Does Cindy Know that Casey Killed Caylee?

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Do you think that CA knows KC killed Caylee?

  • Yes

    Votes: 403 77.6%
  • No

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • Yes, but on a subconscious level

    Votes: 105 20.2%

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Debs, On Page 9, the only dates I see, are July 16th. I looked for June 16th, to no avail.

Do you have other pages in the E-Pass?

It is possible that she was planning on killing her parents. She told people she was getting their house. Amy was supposed to move in with her. She told AL that they were moving out and then he could come spend as much time as he wanted there. How was she going to be explaining these lies? And think about it, who were the only people who would know that she didn't give Caylee to her (Caylee's) Dad's parents? She could have told her friends and boyfriend(s) this story and they wouldn't have anyone to ask about it. GA and CA would be dead (maybe Lee too although Lee said that there were things that they told each other that they would never tell anyone else) and there really doesn't seem to be any close relatives or family friends to ask. Done deal. Life goes on . Every day is a new day.

I posted months ago, that the people who were in danger could have been the parents, at KC's hand.
I think her life has been so exposed (yea, I know...alot of it is her own doing) that this last belief....that she knows her daughter did it, she is keeping to herself, it is the last shred of privacy and control she has. She is fully aware that if she ever admits to it, it will be a worldwide media event and this is her last trump card. Smug
I voted "yes." I believe Cindy has known since day 32.

Up until July 16th when Casey was arrested, I think Cindy believed that Casey was withholding Caylee from her. She thought Casey was punishing her by not allowing her to see or talk to Caylee. This may all stem from the alleged fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th.

On July 15th, Cindy located Casey at TL's apartment. Cindy demanded that Casey come home with her and to take her to Caylee immediately. When Casey balked, Cindy threatened to call the police if Casey continued to refuse to take her to Caylee. In those first two phone calls to 911, Cindy was using the police as leverage to make Casey do as she wanted.

Once they were at home, Cindy was outside and came inside to overhear Casey telling Lee that Caylee had been kidnapped 31 days prior. At that point, Cindy in a panic, said "what have you done" and "who took her?" Without further questioning of Casey, and without further thought, Cindy called 911 for the third time. This time Cindy was scared and in a panic. I think Cindy believed the "nanny kidnapped Caylee" story at this point.

The following day, July 16th, is when LE had Casey accompany them to the Sawgrass Apartments and to Casey's office at Universal Studios (that didn't exist). When George and Cindy learned Casey had been arrested and that LE had exposed Casey's story as a lie, among many other lies that were exposed, I believe it was then that they realized that Caylee was dead, and that Casey was responsible. At that point, George and Cindy went into cover-up mode.
My thoughts also. After cindys 3rd 911 call, she believed that caylee was kidnapped from from sawgrass. Why then did none of the anthonys make a mad dash to this apt complex? Not even on July 16th. They never bothered to look at all because they knew caylee was gone from day 32.
Wonderful, logical, terrifically clear and well reasoned post. One tiny question: The page 9 to which you referred... Which page 9? TIA

Frankly, I screwed up. I said it was June when it was in fact July's epass records. Someone else caught it, too. D'oh!
Caylee is last seen by someone independent of the family at the nursing home. After that, it is the family saying Caylee was with this person or that one, even on the 16th of June. Cindy says they had a normal night and the next morning, Casey and Caylee were in the bedroom "breathing." Why would someone in denial make a statement relevant to breathing or not breathing? Denial doesn't need qualifiers like this. These details, then, are not denial. They are cover up.

And as I have said before, they have made their bed, now they can LIE in it.

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me. An awesome post. I agree!

How does one hear 'breathing' on the otherside of a closed door? Maybe I would believe loud snoring. Often it is difficult to hear someone breathing even if you are right up close to them. JMO.
CA sent Dominic C to investigate that area to look for a "dead" Caylee. DC admits that is the only time he searched for a "dead" Caylee. CA knew somehow and directed him. She admits she sent him.

She knows. The only thing wonder is does she blame KC or think "oh poor KC must have had to do it"?
Frankly, I screwed up. I said it was June when it was in fact July's epass records. Someone else caught it, too. D'oh!

