleys bore signs of having been broken and torn recently. Blood was spattered on the surrounding goods piled up in the room to about the height of a man, spatters of dark red being on the highest portions, and in some instances, even showing that spots of blood had been thrown over these piles beyond. It was pointed out by Dr. McNichol that it would have been impossible for the blood to have spurted to this height from the wound where the victim lay.
The coroner called an inquest for Thursday night at the central police station.
The motive of crime is still a mystery to the police. Detective Harry Sayers is working in the evidence at the scene of the death, but is extremely reticent as to a probable motive. It was known that the doctor had left his home at six o’clock last night, and it has been stated since that he was seen in the company of two other men later in his automobile. As to his actions after that, and up to the time of the finding of the body, little is known.
The deceased is a man of 42 years of age, and was not known to have any especially vicious habits, though it has been admitted that he would take a drink now and again with friends. A story to the effect that the death of the doctor was the outcome of a game of cards, over which a quarrel might have arisen, is not credited. Some of the deceased’s friends say that he was fond of a game of poker for small amounts. Certainly there was no sign of a card game on the premises.
Dr. MacRobbie was universally liked by all who knew him, and was of an unvarying jovial disposition, his death casting a gloom over the neighborhood wherein he lived.
Harry Smith, James McAuliffe and Walter Scott, the three men held by the police in connection with the case, appeared in police court this morning and were remanded for one week. A charge of vagrancy was laid against them.
“These men may not have been responsible for Dr. MacRobbie’s death” said the Crown Attorney. “But they were in the same room. His death may have been the result of such an accident, and if such is the case they may be released. The post mortem may reveal the cause of death.”
“As the men are all respectable citizens, and may not be needed as anything more that material witnesses I would like to make application for bail,” said C. W. Bell, who appeared for the three prisoners.
His Worship answered that at the present time he was not disposed to grant bail, but gave Mr. Bell permission to renew the application.
On the police court roster Harry Smith is registered as living at 187 Jackson street, is forty-two years old, married, and his occupation as that of salesman.
Smith has been in the oil business for many years. It will be recalled that his contracts with the city were the subject of much discussion, and litigation at and following the civic investigation of 1914.
Walter Scott’s address is given as 419 Bay street north, single and 37 years old. His occupation is not stated on the roster, but he is known as an architect, with offices in the Sun Life building.
Joseph McAuliffe is designated as a real estate agent at 8 1-2 John street north. He also is married and is 52 years of age.
McAuliffe was found in the Crescent Oil Company’s yard, asleep. The other two men were found at their homes, asleep.

August 22[SUP]nd[/SUP], 1917
Mystery Surrounding Death of Dr. MacRobbie Still Deep
Drink the One Sure Think, Admitted by All Interested
Seldom has a more baffling mystery been presented to the police for a solution than that of the death of Dr. D. G. MacRobbie, which occurred in an upper room of the Crescent Oil Company’s premises on Sunday night last. Detective Harry Sayers, who has been on the case from the first is gradually narrowing the facts down and arranging matters for the inquest, which will be resumed at the Central Police Station tomorrow night. Naturally, it is conceded that the hostler, Hebert Asselstine, will be an interesting witness.
Mr. Asselstine has been interviewed by the detective and by newspaper reporters so much that he now declares that some statements have been attributed to him which are not correct, and has decided to say no more until he is called upon to make his statement under oath. The police hope that he will be able to clear up some perplexing points which have baffled them. He will be able to place the scene clearly before the jury, as he first saw it. He will be able to tell why he called the residence of Mr. Smith, the proprietor of the Crescent Oil Co., where he informed Mr. Bell, one of the officials of the company, of what he had discovered, and probably to explain the delay in calling medical aid and in notifying the police.
Detective Sayers is making a close study of what took place between the time that Mr. Asselstine made this discovery of the tragedy and the arrival of the doctors.
Almost as interesting as Mr. Asselstine’s story will be the testimony of Mr. Fowler and Mr. Bell. According to Fowler’s statement he had found Mr. Scott and Mr. Smith in a drunken stupor lying on a row of iron valves in the same room with the dead man. It had been a hard job to awaken the two, who were apparently unconscious of the evidences, why the men were aroused at all and taken to their homes in an automobile before the arrival of the police. In support of the statement that the men were in a drunken stupor, McAuliffe and Scott were still in a semi-intoxicated state at a late hour the next morning, after they had been placed in the cells overnight.
When Scott and Smith were removed from the scene, the presence of McAuliffe was probably unknown to those who removed them, the latter being discovered later in the yard of the premises, by Detective Sayers, in a drunken stupor.
Detective Sayers, was busy all morning in company with Dr. Langs, at the scene of the tragedy in the upstairs storeroom of the Oil Company. Considerable attention was devoted by the investigators to the patches of blood on the floor where Dr. MacRobbie was found lying. There are two separate clots on the floor, and this bears out the theory that when he fell he landed on his right side and then rolled over on to his back. His head was lying directly over two long bars of cutting steel, but this in the opinion of the doctors was not sufficient to cause the two deep gashes on the back of his skull. This seems most improbable, inasmuch as the wounds do not run the same way as the bars, and it does not seem possible that his head could have become twisted in such a way as to become cut on the tool steel. The spatters of blood, located in a little room a few feet from where the dead man was found, and also another clot on a piece of wooden moulding several feet from the floor and the splash on the window pane, several feet away are puzzling the police, and neither the medical men nor Detective Sayers have been able to explain how these came to be there. Dr. Langs demonstrated to the satisfaction of the police, this morning that it could not have been caused by Dr. MacRobbie splashing his hand in the pool of blood as he tried to regain his feet after being wounded. It is impossible, said Dr. Langs, for the blood to splash such a distance. It is quite evident that the dead man was partly conscious when he fell on the floor, as above his head on an iron casting are several blood marks. Apparently in trying to rise he flung his hand above his head in an effort to grasp hold of something to assist him.
The police are satisfied that the offices of the Crescent Oil Company were often used for drinking purposes, as several bottles have been found in the building, while the back yard, beneath the bathroom window, is cluttered with broken glass, caused by bottles being thrown from the window and breaking on the ground. Constable Sullivan, who is on guard at the building, while rummaging around the littler of moulds, etc., which are scattered around the floor, came across another empty whiskey bottle, lying in an upturned pulley in the attic above the floor where Dr. MacRobbie was found, the reporters came across several fibre cartons, which had apparently encased whiskey or other bottles. These apparently had been thrown away behind the stack of wooden pulleys, where they were found, when the bottles were opened. The finding of the empty whiskey bottle by Constable Sullivan, and the bottle packings, further bears out the contention that drinking took place in the premises of the company.
Investigation by a Times reporter at the Government liquor dispensary on Charles street south, showed that Dr. MacRobbie secured very little liquor by prescription. On Saturday, Aug. 18[SUP]th[/SUP], the day preceding his death, the records show that he purchased a quart of rye whiskey for his own of office use, and except on one other occasion, and that on August 15[SUP]th[/SUP], three days before, that was the only time that he purchased any liquor for his personal use since the beginning of the month. It was stated at the office that the late Dr. MacRobbie obtained considerably less liquor than the average city physician.
While the evidence in the hands of the police show that at least two of the three men who are under arrest in connection with the case, were more or less drunk around the time of MacRobbie’s death, it has not been stablished definitely where thy secured their liquor. License Inspector James Sturdy, who has records of all liquor shipped into Hamilton from points outside the Province, stated to the Times this morning that no liquor was ever sent in a legal way to either Smith, Scott or McAuliffe, who are at present being held on a nominal charge pending the investigations of the police. The assumption is that they must have obtained their supply from other sources not recognized by the authorities.
In opinion of the police a great deal hinges on the results of the autopsy, which will be presented in the medical testimony at the enquiry tomorrow night. It has not been ascertained as yet whether or not the dead man had been drinking on the night of the tragedy. The stomach has been sent to the office of Dr. Amyot, the Provincial analyst at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, for examination, and it is likely the report will be ready for submission at the inquest to be held tomorrow night by Coroner McNichol.
An interesting piece of evidence was brought to light this morning in the little enclosure off the side the large room where the dead man was found, in the shape of a small box, probably a couple of feet long. It still contains a quantity of iron or steel castings, and was found lying on its side. One side of the box has been scraped with some sharp instrument, but whether it was done to destroy any implicating marks or merely to erase stencil markings, is a question. Detective Sayers is of the opinion the latter is correct reasoning.
Constable Reynolds who is also on duty at the place, is of the opinion that there may have been a fight in this little room resulting in Dr. MacRobbie being either struck and falling or being thrown out of the room on to the floor where he was found, Owing to the position in which he was though the opinion of the medical experts is that while the wounds on the doctor’s head may possibly have been caused by a tumbler against some hard substance, it is highly improbable.
When seen this morning Benjamin Fowler, traveler for the Crescent Oil Co., said that he was not one of the first on the scene, as reported, but that Bell was there when he arrived. He explain that the length of time which elapsed before calling the doctor arose from Bell going to the home of Dr. Langs for him. Mr. Fowler was also called and preceded to the scene in his automobile. As to the time, he could not say because he had no watch on him, and he did not take notice of the time when he left his home. When he arrived all was more or less confusion, and his whole attention was given to the drunken men. He could not say that Dr. MacRobbie was dead. Mr. Fowler further stated that both Scott and Smith proceeded to their own homes on foot. When asked how they could be expected to walk when freshly awakened from such a drunken stupor, Mr. Fowler said that in his opinion the shock of the discovery of the dead man was sufficient to steady them.
Crown Attorney Washington was asked this morning if it was true as reported that no evidence other than that submitted by the medical examination at the post-mortem would be presented to the jury tomorrow night, and stated that there would likely be much more evidence submitted than that.
C. W. Bell stated this morning that he had not said that his client Smith was drunk for several hours after reaching the cells, but he did state, when asked that he understood that all the men were found in a state of helpless intoxication, and were more or less drunk when seen the next morning.
Detective Harry Sayers announced at noon that the ground floor of the Crescent Oil Building had been turned over to the company today. The second floor, however, will not be used by the company until after the inquest. The detective expressed opinion that the mystery would eventually be cleared up. He was, in fact, quite optimistic. Asked if any more arrests would be made, he replied, “Not at present.” Further questioned about the evidence he had gathered, he admitted that he had what might be some important witnesses.
The statement of Mrs. Powis, who told the Times that she was half French and half Indian, is more on the sensational order. She tells how she was awakened at 11 o’clock Sunday night by the fretfulness of her baby, to which she ministered. While in this act, Mrs. Powis stated that she heard four cries apparently coming from the interior of a shed immediately in the rear of the main building. Two of the cries, she stated, were of a muffled description, as if the one who shouted the words “help, help” had some obstruction placed over his mouth, but the others were quite distinct, reaching her bedroom window clearly.
Taking the reporters out on to the back porch, Mrs. Powis pointed over the fence into the yard of Asselstine, who lives next door, and remarked:
“I saw, a woman go over to that barrel by the shed this morning and lift out two bottles. They had the wrappers on them, and looked to be whiskey bottles. When she saw that I observed her, she made a pretense of picking up some sticks, all of which she carried into the woodshed. I told Mr. Sayers of this, and he went into the shed and found the bottles, and there is one of them now sitting on the desk in the office,” she continued, pointing to a large bottle which was plainly visible from the back porch which was not over 100 feet away.
“After the cries were heard,” stated Mrs. Powis, “I noticed that the whole building was lit up as bright as day, both upstairs and down. In a little while I heard the sound of pounding, as if someone was nailing up a box.”
Another neighbor, who lives right beside the building of the Crescent Oil Company, stated that at 9 o’clock Sunday night he saw and automobile enter the side gate of the company, in which there were two men.
August 24[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Herbert Asselstine Proved an “Unsatisfactory” Witness, the Crown said.
Some Contradictions – Testimony of Medical Men Not Taken
Not in many moons has Hamilton been aroused to such a high pitch of interest as that displayed in connection with the MacRobbie tragedy, which occurred last Sunday night on the premises of the Crescent Oil Company. At the opening of the inquest, last night, at the Central Police Station, the crowd of spectators who turned out to satisfy their curiosity became so large and so boisterous that they threatened to break into the court room where the inquiry was being held. Chief Whatley had several men on guard at all entrances, but it was impossible to clear the crowd who gathered in greater numbers than ever. Some of the more excitable threatened to call out the Mayor, if they were not permitted to enter, but Chief Whatley firmly, ordered all doors locked.
Although very few facts of an enlightening nature were brought out at the inquest last night, the authorities made considerable progress. Altogether, four witnesses were examined by the Crown Mrs. MacRobbie, the late doctor’s widow, Herbert Asselstine, Mrs. Powis and Harry Bell.
Asselstine was a somewhat refractory witness, and was called to task several times by the coroner and Crown Attorney Washington. Some of the watchman’s answers were classed as “unreasonable” and “unsatisfactory.” The Crown thought he seemed plagued with a decidedly short memory, and stock answers. “I don’t know” or “I couldn’t say,” were very annoying. His misunderstanding of the queries put him seemed almost intentional at times and called forth several sharp rebukes from the Crown. Asselstine stuck pretty well to his original story, except in the matter of the time of the time he found the body. Although he had previously been reported to have stated to the newspapers that it was 11:30. The evidence of Harry Bell also differed from that of the watchman, in the matter of the location of the body of MacRobbie, when found. Asselstine stated that when he saw MacRobbie, he was lying on his back, with his head on some iron bars. In direct contradiction was Bell’s statement that MacRobbie was laying on his side, with his head several inches from the bars in question. Each witness when examined was positive on this particular point.
Mrs. Powis, the Indian woman, still adhered to her story of hearing the cries for help from the Oil Company’s building and her testimony in this regard was unshaken under the cross-examinations of the Crown Attorney and counsel for the three men now in custody.
Mrs. MacRobbie remained calm throughout the whole proceedings and answered the questions put to her lucidly. She watched the affair with steadied interest and hardly ever lifted her eyes from the witness under-examination.
The three men, Smith, McAuliffe and Scott, remained in the dock throughout the progress, and from their restlessness it was evident they were suffering under the ordeal. Scott was the most composed of the three, but Smith and McAuliffe were almost continuously mopping from their foreheads the big beads of perspiration. The three prisoners looked pale and wan, apparently as the result of their confinement. Their evidence was not taken.
Mrs. MacRobbie, the widow of the dead man, the first witness called, was very composed, as she took the stand and answered the questions put to her in a straightforward manner.
In reply to the first query of Crown Attorney S. F. Washington, Mrs. MacRobbie stated that the late Dr. MacRobbie left the house about 8 o’clock in the morning of the day of his death, and returned between 11 and 12 o’clock. He went right upstairs and laid down. During his absence the witness stated, three men called in an auto and asked for the doctor.
Asked if she could identify the man who got out of the car and came to the door, she said:
“The man I saw wore a rough-looking brown suit and cap and slouched. I did not like the look of him. The man at the wheel had sharp features. He had no hat or coat on.”
Pointing to the three men in the dock – Smith, McAuliffe and Scott – the Crown asked her if she could identify them as being the three men who called in the auto, Mrs. Mac Robbie pointed out Scott and said he might be the man at the wheel. “He is not dressed in the same clothes as the man who came to the door. If I could see him in the same clothes, I would recognize him immediately.”
Mrs. MacRobbie explained that at the time the auto came up, a milk boy came to her door by mistake.
“Just then the man called out from the car for the doctor. I told him he was not in and shut the door. I watched them as I did not like the look of them. I saw them speak together. Then the one came up to the door and asked when the doctor would be in. I had no intention of telling them. I told them not till night.”
“I watched the car as far as I could see it. I did not like the look of them,” again reiterated Mrs. MacRobbie, with emphasis.
The auto called between 10 and 11 in the morning, she continued under cross-examination by Crown Attorney Washington. The dead doctor often was called out and did not often tell her where she was going. Her husband got up after going to bed between 3 and 4 o’clock. He came down then and played with the baby a few minutes and then went upstairs and laid down again. He did not come down again until about 7 o’clock in time to answer the door to a lady. The witness was on the back verandah at the time, but heard the doorbell ring twice before he went out about five or ten minutes to eight.
Replying to the question put by Mr. Washington, Mrs. MacRobbie said she had never heard the names of Smith, Scott or McAuliffe mentioned by the doctor. She never knew of her husband going to premises of the Crescent Oil Co.

“Did you tell your husband that these men had called?” asked M. J. O’Relly, K.C., acting for McAuliffe, who then took the witness.
“No,” she replied emphatically. “I did not like the look of them.”
“There would be no harm in telling him,” proceeded the lawyer, “would there?”
“I suppose not,” answered Mrs. MacRobbie, after a moment’s thought.
Replying to C. W. Bell, counsel for Smith and Scott, Mrs. MacRobbie said it was not unusual for her husband to go out at such an early hour Sunday morning.
“Did you keep record of calls made during his absence?” asked Mr. Bell.
“No, I always answered the door, except when he was at home,” she answered.
Although the doctor’s office hours at night were 6 to 8 o’clock, he left no word of his being detained, she said. The witness stated she did not institute any inquiries when her husband did not return that night. “I went to bed at 10:30. I slept soundly and he could have come in and gone to bed without my knowledge.”
She stated to Mr. Bell that she did not know whether the doctor went out alone or in company with others.
Herbert Asselstine, 114 Caroline street north, stated that he had worked at the Crescent Oil Company’s plant for the past three months. He left home last Sunday in the morning to go out in an auto with Mr. Dick Sturgles, Harriett street. He had not been in the company’s premises during the day. He returned home about 7:30. From then he was around the company’s premises until 9:30. He then walked home, where he found a man standing with an auto. He did not know who owed it. He thought it might belong to someone who was in the office, which was brilliantly lighted.
“Why you think that?” asked the Crown.
“You got me there,” was the reply.
Witness continued that he saw lights about 9:45PM for the first time. He did not go in, although he thought it unusual. It had been lit up before on Sunday, but not so brilliantly. Mrs. Smith had been around in the afternoon.
“But she would not be around in the upstairs room?”
“Sometimes they go up there to wash.”
“Why did you not investigate?”
“I had no keys.”
After further questions, he drifted back to the auto, which he stated, he went back to light. This was at 10:15. After an introduction by the Crown to McAuliffe, he thought it was his car.
He then noticed more lights where lit. He met Smith coming south on Caroline street, in company with another men. “I went to the corner to see of the lights where lit and see if anything was going on,” said witness.
Smith went into the office and he, the witness, declined an invitation to go also. He could not identify the man with Smith. Neither would he say that he looked like the deceased doctor. He knew McAuliffe to look at.
“Mr. Asselstine,” interrupted the coroner, “it appears to me that you are not a very frank witness. I would advise you to answer in a straightforward manner and not hedge and evade so much.”
The Crown then proceeded with the examination. Asked if he knew Dr. MacRobbie, witness answered in the negative, but admitted knowing Scott. He did not think Scott was the man in company with Smith. He did not know a man who came along in an auto with a punctured tire, but helped fix it. Mr. Scott held by the Crown, but another man a tinsmith.
By the time the lights on the first car had gone out. He thought then that Smith was interested in the car as he told him to light the lights, although it was not his own, being a five passenger, while Smith’s was a runabout.
Two men came along and asked if “Harry” was in. “There was some noise going on, like singing. I was going in to stop it,” said Asselstine.
“Did you know if it was Smith’s – I was going to say – soprano voice.”
“You could not tell whose voice it was.”
“When Smith called out to light the lights, did his voice appear to be that of a sober man?”
“I could not say.”
“Did you try the door?”
“Yes, and it was locked. I could not get any one to hear and did not want to arouse the neighborhood.”

