Does Casey need a new attorney?

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Does Casey Anthony need a new Lawyer?

  • Yes she does

    Votes: 139 52.3%
  • No she doesn't

    Votes: 55 20.7%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 61 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's not KC that needs a new atty, it's Lee, for goodness sake.

No, JB is fine for the job. There may be a ton of lawyers out there who have ex-cons working for them. bunnyphoenix is right... many deserve a second chance. Todd Black did not commit a violent crime.

I think it's interesting how JB became her lawyer... just upon recommendation of people she didn't even know. I think at this point they've created a bond, and she depends on him for some degree of emotional support, and he knows it.

You're right about LA. If he keeps this lawyer, he may look at spending more time behind bars than his sister!! I swear that man is TRYING to get LA charged with something!,0,4996706.story

You have to read down to the end of the article but snipped for convenience:

Christina Baez, a college student who works for her father, said the recordings may contain information that might obstruct the search for Caylee, but she wouldn't elaborate

I personally have always thought that was the connection.... or how Casey "knew" of him. Imhoo of course.
It's not KC that needs a new atty, it's Lee, for goodness sake. No, JB is fine for the job. There may be a ton of lawyers out there who have ex-cons working for them. bunnyphoenix is right... many deserve a second chance. Todd Black did not commit a violent crime.

I think it's interesting how JB became her lawyer... just upon recommendation of people she didn't even know. I think at this point they've created a bond, and she depends on him for some degree of emotional support, and he knows it.


So true!
though I think hes a putz..I think it will all come out that there is some Casey JOse tie before the fact....maybe they were not buddy buddy....but she KNEW him before all of this....WAIT and see! So I voted...DON"T CARE!
though I think hes a putz..I think it will all come out that there is some Casey JOse tie before the fact....maybe they were not buddy buddy....but she KNEW him before all of this....WAIT and see! So I voted...DON"T CARE!
Look up above...I just posted about his daughter and Casey knowing of each other. We don't know, of course, if she knew Christina's dad was a lawyer but...Christina is working for her father and going to UF to law school.... (I actually think I found her face book but not sure if I should post it here)..
I voted yes because even though I can't stand the woman, I want to see someone who is more interested in her rights than where the next media interview is.
I voted yes, cause she sure don't have one now. Just a wannabe JMO
The case will be appealed even if Judge Strickland took off his Judge's hat and became Casey's attorney. It's gonna happen either way.
I try to do that as well.... (and hi Patty g!) My post above, just to clarify, was based on my opinion because of reports on his failure to properly file paperwork and do things in the correct legal order.

Bunny, since you have court experience, could these things that I mentioned be reason for an appeal? If they are not then I guess I change the way I vote... As long as Casey does not get an appeal based on inadequate representation d/t Jose's immaturity as a lawyer I could care less if she gets a new atty or not. I just would hate to see justice drug one centimeter longer because of something such as inadequate representation.... TIA for your insight, bunny :)

I have never been in an American court room (and things are quite different in the USA) but have spent a lot of time in Criminal Courts elsewhere. From what I have seen so far, the only thing Casey could really possibly complain about might be JB's statements to the press in the early stages (I thought he made a big boo boo by putting too much out there). And of course, there may be things going on in the background that I am unaware of that might give her a basis to complain.

Often times defence lawyers have to make applications, file motions, take objections etc that they know are doomed to fail. They don't do it to annoy the Judge, but rather, to protect the client. Judges are only human and make mistakes (which is why we have Appeal courts), but at least where I come from, if you haven't made the objection/application/motion etc, then you have no basis to complain about the matter on appeal. For example, in the case I discussed above re the interpreter, had someone not objected strongly to the course the judge was taking, that client would likely not have been allowed to raise the fact that he didn't understand the proceedings on an appeal (though with issues like interpreters, international human rights laws come into play which might mean he could have complained anyhow because he could probably say I didn't even know what they were saying so how could I instruct them to object?). So you take the objections to protect your client's position, even if you know for certain the judge will rule against you....did that make sense?? The more times you are ruled against, the more possible potential appeal points you have.
The case will be appealed even if Judge Strickland took off his Judge's hat and became Casey's attorney. It's gonna happen either way.
LOL! So freaking true PattyG! So let the Baez party continue. We can't say it hasn't been interesting with him at the helm!
No she doesn't, because she's going down either way. She'll get her appeal and still go down.
I have never been in an American court room (and things are quite different in the USA) but have spent a lot of time in Criminal Courts elsewhere. From what I have seen so far, the only thing Casey could really possibly complain about might be JB's statements to the press in the early stages (I thought he made a big boo boo by putting too much out there). And of course, there may be things going on in the background that I am unaware of that might give her a basis to complain.