I do, debs, I like you.
I voted yes, she knows. I believe CA and KC both know what happened. But what gets twisted in their minds is the responsibility. I honestly believe they all think it 'wasn't kc's fault'. Someone else is responsible for all their mistakes. I also believe the whole family has the attitude now that it doesn't really matter what really happened to Caylee, because she's gone and she's not coming back. So, in their minds, KC should not have to pay the price because it won't bring their baby back. Kinda like cleaning house by sweeping all the garbage under the rug - you can't see the garbage, but it's still there.
There was never anything resembling denial. Only behaviors that could be interpreted as denial. Since Cindy wrote that myspace message on July 3 which pronounces that Caylee is missing and taken away because of spite, she has been rewriting it for our minds. Cindy has known Caylee was gone. Two weeks and then some had gone by. Those two weeks and then some are now painted by Cindy as "bonding time"....and yet, there is that letter. It isn't denial. It is cover up. The post is out there, and so we'll just fiddledeedee it away. Where one would expect a denial to at least reflect acknowledgment of previous emotional turmoil, it is erased as never having happened and never to be discussed, rewritten as a more innocent and sweet event. Even faced with the version that Casey states the child was taken from her, Cindy tells the story of this "kidnapping" with the background of Casey and Caylee going off for bonding. It isn't denial. It is writing a story that ignores the ugly parts and paints everyone in rosy colors.

Caylee is last seen by someone independent of the family at the nursing home. After that, it is the family saying Caylee was with this person or that one, even on the 16th of June. Cindy says they had a normal night and the next morning, Casey and Caylee were in the bedroom "breathing." Why would someone in denial make a statement relevant to breathing or not breathing? Denial doesn't need qualifiers like this. These details, then, are not denial. They are cover up.
George says she gave him a hug and kiss and left with Casey. He gives full details of what they're wearing. He talks of "normal" and fails to mention that he was not home that morning for a time, getting home shortly before noon.(pg. 9) That isn't denial and it isn't forgetfulness. It is cover up.

Denial suggests an element of innocence, and covering up whatever is not anywhere in the neighborhood close to innocence. Cindy was asked on the stand about whether she knew that George had a judgment against him in excess of $12,000. One of two scenarios happened in the seconds before she answered. She either had just heard one more piece of devastating news for the first time, or she already knew it. What she said was "No, I don't know about that." Either way, there is cover up. George has lied to his wife, or Cindy has just lied to a court. There is no other option.

That is all we have gotten since that 911 call (which Cindy dismisses now with these words "Forget about the 911 call, I know what I said. The 911 call doesn't matter." It is not denial. It is cover up. Whether it is covering up for their own past behaviors which would suggest that these people are not the Ward and June Cleaver of Hopespring Drive or whether it is covering up the lies her daughter told, it is not denial. It is lies, more lies, and covering up lies. But the worst part of it all, and where the injustice comes in, is that they cover up the truth. They lie about the truth. They make the truth look worse than improbable. They laugh it off as ridiculous. They create candy floss stories that only they believe will hold up in the rain because that is what they want everyone else to believe, not because they themselves believe in the stories but because they know the truth that they won't. That isn't denial. That isn't protecting their ego's from the harsh light of media. They in fact did this IN the media. They used the very forum they believe caused the "rain" and seeded the clouds with their lies! They feel betrayed because others would dare point out that they lied. The excuse that they are going through unmentionable stress and grief with this situation in fact becomes one of the primary seeds they use. I have said this from the very beginning. There is no room for manipulation in the search for the truth of what happened to Caylee Marie. I will not have my emotions manipulated to feel sorry for people who are deliberately lying in order to cover up the truth.

And as I have said before, they have made their bed, now they can LIE in it.

i don't believe cindy is in denial. if cindy were in denial then she wouldn't believe this crime had been committed by her daughter and therefore would never have been involved in any kind of cover-up. if she believed casey were innocent of killing caylee there would be no need for a cover-up: no need to clean the car, no need to wash the clothes etc.
i voted yes. cindy knows, she's always known.

Another excellent post along with debs!!!

And there'd be no need for LIES!

The truth would suffice!

IMO, Denial doesn't = giving wrong hairbrush to LE, washing pants that smell like decomp, cleaning other items from car, cleaning car, actually think about giving the dogs toothbrush to LE, turn decomp smell into empty pizza box smell, hide the truth, outright lie or keep ANY secrets when a 2 yr old baby is MISSING....... and on and on........
My thoughts also. After cindys 3rd 911 call, she believed that caylee was kidnapped from from sawgrass. Why then did none of the anthonys make a mad dash to this apt complex? Not even on July 16th. They never bothered to look at all because they knew caylee was gone from day 32.

But how do we know that they didn't go past there. Lee may have driven past there on the way to or back from TL's when he picked up KC's stuff. Maybe George drove past there when he was out driving around. Or maybe the cops dispatched a car out there to check it out immediately after arriving at the A's and getting KC's story.


She knows.
If you were in the process of trying to get your daughter to take you to your grandchild, and she just keeps refusing and arguing with you about it. Then you walk in and now instead of being confrontational and yelling she's whispering to her brother and crying. What else are you going to say to her? "what did you do? Why are you crying? What's going on?" sounds like a kinda normal reaction under the circumstances, and I don't think it indicates that at that moment she knew KC killed her granddaughter.