After the stranger’s car was repaired he went with the two men to the rear door to see if Smith was in. He found it open and went upstairs, the men following. There was only one light upstairs. He found three men in there with Dr. MacRobbie’s body lying with his head on the bars in a pool of blood. He said, “I guess this man has hurt himself.”
A plan of the office was then produced and the witness described the manner in which the other three men were lying asleep. Dr. MacRobbie was almost on his back, with his head against, not right on, the iron bars. Later, witness thought the head was on the bars. “I asked what I should do, and someone said, “Telephone for Harry Bell,” he declared.
“I am not a good man to tell, so did not know if deceased was alive. He was not moaning,” witness replied when asked if the doctor was alive.
“Did it occur to you then or at any time to call the police?”
“No, it did not.”
“These two men were with you when you discovered the body?” inquired the coroner.
“Yes, but I do not know their names.”
“What time did you call Bell?”
“About 11:30.”
“Did you tell anybody it was half past 10?”
“No. I had no watch.”
“How long was it after you called Bell before he arrived?”
“It might have been half an hour.”
Further questioned witness admitted that he knew the three sleeping men, but did not attempt to awaken any of them, not even Smith.
“Why did you call Bell when you had the proprietor right with you?”
“Because someone suggested that I call Bell.”
“All you told Bell was that there had been an accident.”
“Did he appear to know it was Dr. MacRobbie?”
“He seemed to.”
“Did he try to awaken Harry Smith?”
After phoning for a doctor, Bell went away to get one. He, the witness left the building also, and during that time he did not know that anyone else left the building.
The coroner asked witness if it would not be common sense to awaken Smith under such circumstances if he did not know that he was drunk. After mumbling by the way of answer in an evasive manner the coroner remarked: “Your statements are most unsatisfactory and your conduct unreasonable.”
Witness said someone remarked, “Take that man out of the road where he could have a sleep,” pointing to McAuliffe. When he came back McAuliffe was at the bottom of the stairs. He could not say that he was drunk, but he was a little “lobby.” He left him in the yard. A number of whiskey bottles were taken out from under the bath tub. “I did not keep track of them. I think there were two,” Asselstine remarked, at which the assemblage broke into laughter. A number of empty Scotch whiskey bottles were found on his yard, although he did not put them there.
Witness and the Crown at this juncture had a little argument when asked if Smith had left the warehouse, accusing the Crown of bringing several more warehouses into the discussion. Mr. Washington claimed it was but one he was speaking of.
M. J. O’Relly, K. C., counsel for McAuliffe, then examined the witness. He drew forth the information that witness heard no other sound issue from the building than singing. Asked how long McAuliffe stayed in the yard, he replied that it was until the police came.
Mr. O’Relly suggested that he might have blood on him as a result of being around the body.
The Crown presses this point, asking if he had blood on his hands. Witness replied not to his knowledge as he washed his hands and did not notice any.
“Did you touch the body?”
“Not that I know of.” At which several exclamations were heard in the court room.
“Has anyone been to you about your evidence?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Did you take a note to Mr. Bell today?”
“What Bell?”
“Mr. Bell, the lawyer.”
“No, not today; that was yesterday.”
“Then you did take a note?”
“Yes, that was about a bluff telegram and had nothing to do with this.”
Mrs. Powis said she lived at 118 Caroline street north. “I was home last Sunday night,” she said. “I did not see anyone around the Oil Co., but the windows were lighted up about nine o’clock. I went to bed about ten.”
“Did you hear any noise from the building?” asked Mr. Washington.
“I heard four cries for help; I thought they came from the building. They sounded as if someone was holding their hand over someone’s mouth. I got up to get the baby a drink of water. It was eleven o’clock by the clock.
“What awakened you from your sleep?” asked Mr. Bell.
“The baby moved around and started to cry,” she answered. “I gave the baby a drink.”
“I heard the cries for help after I had gotten the baby quieted,” she reaffirmed.
The first two cries followed each other closely. The third was about a minute later. The last call came about five minutes later, the first call being the loudest.”
“Did it alarm you?”
“No, it didn’t frighten me at all.”
“Did you ever hear a drunken man shouting before?”
“Yes, I did; some Italians, once.”
“Did the calls sound like that?”
The witness thought that the cries might possibly have come from some Italians living nearby, however.
Harry Bell, on being called, said he lived with Harry Smith.
“Were you at home when Smith left the house in the morning?” asked Mr. Washington.
“Yes, I was. I went to the office with McAuliffe, in his car, and myself. Asselstine phoned about ten minutes twelve,” said witness.
“Dr. MacRobbie was in the office when I got there; so was Scott.”
“What were they doing in the office Scott, McAuliffe and MacRobbie?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you ever see any cards or drinking?”
“No, never.”
“I went out shortly after,” volunteered Bell. “As far as I could see they were all sober.”
The witness said Scott and McAuliffe and also MacRobbie had been there on several occasions.
“What did Asselstine say when he phoned?”
“He said, ‘Come down right away; there is someone hurt.’ I told him I would be right down.”
“Did you ask who was hurt?”
“No; I told him to get Campbell.”
“Did it occur to you that a doctor might be of some use around there?”
“No, it didn’t”
Mr. Dornan was the first man he saw when he came down, he said. “I asked him who was hurt. He said he thought it was Dr. MacRobbie. He went to the side door, followed by a man named Hindes, he said. “I saw McAuliffe and Smith lying on the floor. They were asleep.”
The body was lying on the right side. There was a cigarette in the two fingers of his right side. The head was about two inches from the bars, and his legs were out straight. I touched his right hand, but I didn’t get any blood of mine.”
“Did you notice any sign of life?”
“When I touched his wrist, he gave a groan and turned over on his back. I went downstairs and called the doctor, but I did not touch anything about the place. Only Smith and McAuliffe were lying down when I got there,” he said in an answer to the Crown’s query. “I didn’t see Scott then at all.”
“Did you attempt to arouse these two men?”
“Yes, I did,” I didn’t get any response at all.”
“Did you notice any smell of liquor?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Did you think it important to wake them up?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Yet, you only made one feeble effort.”
He left Asselstine and Dornan in charge while he went for the doctor, witness said.
“I got back about a quarter to one. Smith and McAuliffe were still lying there. There was no change in position of body since I left.”
“Who aroused the men?”
“Mr. Fowler.”
“Did they appear to have their senses about them?”
“No, they could hardly walk.”
“Mr. Smith asked what was the trouble, Fowler said ‘do you know the doctor is hurt?’ He muttered something but I don’t know what it was.”
“What about McAuliffe?”
“He appeared in the same condition. He was muttering something.”
“Dr. Langs and I were downstairs when McAuliffe came down.”
“What became Smith?”
“I think he went home.”
“How was the cigarette in MacRobbie’s hand?” asked the coroner.
“It was about half-smoked.”
“The one we found was whole,” said Coroner McNichol.
“What did you and Smith talk about on the way down from the house when you brought him back?”
“I didn’t talk to him, I was driving the machine.”
“Surely you asked Smith what had happened.”
“No, I didn’t; I was driving the machine.”
“Weren’t you curious about it?”
“No, I wasn’t Detective Sayer just sent me up to bring him back. I didn’t talk to him.”
“Was his head on the bars of iron?” again asked the coroner.
“No, it was a few inches away.”
On the suggestion of Coroner Attorney Washington, the inquest was adjourned until Friday, August 31[SUP]st[/SUP], at 8:15 o’clock.

August, 25, 1917
Could Have Been Used in Dealing Blow That May Have Killed MacRobbie
A New Feature Which Renews Interest in the Tragic Death
The belief that Dr. Douglas G. MacRobbie, the young Hamilton physician whose almost lifeless body was found to an upstairs storeroom of the Crescent Oil Company, on Cannon street west, late last Sunday night, came to his death by violent means is growing in the minds of the authorities and those delegated to investigate the tragedy. It is now definitely known that the police have in their possession a large piece of wood in the shape of a mould, which was picked up near the dying man by the police shortly after their arrival. The piece of wood is spattered at one end with a deep blood stain, but whether this patch got there as the result of an accident, or the mould was used to inflict the blow which caused the deep wounds at the base of the deep wounds at the base of the doctor’s skull, is still a matter of conjecture. The weapon is semicircular in shape and measures about three and three-quarters of an iron in diameter. It is about two feet in length and weighs in the neighborhood of three pounds.
According to one of the doctors who examined it, the stick could not be handled in an offensive way by anyone with one hand. Using both hands, an assailant could deal a very heavy blow, sufficiently severe, it is thought to cause the deep gashes in the back of the dead man’s head despite the fact the weapon is not very heavy. There is only one blood spot on the stick, and that is located close to one end, and covers an area about two inches square. As yet the blood spatter has not been analyzed by the expert engaged upon the case, and it is stated that this will not be done until the article in question is produced in evidence.
While the authorities have not had the clothing of Smith, McAuliffe or Scott examined by the analyst with a view of ascertaining if there are any blood stains, all the wearing apparel worn by the three men on the night of MacRobbie’s death is now in the hands of Detective Sayer. This officer has made no announcement of his findings in this regard.
Smith, Scott and McAuliffe, who are still being held at the Barton street jail, without bail, were photographed by Police Photographer McHaffle yesterday. It was apparent that the three men keenly felt their position, but they submitted graciously, having no alternative in the matter. The usual face and profile plates were taken, and they will be place in the police record in the regular way.
License Inspector Sturdy, with the co-operation of the local police, is working on the liquor end of the case. According to the evidence submitted at the inquest, the three had been drinking on the night of the tragedy. The fact has also been established that MacRobbie had consumed a quantity of liquor immediately prior to his death. As the supply of intoxicants, apparently, did not come through in the regular way, the authorities are endeavoring to discover where the liquor was secured. The case was so complicated, Inspector Sturdy said this morning, that their efforts had as yet, met with little success.
August 27[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Smith, McAuliffe and Scott Were in Police Court Dock Today
Authorities Think They Have Further Evidence of a Struggle
That the death of Dr. Douglas MacRobbie in the upstairs premises of the Crescent Oil Company was preceded by a struggle or scuffle of some kind became almost an established fact, following new and important evidence unearthed by the police. Although great importance was attached to the testimony of Mrs. Powis, the half Indian who stated that she heard cries for help emanating from the building late Sunday night, it was thought that she may have confused these noises with the cries of her babe. Her story, however, is substantiated by Mrs. William Baker, of 83 Barton street east, who was passing the scene of the tragedy a few minutes after 11 o’clock Sunday night.
Mrs. Baker was very reticent when seen by the Times reporter this morning, but she passed the Crescent Oil Company a few minutes after the hour, in company with her 15-year-old son George, returning to her home on Barton street by a short cut down Cannon street, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Samuel Freeman, at 37 Inchbury street. She is quite positive of the time, as when she passed the Hess Street School the clock in the tower was striking the hour.
As she passed the building, she says, the upper part was brilliantly lighted. This did not strike her as being unusual, but just as she passed the door, she heard a gurgling sound, which attracted her attention. “My God, what is that?” she exclaimed to her son, as she stopped momentarily to recover from her sudden fright. The sound, however, had subsided, and she heard it no more. Standing out in deep silhouette on the window shade. However, she saw the upper part of a man’s figure. He appeared to be in his shirt sleeves, and from his appearance, she adjudged that he must have been asleep as he never moved. He was sitting in a half reclining position, with his body projecting above.
The silent witness of this extraordinary event never waited to inquire into the matter, but hurried on to her home. It was not until next day that she read in the papers of the death of Dr. MacRobbie and her mind went back to the scene of the night before. So shocked was she that for several nights after she could not sleep. The vision of the mysterious happenings which were being enacted behind the drawn shades and the unusual sounds she had heard, as she passed, constantly recurred to her. Mrs. Baker has told her story to the police, and it is considered that she and her son, who also heard the noises will be important witnesses at the adjourned inquest next Friday night.
The statements of Mrs. Baker support those of Mrs. Powis, although the description of the sounds coming from the building, differ to some extent. Mrs. Powis maintains that she heard four cries for help, while Mrs. Baker explains that the noise she heard sounded muffled, as if someone was holding their hand over the other’s mouth.

“Sandy” Lemond, residing on Troley street on the mountain, a former employee at the old Schwendiman farm, substantiates the story, that the Smith, McAuliffe and Scott, visited the former’s farm on the mountain, on the day of the tragedy. Lemond states that he met the three men in an automobile and they invited him to join them and go out to the farm. He accepted, but deeply regretted his course after he had gotten into the car and proceeded a short distance. The men, he says, were all drunk and drove so recklessly, that he (Lemond), had visions of an upset into the ditch. When the party arrived at the farm, they got no liquor, Lemond stated, but they were so intoxicated that he was frightened to return back with them, and he contemplated making the five miles back home on foot. Smith, who appeared the most sober of the three persuaded him however, to get in the car again, stating that he would drive. Smith’s farm, the driver swerved the car from the road and they passed right across the creek, through about two feet of water at a reckless pace. Fortunately, the automobile did not crash lemond is not sure who drove the car on the way on the way out to the old farm.
Drs. Langs and Parry, who performed the autopsy, absolutely refused, when questioned by the Times, to discuss the report that Dr. MacRobbie’s body had been disinterred for the purpose of clearing up several facts, which had cropped up since the postmortem had been made. It was stated, however, by Coroner McNichol, that this had been done and that in keeping the affair dark, the authorities had done so purely for sentimental reasons.
“I had no object in keeping it a secret,” said the coroner, “beyond the fact that I wanted to spare the feelings of Dr. MacRobbie’s aged father, who seemed terribly worked up when he heard rumors that the re-examination had taken place. When asked by the newspapers on Saturday if I had written an order for the exhumation. I said ‘no’. That was perfectly true. I only gave a verbal order and up to the present time I have given no signed order.
While it is believed that the purpose of the move was to permit of a further examination of the wounds on the head of the dead man, the physicians working on the case refused to confirm this. Coroner McNichol stated that while this was his belief, he could not state positively, as he had not received any report from the medical men. In the opinion of those in close touch with the case, there may be some connection between the exhumation and the blood-stained piece of wooden moulding, which was found near MacRobbie’s body and which is now in possession of the police. While the doctors have not made any statement following their investigations, it is said that the appearance of the wounds point to the fact that they were caused by a blow. Consequently, this probable weapon is considered to be one of the most important pieces of evidence, to be submitted, when the enquiry is resumed next Friday night.
According to the police, the three men now in custody in connection with the case – Smith, McAuliffe and Scott – have been given every opportunity to clear themselves. When arrested and questioned they were allowed to make a statement, and all absolutely denied any connection with MacRobbie’s death, and maintained they were ignorant and innocent of the crime. In statements made to Coroner McNichol, Smith repeatedly said, “I don’t know a thing about it,” according to Dr. McNichol yesterday.
That the authorities are “up against it” and really have not made a great deal of progress towards the solution of the mystery is generally admitted. Detective Sayer has been working diligently on the case, but any new facts brought it only seem to add to the complexity of the case.
“It is the most complicated case I have ever had anything to do with,” said Coroner McNichol to the Times reporter yesterday. “The Kinrade affair was easy beside it. There we knew how the girl died, and all we had to do was find the person who shot her. In this case there are so many possibilities that we have to eliminate that it becomes more and more difficult as we proceed.”
The benchers at the Police Court this morning were on the clock when. Smith, McAuliffe and Scott, the three men who loom so largely in the MacRobbie case, tiled into the prisoners pen. George W. Ballard, of the law firm of Ballard & Morrison, and M. J. O’Relly, K.C., asking that as they on charged with the nominal offence of being vagrants that they be given their liberty on bail.
“I will be guided by the advice of the Crown Attorney in this matter,” said the Magistrate.
“The matter is too serious to take any chances,” remarked Mr. Washington shaking his head in the negative.
“My advice is that bail be not granted.”
The prisoners did not seem very disappointed at the conclusion of the Crown, and were immediately returned to the cells.

August 29[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
It Would Go a Long Way Towards Solving the MacRobbie Problem
Other Clues and Theories Are Being Closely Followed in the Difficult Case
While no further clues have been unearthed in the MacRobbie case, the police are still working along several theories, which, it is hoped, may lead to some definite point in the solution of the mystery. The report that two men were heard to dash away in a buggy a few moments after the cries for help were heard, coming from the upstairs room of the Crescent Oil Company, is considered of great import, and it is being thoroughly investigated by Detective Sayer. As yet he has been unable to discover the identity of the two men, but, if they can be found and put in the witness stand, they could shed considerable light on the tragedy, the officer feels. One of the most mysterious facts in connection with the death of Dr. MacRobbie, is that no evidence of what all four men were doing in the stockroom of the Oil Company, on the night of the physician’s death, has been found. While the three men now in custody – Smith, McAuliffe and Scott – had all been drinking, no bottles were found in the room. Several, it is true were found behind the bathroom tub, while a couple were also found outside the rear window, having apparently been thrown out and smashed on the ground. The police are of the opinion that while a carousal of some kind was in progress on the night in question, the men may have occupied their time in some other way, as yet unknown. It seems improbable that they would repair to an upper room of the building merely for the purpose of indulging in a few drinks.
It has been rumored around town that Dr. MacRobbie, just prior to his death, won a large sum of money. The supposition has been made that there may have been a card game going on the night of MacRobbie’s death, but although the police have been working on this theory, they have found no evidence to substantiate it. If it was the case, all evidence of an implicating nature must have been cleared out before the arrival of the police. It is believed that men with the horse and buggy who were heard to leave the building, hurriedly, may have assisted in this connection.
In the piece of blood-stained moulding the police believe they have a most important bit of evidence. This likely weapon has been forwarded to Ottawa for the purposes of examining the fingerprints. These are quite discernable and stand out distinctly, as if it was clutched tightly by someone with both hands. It is quite apparent that the hands of the person who handled the stick where soiled, as ´the imprints of the fingers are quite easy, it is said, to decipher.
If the reports of the physicians who are working on the case show that the wounds on the back of the doctor’s skull were caused by a blow and the authorities are able to find the person whose finger prints correspond with the impressions upon the moulding, they will have gone a long way towards the ultimate solution of the problem.
Dr. Jaffrey, the city bacteriologist, who has been retained by the Crown to give expert evidence on the blood strains found on the floor and on several other articles, stated this morning that he had made no attempt to analyze the blood found on the weapon. This will not be done, he said, until it had been presented for inspection by the jury.
The examination of the dead man’s stomach has been completed, and while it is generally understood that Dr. MacRobbie had been drinking immediately prior to his death, there is nothing to show that the liquor he had consumed was “doped.” The police were working along this line believing that the whiskey he drank may possibly have been doctored for some ulterior motive.
M. J. O’Relly, K. C., is in Toronto today with the object of securing the release of his client in the MacRobbie’s case, J.J. McAuliffe on being refused at the police court.