Often times defence lawyers have to make applications, file motions, take objections etc that they know are doomed to fail. They don't do it to annoy the Judge, but rather, to protect the client. Judges are only human and make mistakes (which is why we have Appeal courts), but at least where I come from, if you haven't made the objection/application/motion etc, then you have no basis to complain about the matter on appeal. For example, in the case I discussed above re the interpreter, had someone not objected strongly to the course the judge was taking, that client would likely not have been allowed to raise the fact that he didn't understand the proceedings on an appeal (though with issues like interpreters, international human rights laws come into play which might mean he could have complained anyhow because he could probably say I didn't even know what they were saying so how could I instruct them to object?). So you take the objections to protect your client's position, even if you know for certain the judge will rule against you....did that make sense?? The more times you are ruled against, the more possible potential appeal points you have.
:clap::clap::clap::blowkiss::clap::clap::clap: Thank you very much Bunny! That makes complete and utter sense. Can I go change my vote now LOL... He may be greasy, whiney, and annoying but he is a keeper (not that I want to keep him.....just that there is no sense in changing it for that reason alone LOL... I think anyone defending this woman would get the shaft even if they were seasoned, experienced and non greasy) :)
Someone on this thread stated something about Jose's track record in getting child killers he defened convicted. Perhaps that is his purpose in life?
IMO, there is no way the Court will interfere with her right to choose her own counsel, at least at this stage.

Re John B., I wasn't all that surprised to hear he's an ex-con. I've known other defence lawyers to hire ex-cons before.....not bad for business (criminals know criminals) and who better than a defence lawyer to give an ex-con a break. I know it sounds odd to many of you, but at least SOME (and i'm not saying necessarily John B.) do deserve a second chance after doing their time.

Other than his bumbling in front of the media, I really don't think he's doing that bad a job....please don't hate me for it. He may have lost some of his Motions, but that's the way it make the application to cover yourself on appeal. At least where I come from, you can't raise a matter for appeal generally, if you did not take the objection, make the applications etc during the proceedings.

He's gathered a decent panel of experts (I'm not saying i like them all), and thankfully is now getting assistance from more experienced counsel.

So, unless there is some proof that he is doing something improper, and right now it's just allegations, I can't see how he could possibly be removed.

Re the bracelet, imo, not a biggy. IMO, pretty obviously put in there by Cindy and I think she has a lot of gall denying it and getting him in trouble for it. I would bet she has a box of them at home, and JB probably never even saw one til it showed up in the media. His big mistake was trusting Cindy to not try to sneak in any contraband. I myself have in the past checked in clothes for people in jail, and have never thought to double check pockets etc if I trusted the people I got them from. At the end of the day, I think it was Cindy with the intent, not JB.

Please don't hate me, but those are my opinions.

I agree. Whatever mistakes he has made, he's still doing the best job he can for his client, and that is all he can do.
I think the media (NG) is making more about this "contraband" than is necessary. It wasn't like it was a file or a weapon of any kind, what's so bad about a rubber bracelet? Same as her suit jacket and her hair in a bun at the hearing. Every lawyer will try to humanize his client, and most object to them appearing in court in jail clothes, handcuffs and chains. It is demeaning, and they don't want that. As for the hugging, most defense lawyers will tell you that they hug their clients at one time or another, but the media will try to sensationalize that to suggest that there is something going on between them, especially if the client is a young, attractive female and the lawyer is a man.... wouldn't matter if he was 95, they will still see it as quirky.
JVM even mentioned on her show last night that the bun was obviously fake, because Casey's hair was not long enough to put up into a bun that big. I was ROTFL at that one... did she not see at the last hearing that her hair is now to her shoulders? And obviously pretty thick? Has she ever heard of ratting or teasing to make hair look thicker?
But back on topic. NO, the courts cannot step in and remove him at this point. And it would only delay the trial that much further because another lawyer would have to review the case and that would take months.
I voted don't care, because she's a high profile defendant any lawyer would get the same....what difference would it make, she wont cooperate
I've been thinking maybe, JB is getting a little tired of KC. I've been watching his expressions, such as when she throws the pen at him, he looks a little fed up with her, maybe he's getting tired of her bs. Maybe maybe not.
While I wholeheartedly believe that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee in a clearly evil, emotionally detached and deliberate manner, I also believe that she is entitled to receive a fair trial. I fail to comprehend how she can receive a fair trial when she has an inexperienced buffoon serving as her attorney and a convicted felon churning out PR on her behalf. At the very least, Casey requires the services of a highly reputable, qualified and greatly experienced criminal defense attorney.
What she needs is an alibi...

HA! An alibi for when??? June 9th? June 15th? June 16th between 9am and 1pm??? June 17th? June 18th? She'd have cover every minute of the day for a week to be able to use an alibi.

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