I'm not saying she didn't think/fear the worst after the smell in the car, and then Caylee not with KC. But, I think it very possible that she really bought KC's story. As crazy as it is to us. What if, as soon as CA asked KC about the smell in the car, KC gave the same story she did to her friend about it being an animal stuck on the bottom of the car (minus the part about George getting it off for her). KC giving her mom the how could you think that, blah, blah blah.

Here's my thing - In that jail house video Cindy was still trying to get as much info from KC as should could about where to look, any clues, what do you think. And KC lashed out wanting her to stop, thats why she didn't want to talk to LA & CA, they just keep asking the same things over and over. Led me to believe those two, at least, were doing/asking KC those questions that we expected her to ask. To me, in that video CA looked more like a desperate, frustrated Grandmother then someone who was in cover up mode.
But how do we know that they didn't go past there. Lee may have driven past there on the way to or back from TL's when he picked up KC's stuff. Maybe George drove past there when he was out driving around. Or maybe the cops dispatched a car out there to check it out immediately after arriving at the A's and getting KC's story.

If you were in the process of trying to get your daughter to take you to your grandchild, and she just keeps refusing and arguing with you about it. Then you walk in and now instead of being confrontational and yelling she's whispering to her brother and crying. What else are you going to say to her? "what did you do? Why are you crying? What's going on?" sounds like a kinda normal reaction under the circumstances, and I don't think it indicates that at that moment she knew KC killed her granddaughter.

I'm not saying she didn't think/fear the worst after the smell in the car, and then Caylee not with KC. But, I think it very possible that she really bought KC's story. As crazy as it is to us. What if, as soon as CA asked KC about the smell in the car, KC gave the same story she did to her friend about it being an animal stuck on the bottom of the car (minus the part about George getting it off for her). KC giving her mom the how could you think that, blah, blah blah.

Here's my thing - In that jail house video Cindy was still trying to get as much info from KC as should could about where to look, any clues, what do you think. And KC lashed out wanting her to stop, thats why she didn't want to talk to LA & CA, they just keep asking the same things over and over. Led me to believe those two, at least, were doing/asking KC those questions that we expected her to ask. To me, in that video CA looked more like a desperate, frustrated Grandmother then someone who was in cover up mode.

IIRC, In LA's interview with LE, he said CA pounded her fist on the bed and said: "What have you done?"

As far as the jail visits--SOME ONE had to ask about Caylee....... Casey NEVER did! IMO, they were ?ing her to find some one else to blame and seemed to help her along with her "Are we in danger" carp. As they reported to the media, the mother of the year is protecting her daughter, therefore we can't be told the 'truth' right now.

Weird how now that Caylee's been found....... They still cannot give us the truth! I mean, there's supposedly a vicious child napping killer at large in Orlando! Right in their own neighborhood no less!

I do respect your opinion tho, and I felt conflicted about what they knew/didn't know, going back & forth way back when I first heard/saw some of these exchanges!
I tossed this around in my head a bit, vascillating between yes and no, but I gotta get real here. Cindy may publicly put on a show that KC is innocent, but she HAS to know. KC killed that child.
Add to that the statements that CA and GA were never known to privately state that Caylee was missing and alive, only in public. THAT is very significant to me.
I dont feel that CA can handle acknowlodging the truth that HER daughter did something so horrifying to her precious grandchild. Since the beginning of this case, I look at my own 2 year old grand daughter and try to put myself in CA's shoes. I can't do it. If I even suspected my child of hurting my grand child, LE would have to become involved to protect her from me. CA's emotions and mental state cannot comprehend that she raised a killer. JMO
unless CA and GA are dumber than a box of rocks, of course they know their daughter killed their grandaughter

hmmmmm... its a tough call

Of course she knows.. more to the point, the public and LE know that she knows. and CA knows that everyone else knows she knows..

I realise that seems convoluted, but consider it for a moment.. why does CA carry on this hopeless tilting at windmills since the whole matter is really pretty obvious to everyone, including the family?
That is the real question, and for the life of me nothing seems a satisfactory answer. In a way it is more damaging to her daughter KC than simply saying she "Doesn't want to discuss it at this time, I will leave that up to a court to decide", or something along that line. It is her mothers attitude as much as KC's impossible stories that makes ppl query what is really going on here.
CA: "KC, you need to start being more responsible"

KC: "NO, i dont-i can do anything i want to"

CA: "KC, you are not taking care of the baby like you should be"

KC: "hey, i didnt want to even have her, so i dont care what you think"

CA: "well, we are going to try and get custody"

KC: "oh really ?? well i will make sure that never happens - you will never take her from me"

storms out the door


this is what i think happend, well something like this anyway:cool:

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