September 1[SUP]st[/SUP], 1917
Eddie Dornan’s Testimony Best Story Told of Affair
Asselstine Flatly Contradicted on Important points
Despite the fact that a dozen witnesses were given a grilling cross-examination for over three hours, very little new light was thrown on the MacRobbie tragedy, when the inquest was resumed by coroner McNichol in The Central Police Station last night. A feature of the probe was the straightforward testimony of Eddie Dornan, the proprietor of the Royal Oak Hotel, who, it transpired, may we been the first to see Dr. MacRobbie. Although Asselstine at the previous hearing had stated that he had gotten no blood on his hands, Mr. Dornan was positive that his hands were stained when he moved the doctor’s head in order that he could see who it was. He then recognized Dr. MacRobbie.
Herbert Dornan, a brother, was quite positive that all four men, who had visited the hotel several times during the day, had been drinking something stronger than two percent. When they came back later in the evening, the witness stated, this was quite evident, but although he was sure they were not sober, he would not say they were drunk. All appeared, however, to be on friendly terms with each other.
Mrs. Baker stuck firmly to her story, that she had heard screams emanating from the Oil Company, as she passed shortly after eleven o’clock, on her way home from a visit to her sister. Her 13-year-old son proved a bright witness and substantiated his mother’s statements in this respect.
Asselstine still continued his evasiveness, and very little new evidence was brought out when he was recalled. He denied absolutely the allegation of Eddie Dornan that he had been drinking anything stronger that local option beer that day.
Benjamin Fowler’s evidence did not bring out anything new, and Crown Attorney Washington, had occasion to urge him on more than one occasion to be more explicit and definite in his answers.
Harry Bell was recalled, and several questions were pulled to him, but he could show no further light on the affair.
The three prisoners occupied their old places in the dock and watched the proceedings with interest. Mrs. MacRobbie was also an interested spectator, but was not recalled to testify.
At the request of the prisoner’s counsel, the inquest was adjourned until tonight. There are still a number of witnesses to be examined, while the medical testimony and the report of the Dominion police on the finger prints found on the bloodstained piece of moulding is yet to be received. It is doubtful, if the Crown will be able to conclude it this evening.
The proceedings were somewhat delayed by a temporary break in the electric light system. There was a scurrying for candles and burglar lanterns, and the enquiry proceeded for a time in a subdued light.
Mrs. Harry Blackwell, 137 Cannon street west, when called, said she saw Dr. MacRobbie at the Oil Company’s place about 11 o’clock in the morning. She also saw Mrs. Smith in the office about 7:30.
“Was the building lighted up?” asked Crown Attorney Washington.
“Did you see any men about the building?”
“No, I didn’t.”
She could not tell, in answer to C. W. Bell, whether the doctor was drunk or sober, when he came out. He seemed to have trouble in opening the door.
“What did Mrs. Smith appear to be doing?” asked Mr. Bell.
“She was writing or something.”
Clarence Dilke, 201 York street, said he knew MacRobbie well, his office being at one time next door to him.
“Did you see him on Sunday night, August 19[SUP]th[/SUP]?”
“Yes, he came in the side entrance. My mother opened the door and gave him a bottle of Gold Crown lager. The clock struck 8 o’clock just as the doctor left.”
Mrs. William Baker, 37 Barton Street east, between John and Catherine streets, was paying a visit to the home of her sister on Sunday night. Her sister lives on inch bury street. Mrs. Baker was in company with her oldest son, George, a boy of 13 years. She and the boy, according to her statement, left the home of her sister at 10:50. They came down York to Hess street. Just as they were in front of the Crescent Oil building, she and the boy heard a muffled scream, which seemed to come from the front of the building. Cross-examined, she said she could not locate the scream exactly, and could not tell whether it came from the office or not. Her statement went on as follows:
“We had passed the window in the downstairs office, on the west side of the building, when we heard the scream. I naturally looked back and noticed this window, from which a light was proceeding as much as could be allowed from under some six inches of the blind, which was down. At a passing glance, I discerned what I took to be a figure – the shoulders of a man or woman, I could not say which – with white clothing on it. It might have been imagination. What I saw was only a passing glance. Then we passed on.”
The witness also saw an auto standing on the street between the alley and the store on the corner. There were two men standing beside it, she affirmed, and they appeared to be fixing it. Two women and a child were sitting on the sidewalk beside the car. She observed them at the time she heard it. At least, they made no motion. She was not close enough to observe their features, and could not identify any of the party. She and her son walked on without paying any attention to the noise. The street was dark and she was only with her son. In answer to the counsel’s query, she said that the building appeared to be lighted up. She and her son, as they passed by the office, were attracted by the sound of music farther down the street, at a house where some people were playing lively and loud tunes. Nobody else apparently had heard a scream. She and her son went on home, and she said nothing further about it, as everyone else was in bed when they arrived there. Next morning she mentioned the affair to her neighbor, Mrs. Obermeyer, and shortly afterwards heard of the murder. In the time between that when she arrived home and until she spoke of it to Mrs. Obermeyer, she had said nothing of it to anyone.
George Baker, the young son of Mrs. Baker, stated that he was with his mother that Sunday night.
“Did you hear the noise coming from the Oil Co. office?” asked the Crown.
“Yes, I heard a muffled scream.”
“Did you speak to your mother about it?” asked Mr. O’Relly.
“No, not until the next night,” answered the boy. “When mother said:
“There was a murder down there.”
“Did you hear any music?”
“Yes, down near Bay street.”
Clarence I. Scott 107 Caroline north, in answer to Mr. Washington, said he was a tinsmith and knew Asselstine slightly. He saw the latter working on a car and came over to see what he was doing.
“Who was in the car when you got there?”
“Two women, a little girl, the man himself and Asselstine.”
“What time was it when you came away?”
“About half-past eleven.”
“Have you any means of telling the time?”
“No, I haven’t. it was about 12 o’clock when I got home. I think it took about a half hour to repair the car.”
He stated that he did not know the three men, Smith, McAuliffe and Scott personally, although he knew McAuliffe to see him. Asselstine, he stated, asked him to run the car standing on the opposite side of the street into the alley. He did not know whose car it was.”
“Were the car’s light burning?”
“Asselstine told us they weren’t and that was why he wanted it taken off the street,” observed the Crown Attorney. Witness later saw Dornan and Hinds who asked for McAuliffe went to his home.
“Did you hear any other noises?”
“Yes, I heard a commotion outside.”
“Can you give a description of the men driving the car?”
“No, I couldn’t he seemed about 33 years of age, and had a smooth face.”
Ernest Theobald, 46 York street, was called early in the proceedings, but did not appear until some time after wards. He was one of the last to see Dr. MacRobbie alive. He stated that he saw the deceased about noon on Sunday going up Railway street. He spoke to him and said “Good morning, doctor,” and the doctor replied in the usual way. The deceased was going east at the time, and was in good condition, and perfectly sober as far as the witness could see. That was the last he saw of him. He was quite a friend of the doctor.
Benjamin Fowler, 267 King street west, an employee of the oil company, said that the first he knew of the affair was when Harry Bell drove up to his home about 1 o’clock on Monday morning, with another man, in an auto. He was roused by Bell and asked if there was a fire. Bell’s reply was, “Come down to the office; a man is hurt.”
Crown Attorney Washington – Didn’t it occur to you to ask who the man was or anything else about the nature of the accident?
Witness – No, not at the time. I was busy dressing. But I did when I got into the car.
“What did he tell you?”
“He told me that it was Dr. MacRobbie. Then I said have you got a doctor, and he told me that they had one.”
On arriving at the office, he (Fowler) and Bell went upstairs, where they saw Dr. Langs working over a body, and McAuliffe some distance from him. Witness said that he woke Smith up, also McAuliffe, but that it took considerable effort. Smith and the other he took into the bathroom and gave them some cold water to sober them up. As soon as Smith came to he became sick. Fowler said that he then shook Smith and said, “Wake up; a man is hurt. What’s happened here?” Smith mumbled something like, “Where am I?” and then said, in answer to the witness question, “I don’t know.” He then told Smith that Dr. MacRobbie was hurt, not knowing that he was dead at the time. All that he could get out of Smith was, “I don’t know.” Then he helped Smith downstairs. His condition was such that he had to half carry him. McAuliffe was in a similar condition. After seeing Smith in the alley safely, he returned to the office upstairs. The witness stated that he saw no whiskey bottles anywhere around in any of the rooms where he was. McAuliffe was where he had left him. The doctor and Mr. Bell had by this time phoned for the ambulance and the police. Smith had gone home when the police arrived, but the witness had no idea who took him there or how he got there. The next he saw of him was when the police brought him back. He was quite sober then. The witness was here warned that he must be frank. He said that he had not touched the body or anything about the room but the two men. He did not see Scott anywhere around, and stayed there until about 4 o’clock, when the body was taken away. In this conversation with Smith, later, the witness stated that Smith had professed ignorance of anything. He left after everyone else and the other witnesses had been taken away by the police.
Questioned by M. J. O’Relly, Fowler said that he had never been to Smith’s farm on the mountain, but he knew where it was. Smith had two farms. Fowler had been in the employ of the oil company for fourteen years.
Edward Dornan, the proprietor of the Royal Oak Hotel, at the corner of Bay and Cannon streets, was an important witness, and his evidence helped by its frank straightforwardness. He saw Dr. MacRobbie and the other three men quite often on Sunday, the 19[SUP]th[/SUP]. He knew Dr. MacRobbie quite well, though he had never been to his home and was quite intimate with the other three. Early Sunday morning, Dornan said he saw Scott, and the deceased. They came to the hotel and had beer. MacRobbie left, and Scott remained for some time, till about noon, when Smith and McAuliffe joined him. They left five or ten minutes later, after having another drink or beer. The witness said that all were perfectly sober at the time, and that he could smell no liquor on any of them, unless it were beer, and it was no liquor. He did not see any of them drunk at any time of the day. All three turned up about 3 o’clock again, and stayed for some time, with more beer and cigars. Then all left, McAuliffe and Scott turning up again about 6:30, and were later joined by Smith. They were all in good spirits and, witness said, perfectly sober. He hadn’t seen the doctor again that day. The men had an auto the last time they were at the hotel, and said they were going to Smith’s farm. They drove up Bay street. He did not see them again until at the Oil Co. Monday morning. He went to the Beach and rode home in an auto about 11 o’clock. He was going down York street, and met Mr. Hines, who was talking to a friend. They stood on the corner and saw an auto drive up to the Oil Co. Then Dornan said to Hines: “That must be the fellows coming back from the farm.” He suggested that they go and try to get McAuliffe to go home.
Mr. Washington: “Then you expected to find McAuliffe drunk?”
Dornan: “More or less.”
They walked over to the Oil Co., and found Asselstine, the watchman, outside with the car. The other men had gone. Dornan asked Asselstine where the others were. Asselstine said “They’re upstairs, dead drunk.” Dornan waited a minute, then he and Hines started upstairs after Asselstine, and passed him on the stairs. Up there they found the three men asleep, and drunk. Seeing the body, Dornan went over and saw MacRobbie lying with his head on what appeared to be a number of valves. Asselstine had appeared by this time, and he turned to him and said, “Is this a man hurt?” Asselstine then went over and, on his knees, slipped a hand under the man’s head, turning the face to Dornan, said as he did so, “My God, the man has been hurt!” Dornan recognized Dr. MacRobbie. The head was laid back in its former position by the watch man, and it dropped intrely. Then Dornan rushed downstairs to phone for Bell, and to get ice. When he got to the street, he saw Bell.
Crown Attorney Washington: “Then you were the first person to see the body?”
Witness: “I suppose so. I do not know.”

September 1[SUP]st[/SUP], 1917
Many Faked Into Inquest as Reporters
The interest in the MacRobbie case is very profound. It was manifest last night in the huge crown that tried to fight, jostle and shove its way into the courtroom. Both entrances to the police station were guarded by stalwarts who had a hot time trying to sift out the witnesses and the reporter. One policeman told a late arrival that he had let about 30 reporters in already, and he guessed that that was enough to give the affair some space. Every time that door was opened there was a desperate rush. Notwithstanding this, the courtroom was already filled to capacity. The crowd remained outside until quite late, as the inquest did not adjourn until 11 o’clock. Every time some favored one was allowed in, he was followed by many groans. But none were allowed in after eight o’clock as there were already people standing in the courtroom.

September 4[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Men Held in Manslaughter Case Were Not Arraigned Today
Magistrate May Grant Bail If He Finds He Has Authority
Herbert L. Asselstine, the fourth man implicated by the coroner’s jury last night in the death of Dr. MacRobbie, was arrested this morning at 3:45. He, together with his friend, Richard Service, had been to Toronto Exhibition for the day, and the regular train being over an hour late, delayed his arrival home. Detective Sayer and Constable Thomas were waiting for him when the G.T.R. train pulled in a warrant having been issued for his arrest on a charge of manslaughter. They experienced no difficulty with Asselstine when he was placed under arrest, although he appeared to be somewhat surprised.
Asselstine is registered as being 37 years old, and an engineer by occupation. He is a member of the Salvation Army and a married man. His home was at 114 Caroline street north, where he lived with his wife and two children. He is a Canadian by birth and has been resident of Hamilton for some years coming here from this vicinity of Kingston. For the past three months he has been employed by the Crescent Oil Co., and previous to that was in the employ of the B. Greening Wire Co.
Together with Harry Smith, Joseph J. McAuliffe and Walter Scott he appeared in police court this morning and was remanded for one week.
“The jury returned a verdict against these four men amounting to manslaughter,” Crown Attorney Washington informed the magistrate, and asked for a remand of one week.
C. W. Bell, counsel for Smith, Scott and Asselstine, applied for bail for his three clients, but did not succeed in getting it.
“I am not sure that I have the authority to grant it,” replied his worship.
“I believe that you have and this is a bailable offence with which they are charged,” said Mr. Bell.
The magistrate stated that he would look the matter up.
“Then I may renew the application?” inquired the lawyer.
“Yes, and if I find it within my power, with the Crown’s consent, I may grant bail.”
“It is a very peculiar case,” commented Crown Attorney Washington.
M. J. O’Relly, K. C., counsel for McAuliffe made no application for bail.

