Does JB Believe the Story he is Telling? *MERGED*

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I cant imagine that he does. As my mother used to say, "How can he look at himself in the mirror in the morning." You would think that his wife would say you look like a fool or something.
This is a battle of wits/knowledge/experience between the attorneys. I doubt that Baez believes any of what was in his opening statement, but he promised Casey a fair trial, and he'll do whatever it takes to create reasonable doubt in an effort to get all charges dismissed. I'm not sure how "fair" this trial has been to George Anthony, but Baez doesn't care about George, he only cares about his client, Casey. This is why I don't like most criminal defense attorneys.
I don't think he believes this whole crock. I just wonder when this defense theory was concocted. I wonder what ICA initially told him when she hired him, and how long it was before the story changed.
So, you think even if he loses the case it does not matter, because he will be famous from this trial?

You Betcha!

Win or lose every network will be fighting to have him do a show and millions will watch it. He will write a book and millions of people will buy it. Someone will make a movie and pay him a large consulting fee. Geraldo will give him a permanent guest spot and maybe even NG too. He will be guest speaker at lots of conventions and seminars.

Love him or hate him this nation seems to reward bad acts with fame. Just look at the way we treat some of the celebrities and reality show actors. The more bad things they do in their life the more popular they are.
No way, I say! JB thought this case would bring him fame and fortune. His aim is far too crooked, but if all goes well, he will get what he deserves: infamy and misfortune.
I think Baez used the word "homicide" or "murder" (can't remember which) today instead of "accident."
I am mostly a lurker. I have read all of the document dumps, and followed this case from the beginning. I am usually not very vocal on anything. HOWEVER, after witnessing ICA's behavior this past week, and the accusations against other people, I cannot believe the type of emotion that I have been feeling towards her. More than just following a story. I can hardly stomach to look at her.

If ICA wasnt completely out for HERSELF, then why wouldnt she have at least let the public know that Caylee was no longer with us. All of the searches, money donations, and volunteers time. I remember in on of the jailhouse tapes, (sorry i cant remember which one), Cindy tells her how much money has been raised for the reward for Caylee. ICA states "that is almost as much as my bail"

I dont buy for one minute that she was scared of George or Cindy. It is apparent in the way that she talked to them in the phone conversations. She is just a spoiled little bratty princess.

I would love to see a list of books she has been reading in jail. I wonder how many she has read pertaining to the behavior of abuse victims. I will eat my words, should JB produce anything other than her testimony to prove the abuse.

Can anyone think of any other times where JB speaks out on her behalf about a missing Caylee? Also, she actually tells her mother what to tell Zanny, "that she forgives her, and to bring Caylee home" Was it convienient for her to keep Caylee missing?

Mods, if this needs to be moved, please do so to the appropriate place. I wasnt sure where it fits
I think there was a time that Baez asked the courts to let Casey out of jail so they could 'look for Caylee' together. Am I remembering correctly? I thought that was also how the cowboy bailbondsman got involved.
Isn't this JB's first DP trial? Really, and he is the lead attorney! He should have allowed a more experienced attorney to be the lead attorney, but he is in it for himself. No true concern for his client.
I think there was a time that Baez asked the courts to let Casey out of jail so they could 'look for Caylee' together. Am I remembering correctly? I thought that was also how the cowboy bailbondsman got involved.

Yes, and in private, about five days before the Grand Jury.
I think his Opening statement was very good. I am completely surprized about the amount of stuff I am finding that can be used to question the guilt of casey murdering Caylee.

I know people are saying it is so far fetched that the jury wont buy it. But right now I think the jury has bought it so far.

The SA better get a firm COD or a very good piece of evidence the is undoubtable that Caylee did not drown because if you read though all our threads , we who study the case and tore apart media statements at first the depos and evidence photos and looked at the whole picture combined have asked the exactly same things Jose bought up in his OP.

Anyone remember how we thought it was very odd about the merging mixing of names or Lee's and Casey , Caylee.

This is a weird family and no one can deny it ,not even the SA.

We have checked out everythiing and still all WE have are theories.