September, 4[SUP]th[/SUP] 1917
Dr. MacRobbie Killed by Blows From One of Four Men
None of the Men in Custody Remember the Essentials.
“We, the jury, from the medical evidence in this case, find that Dr. Douglas G. MacRobbie came to his death in the Crescent Oil Company’s warehouse on the night of August 19[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917, from a fractured skull, and that the said fracture, we believe, was caused by a blow, or blows he received from some weapon, and we are of the opinion that the said blow or blows were delivered by one of four persons, namely, Harry Smith, J. J. McAuliffe, Walter Scott or Herbert Asselstine.”
“The Jury wish to express their opinion of the highly efficient way in which Detective Sayer has conducted this case.”
After being in private session for slighty over an hour, the above verdict was returned at the fifth sitting of the inquest into the death of Dr. MacRobbie. Immediately afterwards four warrants were sworn out by the Coroner McNichol, charging the three men now in custody, and Herbert Asselstine, the hostler, with causing the death of the physician, Asselstine was later put under arrest at his home on Caroline street. According to Crown Attorney Washington, the four men will likely be later charged with manslaughter and they will appear in police court before Magistrate Jelfs.
At the final session of the enquiry last night, Smith, McAuliffe and Scott, were all put on the stand and subjected to a grilling cross-examination by Crown Attorney Washington. Their evidence, however, threw little light on the tragedy, and they all admitted that they were very drunk; preceding the time when it was believed MacRobbie was killed. The feature of the sitting was that when questioned, on points bearing directly on the case, the men stated that they were so drunk that they could not clearly recollect the events, which immediately preceded the doctor’s death. Crown Attorney Washington took the prisoners to task on several occasions when they seemed to be evading his queries, or relying on their dozed condition to get past his pointed questions.
The evidence of the three men revealed a sordid tale of drunken carousal in progress at the premises of the Crescent Oil Company, during the Sunday on which Dr. MacRobbie met his death. All men agreed on the point that the dead man supplied the greater portion of the liquor, which was consumed on the fatal Sunday, but denied that they knew of any place in the neighborhood, where liquor was available.
The final session of the probe, aroused a great deal of interest, throughout the city and the courtroom was literally crowded to the doors by the officials and others engaged on the case and those who were fortunate enough to squeeze past the constables, guarding all doors leading to the room. The doors were locked before the session opened, but until long after midnight, when the jury reached their conclusion, the sidewalk and roadway in the neighborhood of the police station were thronged with spectators, anxious to hear the result of the investigation.
In summing up the evidence that had been submitted at the various sittings Coroner McNichol pointed out to the jurymen the responsibility of the task, which had been thrust upon them and urged them to base their conclusions on the evidence presented and to not permit any outside influences to have any bearing on their decision.
The surprise of the evening was the decision to arrest Herbert Asselstine. The latter’s evidence at the previous hearings was characterized by the crown as most unsatisfactory and contradictory, and it was the stated belief of the authorities that he knew more of the affair than he told, when on the stand.
Dr. Jaffrey, the city pathologist and a blood expert, testified that the stains on the wooden molding found near the scene of the crime were human blood.
Constable Ince, the ambulance driver, was called, but when asked to identify the tie and collar under Dr. MacRobbie’s body could not do so positively. McAuliffe later identified these places of evidence as being part of his wearing apparel on the night in question.
Constable Ince, driver of the police ambulance, the first witness called, said that he saw Asselstine, Fowler and Bell when called to the scene. When he came downstairs he asked Asselstine if he had seen Dr. MacRobbie before and he answered that he had not. He said the doctor could not have got in the door unless someone had opened it for him.
“Did you find a tie?” asked the crown attorney.
“Do you know whose it was?”
He identified a necktie produced by the crown as the one found underneath the body.
J. J. McAuliffe was then called and the Crown Attorney asked if C. W. Bell would object to removal of Scott and Smith.
“I should object to their removal at any time during the admission of evidence,” answered defendant’s counsel. Consequently, they remained in court during the hearing.
McAuliffe was then examined stating first how he came to know Harry Smith, in answer to the Crown Attorney’s question. It was through a business dial, pending the sale of some real state, during the last two months, since when he had seen him eight of ten times.
“How long have you known Scott?”
“About six weeks or two months.”
Witness was then asked the same question regarding Dr. MacRobbie. He said he knew him two years ago when he sold him a car, but he did not see him until the day of the tragedy.
Witness stated that he started out from his home on Saturday at noon, quite sober. He could not remember if he went to Smith’s office first. He remembered telling Bell to take his auto to Smith’s home.
“Where did you pick Bell up?”
“I don’t remember.”
“Did you ever see those three men at the Crescent Oil Company’s office together?”
“I never saw them together.”
“How did you come to see Smith on Sunday?”
“I went to get my car on Sunday morning and had to wake Bell up, when Smith came to the window.”
“Where did you go on Saturday with your car?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you go out of town?”
“How do you know?”
“Well as far as I know, I didn’t.”
“When did you come to life again?”
“In the police station.”
“Did you make any arrangements on Sunday morning for the day?”
“Smith wanted to go to his farm over the mountain, to see some cattle. Smith brought out some whiskey at the office after we went there. I think Scott and MacRobbie came in later.”
“Did you have any at the house?”
“Yes, one bottle.”
“Of whiskey?”
“No, stout.”
McAuliffe remembered Smith bringing in some whiskey which they drank together in a tumbler in the morning, between eleven and twelve o’clock, which was about the time the other men came in. He was not sure if it was then or later in the evening that Dr. MacRobbie came in with a bottle of whiskey. He remembered it by the fact that no one had a cork screw. He did not remember Bell being there.
Witness then remembered the next thing was getting gasoline in the car. He did not recollect being out at the farm yet, was told by Scott that such was the case.
“Could you drive a car like that?”
“I don’t think so.”
“I am informed that you were seen driving on the mountain that evening.”
“You must have been mistaken.”
“It was Mr. Dornan, who said so, and who said you were in his hotel. Do you remember that?
“I hear the evidence, but cannot remember being there.”
“What is the last you remember?”
“It was like a dream. I heard Dr. MacRobbie and Smith talking about having met up north then I was in the patrol.”
He did not remember if the other three men were drunk. Witness admitted that he himself got out on a spree once in a while.
“Who went upstairs with you?”
“I think we went up together.”
“Because according to the evidence we were found together.”
“Were you all friendly?”
“Surely you remember Mrs. Smith being there?”
“I do not.”
“Do you remember being asked to supper?”
“I do not.”
“Is there a time when your legs are all right and your head muddled up?”
“I don’t know.”
McAuliffe did not remember being taken downstairs or being arrested by Detective Sayer.
He admitted that it was his custom to go to Smith’s office to get something to drink, but he had never been there before with Dr. MacRobbie.
“Have you ever been in trouble before?” asked his counsel, M. J. O’Relly, K. C.
“Is that your collar and tie?” as these articles were produced, together with a shoe all of which he identified as his own. But he knew nothing of a corkscrew produced.
“You were in New York for a time?” asked the crown attorney of Walter Scott, who was next called.
“Yes.” Was the reply.
“Did you bring a woman back with you?”
“How long have you known Smith?”
About three years.”
The witness admitted that it was not business relations which brought them together. He knew Dr. MacRobbie through his connection with the Sons of Scotland. On the Sunday morning he was with a Mr. Staunton. He met the doctor on York Street and they were passing the Crescent Oil Company’s office, when they saw Smith and McAuliffe at the door and went in. Bell was also in at that time. He did not see any drinking. Smith had taken a little to drink. All were able to talk up to one o’clock, when Bell left and the rest accompanied by Mr. Staunton went out to the hotel at the corner and had some ale. Staunton left a short time after and the others went back to the Oil Company’s office. They intended going to the country in McAuliffe’s auto.
After being in the front office for about five minutes, McAuliffe and he were in a downstairs room, and Dr. MacRobbie came in to ask them to have a drink, he having a bottle of whiskey. This was after 1:30. He went out into another room and had the drink. Witness thought it was rye whiskey. All four had a drink. “It was a good shot,” said Scott.
“Let me remind you that Mrs. MacRobbie swore that her husband was home about one o’clock,” said the Crown Attorney.
“Impossible,” answered Scott, “he was with me.”
“What happened after having the drinks?”
“We went upstairs.”
“Because it was too public downstairs.”
“Nothing to sit on up there. What did you do?”
“Have another drink.”
“Yes. They were there about twenty minutes when they went back to the hotel. It was then getting on towards three o’clock. They were still talking about going into the country and were drinking ale. They went upstairs and finished the bottles contents.”
“You were all right at that time?”
“No, it was beginning to take effect on all of us. I was beginning to feel sick and came down about six o’clock. I was going home, for it seemed we were not going to the country. I went back to Dornan’s.”
“You left Smith and McAuliffe and they had not had a drink since three o’clock?”
“The bottle was finished and there was no more whiskey around.”
“A short time after he was in the hotel Smith and McAuliffe came in and after having more ale, all decided to go to the farm. It was then getting along towards seven o’clock. McAuliffe was driving the car when they started. They got out at the farm (Smith’s), at Rymal, after stopping to pick up a man. They exchanged drivers, Smith taking a turn at the wheel and managing to keep the road. Witness and McAuliffe had a little nap while waiting for Smith and the other man to get through their business. Smith drove back into the city. They came down John street and went back into Dornan’s. More ale was the order. He did not think any of the party had anything to drink while in the country.
Back to the Oil Co’s., office was the next move, where they were joined by Dr. MacRobbie somewhere around nine o’clock. He, the doctor had a bottle what appeared to be whiskey. Witness had a drink out of the bottle, which he remembered was opened without a corkscrew.
Scott declared that the doctor was not sober, apparently having been drinking considerable. At Smith’s suggestion all four went upstairs to lie down. Witness then went to sleep and his next recollection was that someone aroused him and told him the police would be there. He did not remember who shook him but he got downstairs, followed by the man, and got out through the side entrance. He then walked home, but could not remember which way. He had no recollection of how the others were sitting, but thought all were sitting on the floor. Neither could he remember at what time he went to sleep, or what time it was when he got home.
When told that Smith was seen at 10.30 on the street, Scott absolutely denied any knowledge of him leaving the building. They did nothing in the office but drink.
“Did you see Mrs. Smith?” inquired one of the jurors.
“No, I did not,” was the reply.
“Did you have any words or disagreement before going upstairs?” questioned the coroner.
“Absolutely none.”
“Can you account for Dr. MacRobbie’s injuries?” he also asked.
“Not in the least.”
“What kind of a man is Smith when he gets drunk?” asked the Crown Attorney.
“Very quiet and peaceable so far as I know.”
“And you had no quarrel at all?”
“None whatever.”
“How long have you been in the oil business?” was the first question put to Harry Smith. The answer being “about ten years.” He was asked if he knew Dr. MacRobbie before the doctor came to Hamilton and said he did not.
“Do you remember where you were on Sunday, August 19?”
“But cannot remember where you were the day before?”
Other questions were then fired at the witness but he did not remember. He did, however, remember having a bad thirst on Saturday night. He had taken some drinks that day.
“You are not a heavy drinker. I have known you for years and have never seen you drunk.”
“I carry it well.”
“But you don’t get unconscious and go driving around the country like McAuliffe?”
Witness then told how he met McAuliffe and went out to see his farm. He gave him some drinks. He himself drank the larger part of a dozen bottles of stout, giving McAuliffe some. He also had some whiskey.
He went with McAuliffe to get the Oil Company’s premises to get some gasoline. Bell went down with him. Smith found a tumbler of whiskey on the table. He did not know where it came from. It was about eleven o’clock when he got to the office and half an hour later when MacRobbie and Scott came in. between his arrival at the office and the appearance of the other two, he and McAuliffe had nothing to drink but the one tumbler of whiskey.
“When did Dr. MacRobbie leave Dornan’s hotel?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did he go back to the Oil Co?”
“I think so.”
“Did he go down to Dornan’s later?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re fibbing like McAuliffe, aren’t you?
“We were both in the same condition.”
“Did you and Scott remain in the office all afternoon?
“I think we went down to Dornan’s after one o’clock.”
Witness stated that he was upstairs having a sleep and added that he came down to open the safe at his wife’s request.
“Did you open it?”
“I have a dim recollection of doing so.”
“You remembered the numbers?”
“Pretty good for a man in the condition you pretend to be.”
“Do you remember going to Dornan’s between six and seven o’clock?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Oh, you remember that?”
“Would you have any recollection of seeing your wife in the office if you didn’t hear her in the witness box?”
“I think I would.”
In answer to Mr. Washington he said he had more than the one drink out of the tumbler between one and six o’clock.
“You told me deliberately that you hadn’t.”
“I beg your pardon, we did. Dr. MacRobbie had a bottle in his pocket and he started to treat us.”
The crown attorney pointed out that Scott had said the bottle had been opened in the morning.
“Where was the car left in the morning?” continued Mr. Washington.
“Around the front somewhere.”
“He could not tell what time the party had left for the country.
“Did you get a drink at the farm?”
“Yes, I did.”
“You didn’t offer any to the others?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Well, that’s what I call downright selfishness,” observed the crown attorney.
“Well, I needed it alright.”
Witness said he drove the car home, but could not say what time they got back. The lights were on. He then went back to Dornan’s, had some more two and one-half per cent, and went back again to the office.
“Did you see Asselstine?”
“Yes,” he said after a moment’s thought. “I think I did.”
He added he had very little recollection of the occurrence, however.
“Who were you going up Caroline street with?”
“I don’t remember, I was pretty well flurried that day.”
“yet you could drive a car.”
“Is there any place where you got a bottle of booze in that quarter?”
“Not that I know of?”
“Ever on Harriet street?”
“No; I don’t even know where it is.”
“Say, have you been telling me a lot of stuff you have heard said in the witness box?” interjected Crown Attorney Washington at this point.
“No; I’m not.”
“After going to Dornan’s when did you meet MacRobbie?”
“I think he followed me into the office.”
He stated emphatically that he could not remember what transpired at the office that night, and that his only recollection was being awakened by someone shaking him.”
“I’m rather curious to know how you got home.” Remarked Mr. Washington.
“I walked, I think.”
“So, I expected,” was the rejoinder.
“Do you remember seeing Dr. Lange or McNichol?”
“I think I saw Mr. Sayer’s moustache,” replied the prisoner amidst laughter.
“Do you remember when you last saw Dr. MacRobbie alive?”
“I think it was in the afternoon.”
“What time?”
“I don’t remember.”
He again stated he had no recollection of what took place in the office.
“I was dazed,” he added.
“Well, these dazed businesses don’t go with me,” shot back the Crown Attorney. “In the important matters, you do not seem to have a very good recollection, but in the unimportant matter you have a line memory.”
“Have you any idea what happened to MacRobbie?”
“No, I haven’t, whatsoever,” was the reply.

Dr. Jaffrey, city bacteriologist, said he was an expert on blood.
“Did you test the stains on the billet of wood?”
“Yes; I found it to be blood.”
In answer to Mr. Bell, he stated the tests were made by a heat and chemical process.
“They were all spatters, the expert added, “but one might be called the main part of a smear.”
The analysis, he said was made between four and six o’clock, yesterday.”
In his address to the jury, Coroner McNichol impressed upon them the seriousness of the duty they were sworn to perform. The evidence, he said, showed a slight diversion in the statements of Mrs. MacRobbie said her husband came home about 12 o’clock, Scott declared he was with him until after 1 o’clock.
Coroner McNichol pointed out again that all four men were at the Crescent Oil Company’s office on the night of the tragedy.
“Mrs. Powis evidence was given in a straightforward manner, but it has not been corroborated,” said the Coroner.
In touching upon Asselstine’s evidence, he stated he could not fully understand why he (Asselstine) did not wake Smith up on finding MacRobbie’s body.
“This is a feature of the case which seems unusual,” he added. “Asselstine told Dornan that all four men were upstairs dead drunk. The question that comes to my mind is how did he know this if he was not up there before.
“According to the medical evidence, MacRobbie had two cuts in his head,” proceeded Dr. McNichol. “One wound could have been cause by a fall on the floor, which could have also caused a second wound.”
The nature of the wound showed this to be unlikely the Coroner said. The evidence of the medical men showed that it was almost impossible to receive the wounds by a fall, and that the wound could have been caused by him being struck with two blows with the piece of moulding now in the hands of the police.
“The doctors have taken nothing for granted without being thoroughly satisfied in their own minds,” remarked Coroner McNichol. “We have the evidence of Detective Sayer and the doctor to show that the location of the iron bars was marked by the trail of blood stains, and they could not have been moved without being noticed.
The coroner in touching upon the evidence upon this evidence of the three prisoners said the minds of all three men seemed to become a blank just at the time Dr. MacRobbie received his injuries.
“It has been proven that these three men were with the doctor at nine o’clock and when his body was found,” he said. “There is no evidence to show that anyone else was there during that time.”
September 11[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Doctor Firmly Convinced Injuries Were Not Cause by a Fall
Blow That Would Have Been Two-Base Hit or Home Run in Baseball
After hearing the medical testimony of Drs. M. H. Langs and J. R. Parry, Magistrate Jelfs yesterday afternoon committed Herbert Asselstine, Walter Scott, J. J. McAuliffe and Harry Smith for trial on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of Dr. MacRobbie. Both doctors reaffirmed their belief that the deceased doctor could not have received the wounds which caused his death by falling, but that they must have been inflicted with some blunt instrument. The piece of moulding bearing the blood stains revealed nothing, as, examined for finger prints, the wood was too hard and dry.
Detective Sayer was the first witness called. He gave similar evidence to that submitted at the inquest.
“When you went upstairs did you notice anything against which a man might slip and then knock his head against,” queried the magistrate.
“I did not see anything.”
“Has that been examined for finger prints?” asked M. J. O’Relly, indicating the piece of blood-stained moulding of bushing.
“It has.”
“What was the result?”
“The wood was too hard and dry to obtain any result.”
Dr. Langs described the nature of the wounds after he found the body of Dr. MacRobbie.
He again stated that the wounds on the head could not have been caused by one blow or by falling on the floor. The imprint on the membrane was that of a rounded object.
“He could not get them by a fall?”
“Not unless he fell fifteen or twenty feet.”
“Would he have got them then?”
“Not unless he had fallen twice.”
The doctor was emphatic that the wounds could not be caused by an accident “I saw a man knocked forty feet by a train, hit a telegraph pole and then not have as bad a fracture. With a baseball bat, I think this would have been between a two-base hit and a home run.”
“It was a home run for poor Mac,” muttered Mr. Bell.
Dr. Langs continued by saying that, had the doctor fallen, the fractures would have been at a different angle. “One blow was probably struck with his head jammed on the floor,” he declared.
“A blow on the right side will cause a fracture on the left sometimes?” inquired M. J. O’Relly.
“That sometimes happens.”
“But in this case there was an open, gaping wound where the fracture was?
“Did you find anything on the left side?”
“Nothing but that his face had been in contact with the floor.”
“Who was at the autopsy besides yourself and Dr. Parry?”
“I think Drs. MacLoghlin and McIlwraith.”
“You did not make out your report the same day?”
“I took the notes there and made the report out later.”
“Who suggested you exhuming the body?”
“I think it was the coroner.”
“I thought so.”
“You said that for several days you thought it was an accident?”
“I did almost until the time of the inquest.”
“Who suggested about going to the slaughter house?”
“I did. I wanted to see about the blood clotting.”
“Would you dispute a doctor who would say that about sixty percent of fractured skull are due to falls?”
“I would not want to say it was not correct.”
“Did you think the experiment of the cattle was a good comparison?”
“Yes, a rough one.”
“A pretty rough one, indeed! Did you expect to see the cattle fall much the same as a man?”
Dr. J. R. Parry was then called. He also thought two blows had been struck, but whether standing, sitting or lying down he would not say. Asked why the body was exhumed, he explained it was because he was undecided about the wound going through the pericranium.
“Could he have fallen and got those wounds?”
“He could have fallen and got wounds, but not those wounds.”
“It is those wounds we are talking about,” said the Crown-
Dr. Jaffrey was called and testified that it was human blood on the moulding.
“As I said this morning I do not think there is sufficient evidence to hold these men,” contended C. W. Bell.
“Well, I am going to send the case up,” answered the Magistrate, and the prisoners were marched off another stage of their journey.
It is the intention of counsel to seek bail through the county judge.

November 14[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Manslaughter Trial Opened at the Assize Court This Morning
All Four of the Accused Men Pleaded Not Guilty to the Charge
Early this morning Thomas Battle, K.C., of Niagara Falls, Crown prosecutor in the MacRobbie case, was bustily engaged in setting the stage for the trial of J. J. McAuliffe, Walter Scott, H. L. Asselstine and Harry Smith, on a charge of manslaughter in connection with the death of Dr. Douglas G. MacRobbie, whose body was discovered in the upper room of the Crescent Oil Company’s building, Cannon street west, about the midnight of Sunday, Aug. 19[SUP]th[/SUP].
The public are well aware of the details of the tragedy which profoundly stirred the city. With the assistance of Harry Sayer, the detective who is responsible for the gathering of all the evidence to date, the court room was laid out as nearly as possible as the actual scene where the body was found. The iron bars were placed on the floor beside the old desk which served the employees of the Crescent Oil Company for clerical purposes in that upper room, the bars being the ones upon which the head of Dr. MacRobbie rested when the doctors were called to the scene about two hours after he was found by Asselstine, the hostler of the company.
The jury empaneled were: S. F. Mellan, Peter Murray, Harry J. Miller, Wm. Kidd, Georgge Kent, Thomas Lottridge, Victor Shaver, Ernest Ridder, Benjamin Lewis, John Lawry and Harvey.
The accused were brought into the prisoner’s dock, where they were charged with the crime of having been responsible for the death of Dr. Douglas G. MacRobbie, Col. Gwyn, clerk, reading the charge. All of the men answered firmly “Not guilty.”
Thomas Battle, the prosecuting attorney, addressed the jury, reminding them that a man meets his death under four distinct conditions: Naturally, suicide, accidentally or by the hand of another, which is called homicide. It was their duty to find how the victim came to his death.
A description of the movements of the men was given by the prosecuting attorney, after which the first witness, Wm. Perrie, a surveyor, was called. Mr. Perrie stated he had been called into the case by Crown Attorney Washington to make exact measurements of the pools of blood and supposed position of the body.
Early in the proceedings it was evident that a keen legal battle would rage. C. W. Bell, acting for Walter Scott, objected to a question of the possibility of the dead man’s head having struck on the iron bars, as they were laid out in the court room according to the blue prints drawn by witness. The question concerned the relation of blood spots in the inner office. It was stated by the witness that it was impossible for the blood to have spurted from the wound in the head of the victim to the inner room. As the statements were bases largely on supposition, C.W. Bell objected, and was sustained.
M. J. O’Relly, K. C. for McAuliffe, asked witness when he had made the drawings, and was told it was the Tuesday following the tragedy.
Witness also told the jury that he had only laid out the court room exhibit from the position he had found the materials, which might have been rearranged since the death of the doctor.
Fred Staunton, 173 York street, was the next witness called saying he had made an appointment with Scott on the Sunday morning of the death of Dr. MacRobbie, and met him in his shop on York street. They had taken a walk up York street to Caroline, thence to Cannon. They met Dr. MacRobbie during this walk, who accompanied them as far as the Crescent Oil Co office, when they were attracted by a new auto, Mr. Smith’s which was standing outside of the building. Dr. MacRobbie went inside, later calling the witness and Scott. All talked for a while then dispersed. Witness said that Dr. MacRobbie looked as if he had been drinking, judging from his flushed face. Scott and witness went into the Royal Oak Hotel, and had a few drinks of 2 ½ percent, ale.
A. G. Slaight, of Simcoe, who acted for Harry Smith, asked the witness if he thought Dr. MacRobbie was drunk, receiving the reply that the doctor was not what one might be called drunk, but was not sober, either.
E. Theobald, barber, on York street, also testified that he had met the doctor on that Sunday morning; had passed the time of day with him, and had not noticed that the doctor was under the influence of liquor.
Herbert Dornan of the Royal Oak Hotel, corner of Bay and Cannon streets, said that Smith, Scott and McAuliffe called at his hotel that morning about 11 o’clock, and that in his estimation they were all sober. They again came in about 0 o’clock and were all talkatively drunk at the 0 o’clock visit. Dr. MacRobbie joined the men in the hotel later. He was sober. Only 2 ½ percent beer or ale was drunk.
Harry Bell, an employee of the Crescent Oil Co., who resides with Harry Smith in the home of the later, was next called.
Bell stated that Mr. McAuliffe had called at the Smith residence at about 11am of the fatal Sunday. The three men, Bell, McAuliffe’s machine. Conversation centered around the Winona farm of Smith’s.
Bell left the office about 12:30 or 1 pm. He would not say either Smith or McAuliffe was drunk. The next thing Bell knew about the men was when he was called up by Asselstine at about twelve o’clock midnight. He had walked down to the office, finding Eddie Dornan and Asselstine outside. Dornan sad that someone was hurt upstairs, and thought it was Dr. MacRobbie. Together the three went up the stairs the first thing he (Bell) observed was the body of McAuliffe, who was lying asleep on the floor. He then saw Dr. MacRobbie, went over to him, felt his pulse, then was rather startled by the victim groaning and rolling from his original position on the right side to his back.
Dornan suggested getting the doctor, Bell going for Dr. Langs, according to witness, arrived at about one o’clock. The fingers of the right hand of Dr. MacRobbie held a half-smoked cigarette and the head was a short distance from the bars, not on them. The distance was not over an inch or an inch and a half from the bars. If the doctor’s body had been rolled back he thought the head would have rested on the bars. Witness stated that both Smith and McAuliffe were also lying there asleep.
Witness stated that Harry Smith had been drinking the Saturday night before the tragedy. He, Bell, had gone to Smith’s house, bringing him back to the scene at the instance of Detective Sayer. He had found Smith partially dresses in bed and very drunk.
Under cross-examination of C. W. Bell, the witness stated that they had entered the building by the side, back door. Mr. Bell pointed out that this entrance was accessible from two directions and that anyone could have entered the building from one street and left by another.
Dr. M. H. Langs swore that he had arrived on the scene at 12:45 or 1 o’clock on the night between Sunday and Monday. Bell had taken him to the oil company’s premises in an automobile. He found Dr. MacRobbie on his back of the floor, his right hand extended, his left on his chest. The head did not rest on the iron bars, and he could and did have occasion to place his fingers between the iron bars and the head of the victim, showing that the head was no on the bars.
In the opinion of Dr. Langs, the head had rested in but one pool of blood, the subsequent pools being the result of the flow of blood in pool. N° 1 signified that the first blood was spilled there. The blood in the second and third pools was more watery, indicating that the blood had trickled from pool N° 1 to the others.
A description of the wounds followed, being two in number, one 2 ½ inches on left side above the ear on the back of the scalp. The skull was fractured four inches above the ear and one inch behind it. The fracture extended two-thirds of the way around the skull, from the left side at the back, around the left side and across the eyes. This fracture was probably the cause of the discoloring of the eyes.
There was also a scratch on the neck on the right side, one-sixteenth of an inch wide, and three-eighths of an inch long. There was also a scratch on the left side, which might have been inflicted while shaving. The first mark, witness considered, might have been caused by a thumb of finger nail. The examination also showed a blood-clot of about 3-4 of an ounce. The wounds, in the opinion of Dr. Langs, could not have been caused by the fall on the iron bars, but were more of a nature caused by a heavy blow from some blunt instrument. Witness was persistent in the statement that the fracture could not have been caused by the fall. If the fall had been of such a nature to cause the wounds, the body would have been precipitated endways onto the bars, according to the position of the wounds in the back of the skull. As to the pulley grip, or half-round piece of wood which was exhibited, with the blood stains upon it, and which was thought to have been the instrument when the body was found. Dr. Langs stated that he did not think that it would be possible for the tile wound to have been caused by this instrument.
A. G. Slaight cross-examined the witness severely as to why the body had been exhumed after the first examination, and elicited the information that there had been so dispute as to the extent of the wounds. He also admitted that he had not been impressed by the extent of the wounds at the time that there was any suspicious circumstances surrounding the affair until afterwards. He accepted the statement of those who were present and had called him to the scene that the death of Dr. MacRobbie had been accidental, but when the talk of foul play was started, he took further notice of the extent of the wounds.
Although provision had been made in front of the jurors to demonstrate by a living person the actual position of the body when found, it was not permitted by the court, Justice Latchford considering it unnecessary much to the evident disappointment of Crown Prosecutor Battle.
The court adjourned for lunch at 1 o’clock, the jury being conducted to a hotel for dinner, after being strictly charged by the court as to that there had been some dispute as to their deportment in the matter of discussing the case in hand or separating one from another.
The attorneys interested in the case are: C.W. Bell for Walter Scott; M. J. O’Relly, K.C. for McAuliffe; A. G. Slaight, Simcoe, for Harry Smith and J. J. Hunt for H. L. Asselstine.
November 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917.
Verdict by Direction of Court Not Guilty on Manslaughter Charge
Justice Latchford Lectured Men Severely on Evils of Strong Drink
The trial at the Supreme Court came to an abrupt ending about 9:30 last night, when Justice Latchford, at the close of the crown’s case. Automatically took them out of the hands of the Jury. “Verdict by direction of the court-not guilty.” The jurors were simply asked to concur or agree to this verdict, which they did after being summoned from the back room where they had been sent while the judge and the crown prosecutor discussed the legal aspect of the evidence stablished by him.
As soon as the jury retired, the judge said “What evidence is there against Asselstine?”
“No direct evidence, my lord,” replied Crown Prosecutor Battle.
“Then Asselstine is discharged,” said the judge and the talkative ex-janitor of the Crescent Oil company made hasty to get outside of the prisoner’s case.
“What about McAuliffe?” said the judge.
“I do not propose in separate the other three men. I will not take the responsibility of saying what evidence there is for the Jury in consider. Your worship may do so,” was Mr. Battle’s rejoinder.
This discussion went on while the Jury was offside of the courtroom. The members were then called back and his lordship delivered himself as follows: “In my opinion there is no evidence to justify any jury to find that these three men, or any one of them had committed any crime, if a crime was committed. There is no evidence proper to go before you for consideration. The judge then had the clerk read over the endorsement of not guilty, and the jury was discharged. His lordship then directed the three remaining prisoners at the bar-Smith McAuliffe and Scott- to stand up and he gave them a real temperance lecture “To you three men I wish to say a word of advice,” he said, “if advice is needed after the experience of last august and after your experience today before the bar of justice. Your position is clearly due to your fondness for liquor; a most discreditable weakness. If you expect to hold the position in the community that your appearance and seeming intelligence justifies, you must decide now to never drink another drop of intoxicating liquor for fear that you again fall away into the beasty stain you were found in that Sunday night. The only safe course is for you to never again to indulge. You are discharged.”
Friends of the three men gathered around them and shook their hands and the end came to the judicial investigation into the untimely end of the late Dr. D. G. MacRobbie.

Dr. Langs was on the witness stand five the first hour of the afternoon counsel, undergoing crisis-examination at the hands of counsel for each of this four refused.
“Why do you think that this club was used?” asked Mr. Flight.
“Because there was blood on the end of it,” replied Dr. Langs.
“No other reason?” Answer “No.”
C. W. Bell then took the witness in hand his opening question being in reward in the fact that there were strong traces of alcohol in the doctor’s body. The doctor said that the stomach, when he after he smelled it, be sent away to an analyst smelled strongly of liquor.
To Asselstine counsel, Dr. Langs said that drunken seldom fall backward. They usually go forward and go down very lightly. In his opinion, the doctor had been struck an hour or two before he was called, judging by the state of the congealed blood.
Dr. Jaffrey, city bacteriologist, told of the making examination of knots on the floor in the office and he said these were of blood. A test of the stains on the club found near the body of Dr. MacRobbie showed that they were of blood also. Witness was shown many items in the office in question including bars, belting and other office material.and Detective Sayer had shown him the relative position of the bars and other things in the office. From the position of a pile of hefting of some other matter, it would be impossible for the blood to have spattered in the way it did from MacRobbie’s head had he fallen on the steel bars found near the body. The blood spatters were in a straight line.
Dr. J. K. Perry, who made the post-mortem along with Dr. Langs, said the only way that MacRobbie could have sustained the two injuries from a fall was for him to fall twice. One fall could not have produced the two wounds found in his head. He agreed with Dr. Langs in most particulars, but differed with him in the opinion that the deceased must have received the blows lying down. He must have got them in a standing position but it wasn’t likely. He thought MacRobbie was struck twice while lying on the floor.
Dr. McNichol, the coroner in the case, said when he arrived at the office there were two pools of blood, the first one being where MacRobbie’s head was laid and the second one some distance away, where his head later rested. He arrived around one o’clock in the morning and he concluded from the examination made that the first pool was about two hours old. In considering the wounds floor, her and other things he decided that the death was not due to accidental cases, but he had not reached a conclusion at the time he ordered an inquest. The reason he ordered an inquest was he thought an investigation should be held. He arrived at the conclusion of foul play gradually. He said the wounds such as MacRobbie’s head showed could not have been made by falling on the steel bar lying near his body. The wounds, he said, were known in surgery as a bursting fracture. In his opinion, MacRobbie had been struck twice while prone on the floor. The blood marked club was shown on him and he declared that it was the kind of a weapon to produce the wounds found on MacRobbie’s head. He said he questioned Smith at the office and Smith appeared to comprehend his queries.
Cross-examined the coroner said he didn’t agree with Detective Sayer when the officer testified that Smith was too muddled to understand his question. “It is a matter of two opinions” said the coroner, “and my opinion is that Smith knows what he was saying in reply to my questions.”
Eddie Dornan of the Royal Oak Hotel told of the visit of McAuliffe, Scott and Smith to the hotel about 7 o’clock on the Sunday night of the fatality. They were all pretty jolty and took aware. McAuliffe said that they were all going on to Smith’s farm and insisted that Dornan go along, too. Dornan told him he had an appointment at the beach that night and slipped away from there. He saw McAuliffe crank he car, and the party proceeded up Bay street from Cannon street. When witness returned from the beach about 11 o’clock he saw McAuliffe’s car in front of the oil company’s office. He went over to see if McAuliffe was about; and Asselstine said there were four men upstairs. Asselstine called him and Hynes who was with him, to go upstairs to see what shape the men were in. when they went in, he recognized Smith, Scott and McAuliffe sleeping on the floor. Another man he did not recognized was on the floor in a pool of blood. Asselstine touched the man’s head and noticed blood. Witness told Asselstine to telephone for Harry Bell and a doctor and he went to his hotel to get a pluck of ice. When he and Hynes returned with the ice, Bell was coming down the street in his auto. Hynes carried up the chunk of ice, followed by Bell. Witness stayed downstairs and saw Scott down there, stumbling about the office. He didn’t go upstairs and waited for some time and never saw the ice again, he didn’t know what was done with it. Dornan said that when Asselstine touched the doctor’s head, the head was one or two inches from the steel bars. He picked the head on the floor gentley and no blood could have been spattered. Witness said Bell mentioned of seeing Asselstine go to the side door of the oil company about 11 o’clock and saying “if you don’t stop the noise in there, I’ll stop it”. Later he helped Asselstine to move McAuliffe’s car from the street to the alley on the company’s property, and Asselstine made no reference to the noise in the office earlier.
Mrs. L. Baker and her son George Baker, Barton Street, swore they hear a cry from the building of the oil company as they passed about 11:10
Mrs. Mary Powis, Caroline Street arose from her bed about 11 o’clock to feed her baby. Shortly afterwards she heard three cries for help. She thought they came from the direction of the oil company’s office.
Richard Servor, Harriet street, admitted having given Dr. MacRobbie a quart bottle of whiskey on the Sunday night of the tragedy, about 9.30 or 10 o’clock. He said the doctor and Smith came to his come and asked for some whiskey. Dr. MacRobbie was his family physician, so he gave it to him. The doctor, he said, was sober but that Smith appeared to be under the influence of liquor. He was the last witness to see the Dr. alive and physically unharmed.
This was the last witness called at the afternoon session, the court adjoining at 6:00 o’clock till 8PM.
The first witness at the evening sitting was Benjamin Fowler, an employee of the Crescent Oil Company, who told of being notified of the trouble at the office by Harry Bell, who called at his house with an auto. When he arrived at the office he found Smith and McAuliffe dead drunk on the floor. The doctor went to MacRobbie’s side, and he shook the sleeping men. With difficulty, he awoke them. He took them to the wash room to give them a drink of water. Smith having taken it and vomited he then took Smith outside and later he learned Smith had been taken home. At the request of the detective he and Bell went to Smith’s house to get Smith.
To Smith’s counsel, Fowler said that Smith was very drunk at the time he found him at the office and he was dazed when he got him at his house some time after the trouble.
Constable Ince, Devey Hill and Arnol gave unimportant testimony in the developments at the office subsequent to the arrival of Detective Sayer.
Detective Sayer said that when he arrived at the building, Fowler, Bell and Asselstine were in the downstairs back office and Dr. Langs and Dr. McNichol were upstairs with the body of MacRobbie. Not one of the other accused even were to be seen. Asselstine took him to McAuliffe who was in the yard asleep with only one shoe on. Asselstine said he had taken McAuliffe from the office for safekeeping. Smith later appeared on the scene and seemed so so very dopey. Dr. McNichol questioned Smith on to when he had have seen MacRobbie, Smith at first said 6:30.
And later Smith said “Maybe it was 8:30” Witness then told of going to Scott’s house and arresting Scott who was also suffering from excessive drinking. Asselstine was not arrested till about two weeks later.
This detective then produced a grin full of exhibits which had been taken from the death chamber. One was a coat, which Smith said was his. A collar marked “J. J. M.” and an odd shoe. While the witness was producing other articles, the judge asked sharply “What have these thing to do with the case?” and the crown prosecutor called for a more exhibits from the suit case. The detective found some more empty whiskey bottles in Asselstine’s yard next to the company’s building and Asselstine said that they had been thrown over his fence during the previous night.
The detective identified the blood-stained molding produced and said it was on a box near Dr. MacRobbie’s body. He had examined the steel bars under a powerful magnifying glass for traces of hair but he didn’t find any. On one of the bars there was a blood smear.
The crown prosecutor then asked the witness concerning a question asked by counsel for one of the prisoners to the effect that Dr. McNichol told him not to take the steel bars into the grand jury room and the detective said the statement was a falsehood.
“Dr. McNichol didn’t make any such statement” he declared holly.
This sided the crowning case and the judge asked the jurors to retire while the legal aspect of the evidence was discussed. The discharge of the prisoners followed, as told about in the early part of this report.
August 20th, 1917
Local Physician Passed Away Shortly Afterwards Without Recovering Consciousness – Wounds in the Back of the Head and Other Peculiar Circumstances Cause Police to Start an Investigation
Three Well Known Local Men, Harry Smith, Walter Scott and Joseph McAuliffe, Arrested on Nominal Charge of Vagrancy – Are Said to Have Been In the Doctor’s Company During Yesterday
*PICTURE* DR. D. G. MACROBBIE – Local physician whose death under unusual circumstances is being investigated by the police.
In a pool of his own blood; which was spattered over everything within a radius of three feet of his body, Dr. D. G. MacRobbie, 56 North Hess street, was found in a dying condition in an upstairs storeroom or stockroom in the Crescent Oil company’s building on the north side of Cannon street, near Caroline street, about 10:30 o’clock last night. He died shortly afterwards without regaining consciousness. Three prominent local men – Harry Smith, 187 West Jackson street, manager of the Crescent Oil company; J. J. McAuliffe, real estate agent, 8 North John street, and Walter Scott, architect, 419 North Bay street – were arrested during the night by Detective Harry Sayer in connection with the case. This morning these three men were arraigned on a nominal charge of vagrancy and remanded for a week, bail being refused.
Herbert L. Asselstine, watchman and stableman for the Crescent Oil company, found the body about 10:30 o’clock last night, according to his own statement, but it was not until about 1 o’clock, more than two hours later, before the police were notified. Asselstine, who lives next door to the Oil company’s office, told the police that when he went out to feed the horses about 10:30 o’clock he noticed lights burning in the building, and thinking that something was wrong, entered by the side door, which was open, to investigate. According to the first story which the police say Asselstine told them, he found Walter Scott asleep in the office with the lights turned on and Smith and McAuliffe asleep on a pile of big iron stop-*advertiser censored*, such as are used on oil and gas pipe lines upstairs, within a few feet of Dr. MacRobbie, who was lying on the floor with blood oozing from a wound in the back of his head. This morning Asselstine, who was plainly much excited by his experiences of last night, stated that his attention was drawn by the light up stairs and that he found all three men sleeping on the pile of stop-*advertiser censored*. Asselstine insists that Dr. MacRobbie was still breathing but unconscious when he found him, but according to Dr. H. M. Langs, 255-7 East Main street, who was the first medical man on the scene, the doctor’s skull was fractured and he was quite dead when he (the doctor) arrived, immediately upon being summoned over half an hour after the body was found.

Asselstine explained the lapse of over two hours between the time he found the body and hour at which he called the police by stating that he first called called Harry Bell, who lives at the home of Harry Smith, and Bell in turn, summoned Benjamin Fowler, a salesman of the company living at 267 West King street. Fowler called Dr. Langs who in turn summoned Coroner McNichol. Then, and not until then, which was about 1 o’clock this morning, the police were notified. Asselstine, who called the station, said that there had been an injury, so the police ambulance was sent out. When the driver, Constable Ince, heard the facts of the case he summoned assistance, but in the meantime Dr. Langs had put in a call to the police. Detective Sayer went out into the yard behind the oil company’s office and arrested McAuliffe, who was found, according to the police, lying on the ground in a drunken sleep with one shoe and his collar off. The patrol wagon was then sent to the homes of Smith and Scott, who had gone before the doctors arrived, and they were brought to the scene of the tragedy, arrested and sent to the police station.
According to Asselstine he found the doctor’s still breathing body lying on its back of the floor of a large stock or store room near a door leading into a smaller stock room at the front of the building. The head was resting on a long, sharp-edged iron bar, which may have inflicted the ugly gash and fractured the skull, causing death. There was a pool of clotted blood under the head and blood spattered on the floor for a distance of three feet around his head. Drops of blood were found on the body and seat of a buggy three feet above where the head was resting. There was a smear of blood, such as might have been made by bloody fingers, on the buggy body two feet above the head. There were also bloodstains on the walls.
This was the position and condition in which the body and its surroundings were found when the doctors arrived, and it was unchanged when the police reached the scene.
A piece of curved wood about three feet long and hollowed out like a mold was found with what are thought to be blood spots on it in a pile of other such pieces on a shelf about four feet and behind where the doctor’s head was resting. This, according to the police, might have been used as a lethal weapon to cause the wound. Mr. Smith’s straw hat was found in a box near the body.
It is possible, according to the police that Dr. MacRobbie fell backwards and struck his head on the iron bar, on which his head was resting when found, but they cannot account for his right eye being discolored or for the blood on the buggy and walls. However, the officers have as yet advanced no theory as to how the doctor came to his death.
Some splotches of dried blood were found on the floor near where the doctor’s hip was resting. The fact that this blood was dry indicates, according to the police, that he had received the wound some time before the body was found by Asselstine.
When Scott was taken to the scene of the tragedy from his home shortly after, he was according to the police, in an intoxicated condition, but Smith is said to have been apparently quite sober when arrested. McAuliffe also showed unmistakable signs of having been drinking.
In arguing against C. W. Bell’s request for bail for his clients, Smith, Scott and McAuliffe, when they were arraigned in police court this morning on the nominal charge of vagrancy, Crown Attorney Washington stated that the present indications were that Dr. MacRobbie had been murdered, and therefore, since these three men had been in the company of the deceased a short time before his death, there might be a much more serious charge lodged against them, and they should be held without bail pending further investigations, which might show that the tragedy was simply an accident. Magistrate Jelfs accepted this view of the case, despite Mr. Bell’s eloquent plea for bail and remanded the prisoners for a week, stating that if in the meantime it was proved that the doctor’s death was due to an accident, he would have the prisoners brought before him again and released.
Last night Detective Sayer searched the prisoner and the premises where the body was found for signs of a possible weapon or liquor, but found no trace of either beyond the piece of wood mentioned above. This morning he made another thorough search of the place, but no new evidence was found.
The three men being held in connection with the case, although the only charge against them is vagrancy, are all prominent citizens. Harry Smith has for some time been the local manager for the Crescent Oil Company and as such has had considerable dealings with the city and most of Hamilton’s large manufacturing concerns. Walter Scott is a well-known architect. He learned his profession here and then went to New York, where he practiced successfully for a number of years. Returning to Hamilton a few years ago, he had charge of the modeling of the Lister chambers and other important works. Joseph McAuliffe is a prominent real estate agent. His home is on the Aberdeen Avenue, but his office is at 8 ½ North John Street. He is an active worker in the Knights of Columbus.
According to Coroner McNichol, it was 1 o’clock this morning before he was summoned. When he arrived Dr. Langs, who had arrived at 12:30 o’clock, and Asselstine were on the scene, but the three men now being held were nowhere in evidence. Coroner McNichol stated today that Harry Smith told conflicting and very unsatisfactory stories when brought back to the office and questioned. First, according to the doctor, Smith said that he had not seen Dr. MacRobbie after 6 o’clock, and then stated that he had not seen him after 8 o’clock, which was the hour when, according to Mrs. MacRobbie, the deceased left home after having been treating patients right up to that time. Several people claim to have seen Smith, Scott and McAuliffe in an auto riding around on the mountain about 6 o’clock last evening.
At noon today Coroner McNichol’s jury viewed the remains at the city hospital and examined the scene of the tragedy and then adjourned to hold an inquest at Central police station on Thursday night at 8 o’clock. In the meantime, until the place has been thoroughly searched, the office of the oil company has been locked up and is guarded by Constable Arnold
For the past ten years the late Dr. MacRobbie had practiced his profession in this city, recently moving his office and home from the old stand at 209 York street to 56 North Hess street, where he left a wife and two children to grieve over his untimely demise in the prime of life, for the doctor was only 42 years of age. Dr. MacRobbie was well and favorably known among his fellow members in the medical profession, who had honored him with the secretary ship of the local Medical association, a position which he held at the time of his death.
Dr. MacRobbie was educated at Toronto University, from which he graduated with his full degree in medicine in 1896, taking a post-graduate course in Trinity College, from which he graduated in 1899. He took up the practice of medicine in Victoria Harbor, when he remained for six years before coming to Hamilton.
His aged father, Rev. Dr. MacRobbie, of Tansley, near Milton, who came to Hamilton this morning, is nearly prostrated by the tragedy. One sister, Mrs. Garrett, lives on St. Clair Avenue, Toronto.
According to local medical men, Dr. MacRobbie was one of the best educated men in his profession in the city, being the only doctor in Hamilton with an M.A. degree.