Georges possible help in a cover up has been asked since the start of the case, and he cannot be excluded we cannot here on this forum remove the doubt . I do not think the SA is going to be able to do it either.
IF JB knows that this story is a load of trash, he can not allow Casey to take the stand. If I remember correctly, a defense attorney can not condone his client committing perjury. I don't remember exactly how this works, but I remember it being explained, I think in the legal thread.

JB has the perfect client for this, though. If he can say, like JG, that she absolutely positively believes her lies and will never waiver, then he might be off the hook. Unfortunately, his whole opening statement sounded like one of her tales. If he had saved the pathological lying stuff for the mitigation phase, it would have been safer, imo.

The problem with putting it out in the guilt phase is that he destroys his advantage of having to "prove" nothing. He is creating a molestation story independent of her presumption of innocence in a murder crime that he has to back up and by something more than the testimony of a known liar. Also, there is a progression to these lies that is evident in the time line. Prior to Caylee's death she only told two people (JG and then AL) about GA's "abuse" (which appeared at least to AL as physical and not sexual in nature) and LA trying to (unsuccessfully) molest her. Both of these guys were being more or less asked to give her "sanctuary" from a bad home environment. She never told RM that, even though she stayed over far more often with him than with AL. Maybe she didn't need a story to manipulate her way into his apartment. Even in her jailhouse letters to RA the alleged abuse by GA was still pretty nebulous ("having dreams"). The fact that her alleged suppressed memories turned into a full-blown defense strategy complete with salacious details will most likely look suspect to jury members. JB really messed it up with that horrific fellatio graphic. It would have been better to simply subtly suggest that to a jury. By the time this is over they will see that the more details a story has, the more it looks like one of ICA's outlandish lies.
I don't think he believes it at all...but he had to go with whatever he could and it had to be at least somewhat based on what his client wanted as a defense...he must know it sounds beyond ridiculous, but that is partly, at least, because so many people know all of the details of the past 3 years. It is very hard to know what a juror who honestly does not know any of it might believe.
Bringing this over here....

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - This Week on Websleuths Radio Attorney Richard Hornsby[/ame]
In a word NO!

I wouldn't be surprised if Casey was advised to think long and hard about things that may have happened to her when she was younger to make her the way she is today. I also wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't suggested to Casey that someone else was involved, someone close to home and she is protecting them.

I know this is a big fat NO NO but Casey is a relatively good liar.....these lies have JB written all over it IMO
There was a video dated August 30 2008 that shows JB saying that there are some very compelling reasons ICA is not talking and he'll reveal them at the right time and place. He also says in this video that the LE should be looking for Caylee. It starts at about 7:25 of the video provided by ynotdivein in this post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

This video is AMAZING when you watch it now. Besides discussing the "compelling reasons," for Casey not to talk, Baez is criticizing the police for not searching for a live Caylee (as well as leaks, he still has not figured out that he practices law in Florida and information is SUPPOSED to be released).
I don't think JB wanted to go with this ridiculous story. I think it's all Casey's idea, another huge she thought for sure would get her off. I think that's why there was that power struggle/lover's spat between her and JB during jury selection. She refused to sit by him, pouting till she got her way and he had to go with her latest idiotic lie. She thought her family would back her up on it, and she'd be set free. Only she could write such an unbelieveable story. Accidental drowning, and sexual abuse by George and possible Lee, Caylee's body? George would take care of it. No wait, Kronk had to find or steal the body, then keep it hostage for the reward. Nobody but a psycopath/sociopath would think that story would fly! She probably has dreams for the millions she thinks she'll make off the movie.
I would say he's drank too much of the kool-aid if he believes this story. It seems he could not get most of the 'real' evidence out and so he's going to make the evidence work for him no matter how ridiculous it is. Dunno how he does it with a straight face. By the few shots shown of ICA and him lately it seems something is amiss. He doesn't appear too happy with her nor she with him. hmmm
I don't think JB believes the story.
He read the reports from the psychiatrists and dropped them like hot potatoes!

Lippman has also seen the reports and said that ICA is deeply disturbed. Maybe there was something bad enough in those reports to scare the Anthony family into reality.

ETA: At the bail hearing, I think, Strickland read the initial psyc report and found it very disturbing.
He "believes" it as much as many/most defense attorneys "believe" their clients' stories...

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