August 22[SUP]nd[/SUP], 1917
But Veil of Mystery Still Hangs Over the Circumstances Leading Up To The Tragic Death of Dr. D. G. MacRobbie On Sunday Night
Police Have Names of Two Men Who Called at Office to See Harry Smith, Their Visit Resulting in the Discovery of the Tragedy
Several new clues, which are regarded as having a most important bearing on the case, have been unearthed in the police investigation of the mysterious death of Dr. D. G. MacRobbie in a storeroom over the Crescent Oil Company’s office on West Cannon street Sunday night.
Herbert Asselstine, the night watchman, who claims that he found the doctor in an unconscious condition at 10.30 o’clock, has made a statement to the police to the effect that two men called for Smith that night, and that is was when he took these men upstairs to see Smith that he discovered the doctor’s body and the three men lying asleep on a pile of valves. The two men who called to see Smith are known to the police and will appear at the inquest tomorrow evening to give testimony. The fact that Asselstine took the men upstairs to see Smith is proof according to the police, that Asselstine knew the whereabouts of Smith, at least, if not of the others, some time prior to the tragedy.
This is a contradiction of Asselstine’s first statement to the police that he was returning from an auto ride in the country with his wife, and seeing unusual illumination in the building, decided to investigate, thereby making the horrible discovery.
Asselstine explains the finding by the police of McAuliffe asleep in the yard behind the building by stating that McAuliffe was so drunk that he (Asselstine) took him out in the yard and laid him down.
Local doctors are taking a great interest in the case and doing everything in their power to help solve the mystery surrounding the death of Dr. MacRobbie, who was very popular in his profession. In order to test the truth of Asselstine’s statement that he found the body lying on its right side (it was lying on its back when the first medical man, Dr. Langs, arrived), Dr. Langs and Dr. Parry this morning poured water on the blood stains on the floor, where the doctor’s head was resting, to discover if the water would run in the same direction as the stains. These tests indicated that the victim’s head had rested in two different positions for some considerable time, as the two larger stains were separate.
Tests were made to ascertain whether the blood spots on the floor for a distance of more than three feet around the body and more than four feet above, could have been spattered there by the victim attempting to rise from the floor and falling back. Striking the pools of blood with his hand and head. Dr. Langs demonstrated that this would have been quite possible.

A new blood spot has been found, this one on a window about six feet behind the position where the doctor’s head was lying. According to Drs. Parry and Langs the smear of blood found on the buggy box might have been made by the doctor’s fingers as he attempted to rise from the floor. The spots of blood found on the floor close to where the doctor’s hip was resting are supposed to have dripped from the victim’s hand, which he had evidently put to his head when he received the wound.
According to Constable Arnold, who guarded the scene of the tragedy on Monday, the doctor’s collar was ripped open without being unfastened, and there were marks of two hands on his neck, which may have been made by the doctor himself. The victim’s neck-tie was torn in two and a piece of it is said to have been found under him.
Yesterday a broken bottle with a fresh Scotch whisky label on it was found in the yard underneath the lavatory window and three bottles - one of them evidently freshly emptied whisky bottle, another that had been empty for some time and an empty soda-water bottle were found in the lavatory. This morning another recently-used whisky bottle was found hidden in the room where the body was found. Upstairs in the attic behind a pile of wooden pulleys, four packing covers, such as are used to protect the bottles shipped in cases, were found.
In the lavatory of the building (the place had been built and used for a residence before it was transformed into an office) there were two pairs of ladies’ slippers, a lady’s coat, and a powder puff, but no importance is attached to the presence of these feminine articles as lady clerks were employed in the office.

August 24[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
William Hynes Says It Was After Midnight Before He and Dornan Visited Crescent Oil Company’s Offices – Did Not Go Upstairs
Last Night’s Session of the Inquest Added to the Mystery Surrounding Death of Dr. MacRobbie – Case Has May Peculiar Features
That the police still have much hard work ahead of them (unless they have a card or two up their sleeves that they have not yet played) in order to clear up the mystery surrounding the tragic death of Dr. MacRobbie was indicated by the evidence given at the preliminary session of the inquest last night. Neither the police nor coroner made any bones about the fact that they were far from satisfied with the evidence as Asselstine and Bell, two employees of the Crescent Oil company, who were among the first to know of the tragedy and the first on the scene. Both witnesses were warned that they would probably be recalled before the conclusion of the inquest, and they were advised to refresh their memories in the meantime. As matters now stand, so far as the public is concerned, last night's session of the inquest tended to deepen rather than clear away the mystery
If they are depending on the evidence of Eddie Dornan and “Bill” Hynes, the two men who are said to have entered the building with Asselstine, to clear matters up, the authorities are likely to meet with grievous disappointment. When seen this morning Dorian would not say plainly what his evidence was likely to be, but hinted that is would not differ materially from that given by Asselstine and Bell last night. Hynes was also non-communicative to newspaper men, but has already told his story to several of his friends, and it is calculated to add greater confusion to the case, in that it will contradict the story of Asselstine in several important particulars
“If I am called as a witness I will have to contradict Asselstine regarding the time the tragedy was discovered,” said Hynes this morning. “He says it was about half-past eleven when he met Dornan and myself and that we went upstairs together. As a matter of fact, it was after 12 o’clock before we started up to the Crescent Oil building and must have been close to a quarter after twelve before we got there, so that is Asselstine know at 11.30 that somebody had been hurt he knew if before he met us. But I think he is rattled and doesn’t know what time it was.”
"But Bell says he was called at ten minutes to twelve,” it was suggested to Hynes.
“I know, but he is wrong. It was certainly after midnight before Dornan and myself came on the scene, and it was at Dornan’s suggestion that Asselstine called up Bell,” was the reply.
Hynes says that he spent last Sunday evening at the beach and saw Donan there also, although they were not together. He came home on a late car and, having some business in the west end, called around to see Dornan. They sat chatting until midnight and were standing on the corner of Cannon and Bay streets when Dornan noticed and automobile near the Crescent Oil building. Believing it to be McAuliffe’s, Dornan said:
“Let us go up and see if McAuliffe is up there and send him home.”
Hynes says he accompanied Dornan and when they got to the building Asselstine was in the driveway. Dornan asked for Smith and Asselstine led the way to the side door.
“Asselstine is wrong when he says I followed them inside,” said Hynes today. “Dornan knew Smith and had no hesitation about going in to his office, but I did not know him and hesitated. Asselstine and Dornan went upstairs together and I remained in the driveway. I don't know what they saw or what took place, but as they came down I heard Dornan advise Asselstine to call Bell on the telephone, and I believe he did so. Dornan told me Dr. MacRobbie had been hurt and was bleeding, but he evidently did not think it was serious, nor did I. I waited around with Dornan until Bell came, and then I went upstairs for the first time. Two of the other men were still asleep on the floor.
“I don’t remember taking any part in the conversation, but I heard them telephoning for a doctor and, not wishing to become involved in the matter, I went away with Dornan, but even then we had no idea that anything serious had happened. We stood around at the corner until after the doctor came and then walked past the building and saw Bell coming out. We asked him how the injured man was and he replied, “He’s dead”. We left before the police arrived, and I don't know anything more about the matter.”
“It would not be fair to the other to answer that, so I will say nothing about it,” replied Edward Dornan, proprietor of the Royal Oak hotel at the corner of Bay and Cannon streets, within half a block of the Crescent Oil company building, when interviewed this morning and asked the question: “Was the scene upstairs and the talk that took place when you followed Asselstine into the building the same as described by Asselstine and Bell at the inquest last night?”
Dornan, who with William Hynes, a boarder at the Traders’ hotel, called at the oil company’s offices and asked to see Smith at 11.30 Sunday night, very emphatically
declared: “I have made up my mind to say nothing about it until I get in the witness box. I am not blaming you for asking me, but I have decided that it would be better to save my story until I take the stand.”
“I think that it will all turn out to be just an accident,” declared Dornan in conclusion.
Detective Sayer this morning gave out some interesting information regarding Dornan and Hynes’ call at the old company’s office on Sunday night.
“Dornan and Hynes were standing at the corner of Bay and Cannon streets in front of Dornan’s hotel when Asselstine and C. V. Scott were taking McAuliffe’s car off the street and putting it in the alley next the office. They thought it was Smith driving in, so they went down to see him.”
“What do Dornan and Hynes say about what happened upstairs when they went in with Asselstine and after Harry Bell arrived?” The detective was asked.
“They told the same story as Bell and Asselstine about what was found and what happened up there,” replied Detective Sayer.
“He denied all knowledge of Dr. MacRobbie being hurt and kept repeating, ‘I know nothing about it,’ and evaded my questions,” said Detective Sayer this morning when asked what statement Smith had made to him when brought back to the office from his home early Monday morning. In answer to the question, “Was Smith drunk then?” the officer said that it was impossible to tell because Smith habitually stammered and talked in an unusual manner anyway.
Asked if he could explain how Smith, apparently, according to Asselstine’s evidence, sober at 10.30 o’clock, could apparently be drunk at 11.30, Detective Sayer remarked: “It appears that Smith and others showed signs of having been drinking when they were seen riding around in an auto on the mountain in the early evening, so this would be Smith’s second jag and it would not require so much to knock him out.”
According to station duty officers at police headquarters, Smith was the only comparatively sober one of the three men being held when they were locked up after the tragedy.
That Asselstine did not conceal the whereabouts of McAuliffe to the police after their arrival on the scene of the tragedy is evidenced by Detective Sayer’s statement that after he had learned upon reaching the scene that three men had been there and gone before his appearance, he said to Asselstine: “Where are they now?”
“I think one is outside.”
“Out in the yard,” replied Asselstine
“Well, then, come and show me where,” ordered the officer and then Asselstine led the way to where McAuliffe was lying asleep.
That there was more excitement than the tragedy around that section of the city near the corner of Caroline and Cannon street last Sunday evening was discovered this morning when a lady living on North Caroline street just below Cannon street stated that she had been awakened some time between 10.30 and 11 o’clock by an auto driving down the hill from Cannon street at such a furious rate of speed that is sounded like a motor truck. She looked out and noticed that the car was full of men. The auto turned up Mill Street, taking the corner at a dangerous rate. This woman said she heard no shouts nor singing from the car, but she thought it an “unusual car” because of the speed at which it was traveling and the noise it was making.
None of the residents on the west side of Caroline Street immediately north of Cannon street could remember seeing Smith walking up in front of their homes on Sunday night although some of them know him by sight.
It would have been possible for Smith and the man, who Asselstine says he don't know, to leave the Crescent Oil company building by the side entrance and walk back to Mill street through the alley and then up Caroline and Cannon back to the office, or for anyone to enter from the rear through that same alley.
According to the police, McAuliffe, Scott and Smith are to be brought from the jail to the police headquarters this afternoon in order that they may be photographed by the court photographer and their finger prints taken.
In local police circles this morning much importance was attached to different positions of the body as described by Asselstine and Bell. The former swore that the doctor’s head was resting on the iron bar when he went downstairs to ‘phone for Bell, and Bell declared that the doctor’s head was two inches away from the bar when he arrived on the scene.
“I’m sorry, but I have nothing to say. I think it best to say nothing until I am called on,” replied Mrs. Harry Smith this morning when asked: “Is it trust that you did not leave the Crescent Oil Company’s office on Sunday night until 10.15?”
At the inquest last night Crown Attorney Washington questioned Asselstine about taking a note to C. W. Bell’s office. Asselstine replied that is was not a note, but a telegram, which was a bluff. This now, addressed to Asselstine, it was learned today, was written on a telegram form and read: “Tell the people you know.” It was signed by Smith,” but the writing was not Smith’s
Among other work that he is doing in connection with the investigation, Detective Sayer this afternoon re-examined some of the witnesses who testified last night.
When the inquest is continued next Friday night the following witnesses will be called, among others, and cross-examined: Benjamin Fowler, salesman for the oil company: Edward Dornan, William Hynes and Mrs. Harry Smith. Asselstine and Bell are sure to be recalled, and again subjected to a rigid examination regarding the position of the body, why they did not awaken Smith and what they said to each other that night. Bell will again be asked what he and Smith said as they drove down from Smith’s house in McAuliffe’s car after the tragedy just before McAuliffe was arrested.
It was announced today by M. J. O’Reilly, K.C., and C. W. Bell that no further application for bail for McAuliffe, Smith and Scott will be made until after the inquest is concluded, that is, providing they are still held then.
One of the noteworthy features of the inquest last night that was commented on by the back-benchers was the clarity, distinctness and convincing manner in which the widow, Mrs. MacRobbie, gave her evidence. Her appearance on the witness stand was very dramatic, and she gave her testimony in a most dramatic manner. Only once while in the box did she appear on the verge of breaking down, then she whispered for a glass of water. All through the enquiry Mrs. MacRobbie remained in court and listened intently to the evidence. On one or two occasions, when Asselstine and Bell were talking about finding the body and seeing the blood, she gave little involuntary cries softly at times, but on the whole appeared remarkably composed for one who had been the chief sufferer from such a tragedy.
Another outstanding feature of the enquiry was the presence of an unusually large number of local doctors. The medical profession paid tribute to the memory of their deceased fellow-member by evincing the liveliest interest in the enquiry, as was proven by the presence of over a score of physicians. No medical evidence was submitted. As had been expected, nor will it be until the other witnesses have been heard, although Dr. Langs will probably be called next Friday night to tell who were on the scene and what was said after his arrival.
Dr. Jaffrey, of the city hospital staff, the expert who is conducting the blood tests, was not called, and no blood spots were mentioned last night, except two pools of blood found near where the doctor’s hear was resting.

August 24[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
No Evidence Produced to Show How Dr. MacRobbie Received the Injury That Caused His Death on Sunday Night Last --- Inquiry Adjourned For a Week
Crown Attorney Intimated to Harry Bell and Herbert Asselstine That Their Evidence Was Unsatisfactory and That They Would Probably Be Recalled
No evidence to lift the veil of mystery that enshrouds the means by which Dr. D. G. MacRobbie received the wound which caused his death, in an upstairs storeroom in the Crescent Oil Company’s office building on West Cannon street Sunday night, was adduced at the preliminary inquest presided over by Coroner McNichol at police headquarters last night. However, many of the strange circumstances surrounding the finding of the victim’s body were explained, although some of the explanations were quite palpably not satisfactory to the crown, as indicated by the questions and remarks Crown Attorney Washington addressed to the two principal witnesses – Herbert Asselstine and Harry Bell. The previously unaccountable lapse of time between the time of the finding of the body and the summoning of the police was cleared up by Asselstine’s statement that it was at 11:30 not at 10:30 as previously stated, that he made the gruesome discovery. He said that he did not remember even having said that he made the discovery at 10:30.
The identity of the two men who called to see Smith about 11:30 o’clock Sunday night and who accompanied Asselstine upstairs when he found the deceased doctor was revealed by Bell, who said that they were Edward Dornan and William Hynes.
Asselstine appeared so stupid about comprehending questions asked him by the crown and in making replies that Coroner McNichol warned him not to evade the questions or equivocate his answers. He frequently gave such answers that the crowd laughed, despite the solemnity of the occasion. Bell’s evidence also was unsatisfactory and he was plainly told by the crown attorney that he had better try to refresh his memory before the next session of the inquest.
Despite a rigid cross-examination by the crown, Asselstine persisted in repeatedly giving the answer, “One of the men, who came upstairs with me (Dornan or Hynes) told me to send for Harry Bell,” as his explanation of his failure to summon medical aid for the police. He failed to give any explanation as to why he did not even attempt to waken Smith, Scott or McAuliffe, whom he claimed to have found asleep on the floor within a few feet of the body. He refused to admit that he even thought they were drunk.
Asselstine admitted seeing Smith go into the office at 10:33 Sunday night with another man, whom he did not know. He knew both Scott and McAuliffe by sight, but did not know MacRobbie at all and he denied ever seeing Smith come out of the building.
Harry Bell explained his failure to awaken his employer, Smith whom he claimed to have found sleeping on the floor with McAuliffe, but not Scott, by stating that he shook Smith’s arm but failed to arouse him, but he admitted that it was a rather feeble effort.
That Dr. MacRobbie was still alive when Bell arrived at 12:05 was admitted by Bell himself, who said that the doctor, whom he found lying on the right side, groaned and turned over on his back when he touched the doctor’s right wrist.
“It was shown by Asselstine evidence that Harry Smith was so sober at 10:30 Sunday night that he was able to walk up Caroline street around to the office and say to Asselstine, “Light the tall lights on that car,” and then stop at the office door to enquire of Asselstine, “Are you coming in?” at 11:30 o’clock, only an hour later, he was so sound asleep that he was not awakened by Asselstine. Hynes and Dornan coming into the room and talking together or by Bell shaking him or the general excitement.
Asselstine’s testimony about hearing singing in the building at 11 o’clock confirmed at least partially the statement of Mrs. Fowis, the Indian woman that she heard muffled cries from the building at that time. She was somewhat confused regarding which of the four cries were the loudest and said she had thought they were made by some Italians living in that neighborhood, but finally stuck to her original testimony that they sounded as if someone were holding his hand over the mouth of the one crying for help and that they came from the Crescent Oil Company’s building. Although Asselstine said it was singing he heard, he could not say how many voices there were or what was being sung.
While Asselstine and Bell were on the stand Crown Attorney Washington frequently expressed surprise at what he called the ‘witnesses’ “absolute lack of natural curiosity” in not awakening their employer, Smith, to get an explanation of the presence of Dr. MacRobbie’s body and the fact that no question was asked or information given as to who had been hurt when Asselstine summoned Bell to the scene. The crown attorney said he could not understand such a lack of curiosity on their part.
Smith, Scott and McAuliffe were brought from the jail and seated as far apart from each other as they could be placed in the prisoner’s dock during the hearing of the testimony. They listened intently to the evidence, but did not say a word themselves. Smith and McAuliffe were quite evidently very nervous and showed the strain of four days in jail. As many people as could crowd into every nock and cranny of the court room listened eagerly so as not to miss one word of the evidence. A still larger crowd, unable to gain admittance, waited for over two and a half hours outside the doors of the police station until the inquest was over, evidently expecting some sensational developments.
The clearest and most convincing evidence was offered by Mrs. MacRobbie whose appearance and testimony or the stand was most dramatic, particularly when she spoke of the rough looking party of motorists who called for her husband on Sunday morning.
Mrs. (Dr.) MacRobbie, widow of the victim of the tragedy, was the first witness called. Speaking in a low, clear voice she said –
“He (the doctor) went out of the house at 8 o’clock Sunday morning. He returned between 11 and 12 o’clock and did not go out of the house again until 10 minutes to 8 o’clock. I answered the door. The man who came to the door was a rough looking man in brown clothes and cap. He slouched. I did not like his looks. The man at the wheel of the automobile in which they came had sharp features. That man looks something like him,” said the witness, pointing toward Walter Scott.
“Then you don’t recognize the other two men?” asked the crown.
“Not in those clothes.”
“The two men in the car shouted at me, ‘Is the doctor in?’ I said, ‘No.’ and shut the door for I did not like their rough looks. Then one man came back to the door and asked if the doctor would be back soon and I told him I did not expect hi until evening, and they all went away.
“The doctor came home and went right upstairs to sleep, without saying where he had been or taking any lunch. He got up between and 3 and 4 in the afternoon and went downstairs. He played with the baby for a few minutes, but did not go out. A lady patient called about 7 o’clock in the evening. I went out onto the back verandah and while I was there were two more rings, but I don’t know who called, as the doctor answered the door himself. A few minutes before 8 o’clock he went out but I don’t know whether there was any person with him. He did not say where he was going. He never mentioned either Scott, McAuliffe or Smith to me, and I never knew hm to go to the Crescent Oil Company.”
“Did you ever see any of these men before?” asked the crown attorney.
“Not in those clothes, but I think I saw that one once before,” replied the witness, pointing to Scott.
In reply to M. J. O’Relly, K.C., Mrs. MacRobbie said she did not tell her husband about the visit of the auto party in the morning, because she did not like their appearance.
Cross-examined by C. W. Bell, the witness said that the doctor had not been in the habit of informing her where he was going on professional visits and had usually slept on Sunday afternoons.
“It must have been about half past two before I heard of his death,” said Mrs. MacRobbie.

Herbert Asselstine, 114 North Caroline Street, the Crescent Oil company employee, who discovered the tragedy was the next witness. “In what capacity do you work for the Crescent Oil Company?” asked the crown.
“I do almost everything,” witness replied.
“How long have you been there?”
“About three months.”
“What time did you leave home on Sunday?”
“About 9 o’clock. I went up to a friend’s house, and went with him to get an auto.”
“Who did you get the car from?”
“I can’t tell you his name.”
“Who was your friend?”
“Mr. Dick Harris. He lives on Harriet street.”
“Who were in the car?”
Asselstine name such a list of his friend’s relatives who were in the car with his own family that the crowd laughed and the crown asked: “Was your car an auto truck or a freight car?”
“It was a beer car, if you want to know,” replied the witness. He went on to tell about being away in the car all day and returning in the evening. After tracing his movements all day and evening he went on to say that about 9:30 o’clock in the evening he saw an auto standing across the street in front of the Crescent Oil Company.”
“Whose car was it?” he was asked.
“I don’t know. The lights were out so I went over and lit them. I thought that it must belong to someone in the company’s office.”
“Why did you think that?”
“Because the lights were lit in the office.”
“What time was that?”
“I think it was about a quarter to ten. ‘I had no watch or way of telling the time”
“Did you investigate the lights then?”
“No, that wasn’t my business. I’m not the caretaker. They sometimes work at nights.”
“On Sunday nights?”
“Sometimes, Mrs. Smith was working there Sunday afternoon. “I thought she was there then.”
“Which light are you sure you saw?”
“The one upstairs over the top of the steps.”
“Is that an office up there?”
“How long did you notice the lights lit?”
“I went away and came back about 10:15. And they were still burning.”
Explaining how he came to go back to the front of the building a second time, Asselstine said he noticed Harry Smith, manager of the Crescent Oil Company and his employer, and another man whom the witness did not know, coming south on the west side of Caroline street and thought he would take a walk around to see if the auto lights were still burning. He got in front of Smith and his companion and the former called to him “Light up those tall lights for us.” Asselstine crossed the street to do so and Smith and the other man went into the office. As they were closing the door, Smith called back:
“Are you coming in Herb?”
“No,” answered Asselstine.
The two men then went into the office and Asselstine went around the corner and sat on his own doorstep.
Questioned by Mr. Washington, Asselstine said that when Smith entered the office he turned on the downstairs lights, lighting up the whole of the front of the building. He did not investigate when he first saw lights in the building because he did not think anything about it and anyway, he had no keys to the office. He was not curious to know whether or not there were burglars in the building. At the time he did not know who owned the auto in which he was taking such an interest, but he had since been told it belonged to McAuliffe.
“What put it into your head to go and look just when Harry Smith went by?” asked the crown attorney.
“Oh, just to see if he was going in the auto. Smith called out to me, ‘Light the tall light’”
“Didn’t you know the other man?”
“You saw the body of Dr. MacRobbie; was it the doctor who was with Smith?”
“I don’t know, I can’t say.”
“Was it Mr. McAuliffe?”
“I don’t know.”
“When did you see McAuliffe first that night?”
“About 11:30 o’clock.”
“Did you know him then?
“Yes, I knew him by sight.”
Coroner McNichol here interrupted to reprimand Asselstine for giving evasive answers and attempting to quibble. “It seems to me,” said the coroner, “that you are not trying to answer the questions properly and directly. I would advise you to give straightforward replies without any fooling.”
Asselstine said that he knew neither MacRobbie nor Walter Scott, but admitted knowing McAuliffe by sight.
Witness said that about 11 o’clock, while sitting on his doorstep, he heard a noise around the corner as though an auto were in trouble and on investigating found that a car with a man and two women in it had had a puncture. He did not know any of the parties, but gave the man a hand to fix the puncture. A neighbor name C. V. Scott also assisted.
“Have you any idea when you finished this job?” asked Mr. Washington.
“It would be somewhere around 11:20.”
“Could you see the Crescent Oil building from where you were working on the auto?”
“Was it lighted up yet?”
Under Mr. Washington’s questioning Asselstine said that while he was assisting to repair the puncture he heard singing in the Crescent Oil building and went across to stop it, as he did not think Mr. Smith would like it. The front door was locked and he could not get in, but he knocked on the door and the singing, what was being sung or whether it was good or bad singing. He did not recognize the voice or voices.
After the puncture had been repaired he noticed that the tail lights on the auto across the street had gone out again and, fearing an accident might result or the owner might be prosecuted, he asked C. V. Scott to run the car into the driveway beside the Crescent Oil building. Scott did so and then went home, but Asselstine hung around in front of the building. While he was there two men, one of whom he knew by sight, came along and asked him if Harry Smith was inside. He had seen Smith go in and had not seen any person come out, but he answered that he did not know.
“What did you do next?” asked Mr. Washington.
“I went around to the side door, found it open, and went up the stairs and found the men.”
“Did the two men go with you?
“They were behind me.”
“Was there a light downstairs?”
“I don’t know.”
“What did you find when you went upstairs?”
“I saw these three men (pointing to Smith, McAuliffe and Walter Scott) lying there and then saw another man lying with his head on the bar of iron. I saw the blood on the floor and I turned around and said, ‘I don’t know what to do next. I guess this man has hurt himself.’”
“What were the other three men doing?”
“They were sound asleep.”
“How were they lying?”
“Two were lying with their heads together and the other was lying across them.”
At this juncture the crown attorney introduced a diagram of the room in which the doctor’s body was found. Asselstine pointed out where McAuliffe was lying with his head to the west, Scott with his head to the north and Smith lying next to Scott.
“Was Dr. MacRobbie lying on his back when you found him?”
“I can’t say exactly, but he must have been for the back of his head was on the bars of iron.”
“On the bars or against them?”
“Well, against them. I went up close and saw the blood and then someone said, ‘Phone for Harry Bell’”
“Were there two pools of blood?”
“I didn’t notice.”
“Was hid head lying over a pool of blood?”
“It seemed to be.”
“Was he alive at that time?”
“I thought he seemed to be.”
“But did he appear to be alive?”
“I thought he was, but I saw no signs of life. There was no moaning or cries.”
“I turned to the two men who were behind me and said, ‘What will I do about this?’ and one of them said ‘Phone for Harry Bell.’”
“Did it occur to you at all?”
“Yet, later on, but someone else had called them.”
“What time did you discover the body?”
“As near as I can remember about 11:30.”
“Did you tell anyone that it was 10:30 when you found the body?”
“Not that I remember.”
“Did you call Bell right away?”
“What did you tell him?”
“That there had been an accident and to come down right away.”
“Where did you go then?”
“I went out and waited until I saw Bell coming. The other two men came with me.”
“Didn’t you try to find out who the three sleeping men were?”
“No, I knew Smith and knew the faces of the others, but not their names.”
“Didn’t you think of calling a doctor?”
“It would have taken me 15 minutes to look for a doctor’s name in the telephone book.”
“Why should you phone for Bell when you had the proprietor of the place right there?”
“Because one of the men who went up with me said to phone for Bell.”
“You told me that before. Why didn’t you wake the boss?”
“Because the man said to phone for Bell.”
“When Bell came did you and one of the men who called for Smith go up with him?”
“Did you know this other man?”
“Did Bell seem to know Dr. MacRobbie?”
“I think he did.”
“What happened next?”
“Bell went downstairs to phone for Dr. Langs. Then he went and got the auto to go for the doctor.”
“What did you do next?”
“I went out to tell the wife about what had happened.”
“After you did that what did you do next?”
“I waited around outside until the doctor came.”
“Did anyone leave the building?”
“I didn’t see anyone. They could have gone out the front door without me seeing them.”
At this juncture Coroner McNichol interrupted to ask the witness: “Did you know when you saw Smith asleep that he was drunk?”
“Why didn’t you waken him, then?”
“I wouldn’t want to wake up a man even if he was drunk.”
“Didn’t you think he was drunk?”
“No; I didn’t know.”
Crown Attorney Washington again resumed the examination.
“When you went inside the building again were the three men still asleep?”
“I don’t know. I was downstairs. Someone said, ‘You had better put McAuliffe some place where he can lie down and go to sleep’.”
“Did you know who said that?”
“Where was McAuliffe then?”
“At the bottom of the stairs.”
“Was he drunk?”
“Well, if I hadn’t held him up in helping him around to the back of the place he’d have fallen.”
“Did you find any whiskey bottles?”
“Well, I saw the detective find two or three in behind the bathtub. I found some in my yard and put them in the garbage can, but the bottles didn’t belong to me. My wife wouldn’t allow any bottles around my house and I wouldn’t want any.”
M. J. O’Relly, K.C., then took up the cross-examination.
“The only thing you heard coming from the warehouse was singing?” enquired the lawyer.
“Yes, that’s all.”
“Did you get mixed up with the blood around there?”
“Not that I know of. I might have without knowing it.”
“McAuliffe, you say was very drunk when he came downstairs – so drunk that you had to carry him out?”
“How did you get blood on your hands?” asked the crown attorney.
“I didn’t say I had blood on my hands.”
“Did you touch the doctor’s head?” was the next query of the crown.
“Well, you’ve got me. I can’t remember whether I did or not.”
“Did anyone see you about evidence you were to give here?”
“Well, I don’t know whether they did or not.”
“Did anyone see you about evidence you were to give here?”
“Well, I don’t know whether they did or not.”
“Did you take a note to Mr. Bell?”
“Which Mr. Bell?”
“He means me; I’m the Bell he’s speaking of,” spoke up C. W. Bell, the lawyer, who continued, “Tell him all you know.”
“Yes,” admitted Asselstine, “I sent Mr. Bell about a telegram, but nothing was about my evidence.”
“I heard four cries that came from the oil company’s building. They sounded muffled, as if someone was holding his hand over the mouth of the person calling. I got up and looked at the clock and found that it was 11 o’clock,” said Mrs. Powis, 118 North Caroline street, whose backyard adjoins the oil company’s premises and whose house is only about fifty feet away. “The building was lighted all night after 9 o’clock,” continued this witness.
To C.W. Bell, Mrs. Powis said that her boy’s crying for food awakened her and it was after that she heard the cries for help. She was certain that the child was not crying when she heard the muffled cries from the office behind her house. She saw the lights still burning in the building and thought the officials of the company were working there, as they had often done before.
“The first two cries came close together, the third one came about a minute after and the fourth one was quite a loud call and came quite a while after.”
“Five minutes later?” enquired Mr. Bell.
“Which was the loudest?”
“The first one, and the last one was louder that the other two.”
“Did you ever hear a drunken person shout?”
“Yes, there are Italians living around there. I thought it might be an Italian calling for help.” Mrs. Powis insisted. However, that the cries came from the direction of the lighted building.
Harry Bell, who was called to the scene by Asselstine and that McAuliffe, called with his car at Smith’s home about 11 o’clock in the morning and that he and Smith went with McAuliffe to the office, and Walter Scott and Dr. MacRobbie came in later. They all sat there chatting for about half an hour, but Bell could not remember what they were chatting about or a word that had been said. He had never seen any drinking or card-playing in the office. He left alone and went to Winona on que 1:10 car, leaving the other four in the office.
“Did you see MacRobbie come in?”
“Were these men in the habit of meeting there?”
“Just sitting around the office and talking.”
“Were there ever any card games going on or any drinking in the office?”
“No, I never saw any.”
“Did they discuss their plans for the day?”
“I didn’t hear what they were going to do.”
“What was their condition?”
“They were perfectly sober when I left them.”
“Did MacRobbie and Scott come in together?”
“Did they often meet there together?”
“I often saw McAuliffe and Scott there, but not MacRobbie, although I saw him there before some time ago.”
Bell said he returned from Winona about 10 o’clock at night and went to Smith’s home on West Jackson Street, where he boarded. He went to bed and knew nothing about the movements of the four men during the day. He had been in bed some time when he was called to the telephone and told by Asselstine that somebody had been hurt down at the office. He did not ask now was he told who it was.
“What time were you called to the office by Asselstine?”
“At ten minutes to twelve.”
“What did Asselstine say over the telephone?”
“’Someone is hurt; you’d better come right down’.”
“Did you ask who was hurt?
“How long did you take to get down?”
“I think it was about 15 minutes.”
“Who was the first person you met when you got down there?”
“Mr. Dornan – Ed. Dornan. I met him on the corner of Caroline and Cannon Streets.”
“What did he say?”
“He said, ‘Someone is hurt. I think it is Dr. MacRobbie’.”
“Did you ask Asselstine anything?”
“Still no curiosity?”
“When you went inside the side door was there a third man there?”
“Who was he?”
“I think it was Hynes.”
Bell swore that he found three men lying in the room. He recognized them as Dr. MacRobbie, who was lying by himself and Smith and McAuliffe, who were about five feet away. He did not see Walter Scott at that time.
“I went over to see the doctor,” continued the witness. “He was lying on his right side, and held a cigarette in his right hand. His head was about two inches from the iron bar. His legs were slightly bent, not straight out.”
This testimony differed from that of Asselstine, who had sworn that the doctor’s head was lying right on the bar.
“Did you touch the body at all?” inquired the crown attorney.
“I touched his wrist.”
“Did you get any blood on you?”
“Was his right hand lying in any blood?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Did you notice any sign of life?”
“When I took hold on his wrist he gave a groan and turned over on his back.”
Bell swore that he touched nothing else in the place but the doctor’s wrist.
“Did you get any blood on your hands?”
“What did you do next?”
“I went downstairs and called a doctor.”
“Did you wake the three men who were lying there?”
“There were only two men asleep there.”
“But you said there were three men.”
“Yes, but that included the doctor. I didn’t see Scott around at all then.”
Bell then told of going after the doctor in the auto he found in the alley west of the office.
“Did you attempt to arouse Smith and McAuliffe before you left?”
“Did you succeed in waking them?”
“No; I shook their arms but they did not wake up.”
“Did you smell any liquor around them?”
“When you got back were these men still there?”
“McAuliffe and Smith were still asleep in the same place.”
“What time did you get back?”
“About a quarter to one.”
“Who woke them up?”
“Mr. Fowler, one of our salesmen. He lives on King street and I called for him. They appeared dazed when they woke up.”
“Did they say anything?”
“Smith muttered, ‘What’s the matter?” Fowler said to him, ‘Wake up; don’t you know the doctor is hurt?”
“What did Smith reply?”
“He muttered something. I couldn’t hear what.”
“Did McAuliffe say anything?”
“He didn’t seem any better.”
Bell said that while he and Dr. Langs were downstairs Smith and McAuliffe came down and Smith went home, but didn’t take McAuliffe’s car. He did not see McAuliffe go out and thought Smith must have walked home.
In reply to Coroner McNichol, Bell said that the cigarette found in Dr. MacRobbie’s hand was about half smoked.
“When Detective Sayer arrived you took McAuliffe’s car and went after Smith?” inquired the crown attorney.
“Was he dressed when you got to his place?”
“He was about half dressed.”
“What were you and Smith talking about as you rode back to the office?”
“We didn’t talk at all. I was driving the car.”
“But that isn’t reasonable. Haven’t you any curiosity at all? Do you mean to stand there and tell me that you found Dr. MacRobbie in that condition in your employer’s office and your employer lying asleep beside him and were not curious enough to ask him any questions about it?”
“I didn’t talk to him because I was driving the car,” persisted Bell.
“Oh, I’ve often driven cars and talked at the same time. That will do now, but you had better think it over and see if you can’t remember what you said to Smith before you are called again,” significantly replied the crown attorney.
Crown Attorney Washington then announced that he had called all his witnesses for that sitting of the enquiry and asked for an adjournment until Friday, August 31[SUP]st[/SUP], which was immediately granted. In the meantime, the police, with Detective Sayer in charge of the case, will continue to search for more evidence and follow up the clues already in their hands.
August 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Police Have Unearthed An Important Witness Who Will Give Evidence At the Next Sitting of the MacRobbie Tragedy Inquest
Tinsmith Who Assisted to Repair Punctured Tire Corroborates the Story That It Was After Midnight Before the Tragedy Was Discovered
Further evidence that screams were heard coming from the Crescent Oil building shortly after 11 o’clock last Sunday night was discovered by the police investigating the MacRobbie tragedy today when they found another woman who heard cries for help.
This woman who with her 14 year-old son, was passing the place is quite certain about the time, because the clock in the Hess street school tower struck 11 just as she was leaving the home of her sister’s to where she heard the cries for help, about which both she said her boy are quite positive. Her description of the calls tallies almost exactly with the story told by Mrs. Powis at the inquest.
This new witness will be put on the stand next Friday night.
One of the most puzzling features connected with the tragedy is the conflicting statements made by witnesses regarding the time that the tragedy was discovered and the time that Harry Bell was summoned to the scene. Asselstine has sworn that it was immediately after Hynes and Dornan, called and asked to see Smith at 11:30 that he made the discovery. He claimed to have phoned to Harry Bell at Smith’s home at 11:30. Harry Bell has sworn that it was 11:50 before he received the message from Asselstine, and Mrs. Smith corroborates that statement.
Hynes and Dornan emphatically assert that it was after 12 o’clock before they went to the Crescent Oil Company’s office, and state that they both noticed the time particularly because the clock in the tower on the Hess street school struck 12 as they stood on the corner of Bay and Cannon streets, just before going to the factory.
This statement of the time by Hynes and Dornan is corroborated by C. V. Scott, tinsmith, 107 North Caroline street, who said this morning: “Asselstine came to me and said, “I wish you would run this car in the yard for me if it’s not too late.” I looked at my watch and replied, “It’s early yet – only 12 o’clock.” I helped him run the car in the alley, then Dornan and Hynes arrived and asked for Smith. I went away then and did not hear or see anything that happened after that. I did not hear any singing or other noises from the building.”

August 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
Before She Heard of the Tragedy She Told Her Neighbors About Having Heard Cries for Help Near the Crescent Oil Company’s Building Late Sunday Night of Last Week
Body of Dr. MacRobbie, Victim of the Tragedy Was Exhumed Saturday – Harry Smith, Walter Scott, J.J. McAuliffe Again Remanded Without Bail
Mrs. William Baker, 83 East Barton street, is the name of the new witness unearthed by the police who says she heard cries for help coming from the office of the Crescent Oil company las Sunday night about 11 o’clock, shortly before Dr. D. G. MacRobbie was found in a dying condition, with two wounds in the back of his head. Mrs. Baker’s story bears out the testimony of Mrs. Powis, North Caroline street who swore at the inquest that she heard four distinct calls for help about 11 o’clock on the night of the tragedy.
Mrs. Baker was visiting her sister who resides in the west end, las Sunday evening. Returning home from her sister’s house that night, Mrs. Baker walked along West Cannon street, passing in front of the Crescent Oil Company’s building. She is positive, she says, as to the crime of the night when she walked by the Crescent Oil company’s establishment – it was 11 o’clock. Immediately after passing that place, Mrs. Baker declares she heard cries for help. The cries were uttered by a man, so she maintains, and the sounds of the voice seemed to her to come from the Crescent Oil Company’s establishment. All this Mrs. Baker admitted this morning, when a Herald reporter called at her home to interview her.
“I’ve told all that I know about this case.” Mrs. Baker remarked, as a preface to the interview.
“To whom did you tell it – to the police?” she was asked.
“Yes,” came the answer; “I gave all the details that I know to Detective Sayer. My knowledge of the affair was purely accidental; I just happened to be passing the Crescent Oil Company’s place when I heard the cries for help.”
“What time did you pass there Sunday night?” was the next question.
Mrs. Baker replied: “At 11 o’clock.”
There’s another angle to Mrs. Baker’s statements which lends to them additional importance. She related the incident to friends early on last Monday morning, hours before the MacRobbie tragedy had been published in any newspaper and before she had even heard of it.
The police evidently esteem Mrs. Baker’s story as of prime importance, for they have been suppressing from the newspapers all knowledge of so material a witness.

Smith, Scott and McAuliffe, who are held in connection with the case, were brought up from the jail this morning and placed in the police court dock with the other prisoners. They were placed as far apart from each other as possible but were allowed to talk to their lawyers, who were present to ask for bail, which was not granted, the men being again remanded for another week on the nominal charge of vagrancy on which they are held. All three were well-groomed and showed no sign of their jail experience except a rather worried and haggard appearance. Smith and Scott were visibly nervous and anxious, particularly when the request for bail was made.
In making his request for bail for his client, McAuliffe, M.J. O’Relly, K.C., said: “The only charge against this man is vagrancy – the least offence he can be charged with. It would be most unfair to keep him here any longer without bail.”
“The same argument appeared to the other two also as well. The charge is only a nominal one so bail should be granted,” declared George Ballard, representing Scott and acting also for C. W. Bell, counsel for Smith.
“Well, I’ll be guided by what Mr. Washington says, answered the magistrate.”
“Oh, no, the matter is too serious for bail. It may be very unfortunate for them, but they’re in a very unfortunate position. It may be all right, but I’m not going to take any chances,” said the crown attorney.
At the inquest held last Thursday night Mrs. MacRobbie, widow of the deceased doctor, stated that three men called for Dr. MacRobbie about 10 o’clock on Sunday morning. They were in an automobile. She stated that she did not like the looks of the trio, and thought one of them was Walter Scott. That these three were not Scott, Smith and McAuliffe, as thought, is stated by Detective Harry Sayer. The detective stated that he knows who they were, and that their visit to the doctor’s house was on business.
After listening to the testimony of the witnesses on the stand at the preliminary inquest last Friday evening, Doctors J. Y. Parry and H. M. Langs, who performed the autopsy, decided to make assurance doubly sure by performing a second postmortem to verify to verify some points in their first examination and in order that they might be able to say with absolute certainty whether some of the statements made by the witnesses could or could not possibly be true. For that purpose, according to a statement handed out by Coroner McNichol yesterday, the body of Dr. MacRobbie was exhumed and re-examined on Saturday morning. The coroner stated that he had not yet received a report from Doctors Langs and Parry, who performed this second post mortem.
The body of Dr. MacRobbie was re-interred on Saturday immediately after it had been exhumed and taken to the hospital for a second examination. Drs. Langs and Parry, who performed the second postmortem, have not yet submitted their report to Coroner McNichol, nor is it expected that they will do so before Friday. In the meantime, they will go over the evidence they have found very carefully, so as to be able to submit a perfect report such as can be readily understood to the jury.
The marks found on Dr. MacRobbie’s neck were not such as could be used to take finger prints or impressions from, so it cannot be determined whether the doctor himself made them after receiving the wound that caused his death, or if they were made by some other person or persons either before or after the wound was infected.
The second autopsy on the body is arousing considerable adverse comment among the general public, who think and say that they cannot understand why, when the doctors are paid for making a thorough and exhaustive postmortem, a second examination should be necessary, unless that duty were not properly performed the first time. To the man on the street this move indicates that the authorities have changed their theories about the case and are now working along a new line.
Coroner McNichol, who has had experience with murder mysteries before, having officiated at more than one murder inquest, declares that this is the most puzzling case he has ever had to deal with, because there are so many mysteries within mysteries in the affair, all of which must be cleared up before the scene that was enacted in the tragedy chamber just before Dr. MacRobbie received his mortal injury is recapitulated before the jury.
The method of procedure being adopted by the authorities in charge of the case is to thoroughly probe and dispose of one theory at a time. By this process of elimination they hope to arrive at a solution of how Dr. MacRobbie received the wounds on the back of his head. At present, this important point is all that the medical authorities are concerned with, and to it they are devoting their whole attention.”
That the inquest will not be concluded next Friday night, but will probably be continued on Saturday, and longer if necessary, was the opinion expressed by Coroner McNichol yesterday. He stated that the medical evidence may not be submitted until the last. The coroner said that one reason for the long adjournment was the fact that the great interest taken in the case caused people to talk, and in that manner new witnesses and new evidence were often secured. The coroner pointed out that it was better to secure all the evidence in that manner then to hurry the enquiry to a finish and then have to reopen it for more evidence that cropped up later.

Much importance is attached by the police to the fact that when this blood-stained molding was found, Asselstine, without being asked, offered the following explanation regarding the red marks on it: “Oh, those are likely paint marks. The fellows working around here often handle those things when they have red paint on their hands.” In fact, Asselstine is said by the police to have been very free in volunteering information to show how the tragedy might have been an accident. His explanation about the paint marks may possibly be correct, as the result of the analysis has not yet been made know.
Not only will the stain and the spots on the piece of wooden molding found on a box beside the body of the doctor be analyzed to prove whether they are blood or red paint, as was suggested by Asselstine, but the molding will be examined for fingerprints which, if any are found, will be compared by experts with the fingerprint of Smith, Scott and McAuliffe, which had photographs and measurements taken at police headquarters last Friday. This molding, according to the authorities, could have been used as a lethal weapon.
It is now quite certain that both Asselstine and Harry Bell will be recalled to the stand and again questioned about their failure to awaken Smith and his companions, and what they said to each other over the phone, what Bell and Smith talked about on their way down to the office from Smith’s home after the tragedy, and various other points. The authorities are still far from satisfied with the evidence these two witnesses gave on these points. In explanation of the severe reprimand he addressed to Asselstine on the stand on Thursday night, Coroner McNichol said yesterday: “It seems so unreasonable that he should not even try to awaken his employer (Smith) particularly when he swore that he did not think that Smith was drunk, that I felt that he deserved a warning about his evasive answers.”
Coroner McNichol was present when Smith was brought back by Bell to the scene of the tragedy on Sunday night and placed under arrest by Detective Sayer. “Smith was certainly very evasive in his answers that night,” said the coroner. “He was careful not to say anything that would incriminate himself. To every question he gave his answer: ‘I don’t know a thing about it.’ If these men had been sober they would have, at least been able to give a plausible explanation of their predicament.”
In the course of his search for the source through which the liquor reached the Crescent Oil company’s office. Inspector Sturdy learned from the records of the liquor dispensary on Charles street that the late Dr. MacRobbie gave fewer prescriptions for liquor than any medical man in Hamilton. “He gave very, very few prescriptions for liquor,” said the inspector.

The inspector also stated this morning that no O.T.A. prosecutions would be launched against Smith, Scott or McAuliffe, because all the whiskey bottles found on the premises of the Crescent Oil company were empty, hence there was no evidence of their having had liquor illegally there.
However, the inspector is still searching for the source of the whiskey on which the three prisoners became intoxicated on the night of the tragedy. He has the police watching a suspected blind pig in that neighborhood. Every other possible source of supply has been thoroughly investigated without result, so the home of this supposed bootlegger is the last resource. A raid would have been made before this but the authorities wish to capture their man with the evidence on him or in his home.

August 28[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
May Determine Whether or Not Doctor’s Death Was Accidental
Quite Evident Police Have Not Accepted the Accident Theory
According to the authorities conducting the investigation into the mysterious death of Dr. MacRobbie, the medical evidence will be of great importance. The testimony of Dr. Parry and Langs, who performed the two post mortem examinations, is expected to establish beyond reasonable doubt whether the wounds which caused the doctor’s death were or were not the result of an accident. What this evidence will be is said to be known only to the doctors themselves and the crown attorney.
Dr. Jaffrey of the city hospital staff, the expert who analyzed the blood stains, has completed his tests of the two pools of blood found near the doctor’s head and the blood spots which were spattered on the objects all around the body, but he has not yet examined the stains on the molding found near the victim’s body.
That the medical evidence indicates that the tragedy was not the result of an accident is indicated by the fact that the police are still searching for and following clues based on other theories, although they will not definitely discard the accident theory unless the autopsy report shows clearly that the doctor’s death could not have been accidental.
At present the police are investigating information they have received to the effect that on the Saturday night preceding the tragedy Dr. MacRobbie won a large sum of money in a poker game. Efforts are being made to trace the movements of Dr. MacRobbie on that night and whether such a game took place.
If the police know who Dr. MacRobbie met or what he did after the was seen to enter the Royal Oak Hotel at the corner of Bay and Cannon streets, at 9 o’clock on the night of the tragedy, they are not divulging the information to the public.
As yet the police have not been successful in their attempt to trace the movements of Smith, Scott and McAuliffe from the time they returned to this city from Smith’s farm on Sunday afternoon to the hour when they were (according to Asselstine) found asleep near Dr. MacRobbie’s body. It is of great importance, according to the police, that it should be established whether or not they remained together during that interval or if any one of them was alone with Dr. MacRobbie before his body was found.

It is now known for a certainty that the inquiry will not be completed when the jury meets again on Friday night. There are twenty witnesses, including Asselstine and Bell, who will again be placed on the stand in the hope that a week’s reflection will have refreshed their memories, yet to be heard. The police has been busy serving subpoenas on the different witnesses, but it is not definitely known yet who will be called first.
The police have received a tip that one of the important witnesses in the case contemplates leaving the city. He is said to have confided to a friend that he was considering the advisability of leaving Hamilton for good. A close watch is being kept on this man and if he should attempt to get away, he will be arrested at once and held as material witness.
As the result of devoting much time to making enquiries regarding the movements of Walter Scott, Harry Smith and J. J. McAuliffe on the day of the tragedy, the police have learned that the three visited the Royal Oak hotel together, and that Dr. MacRobbie also called at the hotel, but not in company with the other three. The movements on Sunday, August 19[SUP]th[/SUP] of the trio held as witness have been traced as far as Smith’s farm, to which they motored early Sunday evening, but what they did between the time of their return to the city and the time they were found lying asleep beside the dying doctor is still a mystery.
Detective Harry Sayer met Mrs. Smith, Harry Bell and Benjamin Fowler together in the office of the Crescent Oil company yesterday afternoon and questioned them about some points which were rather hazy and tangled. He did not state the result of his interview except that he hoped it would enable him to clear up the muddle about the time at which the tragedy was discovered. Personally he is satisfied that it was about midnight. According to the police there is no dearth of evidence, but the difficulty is to piece the tangled skein together in such a manner that it will make a connected and reasonable web in which to capture the truth of the night’s fatal events.

August 29[SUP]th[/SUP], 1917
By Means of Them the Police Hope to Clear Up Some Points in Connection With the Tragedy of a Week Ago Sunday Night
Heavy Stick Found In the Death Chamber Sent To Ottawa For Expert Examination By Dominion Police Mystery Still Unsolved
In order that the stained, spattered and indented piece of wooden molding found near the body of Dr. MacRobbie on the night of the tragedy in the Crescent Oil company office may be examined by finger-print experts this important exhibit has been sent to Col. Sr. Perey Sherwood, head of the Dominion Police Service at Ottawa. This examination will, according to the local authorities, show how the stick was held – whether it was grasped tightly and firmly, which would have been the case if it were used as a lethal weapon or merely picked up and handled casually after the tragedy in such a manner as to become stained with what is supposed to be the doctor’s blood. This stain and the spots on the molding will be analyzed by Dr. Jaffrey of the city hospital staff, but several doctors have already expressed the opinion that they are blood.
The fingerprints of McAuliffe, Scott and Smith have already been taken and filed away for future reference at police headquarters.
An entirely new line of investigation into the tragedy has been opened up by the discovery of witnesses who claim to have heard two men climb into a buggy in the driveway alongside the office shortly after muffled cries for help were heard coming from the building, and drive away at a furious pace around the corner of Cannon and Caroline streets. So far, the police have been unable to secure any clue to the identity of the mysterious pair, whose actions were so significantly suspicious, but the authorities are of the opinion that they could not have been in the building without Smith, McAuliffe and Scott, knowing of their presence at least, so even if the search for the two unknowns proves fruitless, the police expect to obtain at least a description of the pair when the three men held as material witnesses take the stand.
When interview yesterday at the office of the Crescent Oil company regarding the time that Harry Bell was summoned to the scene of the tragedy from her home. Mrs. Harry Smith absolutely refused to make any statement about the matter. Asked if she and Harry Bell were certain that the phone message from Asselstine was received at 11:40 that night she replied, “I do not think that it would be good taste for me to discuss that with the newspapers.”
“I thought you might be able to clear up the muddle about the time.” Observed the interviewer.
“Yes, there does seem to be a mix up about the time,” enigmatically agreed the lady.
“Did you or Mr. Bell specially note the time that the message was received?”
“I do not wish to be interviewed on the subject at all” smilingly answered Mrs. Smith.
According to the police, Mrs. Smith left the office at 8 o’clock Sunday evening, but if they have any confirmation of the hour of her departure or any evidence that she met any of the four men – Smith, Scott, McAuliffe or MacRobbie – there prior to her departure, they are as reticent on the subject as they are uncommunicative on the other points of the investigation.
One strange feature of the case is the fact that the neighbors living across the street from the office all claim that they did not notice MacRobbie, Scott, Smith or McAuliffe around the premises of the oil company on Sunday night, although they admit that they usually observe the regular daily routine of the place, and most of them were sitting out on their front steps or porches that evening.
August 30, 1917
But Doctors Refuse to State Their Nature or Extent
MacRobbie Tragedy is Still Exciting Lively Interest
Ever, according to the authorities in charge of the MacRobbie tragedy mystery, in the history; of inquests in the city, has there been observed greater exactitude in perfecting even the most minute details of a post mortem examination than is being exercised by Dr. Langs and Parry, who performed the autopsy on the doctor’s remains, in making out their report. Consequently, neither Coroner McNichol or Crown Attorney Washington have as yet been officially informed of the results of the medical probe, and the doctor refuse to make any statement regarding what they discovered.
However, the two examining doctors made an important statement this morning regarding the condition of Dr. MacRobbie’s body.
“Not to that extent.” Replied Dr. Langs, when he was asked: Is it a fact that Dr. MacRobbie’s body was badly bruised and battered and showed considerable signs of violence, indicating that he had been struck, kicked or knocked about just previous to his death.”
When the same question was put to Dr. Parry he also replied, “Not to such an extent at that.”
Asked if the body had been bruised and battered, Dr. Parry answered, “Not very much.”
It was learned today that the police have further evidence to show that J. J. McAuliffe, one of the three men held as material witness was not just merely intoxicated, but paralyzed drunk on the night of the tragedy; that McAuliffe, Smith and Scott and MacRobbie were together previous to the time that the doctor received his death wound, and that McAuliffe did not know until the next morning when he was brought up in the court that MacRobbie was dead.
When Constable Fielding in charge of the detention room at the time, went to unlock McAuliffe’s cell preparatory to taking him upstairs to the dock, the prisoner enquired: “Where are MacRobbie, Smith and Scott?”
The manner in which McAuliffe received the news of MacRobbie’s fate – according to the police his surprise and sorrow was unforced and natural and undoubtedly genuine – has convinced the authorities that he did not know or at least did not realize even that the doctor had been hurt by the police the next morning. McAuliffe is reported to have brushed his hand across his eyes in the manner of one just awaking from a disagreeable dream and remarked more to himself that to the officers: “I can’t remember anything about what happened last night.”
That is a pile of content to review! I found reviewing the articles to be a refreshing window to a time that once was and really helped me construct what society was like 100 years ago. Some aspects such as gender roles, forensic police work, journalism/reporting styles and social policy (prohibition, standards for proof in l) have changed immensely while other aspects such as drinking, gambling and violence are relatively still the same!
Maybe DNA could lead to the culprit now?
Any reason to think a hooker could be in any way involved with the case?
speculation, imo.
Murder most foul: The strange case of Dr. Douglas MacRobbie
Aug 05, 2017 by Jon Wells
"MacRobbie's widow, Catherine, dressed in black, took the stand.

She said her husband had been napping in the afternoon that Sunday, when three men arrived asking after him; men she didn't know, or trust. She didn't like the look of them.

She said he left home for his office at 6 p.m. He often went out without saying where he was going.

Her husband drank, she said, but then would go months without. She believed he had not had a drink for six weeks.

She went to bed at 10:30 Sunday night and he had still not come home, but she thought nothing of it and slept well.

"I did not see him alive again," she said, her voice, that had been strong and dignified, finally cracking.

The three men testified and said they remembered nothing about how MacRobbie was hurt.

Walter Scott said MacRobbie drank with them at the Royal Oak Hotel, and then Crescent Oil. By 9 p.m. they were all drunk, and at Smith's suggestion all four lay down to rest.

Another witness, the owner of the hotel, said in fact MacRobbie had appeared sober to him.

"Can you account for Dr. MacRobbie's injuries?" Scott's lawyer asked him.

"Not in the least," Scott said.

"And you had no quarrel with him at all?"

"None whatever."

The inquest sat five times, with the final session Sept. 1.

The hope that fingerprints might solve the case hit a dead end: a bloodstained piece of wooden moulding sent to Ottawa for analysis matched none of the men.

"Police are pessimistic," wrote The Spectator. "The belief that the mystery surrounding the tragic death of Dr. MacRobbie will never be solved appeared to be growing in volume."

But Harry Sayer had found two key witnesses: women who heard screams around the time MacRobbie had died; one lived next door to the building.

One of the women had been walking past, looked up and saw a silhouette against a window shade, what appeared to be a man, sitting, or reclining back, and not moving.

Another witness reported hearing a carriage pulling away fast, soon after the cries for help."
Wow, quite a mystery.

The most likely scenario seems to be a disagreement between the men present, with one attacking Dr. Macrobbie. In that extreme state of inebriation, any number of issues could have sparked an argument and made someone angry enough to strike him dead. The guilty party may not have recalled exactly what happened as all appeared to be "black out" drunk when discovered the next morning.

What happened to the murder weapon? Perhaps the night watchman disposed of it to protect his boss, to make it seem like the death was accidental. It seems as though Macrobbie's body was placed in a way to make it seem like he fell and hit his head on the iron bars or valves.

The reports of the women witnesses make sense, if Macrobbie called out for help after being struck or while in the middle of a struggle before being struck. I'm less sure of the witness who saw a carriage pulling away, as it seemed the others in the drinking party may have been too inebriated to drive a carriage at that time.
So... nobody was ever doing any drinking or card playing in the evening hours? They must have just been enjoying a nap together after a long talk about nothing that any of them could remember.

What became of the various accused suspects in later years?
My great-great-grandfather was a prominent doctor who was murdered by a patient. He was the chief medical officer for the Canadian Pacific Railway in Vancouver, and had deemed a man unfit to work. The man then approached him in his office, shot him point-blank, and shot himself.

I wonder if it was a similar fate for Dr. Macrobbie. A disgruntled patient? An angry, bitter, or jealous colleague? Or an inebriated disagreement between the accused. It would be fascinating to put this case to rest all these years later, if only justice could have been served at the time.

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